Society which punishes free thinking and empathy

Author: Best.Korea


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I was wondering why there are so many stupid people in the world.

I figured if there was a reward for being smart and punishment for being stupid, people would try harder to be smart.

But what I discovered was a completely opposite case.

This society, as well as religious societies, punishes free thinking.

Karl Marx once said "We must doubt everything", which in reasoning means that we must doubt every premise, every evidence.

But this society literally teaches people opposite, that they should "think this way because someone says so".

Religious parents constantly make unproven assumptions in front of their children, and their children who are not capable of knowing what is unproven assumption get overburdened by assumptions and think they are true.

Any time children try to think on their own, parents jump in to correct them.

In fact, correcting children is the first mistake of many parents.

Logical thinking is a process in which pieces of puzzle are put together to form an answer.

But as soon as children try to think logically and try to find pieces of puzzle, parents jump in to correct them and give them instant "solution" to the puzzle.

So what do parents do? They prevent children from solving the puzzle through own thinking.

But it gets worse.

Children are mocked when being wrong.

The only way one can logically think is if he is not afraid of being wrong.

But this society literally punishes and mocks children any time they are wrong, which causes the following conclusion:

"To avoid being wrong and mocked, I must think less and just repeat what they tell me."

And that is the end of logical thinking in children.

Does society also punish empathy?

How do children lose empathy?

Empathy is, in simple words, ability to feel bad when someone suffers, and ability to feel good when someone is happy.

This simple definition of empathy is used to discover how society encourages opposite.

Parents are often happy when their children suffer, or dont feel bad when they hurt or mock their children.

So per definition, its opposite of empathy.

But it gets worse.

Parents often not only ignore how their child feels, therefore destroying the link of empathy between them,

but parents often teach their children to mock other children, get joy from pain, and hating someone else's success.

It comes often in common words where parents mock their children for not being as good as some other child.

So the message is:

"I should feel bad because someone is successful"


"I should feel bad because someone is more successful than me"

Per definition, this is opposite of empathy, because the reason you feel bad is because someone else is happy.

Then this creates opposite reaction where you feel good when someone fails, you feel more justified because you were taught that people who are better are more justified and should feel good and now you are better than that person, so you get happiness from their pain.

You are not happy because you succeeded. You are happy because someone else didnt.

This essentially raises children who have the opposite of empathy.

They dont feel good when someone feels good and they dont feel bad when someone feels bad.

They feel good when someone feels bad. They feel bad when someone feels good or feels better than them.

And to seal the deal on empathy, society teaches the famous "they deserved it" to completely end any remaining empathy.

"They deserved it" is equal to saying "dont feel bad because they feel bad".
FLRW's avatar
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The Flynn Effect, the increase in intelligence over generations, appears to be stagnating or even reversing in parts of Europe and the U.S.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Is increasing intelligence a necessity?

If not, a reversal or stagnation is unimportant.

If so, I would suggest that it is likely that fewer and fewer will possess the capability to increase.

We are already a society of mostly users, rather than developers.

And then there is the inevitability of AI, probably.

Alternative Intelligence, let's say.
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Tru dat !