61 Laws Of Attack

Author: Best.Korea


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Now, some of you may be following 48 laws of power, but that book is obviously bad and honestly there is not much to learn there about being cool or anything.

However, I took a few days and wrote a much better book, so here it is.

Remember that this book is for self-defense only, and it includes high level strategies for both war, economy and trolling which most people wont even understand when they read them, but it will be useful to the gifted few.

61 Laws Of Attack:

1. Overwhelming attack

A strategy designed to use great destructive power to overwhelm defences, as overwhelming attack is most difficult to defend against.

2. Variety, many different attacks

Having plenty different ways of attacking is usually useful, as sometimes one way fails but other way succeeds.

3. Keep attacking, never stop

It would be a mistake to at any point become weak by stopping your attacks and giving your opponent chance to recover.

4. Attrition war, consistent attacks to drain resources

This strategy consists of forcing opponent to engage in long battle in which his resources are depleted more than yours are.

5. Blitzkrieg - Overwhelming rushed quick attack

This strategy consists of using great number of attacks all at once, in a so called lightning war, where the goal is to destroy opponent as quickly as possible by deploying massive concentrated attack quickly.

6. Great number of attacks

One should never rely on just one attack, but should have greatest number of attacks ready.

7. Deception, pretending to attack and fake attacks

Fake attacks are a strategy where you pretend to attack in one place, so opponent brings his defence or focus there, but the actual attack would take place elsewhere.

8. Always attacking

When at war, you should always be attacking so that opponent is always forced to defend himself and has to focus on defence.

9. Breaking defense

Your main goal should be that of breaking defense to destroy the enemy.

10. Total war

This strategy is usually described as using all dedication, resources and man power one has to destroy the enemy.

11. Attack in a different spot

Probably one of the greatest yet most simple strategies ever, as if you always attack in same spot, enemy will expect it, but if you change and attack somewhere different, then it wont be expected.

12. Destroy mind, destroy attack, destroy defense, destroy enemy

Your enemy is consisted of his mind, his attack, and his defense, to say it in simple terms. So destroying any of these can make it possible to destroy enemy.

13. Propaganda - repetition of words, sounds, and meanings

The ideological warfare is all about consistent message which you put in other people's minds to control them.

14. Surprise attack

This is one of the most important war strategies, as when you attack suddenly and surprise the enemy, then enemy has no way to prepare.

15. Ignoring before attack

Useful strategy which says that if you ignore your enemy, then he will lower his guard down and then you can attack.

16. Keep punching at it

Even when situation seems hopeless, a good attack brings hope.

17. Silence before attack

Your enemy should be clueless about your attack, and you should not give him the hint that you will attack him, and silence also builds some form of respect which can be used against enemy.

18. Turning from ally to enemy

There are cases where its no longer beneficial to be allies, so one can only end alliance and become enemies.

19. Turning from enemy to ally

There are also cases where you will obviously lose if battle happens, so its better to be allies until you gain enough attack power so you dont lose the battle.

20. Bait into trap

To lure enemy into unfavorable circumstances, where he fights at disadvantage, or in battle which is not good for him, is a useful strategy for war.

21. Sustain attack

Always remember to be able to sustain your attack so it doesnt run out of resources before you destroy your enemy.

22. Having history and studying it is important for learning

History makes all science possible, so it would be nonsense not to take notes and not to have history of actions to use for learning about warfare.

23. Destroy yourself to destroy enemy

At some point, you might be faced with the situation where in order to destroy enemy, you have to destroy yourself, and if you get destroyed regardless, then your choice is obvious.

24. Refuse to retreat

Retreat is a tactical disadvantage and always was, as by retreating you are using energy and letting enemy recover and capture.

25. Refuse to surrender or give up

Anyone who gives up will never succeed, as those who succeed are usually those who dont give up.

26. Create greatest attack possible using all resources available

Its important to create greatest attack possible, so that when you do attack, you have greatest attack at your disposal.

27. Expect of others to fight and attack

Dont just expect that others will attack you, but expect of others to attack for you.

28. Capture before enemy captures - expanding power - Expand before enemy expands

Those who capture territory or resources first gain tactical advantage, and this is common knowledge in warfare.

29. Invest in knowledge and production quality and quantity

Knowledge and production are two most important things, and producing more attacks is most beneficial, as is producing more strategies.

30. Risks which carry high rewards

There are times when you take small risks which carry great rewards, such as attrition warfare where small sacrifice results in great damage to enemy.

31. Experiments which give knowledge of strategy

Doing experiments is very important, as thats the only way to create new useful strategies.

32. Quick decision making and creating totalitarianism

Quick decision making is crucial in war where battles are won by those who make decisions before others do, and debating too much before attack can delay and ruin the attack, so totalitarianism wins over democracy in war.

33. Indoctrination of others to be obedient and willing to fight for you

In war, it is not just your own strength, but the strength of those who fight for you which also counts, and the more you indoctrinate others to be obedient, the more they will fight for you.

34. Psychological warfare

Take great interest in psychological warfare, using happiness, fear, confusion, hope, expectations, false information, and destruction of enemy's knowledge to your advantage.

35. Have desire for battle

You should always have a desire for battle, as thats the best way to be dedicated to battles and gain confidence.

36. Such is the way of life, only hardship, pain and strife

You should not be bothered by battles or sacrifices you must make, as such is the way of life, as we see in nature where animals are always fighting.

37. Infected ideologically

Its very useful to infect enemy with false ideas and bad ideologies to make him make bad self harming decisions.

38. Obeyed by force

Dont be afraid to use force to make enemy obey you, as that will give you more resources.

39. Deploy all power at once

An excellent strategy which says that you should not hold some attacks back, but attack all at once with all of your power.

40. Weakness which, when attacked, destroys enemy

Every enemy has weakness which when attacked, will destroy him, and your real work is finding such weakness.

41. Everything is going according to plan

Always have a plan and make sure everything is going as planned, and any negative deviations from plan should be corrected as fast as possible.

42. Draconian punishments for those who attack you

Dont be afraid to destroy those who attack you, as destroying them makes them example for others.

43. Destroy enemy completely

Sparing enemies is bad, as they will just fight against you again the next day.

44. Staying calm in speeches - long sentences

Staying calm when talking is important, both for propaganda purposes and for yourself.
Long sentences sound more calm than short sentences, and using connectives makes your speech flow in a calm way which destroys confidence of your enemies.
People who are educated dont sound smart and calm because they are telling the truth, but because they are using connectives such as "as, then, however, also, including, and, if..." to connect sentences to form greater long uninterrupted sentences which sound calm.

45. Dont wait to attack

Waiting to attack is usually bad unless it serves the purpose of creating greater attack than it would be if attacked at once.

46. Retreat only to lure enemy into trap or gain attack

The only time when you should be retreating is if it serves the purpose of either trapping enemy either gaining greater attack.

47. Surround the enemy - no escape

Surrounding is a popular military strategy which usually doesnt mean literal surrounding, but it actually means to make it so that enemy cant possibly escape.

48. Complete attack

Make sure to have complete attack which is necessary to destroy enemy. If not, then there is no point to attack.

49. Make detailed plan about destroying the enemy which consists of planned attacks

Details are important, as one who doesnt have detailed plan of attack is always at disadvantage, and one must also know where to put attacks, when to put attacks and in which order.

50. Make those more powerful than you into your allies

If someone is more powerful than you, then any attack on him is bad for you. However, if you turn him into your ally, then you can attack others who are less powerful than you.

51. Do things completely

Always do things completely in both studying, preparation and attack, as when you have total knowledge, then you know the outcome of a battle.

52. Attacking stops attacks

There is this false idea that attacking causes enemy to attack you, but the opposite is true, as when you are attacking it forces enemy to defend and reduces amount of strength and resources he has for attack.

53. Early attack

Early attacks are useful if you have the advantage over enemy, so you attack before he gains advantage over you.

54. Light attacks

Light attacks are mainly for attrition warfare, when they force enemy to use more resources to defend than you used for attacking.

55. No reluctance

Reluctance is greatest weakness, as not only it shows you have no confidence, but gives enemy time to build his.

56. No failure or mistakes

Mistakes are good if you learn from them, but the main goal of that learning is to eliminate mistakes.

57. Unpredictability - Changing - Shapeshifter

You should never do same thing over and over. Changing means that you are not only unpredictable, but you grow aware of possibilities and paths, where staying on one path makes you clueless.

58. Attack enemy before enemy attacks you

Waiting to be attacked when you know the enemy will attack you is stupid, and if you see the enemy pointing a gun at you, then you should not wait for him to pull the trigger, but you should attack first and destroy him.

59. Being calm

Its important to look calm even if you are not, as that breaks enemy's confidence.

60. Pretending to be weak or strong

Its very useful if enemy thinks that you are weak when you are in fact strong, and that you are strong when you are in fact weak.

61. Special Tactical Strategy

This relates to your regular attacks, consistent attacks which dont change and are always in effect, and strategies which you usually or always deploy. One must have both changes and consistency in his strategy.

RationalMadman's avatar
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ISIS manifesto
Best.Korea's avatar
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You are a smart man RM. ;)

Hero_In_Instatute's avatar
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wait, what genre or category does this post belong in?
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
62. Send the enemy cakes liberally sprinkled with polonium 210, as a peace offering.

63. Nuke the fuckers.
Hero_In_Instatute's avatar
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Hero_In_Instatute's avatar
oh military strategy and power