Pregnancy ≠ infant (a born, young baby)
Well, the word pregnant doesn't = infant, but a pregnancy holds a zygote, embryo, fetus, which is a living human.
Uh, that’s not how human reproduction works. The male gamete is what causes successful conception. Her egg doesn’t do it on its own.
Context matters.
Women don't create the baby (fetus, embryo, zygote) by themselves, but if they involve themselves in consensual sex, then they are letting a male, impregnate them, or giving them access to their egg.
Consent is making a choice (choosing).
Either way, it is within her body and as such, it is of her body.
Can people own other people?
In other words, is it right for one singular person, to own another?
Let me be clear with my wording. Is it ok for a living human to own another living human?
The pregnant girl/female has personal liberty and legal rights, the pregnancy has neither.
I thought you said pregnancy doesn't equal infant.
Did you mean the infant doesn't have any rights?
[a] human life = [a] human being
Human Life (lets break it down):
Human: "relating to or characteristic of people or human beings:" From conception, the zygotes DNA is human.
Life: "the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death:" Conception is literally the start of life.
So, from conception, a zygote, embryo, and fetus are a human life.