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4 2
Artistic expressions
18 5
Okay, so post here if you want me to stereotype you.

Warning: Compliments may apply.

Lets start with me. 
BestKorea - guy who says funny things and mostly nonsense, has no life since he spends 15 hours a day on a site as dead as this. His dream is to reduce his own rating as much as possible and beat Type1 who currently holds number 1 place in lowest rating. He is a lazy person and no one (not even him) knows what his actual beliefs are. His main career in life is trolling and he obviously doesnt have a job or girlfriend.
70 21
This is an interesting question, because while Sun Tzu methods usually teach you to play safe, methods of "high risk high reward" and "some risk high reward" are actually much superior, and I will explain why.

So it comes down to this simple experiment.

Lets say that there is a sword.

Anyone who takes the sword has 99% chance of dying.

However, in case he doesnt die, he gets to rule the entire world and becomes invincible.

Now, Sun Tzu would say "Anyone who takes the sword will most likely die, and I will not take the sword, so I will play it safe and survive."

However, lets say there are 2000 people.

Now, the first 1000 decides to follow Sun Tzu and refuses to take sword.

However, the other 1000 plays a high risk high reward game.

They say "Each of us has only 1% chance of success. But if enough of us try, one will certainly succeed."

So the other 1000 each decide to take the sword. After 99 attemps, 99 people died. However, 100th one took the sword and didnt die. Now he rules the world and is invincible.

The point of this story is:

The group who followed Sun Tzu had no chance of becoming invincible, because they didnt want to take risk to take the sword.

However, the other group, who risked, had over 99% chance to become invincible, as each individial had 1% chance and there were 1000 of them. 

So in the end, even high risk of failure carries certain rewards when enough attempts are made, so group which follows high risk high reward is going to be superior and rule over the group who follows Sun Tzu's safe way of playing.
25 4
It seems that students are protesting, but do they not realize that Biden will never stop supporting Israel?

What is their goal?

It was often suspected before that every US president supports Israel unconditionally, but right now its obvious beyond a doubt that both Republican and Democrat presidents unconditionally support Israel.
14 10
Military government is different from other governments in two ways:

1. It is a pure dictatorship with one leader at highest level of government
2. It is focused on building military alone

The military is provided for by the population, as military needs food, clothes, bases, weapons...ect.

However, in order to create a large military, military must be a bit humble, so every soldier must not have too high wage, because society can only provide a limited amount of money to military, and thus, if individual soldier costs less money, more soldiers can be payed.

The military government has two main battle tactics:

1. Human wave tactics
2. Concentrated attack

Human wave tactics are possible because this system produces huge amount of soldiers, which in turn also allows better concentrated attack.

Concentrated attack is always superior to defensive tactics, since defense tactics always suffer from streched defense problem.

Thus, keeping all soldiers together and concentrated perfectly in one place is superior to keeping them streched across many places, since the latter neither allows good attack nor good counter attack.

This society, which is essentially similar to North Korean model, allows for creation of great military to defend society.

North Korea is famous for its human wave tactics way of attack, as you can see in many of their videos that their soldiers are not trained to act defensively but just charge to attack enemy, and with an army of 7 million people, North Korea has an army which would be practically unstoppable if it charged on South Korea, as with so many soldiers, tanks and artillery attacking, South Korean defenses would quickly collapse since there is no way to defend against such wave of attack.
3 2
We all know that government lives at the expense of economy, as every member of the government earns money through taking away money from population.

However, that is a small amount of money compared to government budget and programs.

Here is what we know so far:

1. Every government is rapidly expanding its budget, increasing the budget size rapidly.

2. Budget is a money taken away from the economy, from the population.

Thus, with rapid increase in budget, population will remain equally rich only if economy grows as fast as budget.

But what happens if budget grows faster than the economy?

What happens is that people become more poor.

Of course, some argue that the government's budget adds to economy, but practically, thats not true, since government programs lack "profit driven mode of work", that is, they lack ability to be cost effective.

For example, US spending trillions on healthcare does not add much to US production of items used by general population, but it even adds to the decrease, as it increases healthcare prooduction at the cost of item production, and more people work in healthcare, but less in item production.

Also, due to lack of profit driven mode of work, government healthcare can never be a buisness which earns more than it spends, that produces more than it spends.

To put it simply, government healthcare spends trillions of dollars, but does not create products that have trillions of dollars of value.

It merely creates healthcare services, which by their nature arent worth creating, as basic life items such as housing, clothes, money for raising children and for education, take priority over any kind of healthcare, as much more people are in need of those rather than in need of healthcare.

Thus, we see two facts:

1. Government's budget grows rapidly.

2. Government's budget takes from economy more than it gives to economy.

The only logical conclusion is that, unless economy grows rapidly as well, budget growth will surpass economy's growth and will cause harm to people's wealth.

Thus, that would create more and more unstable situation in the country which could result in war, since the way to quickly reduce government expenses is to go to war.

The alternative is to reduce government's expenses, thus reduce government's budget.

But no government is working to reduce its budget, which is a reason to worry.
5 3
Competition of ideas is based on each person who comes up with an idea has to defend it, convince others and even endure attacks on his idea and even attacks on his reputation.

This causes society to be divided in two groups:
1. Those who succeed in defending their ideas
2. Those who fail in defending their ideas

Group 2 is usually much larger, and consists mostly of people who no longer give ideas.

Person can either give an idea or receive an idea, and for society, it is better that society produces as much ideas as possible.

However, due to "competition of ideas", this is not possible, as such system encourages people to receive ideas and discourages them to give ideas.

This is especially so in young children.

Parents, in their great delusion, encourage kids to receive ideas, but dont encourage kids to give ideas, because parents are led by false belief that since kids wont come up with good ideas, then that it is better they dont come up with any ideas at all.

However, great thinkers are not those who received ideas, but those who gave ideas.

Thus, giving ideas is crucial in being a great thinker, or in being a thinker at all, and developing such skill as soon as possible is the best.

Thus, children should be most encouraged to give ideas, to become producers of ideas, and not just to receieve ideas.

This is only possible in "Free Mind of Ideas" system, where people are constantly encouraged and expected to come up with an idea, even if that idea is bad. Thus, everyone is told to suggest as much ideas as possible.

In competition of ideas, people try to impose their ideas on others and try to discourage others from coming up with a different idea by attacking them once they do.

However, in free mind of ideas, the goal is not so much to just promote your idea, but that every day, you encourage all others to give ideas and suggestions as well.

This puts others in constant need to produce ideas, as they are always asked to give ideas or suggestions.

Thus, parents who just raise their kid to receive ideas will likely not raise a great thinker, or a thinker at all.

But parents who constantly encourage their kid to think and produce new ideas and suggestions will raise great thinkers, since the quality of all great thinkers is that they produce new ideas and suggestions, that they use their own thinking.
61 8
Satan revealed to me how society will collapse, and I even get to watch.

The principle is simple, so simple and so obvious that no one figured it out because it was so well hidden in plain sight.

If people are allowed to do something, they are more likely to do it. Simple.

We see people harming society every day and being allowed to do that, and yet no one understood how millions of small daily harms sum up to one great harm to society as a whole.

Lets see the list of what people are allowed to do in modern societies.

People are allowed to:

1. Not reproduce

The most obvious harm to society is lack of new generations, as society cannot survive if no one has kids.
Sure, you could import migrants with lower IQ and raised in poor conditions and thus more likely to be harmful to society, but that is just further decline of your society.

2. Not live healthy

People who dont live healthy dont harm just themselves. They also harm their children, since unhealthy life is socially contagious and even heritable.

3. Not learn

Many people in society take pride in being literally stupid and having brain power of a fish. Since they are not forced to learn and not forced into high level thinking, they spread their inferior reasoning to others in society, since popular opinions take over quality opinions when there is freedom to be stupid.

4. Not contribute to society

Possibly the dumbest move of free nations is that its filled with people who are free to contribute nothing to their nation.

5. Not get stronger

This one sounds silly, but in the past, you were expected to get stronger and advance yourself. Today, you are just expected to cycle between work and rest, or between school and rest, causing many people to be physically weak or fat or not interested in building body.
Stronger also includes mental strength, which as already established, current population has almost none.

6. Not support military

Military is the only reason your society even exists, so freedom to not praise military contributes to military decline.

7. Not care for family

People actually have freedom to not give a shit about their kids, and despite being extremely harmful, its actually very common, and people are even allowed to abandon their kids to foster care.

8. Not sacrifice themselves for society

The worst possible idea that individual can possibly have is that he is more important than society.

9. Not care about society's survival

The very idea that so many people in society dont care if society survives, already hints about how much effort they will put for said society to survive.

10. Not work hard

People are allowed to be lazy, even rewarded for it through welfare.

11. Not indoctrinate children

The basis of all previous societies was to indoctrinate children to continue on the path of building society.

12. Not get punished for harming society

Plenty of people harm society every day. Smokers, drug users, cheaters, liars... almost none punished.

13. Not defend society, not promote society, not support society

Another very bad freedom is individual being allowed to not defend or support the country he so comfortably lives in.

14. Not think about how to improve society

This one is extra bad, because society cannot progress if no one has a plan on how to improve it. People today lack any plan, they just have imaginary goal with no idea on how to achieve it.

15. Not advance society technologically

Most people arent even capable of useful thoughts, let alone some technological discovery, but they often punish the smart people by calling them nerds and weirdos, which speaks volumes about their priorities.

16. Have too much compassion

Compassion often blinds people. People often do what is called as "harmful helping" or "helicopter parenting". They help others too much, so others grow dependent on them, which increases both welfare drain and social addictions such as following whats popular.

17. Give birth later in life

Probably the most idiotic freedom. Children who are born late just have great increase in amount of disorders.

18. Spread false information

The idea that someone can have free speech and talk lies just means someone else will believe his lies, increasing disorders in society.

19. Live at the expense of others

Probably the most ridiculous of all freedoms, but apparently, millions of people in USA are unemployed and live at the expense of others.

20. Hate his own society

If people are allowed to hate their society, then such society will have lots of people who hate it, which increases risks of civil wars or bad politicians being elected.

21. Move to other country

If people are allowed to leave society which created them and made them wealthy, and also send all money to other country, it adds a little bit to a decline.

22. Reward for being a victim, encourage victim's mentality

Being a victim is bad and by logic, bad things shouldnt be rewarded, or they are encouraged and people will pretend to be victims just to get rewarded.

23. Encourage coward's mentality

World belongs to the brave. By encouraging people to be cowards, it just means much less people make risks to improve society, and therefore society improves much less.

24. Encourage defensive mentality

Defensive mentality is one of the least useful mentalities for survival.
World belongs to those who take action, and the only reason you are alive is because your ancestors fought for survival and didnt just sit and wait.

25. Encourage weakness

Obviously, society should be made of mentally and physically strong people. But this society encourages weakness and coward's mentality through giving freedom and teaching incorrect lifestyle, such as playing video games all day, being fat or skinny, being withdrawn from society and not even having a social life, and even being afraid of challenges and new people.

26. Take from society more than he gave to society

Society survives because individuals give to it more than they take from it. But now, you have a situation where people take all comfort society gave them only to talk shit online and be useless in all areas of life.

27. Divorce

The idea that people are allowed to divorce and destroy their family and make their children into a more likely to be criminals and worthless members of society also adds to collapse.

28. Have too much luxury

Luxury is not a sign of prosperous society. Rather, the more wealth an individual has, the less wealth goes to defending and advancing society.

29. Promote ideas which harm society, promote behavior which harms society

Socially contagious behaviour is often that which harms society, and it is of no surprise that in this society, promoting such behavior is rewarded with social approval and with being labeled as a fun joke or a popular thing.

30. Put value of individual above value of society

There should never be a scenario where value of individual is above that of society, so any time society and individual come in contradiction, society should win. Today, it isnt so, as society is harmed so that individual can have fun.

31. Increase disorders, reproduce disorders

People are allowed to give birth even when fetus has severe disability and will be nothing but burden on society for decades, and by logic, the more people with disorders there are, the more such people will reproduce, and increase amount of disorders.

32. Waste society's resources

People are allowed to waste lots of resources on having fun and on useless activities.

33. Allow enemy to spread his propaganda in society

With free speech, enemy can spread his ideas into your society and keep trying and attacking until he destroys it.

34. Break rules often, encourage others to break rules

Society works only when people respect the law. But today's society more and more encourages small violations which when they add up, make big violations as their result.

It is not one of these which will cause society's collapse, but its that all of these elements are working at the same time to collapse society.

1 1
"This state and this society produce religion,
which is an inverted consciousness of the world,
because they (state and society) are an inverted world...

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.

To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.

The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo." 

- Karl Marx
5 5
"Ah I remember yesterday's skirmish
Soaked in blood, my comrade
Was sweetly smiling

As he laid dying
He shouted his joyous final cry
Tenno Heika Banzai!
How could I ever forget these words?
Which are still with me

Our bodies are ready for battle
And we cast away any useless needs
Do not cry for us, oh insects of the grass
For the sake of peace in East Asia
What sacrifice is too great?"

Artistic expressions
1 1
"The UK, like most developed nations, produces more waste than it can process at home: around 230m tonnes a year. According to the World Bank, 1.3kg of municipal solid waste is produced per person, per day – just above the European average of 1.1kg.

The US, the world’s most wasteful nation, produces an astonishing 2kg per person per day."

There are millions of tonnes of trash in the oceans, there is trash everywhere.

For everything you buy at the store, its trash. Plastic bags, plastic bottles, anything made out of glass or any colored paper, its all trash.

The amount of trash in the world is increasing rapidly, and with it, the need to recycle or place trash somewhere else.

However, recycling is expensive, and humanity, the planet's cancer, is slowly polluting all nature, all rivers, all seas and all oceans with millions of tonnes of plastic, poisoning all animals and all plants and all insects with chemicals and waste.

It needs to be noted that humans are the only animals producing waste which cannot be recycled by nature, thus they are actively destroying all the nature to the point where there wont be much nature left.

All nature will contain plastic particles.

Thus, it is no wonder that now humans are also having plastic particles in their bodies, small particles of plastic being present in human bodies.

So not only are humans destroying nature, but they are also destroying themselves as well.

For they have, for the first time in planet's history, created mass waste which is of use to no species.

The only solution is to start sending trash to space, so that we can pollute space too.

What a wonderful sight!
24 5
"Be mine!
An irresistible desire plants the kiss of death on me
I want to stand at the summit and see
an ending where I hold everything in my hands

They say the world's about to end
Directed at no one
Those words profess their validity
And tempt me to go down with it
To be continued after a nap

I wonder if anyone will stop me
From doing whatever I want
Victory is mine!

It's mine! 
You cant take your eyes off something you want
"I will definitely win it"
I said to myself,
Plain and simple"

Artistic expressions
1 1

Okay, so I find this video where woman cries for like 10 minutes because she got a compliment from someone.

And I can kinda relate to that.

I am not really good at responding to compliments.

I dont know if anyone else has that feeling when you get a compliment, you dont know what to say as a response, because it feels wrong to brag and confirm the compliment, but it also feels wrong to attack the person who gave you a compliment.
26 6
There are 4 laws of life and success:

1. Attack
2. Persistence
3. Change
4. Knowledge

1. Attack
This is the most basic and most important law. When you have a goal, you need to make an action and an idea, an attack to realize the goal and achieve success. Success usually wont come from no action. You need to attack with new ideas and new actions all the time.

2. Persistence
Those people who are successful, most of them had many failures in life. However, what made them successful is that, unlike others, after failure, they didnt give up, but they kept attacking the obstacles with new ideas and actions to solve them and achieve success. It might take years or decades to achieve success, so being persistent is crucial.

3. Change
Life is constant change and motion, thus your life needs to be filled with changes and new things which increase your knowledge and your attack as a result, contributing to further success. You need to be constantly in search for new and improved.

4. Knowledge
This is the most important part. Knowledge is key to making plans and successful attacks. Write down everything, every strategy you come up with. This causes your brain to be in constant production of new strategies, and causes constant increase in knowledge. Many people come up with lots of strategies, but they dont write them down and as a result they forget them and their knowledge is lost. By writing down your strategies, you increase your knowledge and prevent the loss of it. And because you have all that knowledge available, it helps your brain produce even more ideas as you have more knowledge available to produce ideas from.
16 7
Took me some time of search, but I finally found world conquest zvezda plot episode 13.

This is a very important anime for me, since it helped me overcome autism.
Show business
2 1
Science is very complicated, but I can make it simple.

I know many of you disagree with me about women giving birth early in life.

Most of you think that woman should give birth after age 22 or 25.

And as usual, most of you would be wrong.

"The researchers found that mothers over 40 had a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29, and a 77 percent higher risk than mothers under 25."

Basically, the longer woman waits to make babies and give birth, the more autistic retards she will give birth to as a result.

The whole idea that woman needs to wait for a decade to give birth just results in her reproductive abilities diminishing, her offspring more weak and more retarded, more incapable and with less abilities in life.

I know many of you will be offended by this, but be not offended by the truth as anyone who rejects truth becomes delusional.
32 7
Is this land is your land?
No, this is the government's land,
From California to the New York island,
From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;
This land was made for government's purpose.

As I was walking that government's highway
I saw above me that endless tax way,
I saw below me the regulation valley;
Long live the government's regulating hand!

I've roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
And all around me a voice was sounding;
Increase government's control!

When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,
As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:
This land belongs to our government!

As I went walking I saw a sign there,
And on the sign it said "Government's property"
But on the other side it also said "Government's property",
Both sides were made by government.

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the government's office I seen my people;
As they stood there complaining, I stood there saying
Is this land your land? No, its not!

Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking the government's highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for government's purpose.
Artistic expressions
4 3
I was watching some clips, and when nazis meet, it seems like they say "hi Hitler" and not "Hail Hitler".

Plus, it makes more sense to say "hi Hitler", so I am certain everyone misunderstood what they said, as its only logical to say "hi Hitler" when you meet Hitler.
38 8
The basic compoments of attack are:

1. The attack occuring

This is the final stage of attack. It happens when you already have necessary manpower and basic or advanced weapons and will and strategy to carry out attack.

2. The building of attack

This is divided on 4 sections:

A. Building of strategy (through leadership's intelligence)

B. Building of weapons (by having both basic workers and those intelligent ones who develop advanced technology)

C. Building of manpower (increasing number of people in military)

D. Building of will (through leadership's guidance)

All of these are necessary to carry out attack with your military.

3. Protecting 1 and 2

In military strategy, it is important to more than just build attack, but also to protect attack and protect those components which build attack, such as leadership which develops will and strategy, workers who support military, and military itself needs to be protected from being destroyed before it can attack.

So the basics are:
1. The attack
2. Building of attack
3. Protecting the attack and protecting the building of attack.

Some militaries in history have abandoned 3 and just went with attack and building of attack, such as those militaries which had no much military production to protect, usually guerilla militaries who focused on just attack and building of attack, without building protections of workers and factories and even abandoning the protection of bases, as same was unnecesarry due to nature of the strategy which was focused on attacking and building attack, and avoiding detection. 

Additionally, many small militaries abandon 3 because it tends to be unrealistic, as they lack technology to protect factories and workers from an attack of an advanced country, thus they focus on attack and building of attack alone.

Additionally, they often get weapons from other countries, which in a way negates their need to protect their own weapon producers.
3 2
After encountering some anarchs and putting their ideas to a fair and unbiased trial, what happened is that I realized how Empire can save money by introducing some anarchy into it.

For those against anarchy, when they say "I dont want any anarchy!",

I answer "Not even the world's tiniest bit of anarchy?"

Its obvious that government services such as courts, prisons and police, and public schools, are costing the government lots of money and they bring nothing good in return, neither for society neither for military, as people themselves can take care of criminals and of education.

So naturally, applying anarchy in that part and abolishing courts, prisons, police, and public schools would reduce cost of government, creating progress and prosperity of the Empire!

With this new power, if embraced by the American Empire, will put that Empire way above Russia which has also already abolished prisons and sent prisoners as soldiers to fight in Ukraine.

May the might of the American Empire forever be praised!
3 2
So after over 100 games against computer on hardest available difficulty, I finally found out about some openings which computer cant counter easily.

Defensive opening

So you start with playing g3, then Bg2.

After that, play e3, and then d3.

Then you play Nf3. 

Then do castling.

Then play Nc3.

Basically, your goal is to move both knights to king's side of the board, so your next move should be Nc3 to Ne2.

Also, put as much pieces as you can to king's side of the field, so you put both attack and defense on one side.

Offense opening

This opening focuses on fast early attack.

So you go e4, then Bc4, then d3.

Then you play Nf3 and maybe do castling.

Then play Nc3, then move that knight to Ne2.

Try placing other bishop on e3.

This way, you have everything available for attack, as your bishop and knight can both attack opponent on f7 space where his king is.

In this case too, you want to place as much pieces as possible on one side, you also want to trade pieces and attack opponent's knights with your bishop so they cant move, such as playing Bb5 when opponent's knight is on c6.
8 5
If you think about it, there are only 3 options:

1. Punish criminal less than the harm he has done

2. Punish criminal equally to the harm he has done

3. Punish criminal more than the harm he has done.

If you punish criminal less than the harm he has done, then that means his victim got punished more than he did.

If you punish criminal equally to the harm he has done, then both victim and criminal are punished equally.

Only 3 ensures that criminal gets punished more than the victim, which seems that it does justice towards victim, as it shouldnt happen that victim suffers as much as criminal but rather criminal should suffer more.
1 1
Its okay if he doesnt accept, but its obvious there is some heat between us and RM is a smart man ;) and others may not see it at first, but the rap battle is the best way to solve whats happening between us.

So I propose

1 round

1000 characters

May pure skill decide the winner!
5 4
So I got the game as I was recommended to get it, and of course it offers you to play as many sides. I admit, I was tempted to pick Japan, but I figured for a first play its best that I play as a main character, so I picked to play as Hitler.

Right after game starts, there are so many buttons and its a bit difficult to find whats what until you get used to it.

Right away, I started building military, air force, bombers, tanks, ships...

I am still not sure how resources in game work, but apparently, game lets you pick to build military factories or civilian factories on each territory, but I built mostly military factories.

I kinda dislike the fact that it takes such a long time to declare war, but I guess thats realistic as it takes time to convince the public and build up justifications for war.

For a first time playing, the game is very confusing as it bombards you with too many buttons to click on, and it takes a long time to click on each to see what each does.

But so far it seems simple: build strong military, declare war, and conquer.

I am not sure how beneficial it is to build bombers so early in the game, as I think I have more bomber planes productions lined up than I have for anything else.

However, I like the game so far as despite being complicated, it also has simple elements to it and I dont think I can fail if I just focus on military.
12 6
I wanted to make a short list of main points of Imperialism, so here it is:

1. Conquer all enemies

2. Have a lust for battle

3. Attack the enemy to counter his attack

4. Create greatest attack possible using all resources and all strategies

5. Use full power in battle to destroy enemy quickly

6. Use surprise unexpected overwhelming attack on undefended position or least defended position

7. Destroy enemy's mind, destroy enemy's attack, or destroy enemy himself

8. Destroy enemy completely

9. Learn everything about everything

10. Know when to attack and where to attack, and when not to attack and where not to attack
5 3
I found Hitler's speech on invasion of Russia which was available on YouTube before, but now I can only find it on internet archive.

I think that historically, this speech is important, as it shows Hitler's thinking and it shows how Germans felt about Russia, and especially about Russia invading other countries.
29 7
I dont know if its due to vaccines so now the ones who werent supposed to naturally survive are surviving, or is it because of the education system designed to infect people with victim mentality, but today's people are mostly just vaginas and trolls.

So in a way, the society of warriors somehow got replaced by society of crybabies and victims, which I really must say is a serious downgrade and is a sign that humanity wont last long because all the basic survival skills such as survival mentality, courage and persistence have all been eradicated and now we have society where people are so sensitive and easy to mentally break and so easy to be tricked by politicians that I think society has undermined itself and can no longer be maintained but is just headed towards collapse since the amount of all disorders is increasing rapidly.

The rates of autism grow every year, and soon we will reach a point where almost no one is normal regular person, but instead everyone will have some disorder, and everyone will be a victim or think of himself that way.

This needs to stop, as you shouldnt try to be a victim as that is literally the weakest way of life you can possibly have.

Its shame that I was born in this society, since I assume that I am whats left from true warriors who arent afraid of battle and arent afraid to hurt people, and will never paint themselves as victims but always as attackers and conquerors, because real men dont just live, but they destroy.

My goal was to conquer the world, but now I am not sure if thats such a good idea, since world is filled with weakness and there is no way to fix it anymore as strong people were breeding with weak people which made all current offsprings weak, as the product of mixing weak and strong is never going to be a strong product but a weak product.

Only when two strong people breed is when you get strong offspring.

But I think because society abandoned traditional way of life, the breeding was uncontrolled and women after being given a choice but also forced into "1 man and 1 woman" type of marriages, what happened is that women chose inferior men such as rich men or guitar players, and strong men due to being limited to 1 woman couldnt outproduce inferior men who were now being born in large numbers due to vaccinations.

I dont see strong people anywhere anymore, so I am rather certain that all whats left in the world is weak men.

Even I was made weak and gay by society which allowed women to take valuable positions in society, by society which gave women ability to make decisions, and by being forced to live and make friends in a community which consists of nothing but weaknesses, disorders and victims.

I really cant see how will humanity survive at this point, as they have destroyed the strong and multiplied the weak. Now when weak have taken over, society will do a series of bad decisions which will eventually pile up and by mere number of disorders will make society unsustainable and it will all collapse under the weight which these weak people cannot carry.
29 9
Everyone knows that I oppose North Korea, but this song is really good as it is AI cover:

"Holding up the red flag
We advance to attack
With our rifles forward
We rush to assault
Guiding the ranks of ten millions
Is the image of the banner of Songun

Attack, attack, forward in the attack
That's the General's revolutionary way
Attack like lightning on Paektusan
Attack like the thunder on Jong Il peak
Attack, attack
This is a battle of attack

Even if mountains stand in our way,
They cant stop us
Even if hordes of powerful enemies come
They cant break our defenses
Countering them without stopping for a moment
That strategy is invincible

Attack, attack, forward in the attack
That's the General's revolutionary way
Attack like lightning on Paektusan
Attack like the thunder on Jong Il peak
Attack, attack
This is a battle of attack

The goal of a strong and prosperous nation
is our hope
The goal of the cause of Juche is our victory
Advancing like the storm
on the straight cause of Songun
These are the steps on the forced march

Attack, attack, forward in the attack
That's the General's revolutionary way
Attack like lightning on Paektusan
Attack like the thunder on Jong Il peak
Attack, attack
This is a battle of attack

Artistic expressions
3 2
Now, some of you may be following 48 laws of power, but that book is obviously bad and honestly there is not much to learn there about being cool or anything.

However, I took a few days and wrote a much better book, so here it is.

Remember that this book is for self-defense only, and it includes high level strategies for both war, economy and trolling which most people wont even understand when they read them, but it will be useful to the gifted few.

61 Laws Of Attack:

1. Overwhelming attack

A strategy designed to use great destructive power to overwhelm defences, as overwhelming attack is most difficult to defend against.

2. Variety, many different attacks

Having plenty different ways of attacking is usually useful, as sometimes one way fails but other way succeeds.

3. Keep attacking, never stop

It would be a mistake to at any point become weak by stopping your attacks and giving your opponent chance to recover.

4. Attrition war, consistent attacks to drain resources

This strategy consists of forcing opponent to engage in long battle in which his resources are depleted more than yours are.

5. Blitzkrieg - Overwhelming rushed quick attack

This strategy consists of using great number of attacks all at once, in a so called lightning war, where the goal is to destroy opponent as quickly as possible by deploying massive concentrated attack quickly.

6. Great number of attacks

One should never rely on just one attack, but should have greatest number of attacks ready.

7. Deception, pretending to attack and fake attacks

Fake attacks are a strategy where you pretend to attack in one place, so opponent brings his defence or focus there, but the actual attack would take place elsewhere.

8. Always attacking

When at war, you should always be attacking so that opponent is always forced to defend himself and has to focus on defence.

9. Breaking defense

Your main goal should be that of breaking defense to destroy the enemy.

10. Total war

This strategy is usually described as using all dedication, resources and man power one has to destroy the enemy.

11. Attack in a different spot

Probably one of the greatest yet most simple strategies ever, as if you always attack in same spot, enemy will expect it, but if you change and attack somewhere different, then it wont be expected.

12. Destroy mind, destroy attack, destroy defense, destroy enemy

Your enemy is consisted of his mind, his attack, and his defense, to say it in simple terms. So destroying any of these can make it possible to destroy enemy.

13. Propaganda - repetition of words, sounds, and meanings

The ideological warfare is all about consistent message which you put in other people's minds to control them.

14. Surprise attack

This is one of the most important war strategies, as when you attack suddenly and surprise the enemy, then enemy has no way to prepare.

15. Ignoring before attack

Useful strategy which says that if you ignore your enemy, then he will lower his guard down and then you can attack.

16. Keep punching at it

Even when situation seems hopeless, a good attack brings hope.

17. Silence before attack

Your enemy should be clueless about your attack, and you should not give him the hint that you will attack him, and silence also builds some form of respect which can be used against enemy.

18. Turning from ally to enemy

There are cases where its no longer beneficial to be allies, so one can only end alliance and become enemies.

19. Turning from enemy to ally

There are also cases where you will obviously lose if battle happens, so its better to be allies until you gain enough attack power so you dont lose the battle.

20. Bait into trap

To lure enemy into unfavorable circumstances, where he fights at disadvantage, or in battle which is not good for him, is a useful strategy for war.

21. Sustain attack

Always remember to be able to sustain your attack so it doesnt run out of resources before you destroy your enemy.

22. Having history and studying it is important for learning

History makes all science possible, so it would be nonsense not to take notes and not to have history of actions to use for learning about warfare.

23. Destroy yourself to destroy enemy

At some point, you might be faced with the situation where in order to destroy enemy, you have to destroy yourself, and if you get destroyed regardless, then your choice is obvious.

24. Refuse to retreat

Retreat is a tactical disadvantage and always was, as by retreating you are using energy and letting enemy recover and capture.

25. Refuse to surrender or give up

Anyone who gives up will never succeed, as those who succeed are usually those who dont give up.

26. Create greatest attack possible using all resources available

Its important to create greatest attack possible, so that when you do attack, you have greatest attack at your disposal.

27. Expect of others to fight and attack

Dont just expect that others will attack you, but expect of others to attack for you.

28. Capture before enemy captures - expanding power - Expand before enemy expands

Those who capture territory or resources first gain tactical advantage, and this is common knowledge in warfare.

29. Invest in knowledge and production quality and quantity

Knowledge and production are two most important things, and producing more attacks is most beneficial, as is producing more strategies.

30. Risks which carry high rewards

There are times when you take small risks which carry great rewards, such as attrition warfare where small sacrifice results in great damage to enemy.

31. Experiments which give knowledge of strategy

Doing experiments is very important, as thats the only way to create new useful strategies.

32. Quick decision making and creating totalitarianism

Quick decision making is crucial in war where battles are won by those who make decisions before others do, and debating too much before attack can delay and ruin the attack, so totalitarianism wins over democracy in war.

33. Indoctrination of others to be obedient and willing to fight for you

In war, it is not just your own strength, but the strength of those who fight for you which also counts, and the more you indoctrinate others to be obedient, the more they will fight for you.

34. Psychological warfare

Take great interest in psychological warfare, using happiness, fear, confusion, hope, expectations, false information, and destruction of enemy's knowledge to your advantage.

35. Have desire for battle

You should always have a desire for battle, as thats the best way to be dedicated to battles and gain confidence.

36. Such is the way of life, only hardship, pain and strife

You should not be bothered by battles or sacrifices you must make, as such is the way of life, as we see in nature where animals are always fighting.

37. Infected ideologically

Its very useful to infect enemy with false ideas and bad ideologies to make him make bad self harming decisions.

38. Obeyed by force

Dont be afraid to use force to make enemy obey you, as that will give you more resources.

39. Deploy all power at once

An excellent strategy which says that you should not hold some attacks back, but attack all at once with all of your power.

40. Weakness which, when attacked, destroys enemy

Every enemy has weakness which when attacked, will destroy him, and your real work is finding such weakness.

41. Everything is going according to plan

Always have a plan and make sure everything is going as planned, and any negative deviations from plan should be corrected as fast as possible.

42. Draconian punishments for those who attack you

Dont be afraid to destroy those who attack you, as destroying them makes them example for others.

43. Destroy enemy completely

Sparing enemies is bad, as they will just fight against you again the next day.

44. Staying calm in speeches - long sentences

Staying calm when talking is important, both for propaganda purposes and for yourself.
Long sentences sound more calm than short sentences, and using connectives makes your speech flow in a calm way which destroys confidence of your enemies.
People who are educated dont sound smart and calm because they are telling the truth, but because they are using connectives such as "as, then, however, also, including, and, if..." to connect sentences to form greater long uninterrupted sentences which sound calm.

45. Dont wait to attack

Waiting to attack is usually bad unless it serves the purpose of creating greater attack than it would be if attacked at once.

46. Retreat only to lure enemy into trap or gain attack

The only time when you should be retreating is if it serves the purpose of either trapping enemy either gaining greater attack.

47. Surround the enemy - no escape

Surrounding is a popular military strategy which usually doesnt mean literal surrounding, but it actually means to make it so that enemy cant possibly escape.

48. Complete attack

Make sure to have complete attack which is necessary to destroy enemy. If not, then there is no point to attack.

49. Make detailed plan about destroying the enemy which consists of planned attacks

Details are important, as one who doesnt have detailed plan of attack is always at disadvantage, and one must also know where to put attacks, when to put attacks and in which order.

50. Make those more powerful than you into your allies

If someone is more powerful than you, then any attack on him is bad for you. However, if you turn him into your ally, then you can attack others who are less powerful than you.

51. Do things completely

Always do things completely in both studying, preparation and attack, as when you have total knowledge, then you know the outcome of a battle.

52. Attacking stops attacks

There is this false idea that attacking causes enemy to attack you, but the opposite is true, as when you are attacking it forces enemy to defend and reduces amount of strength and resources he has for attack.

53. Early attack

Early attacks are useful if you have the advantage over enemy, so you attack before he gains advantage over you.

54. Light attacks

Light attacks are mainly for attrition warfare, when they force enemy to use more resources to defend than you used for attacking.

55. No reluctance

Reluctance is greatest weakness, as not only it shows you have no confidence, but gives enemy time to build his.

56. No failure or mistakes

Mistakes are good if you learn from them, but the main goal of that learning is to eliminate mistakes.

57. Unpredictability - Changing - Shapeshifter

You should never do same thing over and over. Changing means that you are not only unpredictable, but you grow aware of possibilities and paths, where staying on one path makes you clueless.

58. Attack enemy before enemy attacks you

Waiting to be attacked when you know the enemy will attack you is stupid, and if you see the enemy pointing a gun at you, then you should not wait for him to pull the trigger, but you should attack first and destroy him.

59. Being calm

Its important to look calm even if you are not, as that breaks enemy's confidence.

60. Pretending to be weak or strong

Its very useful if enemy thinks that you are weak when you are in fact strong, and that you are strong when you are in fact weak.

61. Special Tactical Strategy

This relates to your regular attacks, consistent attacks which dont change and are always in effect, and strategies which you usually or always deploy. One must have both changes and consistency in his strategy.

6 4
So after getting chickens, then I was faced with two options:

1. Feed them grains

2. Feed them scientifically made chicken feed which is much more expensive

Logically, in capitalism, you are supposed to reduce cost, however this particular case results in absurd contradiction to this traditional rule.

Chicken feed which is more expensive is also a complete food which improves egg's quality and number of eggs produced.

Now, most capitalists who are stupid beyond belief would go for a cheaper feeding option to reduce cost.

However, I went for chicken feed because I listened to my heart which says that chickens like chicken feed much more and are crazy about it, while they dislike grains such as wheat and are not much willing to eat them as quickly.

In just few days, what followed is that egg production increased from 3 eggs a day to 10 eggs a day, and many of my chickens started laying eggs.

While I was feeding them wheat, then their eggs were weak and tiny, and they often even ate their own eggs.

So I decided to take different meassures to improve situation.

By switching to a more expensive option of feeding them store bought chicken feed, then they not only stopped eating their own eggs, but the eggs got bigger too.

It seems that decreasing cost of production is not, as one might assume, always the best path.

Sometimes choosing a more expensive input option actually results in you having more output, where choosing less input equals more output.

So no, in Capitalism, it is not always logical to choose cheapest option or try everything to lower cost and it might even be bad for buisness.
11 4
Before someone says

"they lost, so they suck",

lets put things into perspective.

Axis were outnumbered more than 10 to 1 in this war.

For example, USSR alone had population equal to that of Germany, Japan and Italy combined.

Japan, Italy and Germany had population of about 190 million combined.

USSR alone had 170 million.

China had 500 million.

USA had 130 million.

Britain had 40 million.

France had 40 million.

Korea had 20 million.

Thats already over 800 million people, when we disregard the fact that most of the remaining world was also fighting against Axis.

Axis powers were also weakened before war itself.

Allies had huge head start.

Germany had to pay debt after WW1, which caused economical crisis.

Hitler inherited a bad economy and virtually no military power, but he managed to build Germany into superpower in just 7 years.

So when Hitler came to power, he had no military while USA, Britain, France and USSR were already all superpowers at that time.

Japan was a feudal country before Meiji, but at that time USA was already an industrial power. People in Japan were unwilling to industrialize. Most were illiterate.

Meiji turned Japan into military superpower quickly, but USA had huge head start over Japan and much greater amount of resources, and after Meiji Japan didnt have much time to catch up to USA.

In a strategical sense of total war, Axis powers had virtually no chance of winning irrelevant of what strategy they used.

They had much less population, much less territory, much less colonies than allies had and therefore had to have much less military production and military troops than allies as a result.

Axis also had worse trade paths, as Germany and Japan were very far from each other and couldnt unite.

Still, they managed to cause many defeats to allies.

Allies lost entire France in six weeks.

Most of Europe was taken by Hitler.

USSR lost 25% of its territory and lost 10 million soldiers.

Britain was completely overpowered by Germany and pushed out of France and was fighting defensive air war on its own territory despite all the help from USA.

USA suffered huge defeats against much smaller Japan, which had almost no loses in first year of war and had victory after victory, and conquered Korea, China, and many other countries of Asia.

USA even refused to directly invade Japan, because the cost of invasion was calculated to be over 1 million soldiers.

So despite Axis being outnumbered more than 10 to 1 and having huge disadvantage in territory and allies having huge head start over them, Axis powers, thanks to their knowledge of war, have caused serious losses to allies.

These were their strategies:

1. Kamikaze

Japanese strategy

A strategy where soldier does suicidal attack on enemy, destroying himself to destroy enemy.

2. No Retreat Policy

Japanese Strategy

No retreat policy caused great problems for allies, because the only way to conquer territory was to find and kill all enemies, because Japan military always refused to abandon their positions and defended every inch of territory till death.

3. Militarism

German and Japanese strategy

The country is focused on creating greatest military possible using all available resources, hence the term militarism.

4. Blitzkrieg - Lightning War

German strategy

This strategy involves fast, overwhelming attack on enemy, where huge army and huge number of tanks and airplanes are sent quickly, all at once, concentrated to destroy enemy in huge number of attacks happening at once.

5. Attacking first - Surprise Attack

German and Japanese strategy

A very successful strategy which gave Axis victory after victory in early war, because it caught allies unprepared.

6. Total War

German and Japanese strategy

Entire country and all population is expected to support war by military production or fight in war or defend territory against invader.

7. Territory Expansion - Imperialism

German and Japanese strategy

It says to always try to expand your territory to foreign territories before enemy captures them.
Japanese Imperialism also says to make consistent quick great attacks to destroy enemy completely.

8. Technological advancement

German and Japanese strategy

Investing a lot in technology to gain edge in war.

9. Military Risks

German and Japanese strategy

Making risky moves to gain advantage in war, due to such risks carrying reward in most cases.

10. Experiments

German and Japanese strategy

Both countries made lots of experiments in military strategy and technology, which in return gave them better knowledge of strategy and technology.

Germany made first jet planes, for example.

11. Totalitarianism

German and Japanese strategy

While other countries were vunerable by politics, German and Japanese totalitarianism enabled quick decision making.

12. Indoctrination

German and Japanese strategy

Lots of propaganda in media and education was used, and population was made obedient and willing to fight as a result.

13. No surrender

German and Japanese strategy

Determined to fight till end to drain enemy, despite being far outnumbered in Europe, Germany caused heavy losses to allies when they invaded it due to refusing to give up.

13 6
Okay, so lets first put our premises together so we know what to do.

1. New users who are men hate being on this site because its full of men

2. Women run away from this site because its full of men who come after them, and they have no other women to talk to.

It seems that both premises are based on this site being full of men.

But thats not true.

Both premises are based on people saying they are male!

If 60% of current users change their profile to female, new users wont know and you will literally lure men to this site and women who come will feel safer too.

I call this operation:

"Special Tactical Strategy For Attracting Users And Women To DArt".

I expect from every DArt user who lacks basic human decency and self-respect to follow this strategy with me right now!
16 6
Countries should always try to expand their borders.

In fact, its stupid not to.

All great world powers constantly work to expand their influence far beyond their borders.

What also needs to be understood is that imperialism is actually self-defense in its true form.

Imperialism is different from being defensive in this way:

Imperialism = expand your power, increase the power of your attacks, attack first if necessary, destroy enemy's attacks and destroy enemy completely.

Being defensive = dont attack first, but wait to be attacked, try to stop attacks or dodge attacks or endure attacks and dont destroy enemy completely but just his attacks, and dont expand your power.

We see that being defensive has almost no benefits.

For example, North Korea was being defensive for 75 years, didnt attack anyone. 

Can we say that North Korea is an example of great military success?

Its greatest success came only after it became imperialist again and helped Russia with military supplies.

In return, it got great technology which turned it into a competent military.

All great countries, USA, Russia, Britain, China... have this in common: none are defensive.

In fact, their entire military strategy is based on controlling as much territory as possible.

They are by definition imperialists.

Imperialism is all about attrition, constant attacks, draining enemy, destroying his power and him completely.

There are no benefits to being defensive except maybe couple of people in the world having sympathy for you.

Libya was defensive and NATO countries destroyed it completely.

You can be defensive all you want, but world is a battle arena and imperialists end up being stronger in this arena.

Literally any area of life always rewards imperialism.

From sports to games, to finding girlfriend.

You have greatest chance of having a girlfriend if you ask greatest number of girls until one agrees.

Or you can be defensive and hope she approaches you, but the imperialist guy approaches her and takes her from you.

Imperialism in games is also very obvious.

I play Smite, and basically if you arent willing to make attacks, you are gonna lose every game.

Let me give you example.

In Smite, there are minions in buff camps.

These minions wont attack you first.

However, if you dont attack them, enemy will attack them and take the buff and you will lose advantage.

So not attacking those who dont attack you is stupid gameplay.
10 3
I found some really cool article about how to be cool.

I know some people struggle to make friends, so this should help them greatly.

To be cool:

1. Dont judge

Probably the most simple advice, but people will like you more if you dont judge them.

2. Dont self-promote

People who are always promoting themselves as better than others will get hated by others.

3. Dont be needy

Nobody likes a needy person. In fact, the more you ask from others, the more burden you place on them and the more they will hate you.

4. Dont be upset

Upset people arent cool. They just seem crazy. It would be better for them if they were more stable.

5. Dont react in a negative way

Cool people rarely react in a negative way. Hence the term "cool".

6. Think like others

If you think like others, they will like you more because of how similar you are to them.

7. Behave like others

If you wonder if your behavior is correct, just observe if other people do what you do.

8. Make others laugh

The more you make others laugh, the more happiness you give them and the more they like you.

9. Act like you dont care what others think

Even if you are trying to be like others, always act like you dont care what anyone thinks.

10. Be helpful

If you help someone, they might like you more because you are useful to them and to them it feels like you like them and they can count on you.

11. Not interested in defensive battles

If you have to battle because someone attacks you, focus on attack rather than on defense. Attack which succeeds is cooler than defense which succeeds, and attack which fails is still cooler than defense which fails.

12. Dont be afraid to be defeated

You should never care if you might lose or if you are defeated. You shouldnt even talk about it or think about it. In fact, harming your position to harm enemy is very cool.

13. Ignore

Cool people will often ignore instead of responding to attacks. In fact, ignoring attacks makes the attacker feel like he is not making an impact, as there is no reaction.

14. Not afraid to attack

Cool people arent afraid to attack those who attack them. In fact, one of the characteristics of cool people is making attacks quickly.

15. Some questions, but not too many

People who ask too many questions arent cool. Just look at people who ask lots of questions. Do they seem cool? No.
35 5
Miyasan Miyasan
Tell us if you may
Whats that flag that leads the way
Flying on your horse

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

This is the flag that rallies
Forward to battle sallies
Flag of the Emperor of the world

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Strike them down
Yes, strike them down
May the rebels all be vanquished
Who have dared defy the crown

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Aim with a steady hand
Yes, aim with a steady hand
And be not afraid now to
Destroy the rebel band

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Are these not those warriors high?
Those laureled fearless Samurai?
Who when they saw our forces coming
Turned and ran away

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Cheeks turning pale from fright
These "heroes" were put to flight
They fled from the castle walls
As fast as they could run

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Now to the battle chasing
Fearless, our foes we are facing
Courage and devotion
And to the cause stay true

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Fear not the sting of death
And fight to your final breath
You warriors of the Emperor
It all depends on you

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Artistic expressions
1 1
I can see how North Korea copied Japan's militarism and called it "Songun" as a North Korean version of it.

But Japan is much more superior to North Korea in terms of being cool and having good songs, especially Imperial Japan.

I thought it just had Battotai and thats it, but now I see that Imperial Japan had lots of songs which are just awesome, so no wonder people wanted to fight for the Emperor.

I think Imperial Japan could have won WW2 if it didnt surrender, but it chose the more peaceful way to conquer world by anime.

It was a brilliant strategy approved by the Emperor.
32 5
Most people who grew up with educated parents are clueless about what they were given and how they were given it.

Thats because they dont know whats it like to grow up with uneducated parents.

Uneducated parents fail at reasoning and fail at having proper knowledge.

So their child doesnt have any valid starting knowledge to begin with, but is taught bunch of nonsense and false reasoning which screw him up later in life.

Most parents are uneducated and have no skills to educate.

However, AI will greatly help all children who have stupid, uneducated or retarded parents, and there are many of those cases.
6 4
Communism is based on theft and government controlling every part of person's life, destroying all individuality.

Communism destroys every society which even begins to move towards it.

There is no society which moved one step towards Communism without going many steps back in both well being and wealth of its citizens.

Every step closer to Communism was always another failure.

There is no point at which Communism works. Thats just fantasy.

There will also never be point at which Communism is government-less. Thats just lie designed to lure people and distance Communism from what it obviously is: government dictatorship.

People want Communism, because people approve of controlling other people's lives without realizing it opens path for their own lives to be controlled.

Communism is slippery slope.

This is the most important point which I must make.

Most people dont realize what Marx realized long time ago.

Every Communist policy harms economy.

But people are convinced that they live in Capitalism, because thats what Communists are telling them.

So when government makes a Communist policy, economy becomes worse.

When economy becomes worse, government blames it on Capitalism.

When government blames it on Capitalism, it gives government excuse to introduce another Communist policy to "fix Capitalism".

The new Communist policy again makes economy worse, and government again blames worsening of economy on Capitalism.

This causes cycle of 

"Blaming Capitalism for failures of Communism, then introducing more Communism"

To repeat until society collapses under its own lies.

Society punishes Capitalism for what Communism did, and introduces more Communism as a result, enabling even more failures and then again blaming Capitalism for something Capitalism didnt cause.

To put it in order of events:

1. Government introduces Communist policy

2. Communist policy makes economy worse

3. Government says worse economy is because of Capitalism

4. Government uses 3 as an excuse to introduce another Communist policy

5. Another Communist policy makes economy even worse

6. Government says that economy is even worse due to Capitalism.

Its a slippery slope, and any country moving one step towards Communism cannot stop on that alone, because Communism is vampire-like, the more it fails, the more it blames its failures on others, only to destroy others and cause even more failure.
3 2
Israel has killed much more more women and children in few months than Russia did in two years.

Israel is intentionally targeting schools, hospitals, homes, and civilians.

This does not come as a surprise to anyone who read history of Israel and decades of them abusing the Palestinian people, kicking them out from their homes, beating them up, and imprisoning them.

Anyone saying that Israel is justified in torturing and killing civilians is just a bad person out of touch with reality.

Israel has done everything it can to abuse civilians. It even denied them food and water.

Israel is committing crime after crime, yet the entire world just watches and no sanctions are being raised against Israel.
49 8
Here is a list of bad things:

1. Religion

2. Communism

3. God

4. Circumcision

5. Child birth

6. Cars

7. Meat industry

8. Smokers

9. Drug addicts

10. Alcohol addicts

11. Pedophobes

12. Homophobes

13. Transphobes

14. Trump

15. Joe Biden

16. Guns

17. Child spankers

18. Religious teaching

19. Compulsory education

20. Force

21. Non-acceptance

22. Narcissism

23. Wars

24. Hiding truth

25. Media

26. Electricity

27. Modern medicine

28. Scientific research

29. Factories

30. Farms

31. Animal cruelty
14 6
The words of the prophet are coming true

Sinner, what you gonna do 🔥🔥🔥

When mountains start falling down

And Sun no longer shines

The stars from the sky will be falling too

Sinner, what you gonna do 🔥🔥🔥

The Earth will begin to crumble, and rivers will all dry

The wrath of God is now coming too

Sinner, what you gonna do 🔥🔥🔥

When into the hell you are cast, and fire is burning through 🔥🔥🔥

Sinner, what you gonna do 🔥🔥🔥

When you are left at the bottom of hell

Crying too

Sinner, what you gonna do

7 3
I was thinking, maybe it would be beneficial for me to join some cult.

There are plenty of good cults out there offering membership.

I am too open minded, when I should instead be displaying blind obedience and let others think for me.

I was already in a Christian cult where Jesus is cult leader and you have to try to do all the nonsense he demands you to which no his follower even does.

Now I think maybe I should join some other cult, some cult based on blind loyalty to its leader who is also very cool and isnt fag like Jesus.

It can be some cult from anime. It doesnt have to be an existing person. After all, Jesus is still running his cult and he doesnt exist and probably never even existed.

Cult can have an imaginary leader. Thats how Christianity works.

You just need to take definitions of "proof" and definitions of "imaginary" and mix them up so that proof is imaginary and whats imaginary is proven and is real.

So definition of proof would be "that which is real" and definition of "real" is "whatever cult leader says is real."

That way, no one can disprove you or even understand your position, so you become invincible.

Just ignore all the basic laws of logic. For example, it is possible for me to both exist and not exist at the same time.

Why wouldnt it be possible? There is no reason to blindly trust logic when you can blindly trust your cult leader instead.

And if someone says it is not possible to both exist and not exist at the same time, I say it is both possible and not possible, so his argument doesnt even negate my position because my position isnt based on logic.

Thats what I learned from Christians. All logic is circular because you cannot prove your logic without using your logic.

But the truth is that logic is fake news made up by scientists to control the population.

They are the ones who made up vaccines and medicine.

I dont trust doctors, because any man putting his fingers in another man's ass cant be trusted.

I think Zvezda cult from "World Conquest Zvezda Plot" is a good cult to join.

It kinda works like Christianity, because its members stop using logic and blindly follow what cult leader tells them, even if it gets them in serious trouble or looks just idiotic to anyone who still has common sense.

4 4
I was wondering why there are so many stupid people in the world.

I figured if there was a reward for being smart and punishment for being stupid, people would try harder to be smart.

But what I discovered was a completely opposite case.

This society, as well as religious societies, punishes free thinking.

Karl Marx once said "We must doubt everything", which in reasoning means that we must doubt every premise, every evidence.

But this society literally teaches people opposite, that they should "think this way because someone says so".

Religious parents constantly make unproven assumptions in front of their children, and their children who are not capable of knowing what is unproven assumption get overburdened by assumptions and think they are true.

Any time children try to think on their own, parents jump in to correct them.

In fact, correcting children is the first mistake of many parents.

Logical thinking is a process in which pieces of puzzle are put together to form an answer.

But as soon as children try to think logically and try to find pieces of puzzle, parents jump in to correct them and give them instant "solution" to the puzzle.

So what do parents do? They prevent children from solving the puzzle through own thinking.

But it gets worse.

Children are mocked when being wrong.

The only way one can logically think is if he is not afraid of being wrong.

But this society literally punishes and mocks children any time they are wrong, which causes the following conclusion:

"To avoid being wrong and mocked, I must think less and just repeat what they tell me."

And that is the end of logical thinking in children.

Does society also punish empathy?

How do children lose empathy?

Empathy is, in simple words, ability to feel bad when someone suffers, and ability to feel good when someone is happy.

This simple definition of empathy is used to discover how society encourages opposite.

Parents are often happy when their children suffer, or dont feel bad when they hurt or mock their children.

So per definition, its opposite of empathy.

But it gets worse.

Parents often not only ignore how their child feels, therefore destroying the link of empathy between them,

but parents often teach their children to mock other children, get joy from pain, and hating someone else's success.

It comes often in common words where parents mock their children for not being as good as some other child.

So the message is:

"I should feel bad because someone is successful"


"I should feel bad because someone is more successful than me"

Per definition, this is opposite of empathy, because the reason you feel bad is because someone else is happy.

Then this creates opposite reaction where you feel good when someone fails, you feel more justified because you were taught that people who are better are more justified and should feel good and now you are better than that person, so you get happiness from their pain.

You are not happy because you succeeded. You are happy because someone else didnt.

This essentially raises children who have the opposite of empathy.

They dont feel good when someone feels good and they dont feel bad when someone feels bad.

They feel good when someone feels bad. They feel bad when someone feels good or feels better than them.

And to seal the deal on empathy, society teaches the famous "they deserved it" to completely end any remaining empathy.

"They deserved it" is equal to saying "dont feel bad because they feel bad".
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The Jewish Bolshevik arch-enemy has gone over to the attack with his masses for the last time. He attempts to smash Germany and to eradicate our nation.

You soldiers from the east today already know yourselves to a large extent what fate is threatening, above all, German women, girls and children.

While old men and children are being murdered, women and girls are humiliated to the status of barracks prostitutes. Others are marched off to Siberia.

We have anticipated this thrust, and since January of this year everything has been done to build up a strong front. Mighty artillery is meeting the enemy.

Our infantry's casualties were replenished by countless new units. Reserve units, new formations and the Volksturm reinforce our front.

This time the Bolsheviks will experience Asia's old fate. That is, he must and will bleed to death in front of the capital of the German Reich.

Whosoever does not do his duty at this moment is a traitor to our nation. The regiment or division that leaves its position acts so disgracefully that it will have to be ashamed before the women and children who are withstanding the bombing terror in our towns.

Above all, look out for the treacherous few officers and soldiers who, to secure their own miserable lives, will fight against us in Russian pay, perhaps even in German uniform.

Whosoever gives you a command to retreat is, unless you know him well, to be arrested immediately, and if necessary to be executed immediately, irrespective of his rank.

If in these coming days and weeks every soldier on the Eastern Front fulfills his duty, Asia's last onslaught will collapse just as in the end our enemies' penetration in the west will despite everything, come to nought.

Berlin remains German, Vienna will again be German and Europe will never be Russian.

Form one community, sworn to defend not a vain conception of a fatherland, but to defend your homeland, your women, your children and thus your future.

In this hour the entire German nation looks to you, my soldiers in the east, and only hopes that by your fanaticism, by your arms and by your leadership, the Bolshevik onslaught is drowned in a blood bath.

At the moment when fate has taken the greatest war criminal of all times from this earth, the war will take a decisive turn.


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I bought chickens about 20 days ago and there was not one egg for that time.

Yesterday I finally found one.

Today I find two.

Apparently, chickens need some time to start laying eggs.

I made sure to speed up the process by putting hay in coop so they are warm, making sure they have enough sunlight by letting them out early and having them be out until dark, feeding them a variety of foods, from chicken feed to wheat to grass and weeds and hay...

I even let them out of fence so they walk around where ever they wanna go and so they search food themselves as well.

I hope they start laying lots of eggs soon, because 3 per day just barely covers daily feeding expenses.
10 4
Lets first begin by perfect rules:

1. Do not cause pain

2. Do not cause destruction of life

3. Do not cause reduction in happiness

4. Do not cause reduction in freedom

5. Do not cause decrease in knowledge

These are perfect rules because they cannot contradict each other. They are most perfect rules to follow, as neither part of them contradicts the other.

Now lets move onto non-perfect rules:

1. It is good to reduce pain and not cause pain.

2. It is good to save lives and not cause destruction of lives.

3. It is good to increase happiness and not cause destruction of happiness.

4. It is good to increase freedom and not cause destruction of freedom.

5. It is good to increase knowledge and not cause reduction in knowledge.

These are non-perfect rules right now, because they contradict each other and one often excludes the other.

But if we unite them together, contradiction disappears:

"It is good to reduce pain and save lives and increase happiness and increase freedom and increase knowledge and not cause pain and not destroy lives and not destroy happiness and not destroy freedom and not destroy knowledge."

This is perfect rule, as it can only be applied when all of its parts are true, so there is no contradiction between them as they only apply when they all are true.

So this rule and first list of perfect rules can work together, because first rules tell what shouldnt be done while this one tells whats good to be done.
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After reading few pages of Ayn Rand, I am certain now that I shouldnt be a consequentialist.

Now, I wouldnt say I am very certain, but here is what I think.

People have life, freedom, pain, happiness..

It shouldnt be violated to uphold someone else's rights.

If person has right to live, by logic you cannot kill him even if it saves 5 people.

If person has right to painless life, you cannot cause him pain even if causing him pain prevents pain of millions of other people.

Now, of course, there are exceptions, but it does sound like a fine rule to go for to achieve it in greatest possible level.

Now, there is a difference between not causing pain and preventing pain, as causing pain requires you to exist to cause it, so not causing pain just means not to add to pain, where preventing pain means to act to prevent it.

So this moral system is based on lack of action like  "dont cause pain". Its not based on preventing pain like "act to prevent pain".

You can not cause pain while not preventing any pain either.
17 6
Smokers literally tell their children

"You should never start smoking."

Then the question

"Why did you start smoking then?"

I even heard stories of smokers beating their children when they catch their children smoking.

And to make it even dumber, smokers often smoke in same room where their small children are, not only poisoning them but also increasing chances of addiction and health problems.

Whats even dumber is that children of smokers are more likely to be smokers themselves, but smokers still refuse to "quit smoking to decrease chances of their children smoking".

So smokers are bad.

But are they stupid?

The most common argument of smokers, when I point out that smoking is unhealthy, is them saying "There was this guy who smoked a lot and lived 100 years." and "I only smoke a little.".

The first claim is so stupid that it literally causes physical pain in my brain.

The second claim is usually a lie, because when smokers say they only smoke a little, they actually compare themselves to biggest smokers they know.

For example, if I smoke 40 smokes a day, but someone else smokes 80, then I "only smoke a little.".

If this proves anything, its that smoking literally kills some parts of your brain so in some cases you cannot even form an argument as the damage is that severe.
19 5
Now, I am currently having a debate about why World Conquest Zvezda Plot is the best anime.

Acceptance as military strategy

The anime clearly shows acceptance being not only beneficial, but crucial to win wars.
A young girl Natalie is only interested in robots and technology and nothing else. This causes her to be mocked and rejected by other children, and even her own parents abandon her because how weird she is and how she makes them look bad.

Kate finds her and says to her "You are alone, so now you can do whatever you want. Will you join me and come on a quest with me to conquer the world?"

Kate accepted and protected Natalie, was always nice to her and never mocked her.
In return, Natalie gave technology to Zvezda which made Zvezda technologically much superior to its enemies, which was crucial for Zvezda winning the war in the anime.

So when society rejects someone, all they do is turn that someone into enemy of society, which is one of many great points this anime makes.

Show business
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