The Delusion.

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
        • Look at the history of Republican child sex abuse vs Democrats.  It is not even close.
          • Donald Trump
          • Let's recall the only time Trump turned on one of his congressman was Madison Cawthorne when he let it slip that the Republican Party was a bunch of 70 years old doing coke and inviting yound men to orgies.
          • Mark Foley
          • Dennis Hastert
          • Matt Gaetz
          • Jim Jordan
          • Larry Craig
          • Roy Moore
          • Howard Scott Heldreth
          • David Swartz
          • Mark Pazuhanich
          • Nicholas Morency
          • Edison Misla Aldarondo
          •  Philip Giordani
          • Tom Shortridge
          • Strom Thurmond
          • Peter Dibble
          • Donald "Buz" Lukens
          • Richard A. Delgaudio
          • Mark A. Grethen
          • Randal David Ankeney
          • Dan Crane
          •  Beverly Russell
            Robert Bauman
          • Jeffrey Patti
          • Marty Glickman
          • Howard L. Brooks
          • Stephen White
          • Jon Matthews
          • Earl "Butch" Kimmerling
          • Paul Ingram
          • Kevin Coan
          • Andrew Buhr
          • John Allen Burt
          • Keola Childs
          • John Butler 
          • Richard Gardner
          • Jack W. Gardner
          • Merrill Robert Barter
          • Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr.
          • Parker J. Bena
          • Larry Jack Schwarz
          • Robin Vanderwall
          • Mark Harris
          • Jon Grunseth
          • Nicholas Elizondo
          • Richard A. Dasen Sr
          • Ralph Shortey
          • Tim Nolan
          • etc.
          • Objectively and as a matter of history, Conservatives have ALWAYS fucked way more kids than Liberals. In the modern age, this is more easy to explain since there are way more women on the Liberal side and way less religion.  Religious institution have always been the number one fucker of children and thier prevalance in Conservative politics certainly helps to explain the unbalanced, over-representation of conservatives in child sex abuse.
          • 90% of child sex abuse is in the family- fathers, brothers, then uncles, cousins.  Family men are the overwhelming perpertrators of this crime.  Most drag queens are not family men.  If you had to choose quick whether to leave child alone with a drag queen or straight (not that straight men can't be drag queens, right Rudy?) male, statistically the child is more likely to be safe with the drag queen.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Yup, the Party of family values and Christian religion, lol
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar

This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is."
Reality is that which is.

Words are that which we as thinking agents use to talk about reality.

There is absolutely nothing about using different terminology to express ideas that requires one to change their perception of reality.

This is cartoonishly simple stuff. Why, despite all of the times this has been explained to you, do you still not get this? Why, do you still not understand that all words and their accompanying definitions were made up by people and can therefore be changed by people, making them inherently subjective?

What is so complicated about this?
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Most drag queens are not family men.
Drag queens dont have a family? How sad 🥺
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Reality is that which is.

Words are that which we as thinking agents use to talk about reality.
This is indicative of schizophrenia. 
TheApprentice's avatar
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TheApprentice's avatar
      • 90% of child sex abuse is in the family- fathers, brothers, then uncles, cousins.  Family men are the overwhelming perpertrators of this crime.  Most drag queens are not family men.  If you had to choose quick whether to leave child alone with a drag queen or straight (not that straight men can't be drag queens, right Rudy?) male, statistically the child is more likely to be safe with the drag queen.
This statistic is quite worthless due to the oversaturation of normal, heterosexual men in the population. I can't quite find a statistic for the population of drag queens, but it's reasonable to assume it's quite low. As an alternative, I have this stat: "Gallup finds 7.2% of U.S. adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual" (Jones, 2022). It should serve us appropriately.
  • Objectively and as a matter of history, Conservatives have ALWAYS fucked way more kids than Liberals. In the modern age, this is more easy to explain since there are way more women on the Liberal side and way less religion.  Religious institution have always been the number one fucker of children and thier prevalance in Conservative politics certainly helps to explain the unbalanced, over-representation of conservatives in child sex abuse.
Moving past the poor grammar that is quite "prevalent", you seem to ignore the fact that Democrats maintain a connection to the Catholic Church, which itself has been affected by the LGBTQ+ culture. Additionally, the Pope has loosened the traditional condemnation of abortion and same-sex relationships that was previously quite strict in Catholic teachings (Burke et al, 2016; Lowen, 2020). So, if you're arguing that religious institutions are child predator workshops, I'll go ahead and throw them back to your side of the aisle. Furthermore, your obvious bias is quite repulsive. If one was to slander a swathe of names on the list of people to put on a sexual predators list, they should do a compare and contrast of both sides. At least then your comment could have some relevance and righteousness buried deep within.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
This statistic is quite worthless due to the oversaturation of normal,
  • Well, I agree.  The point being that there is no correlation between pedophilia and drag queens, or trans people or LGBTQ although that is the principle argument of the right wing govts when stripping LGBTQ citizens of rights.
,you seem to ignore the fact that Democrats maintain a connection to the Catholic Church, which itself has been affected by the LGBTQ+ culture
  • Only because that fact is irrelevent to my point which was: " I was raised in a Roman Catholic, very conservative community founded by Spiro Agnew.    Trust me when I say what you [call] conservatism today bears no resemblance to the Americans conservatism of twenty or thirty years ago."  which was itself a reply to OP's claim: from someone who won't even attempt to try to understand other points of view like religion or conservatism
What does your research tell you regardingthe OPs claims?  

  • The War between LGBTQ+ people and non-LFBTQ+ is a war between reality and delusion.  That is what mentally ill people do when they can't comprehend or deal with something.
  • the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality, while they go out, and disrespect women
  • We [non-LGBTQ]  didn't give porn to 3rd graders.
  • We [non-LGBTQ]  didn't show kids illegal drag stripper. performances.
  • We [non-LGBTQ]  didn't try to chemically castrate kids with the same drugs we give to pedophiles.
  • We [non-LGBTQ][non-LGBTQ] didn't try to normalize pedophiles by calling them MAPs.
  • We [non-LGBTQ]   didn't try to ruin women's opportunity's by letting men compete in their sports. 
  • We [non-LGBTQ] didn't try to sexualize kids at a young age. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Funny how only the straight white think they've fixed their mistakes of the past.
This is exactly what I am talking about, when I say flawed logic. 

You think that me white male should have to pay for the sins of people who looked like me, who did bad things more than at least 100 years ago. 
But I didn't commit any of these unmoral sinful acts. I didn't make any mistakes in the past. Other people did. 

If this is your logic, then black people should have reparations for the millions murdered in Africa by black people. But no, it's only when it fits your narrative. 
Same with feminism. 

Every argument you've presented on this site has been demonstrated to be a lie. 
I have literally made a forum explaining the problems with Transgender ideology, and those arguments held a lot of ground.
You being you, did not even attempt to rebuttal the argument, and instead tried to explain to me that Transgender ideology, doesn't exist. 

It can only go one of two ways:
1. Transgender ideology exists, and anyone can become the opposite gender.
2. Transgender ideology doesn't exist and only people diagnosed with real gender dysphoria are transgender. 

Which is it? 

That's not a right I recognize when the birth gender confers a significant compettive advantage. I support the Biden Adiminstration's ban on broad discrimination in school sports while allowing local school adminstrators (not fat white GOP governors looking for a vote from the bigots) to make exceptions wherever unfair phsyical advantages or increased risk of injury might undermine competition.
So, you support the Biden Administration trying to allow biological males, who have an extremely biological advantage over women, to compete against women in sports. It doesn't honestly matter if you are LGBTQ+ or not, the fact is that biological males have a physical advantage over women, and in physical sports, whoever has more strength physically will most likely win. 

You said," That's not a right I recognize when the birth gender confers a significant compettive advantage."
So, you are not respecting women's rights???
I guess that wraps up your logic.

  • But the majority of women don't agree with your bigotry and ignorance, do they?
Do you get out much?
I think you will find most all of real women agree with the statements I have made especially women who are in sports. 
Wonder what mentally delusional men you are talking with. 

Also, the claim that Queer rights simply emerged from Feminism is a lie as well.

You really love to cut off quotes to make it seem like something else don't you? 
I'll help you out:
"Also, the claim that Queer rights simply emerged from Feminism is a lie as well. The emergence of Queer rights was never exactly pinpointed. Feminism was a brainstorm of where the Queer rights movement could have emerged from, but only one out of many.
There was also post-structuralist theory, radical movements of people of color, the gay and lesbian movements, AIDS activism, and not surprisingly many sexual subcultural practices such as sadomasochism, and postcolonialism."

The CIA  has advised Americans that TikTok is Chinese spyware. Loyal Americans should get rid of TikTok ASAP.
I agree. Finally, something we can agree on. 
Also, just for clarification, I don't have TikTok either, I just have seen these TikTok videos via YouTube. 

  • I generally don't accept the opinion of anonymous posters as sincere:  many poster are simply trying our arguments/ position.  I did flip throught Bella's debates and forum posts and couldn't find one mention of the word cisgender.

But the reality is that people are using this logic to define their own reality's whether you like it or not. 
  • Everybody defines their own reality:  white boys do not get to control.
First of all, no. No one gets to define their own reality. If you get to define your own reality, then you also get to define your own moral principles, and what is right and wrong in this reality.

So, psychopaths would be able to define their own morals as "murdering people is good."
There is an objective reality. Whether you like it or not. Everyone lives in it. Not everyone likes it. 

Second of all:
"white boys do not get to control."

I always love to do this when someone refers to my race. Just a quick idea of what it would look like if you were talking about another race:
"black boys do not get to control." 
Pretty racist stuff huh? 

It is a fact that some trans men menstruate.
Yes. Trans-men. Not men. 
Trans-men = Biological woman
Trans-woman = Biological man

So, for clarification, biological men cannot menstruate, but biological woman can. 

  • Nobody is trying to alter your fragile reality- you can call men who mensturate trans or non-binary without doing any damage to your definition of men.
It's not my reality bud. It's everyone's reality. Yours too. 
Also, yes it can do a lot of damage. 

, YOU are the one making demands on other to change
No, I am not. 
We didn't give porn to 3rd graders.
We didn't show kids illegal drag stripper. performances.
We didn't try to chemically castrate kids with the same drugs we give to pedophiles.
We didn't try to normalize pedophiles by calling them MAPs.
We didn't try to ruin women's opportunity's by letting men compete in their sports. 
We didn't try to sexualize kids at a young age. 

 You are a white boy born in the wealthiest, freeest, most comfortble society in the history of mankind at its peak in terms of global influence, peace and power.  
Yes. What does this prove? 

AS A STATEMENT of ABSOLUTE FACT:  you are sittting in the top 1% of comfort and privilege found across all human history.
Yep. So is most of American citizens. Not all, but most.

Most humans would happily give up an arm or a leg to live a life as nice as you have it.   NOBODY in history has had to struggle less than you.
You're saying this like I am rich. I am most definitely not.

My family has been through poverty. As a child I had one meal a day. Lentil soup. One bowl. We didn't have a car when I was a child. My mother didn't work, and my father made just enough to keep us under a 2-bedroom house. We didn't have TV, and the only phone in the house was my mom's. I lived with many other siblings (not going into detail) and lived in a rougher neighborhood than most.
As a teenager now, my life has improved, because of the hard work of my father, but I still don't get the advantages most of my friends. do.
I have to pay for almost everything. I have to pay for my own clothes, my own phone, my own car, and anything else I want or need that my parents can't afford. I make 8.25 an hour 3 days a week for 6 hours per day. Not a lot of money for all of that. 
Yet still when I move out, I get no money from my family. I will be starting at the bottom of the social ladder in America.
Now of course there are people in the world who have, and still do have it 100% worse than I do, even at the bottom of the social ladder in America, but that is what pushes me to work hard. The fact that I have money, a car, friends etc. 
Working hard does not mean you have to be in the worst place a human has ever been. There will always be people worse off than you. That doesn't mean you don't have it hard or you're not working hard. 

Think of how for thousands of years, trans people couldn't express their non-conformity without risking rapid imprisonment and death.
I imagine we would fine diary's or even some sort of writing describing these feelings of people maybe going to war, who think they will die already, or people who are sentenced to death, or even secret diaries. 

We would have seen this struggle in some way shape or form, but we don't. Again, people back then were too busy trying to survive and take care of a family to worry about "how they feel on the inside".

  • Right.  You insist that a 56 year old gay man can't possibly know about the gay community than a 16 year straight boy.  You can't even hear your arrogance, can you?
Well apparently, you don't give the conversations I have held with you.

  • False.  I was raised in a Roman Catholic, very conservative community founded by Spiro Agnew.    Trust me when I say what you conservatism today bears no resemblance to the Americans conservatism of twenty or thirty years ago.  Republicans have become Fascists very much in the fashion of 1930's Germany- autocrats hunting for scapegoats to exterminate.
Don't want to go there. 
If you're trying to compare Nazis to a certain political party in America, then Democrats would be first in line.

Who had control of media in Nazi Germany?
Who has control of the media now in America? 

  • Nobody does.
Look up "Gender Queer".

  • Rudy Giuliani, anybody?  Drag performances used to be a staple of prime tv,
Even some Drag Queens themselves have testified that Drag is not for kids and is adult entertainment. 

You know about the history of Drag? Very sexist. 

  • Nobody does
It is literally a part of Gender reassignment surgery and puberty blockers. 

  • That's good Psychiatric Science.  Donald Trump, for example, is not a pedophile but he has been famously open about his attraction to minors.
Donald Trump is just your panic button, isn't he? 
Also are you defending the term MAPs?

  • I don't think that was the intent of the trans teen athletes and I think you are kind of evil if you thinks that was their intent.
Men who can't even make it into the top 500 of their own sport suddenly become women and win first place? 
This idea used to be a comedy sketch for comedians. Now it is real. 

Objectively and as a matter of history...
I am talking about sexualization not rape. 
Also, that is false. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
It's not complicated to see when someone is suffering from mental illness, and the government as well as the media is pushing for this mental illness to weaken the people and gain control, without the people realizing that they are secretly and slowly being dragged into a slave like state, but even when they finally make it to that state they won't realize that they are slaves, and will continue to give the government more and more control over their lives until the people who are slaves are dead.

Just calling it out ya know.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
    • Look at the history of Republican child sex abuse vs Democrats.  It is not even close.
      • Donald Trump
      • Let's recall the only time Trump turned on one of his congressman was Madison Cawthorne when he let it slip that the Republican Party was a bunch of 70 years old doing coke and inviting yound men to orgies.
      • Mark Foley
      • Dennis Hastert
      • Matt Gaetz
      • Jim Jordan
      • Larry Craig
      • Roy Moore
      • Howard Scott Heldreth
      • David Swartz
      • Mark Pazuhanich
      • Nicholas Morency
      • Edison Misla Aldarondo
      •  Philip Giordani
      • Tom Shortridge
      • Strom Thurmond
      • Peter Dibble
      • Donald "Buz" Lukens
      • Richard A. Delgaudio
      • Mark A. Grethen
      • Randal David Ankeney
      • Dan Crane
      •  Beverly Russell
        Robert Bauman
      • Jeffrey Patti
      • Marty Glickman
      • Howard L. Brooks
      • Stephen White
      • Jon Matthews
      • Earl "Butch" Kimmerling
      • Paul Ingram
      • Kevin Coan
      • Andrew Buhr
      • John Allen Burt
      • Keola Childs
      • John Butler 
      • Richard Gardner
      • Jack W. Gardner
      • Merrill Robert Barter
      • Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr.
      • Parker J. Bena
      • Larry Jack Schwarz
      • Robin Vanderwall
      • Mark Harris
      • Jon Grunseth
      • Nicholas Elizondo
      • Richard A. Dasen Sr
      • Ralph Shortey
      • Tim Nolan
      • etc.
      • Objectively and as a matter of history, Conservatives have ALWAYS fucked way more kids than Liberals. In the modern age, this is more easy to explain since there are way more women on the Liberal side and way less religion.  Religious institution have always been the number one fucker of children and thier prevalance in Conservative politics certainly helps to explain the unbalanced, over-representation of conservatives in child sex abuse.
      • 90% of child sex abuse is in the family- fathers, brothers, then uncles, cousins.  Family men are the overwhelming perpertrators of this crime.  Most drag queens are not family men.  If you had to choose quick whether to leave child alone with a drag queen or straight (not that straight men can't be drag queens, right Rudy?) male, statistically the child is more likely to be safe with the drag queen.
You're taking a very strange and extensive interest in child sex abuse...

oromagi's avatar
Debates: 117
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oromagi's avatar
You think that me white male should have to pay for the sins of people who looked like me, who did bad things more than at least 100 years ago. 

No, I don't.  I've never said anything of the kind.  That's your delusion.  All I'm saying is that you haven't fixed as many of the problems of the past as you seem to think.  Your "extermination" approach to Feminism certainly makes me think you'd have no problem burning witches.

Every argument you've presented on this site has been demonstrated to be a lie. 
I have literally made a forum explaining the problems with Transgender ideology, and those arguments held a lot of ground.
You being you, did not even attempt to rebuttal the argument, and instead tried to explain to me that Transgender ideology, doesn't exist. 

I didn't try anything.  I just read to you from  standard dictionaries and textbooks and you refused to believe science.  I'll repeat the central point that you dodged:  The burden of proof is on you to show that trans people are assaulting America and worthy of your programs of eradication.  Your desperate mental anguish caused by the fact that some trans men menstruate simply does not rise to a genocidable offense.

It can only go one of two ways:
1. Transgender ideology exists, and anyone can become the opposite gender.
2. Transgender ideology doesn't exist and only people diagnosed with real gender dysphoria are transgender. 
Which is it? 
  • Ideas are not ideologies.  I repeat again that its not that there is no ideology behind the whole sexual identity thing, its just that the ideology you are talking about is  properly called Feminism by people who have gone to college.
So, you support the Biden Administration trying to allow biological males, who have an extremely biological advantage over women, to compete against women in sports. 

  •  while allowing local school adminstrators (not fat white GOP governors looking for a vote from the bigots) to make exceptions wherever unfair phsyical advantages or increased risk of injury might undermine competition.
    • There was time when conservative meant supporting local govt decisions, particluarly in exception, local cases.
You said," That's not a right I recognize when the birth gender confers a significant compettive advantage."
So, you are not respecting women's rights???
I guess that wraps up your logic.
  • Your reading comprehension sucks.

  • But the majority of women don't agree with your bigotry and ignorance, do they?
Do you get out much?
I think you will find most all of real women agree with the statements I have made especially women who are in sports. 
Wonder what mentally delusional men you are talking with. 
  • A 2021 Ipsos poll found that 77% of American women believe that transgender people should be protected from discrimination, while 15% disagreed.
  • A 2019 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that 69% of American women believed that transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity, while 25% disagreed.
  • A 2021 PRRI survey found that 60% of American women believe that transgender people should be allowed to serve in the military, while 31% disagreed.
Also, the claim that Queer rights simply emerged from Feminism is a lie as well.

You really love to cut off quotes to make it seem like something else don't you? 
  • I couldn't make any sense of the rest of it, sorry.  Read it again and it is still gobbledygook.

  • I generally don't accept the opinion of anonymous posters as sincere:  many poster are simply trying our arguments/ position.  I did flip throught Bella's debates and forum posts and couldn't find one mention of the word cisgender.

  • A nice, conscise presentation of the feminist distinction between sex and gender.  You offer this an example of the unacceptable radicalism you intend to "exterminate" right?    Honestly, they kicked your ass with facts and never laid a single expectation on you, personally.    You are angry at science, not Feminism.

  • First of all, no. No one gets to define their own reality. If you get to define your own reality, then you also get to define your own moral principles, and what is right and wrong in this reality.  So, psychopaths would be able to define their own morals as "murdering people is good."

  • That is exactly what psychopaths do.  You do understand we are talking about reality as is not as should be, don't you?

There is an objective reality. Whether you like it or not. Everyone lives in it. Not everyone likes it. 
  • Prove it
Second of all:
"white boys do not get to control."

I always love to do this when someone refers to my race. Just a quick idea of what it would look like if you were talking about another race:
"black boys do not get to control." 
Pretty racist stuff huh? 

  • As the FBI says, domestic terrorism by white males is the single greatest security threat to America.   White male rage over losing domination, particulary Southern Whites over black people fueled Trump's presidency and the current rise in gun violence as well as the attempted fraud/failed coup of the 2020 election.  It's all about white boys losing control.
  • It is racist and it is also true.
So, for clarification, biological men cannot menstruate, but biological woman can. 
  • Nobody in the world disagrees with you although you keep crying about it.  Sometimes in politcal speech, a feminist will say, "some men menstruate" as a reminder that trans-men consider themselves part of the community of men and not women.  They are not trying to alter your reality and you are paranoid to think so.
t's not my reality bud. It's everyone's reality. Yours too. 
  • prove it.
 You are a white boy born in the wealthiest, freeest, most comfortble society in the history of mankind at its peak in terms of global influence, peace and power.  
Yes. What does this prove? 

AS A STATEMENT of ABSOLUTE FACT:  you are sittting in the top 1% of comfort and privilege found across all human history.
Yep. So is most of American citizens. Not all, but most.

So quit your doomsday whining about the future of the US.  Take advantage of this incredible privilege you've lucked into and understand that trans freedoms are instrinsicly linked to your amount of freedom.  You can't take away freedoms from trans people and think you don't lose some freedom of your own in the process- because you do.  Take the Kentucky ban on Drag Shows.  I'm confident any Supreme Court will strike it down but just think about it:  in order to hate on some small unpopular minority, The State of Kentucky has asserted a Governmental right to prohibit speech based on how you are dressed. 

If you don't understand how such a law diminshes all Americans as Americans equally then you don't understand America, buddy.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
No, I don't.  I've never said anything of the kind.  That's your delusion.
"Funny how only the straight white think they've fixed their mistakes of the past."
You not only said something of that kind, but you literally said that.

 All I'm saying is that you haven't fixed as many of the problems of the past as you seem to think.  Your "extermination" approach to Feminism certainly makes me think you'd have no problem burning witches.
When did this turn into Feminism. No one said anything about it.

 I didn't try anything.  I just read to you from  standard dictionaries and textbooks and you refused to believe science.  I'll repeat the central point that you dodged:  The burden of proof is on you to show that trans people are assaulting America and worthy of your programs of eradication.  Your desperate mental anguish caused by the fact that some trans men menstruate simply does not rise to a genocidable offense.
I did believe science. What science did you provide that I refused to believe? Science doesn't have entirely everything to do with the definition of ideology though, so I don't know where you are going with that claim on this forum. 

  • Ideas are not ideologies.  I repeat again that its not that there is no ideology behind the whole sexual identity thing, its just that the ideology you are talking about is  properly called Feminism by people who have gone to college.
Ideology: a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Ideas can create ideology's. There is indeed a transgender ideology. It is the ideology or idea that men, can become women, women can become men, men can menstruate, and men can become pregnant. This ideology tries to push this idea into public policy and political theory.

Every time I say this ideology claims men can get pregnant, or men can menstruate, you rebuttal it by saying things like," No, actually we only say trans-men can sometimes get pregnant and menstruate. My question is what is the difference?
Aren't trans-men = men? 
Aren't trans-women = women?

If they are, then your side is indeed claiming that men can get pregnant and menstruate.
If that claim is false, then you side is stating that trans-men are not men, and trans-women are not women. 

  •  while allowing local school adminstrators (not fat white GOP governors looking for a vote from the bigots) to make exceptions wherever unfair phsyical advantages or increased risk of injury might undermine competition.
So basically you don't support men in sports, because it is always a physical advantage to be a man in women's sports. 

Do you get out much?
I think you will find most all of real women agree with the statements I have made especially women who are in sports. 
Wonder what mentally delusional men you are talking with. 
  • A 2021 Ipsos poll found that 77% of American women believe that transgender people should be protected from discrimination, while 15% disagreed.
  • A 2019 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that 69% of American women believed that transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity, while 25% disagreed.
  • A 2021 PRRI survey found that 60% of American women believe that transgender people should be allowed to serve in the military, while 31% disagreed.
Like I said:
Real women. There isn't a lot of them nowadays in America. 

  • A nice, conscise presentation of the feminist distinction between sex and gender.  You offer this an example of the unacceptable radicalism you intend to "exterminate" right?    Honestly, they kicked your ass with facts and never laid a single expectation on you, personally.    You are angry at science, not Feminism.
In my debate against Bella3sp I used science to my advantage, when talking about intersex. 
Instead of rebutting it in their final argument, they decided to say something along the lines of," Lets get back on topic." Which was a good idea, because we were getting off track. 

So if anything I used science to my own advantage. Science true science not maybes and could be's, agrees with me. 

  • That is exactly what psychopaths do.  You do understand we are talking about reality as is not as should be, don't you?
Exactly. Psychopaths' try and define their own reality. That usually doesn't end well for them, because they tend to not make good decisions. 

  • Prove it
See the tree in the forest. That exists. It objectively exists, whether you like it to or not. 
Everything in reality exists in reality and we are all affected by it in some way or another. It is objectively real. 

As the FBI says, domestic terrorism by white males is the single greatest security threat to America. 
Tells you something about our FBI doesn't it? 

  •  White male rage over losing domination, particulary Southern Whites over black people fueled Trump's presidency and the current rise in gun violence as well as the attempted fraud/failed coup of the 2020 election.  It's all about white boys losing control.
  • It is racist and it is also true.
So you are a racist. 
You also give into southern people stereotypes' that generally are not true. Sometimes they are though, I will give you that.
But if your so mad at old white men, then why do you support Joe Biden? He even said to the new minority worker in the White House these exact words:
"Hush up boy." In full southern accent.
But he's not racist either right? 

You are probably one of the most racist people on this website (I have yet to meet a more racist person).

So quit your doomsday whining about the future of the US.
It's usually the most advanced society's that tend to plumet when met with a damaging idea or practice. 
Double_R's avatar
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Just calling it out ya know.
No, you were just ignoring the fact that your central point in this thread is complete nonsense by changing the subject.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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This statistic is quite worthless due to the oversaturation of normal,
  • Well, I agree.  The point being that there is no correlation between pedophilia and drag queens, or trans people or LGBTQ although that is the principle argument of the right wing govts when stripping LGBTQ citizens of rights.

It is being studied and reported:

oromagi's avatar
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Consistent with my understanding, this report shows LGBTQ+ less likely to solicit, molest, rape children then straights.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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How about you add a little more detail than merely providing a spurious statement without facts. 
ebuc's avatar
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The delusion they buy into so easily scares me

Your the deluded one in this thread.  And your type is more scary.
Greyparrot's avatar
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How is Trump more scary than W Bush? Only one of those used real power to change the outcome of an election.
ebuc's avatar
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Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions,
A man is not a woman and never will be, ---barring intersex/hermaphrotide situations--- on  that I can agree, however, their exist men who feel that the are more likened to woman and vice versa for woman feels more likened to being a  man. 

Tho my guess is the former is much more common. Remember, a man has and X chrosome, a woman does not have a y, for the most part, again barring hermaphrodites.

All the intersex people I see on youtube identify as woman for most part. Or so it appears to me.  There is women not born with a womb, but primarily we can say, that, if your not born with a womb, you never going to be a woman, even tho you feel more likened to be like that sex and want to identify that way.

Ive known people who changed  their name. Maybe more than once and sometimes back to their original name. I finally got over it. Primarily I was frustrated with having to learn a new name for them, and loose the habitual one.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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I do not understand why this LGBTQ community uses intersex, and hermaphrodites to argue their points.
I see it as a completely different issue to identifying as something you are not, or trying to change your biological makeup.

Also I am confused as to why some people claim that intersex is the third sex. 
Sex is binary. You can either impregnant, or get pregnant. Intersex condition is not a new sex with its own independent organs and ways of reproducing, it is a combination of some male parts, and some female parts, that were confused during the construction of the individual. 

however, their exist men who feel that the are more likened to woman and vice versa for woman feels more likened to being a  man. 
Feel is the primary word here.  
This is in fact the exact thing I am arguing.
This identity war is basing everything off of feelings and not reality. And not just by a small margin, but a big illogical leap of delusion. 

ebuc's avatar
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This identity war is basing everything off of feelings and not reality. And not just by a small margin, but a big illogical leap of delusion. 
Then your confused, as all feelings are emotion, and emotion stems from occupied space chemical reactions in molecules of our bodies, that, react to words, images, sounds, touch, etc. Do you understand

AI robots have also respond to occupied space electronics and Meta-space algorithms. AI is Meta-space aspect of  humans manipulation of the occupied space electronics.

 Sometimes we feel like a nut. Ex when we do something dumb, and say oh s__t or G__d___m ergo frustration and perhaps even anxiety that may re-appear in our dreams at latter time.

We cannot deny others feelings, and that does not make their, or our feelings, any less real. To live in denial of truth is sort of likened to being a robot that has no feelings ergo no empathy.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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Then your confused, as all feelings are emotion, and emotion stems from occupied space chemical reactions in molecules of our bodies, that, react to words, images, sounds, touch, etc. Do you understand
Ahhhh, well this is where we fundamentally disagree.
But this is not a religion forum so I will leave it for sometime else.

We cannot deny others feelings, and that does not make their, or our feelings, any less real.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying feelings are not real. I am only saying that feelings cannot be the basis of our everyday decisions, and the basis of our reality.
Emotions is how you feel, and if you made every decision in life based on how you feel, then you wouldn't get anything done. 
ebuc's avatar
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Don't get me wrong, I am not saying feelings are not real. I am only saying that feelings cannot be the basis of our everyday decisions, and the basis of our reality.
Emotions is how you feel, and if you made every decision in life based on how you feel, then you wouldn't get anything done.

Feelings ergo emotions are real. People do make many decissions based feelings, emotion, heart, that all stem from our environmental set of circumstances.

People say to themselves, I think I can afford this or that, even tho many of us know, tha,t some large percentage of people and governental debit is way more than we should feel secure/comfortable with.

People drive too fast, and some times take chances, that, on considerate review later, was a dicey move, even they felt they could make it at the time, and 9 times out of 10 do make fine.  As long as the other driver{s} does do the unexpected and through a monkey wrench into our risk taking

The list of decissions made on feeling go on and on and on once you think about in more detail. Do you this is a smart decission to marry this person or not?

Do we feel like taking a small, or large wager, on this bet or another, for what ever reasons, we feel may feel  justified to so some perecentage of time.

Yesterday there was greater percentage of rain chances in our area and it did not rain. Today there was last chances and we got three moderate and relatively short rain events and I had feelings about what is best bet for me on each day, based on perecentages.

Today I feel hungry and go to store and buy more than I really needed or could afford this week. Today I feel happy and choose to go shopping cause I feel so good, or go to river boating etc.

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Feelings ergo emotions are real. People do make many decissions based feelings, emotion, heart, that all stem from our environmental set of circumstances.
Yes............I know. I agree. What I am saying is that it is usually a bad idea for people to make decisions based upon feelings and emotion. 

People say to themselves, I think I can afford this or that, even tho many of us know, tha,t some large percentage of people and governental debit is way more than we should feel secure/comfortable with.
Yep. And that is not a smart decision. 

People drive too fast, and some times take chances, that, on considerate review later, was a dicey move, even they felt they could make it at the time, and 9 times out of 10 do make fine.  As long as the other driver{s} does do the unexpected and through a monkey wrench into our risk taking
Again, not a smart decision.

Do we feel like taking a small, or large wager, on this bet or another, for what ever reasons, we feel may feel  justified to so some perecentage of time.

Yesterday there was greater percentage of rain chances in our area and it did not rain. Today there was last chances and we got three moderate and relatively short rain events and I had feelings about what is best bet for me on each day, based on perecentages.

Today I feel hungry and go to store and buy more than I really needed or could afford this week. Today I feel happy and choose to go shopping cause I feel so good, or go to river boating etc.

This is why budgeting, staying on a consistent diet, and taking care of yourself is important. It might not be what you feel like doing but it will be better for you in the long run.

ebuc's avatar
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Then your confused, as all feelings are emotion, and emotion stems from occupied space chemical reactions in molecules of our bodies, that, react to words, images, sounds, touch, etc. Do you understand

We can deny others feelings, and that does not make their, or our feelings, any less real. To live in denial of truth is sort of likened to being a robot that has no feelings ergo no empathy.

I feel your in denial and confused about --if not just slanted/twisted--- other peoples feelings, regarding their sexual identity.

Men have and X y set of chromosomes, it is not surprising that some feelings stem from chemical flow, that is likely to be  based in their X chromosome genetics.

Woman do not have have X x and no y chromosome, so their must be chemical flow in one for more of their x chromosomes that causes them to feel some of mans aspects. Get over it. Your stuck in a rut of chemical induced feelings, tha t limit your ability to accept the realities of sexual identity issues.