Miyasan Miyasan - My Prince, My Prince

Author: Best.Korea


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Miyasan Miyasan
Tell us if you may
Whats that flag that leads the way
Flying on your horse

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

This is the flag that rallies
Forward to battle sallies
Flag of the Emperor of the world

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Strike them down
Yes, strike them down
May the rebels all be vanquished
Who have dared defy the crown

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Aim with a steady hand
Yes, aim with a steady hand
And be not afraid now to
Destroy the rebel band

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Are these not those warriors high?
Those laureled fearless Samurai?
Who when they saw our forces coming
Turned and ran away

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Cheeks turning pale from fright
These "heroes" were put to flight
They fled from the castle walls
As fast as they could run

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Now to the battle chasing
Fearless, our foes we are facing
Courage and devotion
And to the cause stay true

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all

Fear not the sting of death
And fight to your final breath
You warriors of the Emperor
It all depends on you

Now subjugate them, subjugate them all