Capitalism and silly egg crisis which is a slippery slope

Author: Best.Korea


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Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
So after getting chickens, then I was faced with two options:

1. Feed them grains

2. Feed them scientifically made chicken feed which is much more expensive

Logically, in capitalism, you are supposed to reduce cost, however this particular case results in absurd contradiction to this traditional rule.

Chicken feed which is more expensive is also a complete food which improves egg's quality and number of eggs produced.

Now, most capitalists who are stupid beyond belief would go for a cheaper feeding option to reduce cost.

However, I went for chicken feed because I listened to my heart which says that chickens like chicken feed much more and are crazy about it, while they dislike grains such as wheat and are not much willing to eat them as quickly.

In just few days, what followed is that egg production increased from 3 eggs a day to 10 eggs a day, and many of my chickens started laying eggs.

While I was feeding them wheat, then their eggs were weak and tiny, and they often even ate their own eggs.

So I decided to take different meassures to improve situation.

By switching to a more expensive option of feeding them store bought chicken feed, then they not only stopped eating their own eggs, but the eggs got bigger too.

It seems that decreasing cost of production is not, as one might assume, always the best path.

Sometimes choosing a more expensive input option actually results in you having more output, where choosing less input equals more output.

So no, in Capitalism, it is not always logical to choose cheapest option or try everything to lower cost and it might even be bad for buisness.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Sometimes choosing a more expensive input option actually results in you having more output, where choosing less input equals more output.
A mistake here, I meant to say "choosing less input equals less output.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Most business owners are just as retarded as the general population, so yes they will attempt to cut costs like idiots. A good business owner will look at which option is more profitable and go for that option.

I am not shitting you when I say business owners probably get calls from sales people on a weekly basis who can show them how to increase profit. A sales man for example can prove beyond any doubt whatsoever that the $5000 solution they are offering will increase the business owners profit by $1000 a month for a total of 7k extra profit the first year, and the business owner you almost have to beg to take the deal and most still say no. They are legitimately retarded. You can see other options as well. A business will opt for mops for cleaning up after scrubbing floor with a very wet scrub. Something that may take 2 employees 1 hour to do. So it costs $40 a day to mop the floor up everyday of the week. so that is $280 for the week and  over $14k for the year, and it is still pulling teeth to get them to buy a 1k power vacuum that will save them over 12k a year and that is assuming you have to replace it once every 6 months.

These are really really stupid people running businesses in America, it's why anyone who is not a retard if they can get their hands on a lump sum of cash can easily dominate in the market. unfortunately those lump sums are hard to come by.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
It's so easy right?

Run one then.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
I did tell you that it was far easier and cheaper to buy eggs.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
It's so easy right?

Run one then.
I have ran them. I have been paid good money to run them and when I have, I have gotten the great results. I am so confident in my abilities that if somebody approaches me to run a business I think I could competently run than I will work for zero dollars and the only salary I will ask for is for 50% of the increases in profit from the prior years numbers. I would need to be confident their accounting is on point though .

If I wanted to at the moment with my resume, inside of the next 12 weeks I could likely run another business again if I chose to, unfortunately I am not a fan of 100 hour work weeks and dealing with assholes so it would have to be very good pay or the deal I mentioned above.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Here is some issues I have had with business owners.

1. Upon being put in charge of a restaurant I went through health inspections and noticed the criticisms were around certain fixes the owner could make but I was unauthorized to make. Those cheap fixes were dismissed and the business survived the next 2 years because I built up relationships with health inspectors and biased them. After I left the place was robbed because my security policies were no longer listened to and then failed a health inspection and had to be sold.

2. I was put in charge of a quick service place in philadelphia. The place did not rotate product properly so was losing money from excess waste, product was up too long and not fresh wasting more food product and losing sales. the drive through times were at 5 minutes. When I left I had food waste below $20 a day and drive through times below 2 minutes and not to mention the crew made minimum wage and had high turnover. I created a pipeline so I could promote my staff upwards quickly and spread them to other parts of the chain. This allowed for me to increase retention dramatically and save tons on training costs and prevent losses due to being short handed.

I have tons of ways that I make businesses more money. I do know how to run them, and if anyone has a business that is struggling just get in contact with me. If you are break even or losing a tiny bit of money, I am likely the answer to your problem. I have turned around places losing a tiny bit of money or who were break even before in an industry with a very small profit margin
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Ran past tense, got it
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
yeah, I didn't own the businesses but you should try it. I can help you with your resume and maybe help you bullshit your way into a position so you can do it at some level. I don't know whether you would be good at it or not but you can take a look at your actions and how those actions reflect on the numbers. Usually in those positions you have access to numbers where you can compare year over year profits. Allow a 5% increase for inflation but anything over the 5% is something you and your management team have done to increase sales unless you can attribute some blackswan event or large marketing effort outside of your control. If the marketing effort is always large though than, no you would still get credit for increases over 5% because their efforts likely only maintained. You could also look at how you contributed to the bottom line by keeping very good track of shrinkage, and shrinkage or waste could remove any benefit you created that goes  over 5% or it could push you over the 5% increase mark. So if you made no progress in increasing business but you dramatically reduced anything like labor, shrinkage or utilities than you have still created excess profit for the business that your predecessor couldn't have. If you aren't the head of the managing team you personally won't get credit without good politicking. They will, but you can see if your efforts have impact and whether they are negative or positive. Most good businesses will give you bonuses for increasing profit through those mechanisms so if you find one that does, you will have no reason to necessarily keep track yourself, they will and you can track whether you made a real difference based on whether you maxxed out your bonuses or not.

It is just a fact that a lot of people run businesses better than the majority of business owners, and smart business owners who are aware of this take the risk and remove themselves from much of the equation and hire good managers if their business allows for it. the one thing owners always seem aware of is your impact even if you don't so if you ever want to test your impact than you can always break some rules. Take a personal loan of $1000 out of the safe and return it 3 days later on payday.

Are you fired?

No, then you get the business good results and even when they are annoyed with you they will pretend they aren't and you can now start making decisions on their behalf that will further increase profits. Next step and one I should have did on multiple occasions but merely left instead. You just tell them that you want to leave and start building something, then they offer ownership options, assuming the organization is small enough and it isn't just some poor district manager whose hands are tied.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
You are how wealthy and successful at these multiple businesses you ran, so easily so simply profiting?
WyIted's avatar
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you don't get rich running businesses. Like I said 100 hour weeks and pay that was barely 6 figures. I am now studying so I can make that much in 40 hours. What happens in that situation is a lot of eating out, and I honestly was stupid and very busy so I essentially just signed my wife the paycheck over immediately. At acertain point I was getting frustrated with her because I worked so hard. I was like "I give you my money, our bills aren't crazy high why the fuck am I broke". Moral of the story I guess is I can't trust her with money. I was hoping not to deal with money because I find it dirty but I have to. I know make half that amount of money and work 40 hours and have more spending money. You do not get rich from making a business a shitload of money. You get rich by getting lucky enough to have a large sum of money so you can hire somebody like me to make you rich.