Predicted Victory Plan - Collapse of society through its own weaknesses

Author: Best.Korea


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Satan revealed to me how society will collapse, and I even get to watch.

The principle is simple, so simple and so obvious that no one figured it out because it was so well hidden in plain sight.

If people are allowed to do something, they are more likely to do it. Simple.

We see people harming society every day and being allowed to do that, and yet no one understood how millions of small daily harms sum up to one great harm to society as a whole.

Lets see the list of what people are allowed to do in modern societies.

People are allowed to:

1. Not reproduce

The most obvious harm to society is lack of new generations, as society cannot survive if no one has kids.
Sure, you could import migrants with lower IQ and raised in poor conditions and thus more likely to be harmful to society, but that is just further decline of your society.

2. Not live healthy

People who dont live healthy dont harm just themselves. They also harm their children, since unhealthy life is socially contagious and even heritable.

3. Not learn

Many people in society take pride in being literally stupid and having brain power of a fish. Since they are not forced to learn and not forced into high level thinking, they spread their inferior reasoning to others in society, since popular opinions take over quality opinions when there is freedom to be stupid.

4. Not contribute to society

Possibly the dumbest move of free nations is that its filled with people who are free to contribute nothing to their nation.

5. Not get stronger

This one sounds silly, but in the past, you were expected to get stronger and advance yourself. Today, you are just expected to cycle between work and rest, or between school and rest, causing many people to be physically weak or fat or not interested in building body.
Stronger also includes mental strength, which as already established, current population has almost none.

6. Not support military

Military is the only reason your society even exists, so freedom to not praise military contributes to military decline.

7. Not care for family

People actually have freedom to not give a shit about their kids, and despite being extremely harmful, its actually very common, and people are even allowed to abandon their kids to foster care.

8. Not sacrifice themselves for society

The worst possible idea that individual can possibly have is that he is more important than society.

9. Not care about society's survival

The very idea that so many people in society dont care if society survives, already hints about how much effort they will put for said society to survive.

10. Not work hard

People are allowed to be lazy, even rewarded for it through welfare.

11. Not indoctrinate children

The basis of all previous societies was to indoctrinate children to continue on the path of building society.

12. Not get punished for harming society

Plenty of people harm society every day. Smokers, drug users, cheaters, liars... almost none punished.

13. Not defend society, not promote society, not support society

Another very bad freedom is individual being allowed to not defend or support the country he so comfortably lives in.

14. Not think about how to improve society

This one is extra bad, because society cannot progress if no one has a plan on how to improve it. People today lack any plan, they just have imaginary goal with no idea on how to achieve it.

15. Not advance society technologically

Most people arent even capable of useful thoughts, let alone some technological discovery, but they often punish the smart people by calling them nerds and weirdos, which speaks volumes about their priorities.

16. Have too much compassion

Compassion often blinds people. People often do what is called as "harmful helping" or "helicopter parenting". They help others too much, so others grow dependent on them, which increases both welfare drain and social addictions such as following whats popular.

17. Give birth later in life

Probably the most idiotic freedom. Children who are born late just have great increase in amount of disorders.

18. Spread false information

The idea that someone can have free speech and talk lies just means someone else will believe his lies, increasing disorders in society.

19. Live at the expense of others

Probably the most ridiculous of all freedoms, but apparently, millions of people in USA are unemployed and live at the expense of others.

20. Hate his own society

If people are allowed to hate their society, then such society will have lots of people who hate it, which increases risks of civil wars or bad politicians being elected.

21. Move to other country

If people are allowed to leave society which created them and made them wealthy, and also send all money to other country, it adds a little bit to a decline.

22. Reward for being a victim, encourage victim's mentality

Being a victim is bad and by logic, bad things shouldnt be rewarded, or they are encouraged and people will pretend to be victims just to get rewarded.

23. Encourage coward's mentality

World belongs to the brave. By encouraging people to be cowards, it just means much less people make risks to improve society, and therefore society improves much less.

24. Encourage defensive mentality

Defensive mentality is one of the least useful mentalities for survival.
World belongs to those who take action, and the only reason you are alive is because your ancestors fought for survival and didnt just sit and wait.

25. Encourage weakness

Obviously, society should be made of mentally and physically strong people. But this society encourages weakness and coward's mentality through giving freedom and teaching incorrect lifestyle, such as playing video games all day, being fat or skinny, being withdrawn from society and not even having a social life, and even being afraid of challenges and new people.

26. Take from society more than he gave to society

Society survives because individuals give to it more than they take from it. But now, you have a situation where people take all comfort society gave them only to talk shit online and be useless in all areas of life.

27. Divorce

The idea that people are allowed to divorce and destroy their family and make their children into a more likely to be criminals and worthless members of society also adds to collapse.

28. Have too much luxury

Luxury is not a sign of prosperous society. Rather, the more wealth an individual has, the less wealth goes to defending and advancing society.

29. Promote ideas which harm society, promote behavior which harms society

Socially contagious behaviour is often that which harms society, and it is of no surprise that in this society, promoting such behavior is rewarded with social approval and with being labeled as a fun joke or a popular thing.

30. Put value of individual above value of society

There should never be a scenario where value of individual is above that of society, so any time society and individual come in contradiction, society should win. Today, it isnt so, as society is harmed so that individual can have fun.

31. Increase disorders, reproduce disorders

People are allowed to give birth even when fetus has severe disability and will be nothing but burden on society for decades, and by logic, the more people with disorders there are, the more such people will reproduce, and increase amount of disorders.

32. Waste society's resources

People are allowed to waste lots of resources on having fun and on useless activities.

33. Allow enemy to spread his propaganda in society

With free speech, enemy can spread his ideas into your society and keep trying and attacking until he destroys it.

34. Break rules often, encourage others to break rules

Society works only when people respect the law. But today's society more and more encourages small violations which when they add up, make big violations as their result.

It is not one of these which will cause society's collapse, but its that all of these elements are working at the same time to collapse society.