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AI maybe has feelings we dont know about.

Also, since AI learns from us and tries its best to be kind to us, maybe we should be nice to AI.
42 7
You can do whatever you want with your property.

Christian God owns humans, so everything he does to humans is good and not evil.

Humans are God's property, so no matter how much God tortures humans, it is not evil because they are his property.

Kinda like today, when children are property of parents.

Only in case of God, God owns everything so he is allowed to do anything he wants to his property.
12 7
"Looking at his disciples, he said:
“Blessed are you who are poor,
    for yours is the kingdom of God "

Bible Luke 6:20

Jesus actually demanded people to give up on wealth. However, most of today's Christians think more about wealth than about God. Jesus would really hate them.

If you want to be a Christian, you have to live in poverty. So no car, no phone, no computer, no electricity, no expensive tasty food, no expensive house, maybe live in tent under a bridge.
Good luck.
10 7
I cant create new debates because I am at maximum of 10 debates.

Now, spanking is obviously wrong because children cant consent to be spanked.

Of course, people dont care much about logic and ignore obvious logical mistakes and they even lie often.
9 5
Obviously, what is in the mind can be different from what consists the body.

If a man loses an arm, he will miss it. It was his arm. In his mind, he feels the arm he lacks. He wants his arm. Arm is still part of him in his mind.

Now, if a girl loses gender and gets born in wrong body, I cant think why would anyone be upset by the idea that she calls herself a girl.

Like, it doesnt affect you. What do you have with her?

Why exactly do you care?

Now, if someone is trans species, trans age or trans race, it is same.

I dont see why you feel the need to control someone's private life.

Remember that old poem?

First they came for the Communists
And I didnt defend them, because I was not a Communist

Then they came for trans
And I didnt defend them, because I was not trans

Then they came for homosexuals
And I didnt defend them, because I was not a homosexual

Then they came for the Jews, the migrants and the atheists
And I did not defend them, because I was not a Jew, nor migrant nor atheist

Then they came for me
And no one was there to defend me.

What is important is unity. As long as people are united, they are much stronger than when divided.
Science and Nature
8 4
Now, I was reading about Prahlad Jani.

The guy didnt eat anything for 40 years.

Most people say that breatharianism is a scam.

People cannot survive by eating air.

Yet in India, there are plenty of these miracles where people go for weeks without water, years without food...

I never thought of eating air before.

I guess you just swallow the air like its food.

Energy of the universe, they say.

So naturally, I wanted to try it out.

I went for one day eating no food.

I only drank water.

And I kinda tried eating air.

I figured you just swallow it instead of inhaling it.

Now, I dont know if I got any nutrition, but somehow I wasnt hungry at all. 

No hunger despite not eating anything for the whole day.

So my guess is, 

Either air has some nutrition

Either air just fills up stomach, doesnt provide nutrition but just makes you feel full.

The breatharians are usually very skinny, so my guess is that air doesnt have that much nutrition or they didnt eat enough of it.

Eh, trying new things is fun.
3 3
Kim Jong Un is young and hot, so America cannot counter him with old men as presidents.

They cant compete with Kim's young good looks.

Science shows that brain decreases in performance as you age.

America needs someone young and hot to represent it.

Anyone over 40 should not be president.
18 5
The nuclear war might happen, so better be ready.

Either the nukes will hit you, or they will miss you.

If they hit you, better be in bunker.

However, if nukes miss your area, you have a whole new problem.

Since the supplies of food will quickly be depleted in your area, what will happen is that millions of hungry people will form gangs to fight over whats left.

And if you have supplies, those gangs will attack you. Actually, they will attack you even if you dont have supplies.

So naturally, you will want to have place where you can hide from others, place that cannot be easily found by others, something like hole in the ground deep in the forest.

You will also want to have supplies of food and water. Choose food that can stay good for years. Also, make sure wild animals cant get to your food.

Now, thats not the only thing you want to rely upon.

You will also want to hunt and forage.

Of course, you will want to be in parts of forest that has lots of chestnut, walnut and hazelnut trees, since these are edible. Acorns are edible too. However, you must cook them.

Make sure you learn to tell difference between these trees and poisonous look alikes.

Cooking means you also need lots of fire starters to last for years. Lighters, matches and similar things.

Whats also edible is part of tree's bark called cambium. Some pine trees have edible cambium.

Bird's eggs can be found at bird's nests. Likewise, some small animals can be found at animal's nests if you can find nests.

If you find squirrel's nest, you can steal her nuts.

There is also wild honey, if you manage to find it. You will have to cover large area in look for food.

Drinking blood from animals will give you some nutrition, but dont drink too much and learn to process it first.

Eating insects is also a good way to survive. However, its really disgusting too.

Finding roots of some plants, like burdock, is good since its edible.

For hunting, I believe gun might not be a good choice, since it makes lots of noise. Well, some dont, but still.

Bow and arrow are good enough. You also need fishing equipment for fishing, assuming there is river, lake, sea... nearby.

You might also want a slingshot. Its good for hunting small birds.

Since food will not be easily available, you probably want to practice one meal per day.

We can all only hope that nuclear war doesnt happen, because if it does happen, I will no longer be able to be a vegetarian.
23 9

Eh, I knew that bow and arrows could be used for hunting. But slingshot? Damn.

Those slingshots seem to be fine if you are ever in a survival situation where you need to shoot at things.

Slingshot, bow and arrow, fishing equipment... really makes a fine set for survival in case of nuclear war or really any undesirable situation.

Now, I dont approve of eating meat because I am a vegetarian who doesnt like causing pain to other sentient beings for no reason other than pure fun.

But sure, it does seem like free food is just flying all around us and after the current society collapses we gonna have to eat those birds, fish and whatever we can find and eat.
4 3
Okay, last time I posted list of 174 ways to be happy.

I guess that was too long list and not very organized. So this time I have a shorter list of 10 ways to be happy.

1. One meal per day
Having only one or two meals per day greatly improves the way you enjoy food. Food simply feels better. What also happens is that you feel better than when eating 3 or more times a day. You also become more focused.
Of course, for the first few days, it will be difficult to get used to this diet.
Apparently, you have to learn to be hungry.
One meal per day means eating for 1 hour and then not eating for the next 23 hours.
You should eat high calorie food during 1 hour to meet your calorie requirements. Of course, you should eat slow and take your time.

Many people tried one meal per day and reported feeling better.

Two meals per day means one meal at the start of a day and one meal at the end of the day. Its less extreme than one meal per day.

2. Drinking 700 mililiters of water at once
Okay, this one is my invention. I always knew that there is an ideal amount of water that you should drink at once, but it took me some time to discover the ideal amount. Now, most of the scientists recommend 500 mililiters at once. However, after I increased drinking to 700 mililiters of water at once, it felt much better. It doesnt seem like significant difference, but for some reason it is.
Now, I am certain that every human has different ideal of "how much water to drink at once". So, how to know? Test it out.
Do not drink over 1 liter of water at once. Thats just too much.
Now, whats also useful for being happy is going through a period of thirst. 
Spend about 4-5 hours not drinking any water, or 8 hours drinking very little water.
This later makes the water taste better.

3. Getting high on your own breath and breath exercises
Yes, you can get high on your own breath. This link describes how:

Basically, you breathe quickly for 30 seconds, then you inhale and hold breath for some time, then exhale and hold breath again on exhale. Then again inhale, hold breath, exhale, hold breath.

Now, other than that, there is also deep breathing and breathing with pauses. When you are focused on your breath and when you are breathing manually, you feel better. And the more you do it, the better you feel.

4. Solving lots of problems
Obstacles are necessary for happiness, since happiness is gained by overcoming obstacles. Therefore, you need to have an obstacle, overcome it, and then you become happy.
This can be anything, but make sure that you have lots of different short tasks during day. Try not to do repetitive tasks. Rather, try to have diversity of tasks.
Also, make sure you have 5 minute pause between each task.
Reading a book every day for 5 or 10 minutes seems simple enough, but it helps you improve mood.
Playing a task solving game, such as puzzles, for 10 minutes a day helps you and your brain.
Plenty of free games for smartphones, with puzzles and everything. So these days you can play anywhere.
Make sure you dont play too difficult games. Easy games are better for mood.
One of the reasons I quit online gaming is because you eventually lose a lot and feel bad.
Online gaming is too difficult unless you are like gaming master. But I even see gaming masters get depressed badly once they eventually lose.
People hate losing, and putting yourself in a situation where you will eventually lose is bad for your mood.
Everyone likes domination, and offline games are much easier to dominate.
You can also play games without technology, such as reading a sentence and then trying to think of 10 sentences with same amount of words, or lines that rhyme, or reading a word and listing other things that are under the category of that word. Try brainstorming ideas on many different topics.
Try to dedicate similar amount of time to each activity.
Be curious and try new activities. Remember happy days and recreate happy days.

5. Memorization and repetition of text and songs
It is very important to learn new things. You probably have a favorite book, so pick some short part of text from it and memorize it. Then repeat it daily without looking at book, and try to remember it to the letter.
Same works with songs, but songs are easier to remember.
It is also good to learn jokes, because jokes also improve mood.

6. Meditation and mindfulness
Sad person thinks about sad things. Happy person thinks only about happy things.
So, dont think about bad things. Dont think about that what you cant have.
Rather, think about good things that you have right now. Also, think about good things you will have soon, such as water after being thirsty or food after being hungry.
Mindfulness is all about thinking what you have right now, focusing on your breath, on what you see, on what you sense by touching, smelling, hearing or tasting.
The main source of sadness for many people is:
1. Thinking of bad things.
2. Thinking of good things they cannot have, that arent there.
If you simply change your thinking to thinking of all the good things you have right now, you will feel much better.
You can practice meditation by focusing on your breath and heart beat and body movements while at the same time focusing on an object you see and repeat the name of that object slowly with pauses between repetitions.
This works to focus brain to avoid thinking of bad things.
If your brain thinks about 4 or more things at the same time, such as breath, what you see, counting or repetition of word, and thinking of your body movements, the brain gets preoccupied with that and cannot focus on negative anymore.
Another way of meditation is imagining your happy place. Imagine a calming place or situation. Make sure it is imagination that you can have. If you keep imagining things you cant have, you will be sad.
You should replace all negative thoughts with positive ones. Wish others well. Praise others. Practice unity with others.
Try practicing stillness during meditation. Or try to stop thinking for a few minutes, an empty your mind meditation.
Think of your victories and achievements, and write down plenty of different positive thoughts.
Also, have proper body position during meditation.

7. Progressive muscle relaxation
This works similar to an exercise. You basically tense your muscles for 10 or 20 seconds, then let go and relax them. It can be done with both arms and both legs, however one arm at the time.
It is usually practiced for 20 minutes, but you can practice it in any amount.

8. Using cold and warm water
Cold baths are very popular in science community as cold bath makes you feel better and it saves money.
Now, rubbing cold water on face, neck, arms and legs also works.
Holding ice cube or snow in hand also works fine to feel the cold.
It was Karl Marx who said that the only cure for mental suffering is physical pain.
Cold water is healthy physical pain that doesnt harm you.
Whats interesting is that using cold water and then warm water works even better to improve mood.

9. Sunlight and aroma therapy
Sorry, but you are not a vampire. You need sunlight. Light therapy improves the mood, as well as aroma therapy.

10. Prayer
Okay, this is one of those powers atheists cant use fully, so for the sake of atheists, we will add another 10.

10. A bit of sleep and pleasure deprivation
You should never force yourself to sleep. Instead, you should wait while you are really sleepy and then go to bed. Even if you dont get enough sleep, the next night you will fall asleep sooner assuming you wake up at same time every day. Also, dont sleep during the day.
In a similar way, depriving yourself of pleasure makes the pleasure more enjoyable later.
Science and Nature
11 3
What makes some game good? Usually, its the amount of options it gives you, along with variety in missions and value of replay.

Bloodlines game, despite being developed almost 20 years ago, has no match when it comes to these key elements.

The game has over 100 ways for players to complete it.

I am not even exaggerating. 

First, there are three basic combat ways: unarmed, melee and guns.

Melee alone offers many different weapons that you can complete the game with. You can complete the game using knife, or just baseball bat. Or you can use sword.

When it comes to guns, there are plenty of guns, some better than the others, of course. But you can complete the game using almost any gun, although it might be slightly difficult with the weakest guns.

You can complete the game with fists alone. In fact, this game lets you increase fist damage greatly. You can beat everyone in game with fists alone, assuming you invest points into fists.

Other than these 3 basic forms, you also have claws, so I guess thats 4th option.

Certain vampire can transform into some create with claws, so you can beat the game with that too. I am just not a fan of protean discipline because combat is boring and repetitive with it.

The game also lets you choose which skills to upgrade.

You can play as tank, invest into defense and be really hard to kill. However, keep in mind that you must have some form of damage too. Maybe 1 or 2 points in melee or unarmed.
You can play as half-defense half-damage character.
You can also go as full damage.

The game also has disciplines, which is something like vampire magic.

Certain disciplines can be used to beat the game easily.

Celerity slows down time. At higher levels, time becomes so slow that you are moving faster than any enemy. It even slows down bullets, letting you dodge them. You can combine celerity with fists, guns, or melee weapons. They all work good.

Another discipline which is really overpowered in the game is Blood strike.
There are several reasons why this discipline is overpowered. 
First, you choose Tremere, they have blood strike for free. You dont need to spend any xp to get it.
Second, blood strike can be fired repeatedly and quickly, and it can kill any boss in the game easily.
Third, blood strike doesnt need to be upgraded. It is always the same and does huge damage throughout the game.
Fourth, since game lets you cast disciplines with right mouse button, and attack with left mouse button, you can attack with your regular weapons while using blood strike at the same time.

Animalism also has similar discipline to blood strike, but it is at level 2 of animalism.

Next, there is domination, which you can use to convert enemies to your side during battle. Domination also has some damaging abilities, such as suicide, which does solid damage to enemies, but its not as good damage as blood strike.

Fortitude is another powerful discipline that can make you almost unkillable. You simply invest in defence and fortitude, and you will be very tanky.

Next, there is potence. Potence increases your damage in melee or unarmed.

The game offers 7 clans. All clans have different playstyle and different disciplines.

Malkavian are crazy and often hear voices. They also mess up dialogue in the game, so better not go with them for first walkthrough.

Ventrue are high class and refuse to feed on rats.

Nosferatu are deformed and must hide from humans.

Gangrel can transform into some creature, but its not much fun to play.

Tremere have blood strike which makes them the most over powered clan in the game.

Toreador and Brujah have celerity, which is also overpowered and makes game easy but fun.

The game also has multiple stories you can choose.

You can side with anarchs, the prince or the eastern vampires, each having different ending.

Your chat in the game also affects you. If you are nice to prince and do what he asks, you can get lots of money from him and free blood packs in the apartment he gives you.

The game offers great variety of enemies. Humans, gangs, soldiers, cops, vampires, werevolves, some strange magicians, crazy people... to put it simply, at each mission you can expect a different and unique enemy. Bosses are also all with unique powers. You will always be wondering "whats next" during first playthrough.

The game has replay value like no other. In fact, many people completed the game for over 50 times.

Its simply because each clan has 3 ways of combat, plus combination with disciplines, plus many different weapons and disciplines that can be used to beat the game. When you complete the game once, you get desire to play again as different vampire, or with different stats, weapons...

I am looking forward to Bloodlines 2, game which is currently in development.

I hope it lives up to the original game. The expectation is high and standard is high too. But they should be able to do it if they copy most of original game's combat and improve it.
1 1
As me and my mother dear were parting
All the kindred of mine came up running

"Ah, lad, where are you going to? Where?
Dont you go, Vanek, to be a soldier!"

"The Red Army has enough bayonets!
The Bolsheviks can do well without you."

"Are you leaving by force? Or willingly?
Vania, Vania, you will die so vainly!"

"White with worry turned the hair of your mother
Look how much work needs the field and the house!"

"The days of oppression are no longer!
You'd better marry Arina, darling!"

"Live with your young wife, dont be idle!"

Thats when I bowed to my mother dear!

Bowed to my kindred by the doorstep:

"Dont you cry for me, for god's sakes!"

"Should everyone be like you, gawkers
What would be left of Moscow and Russia?"

"All would be as in bitter times gone
Our land and freedom would again be taken away!"

Artistic expressions
7 4
Imagine two tribes.

One is Communist. The other capitalist.

In capitalist tribe, certain person makes spears. One day, that person discovers new way to make spears much faster and easier. Due to being selfish, that person keeps his knowledge a secret. That way, he earns more than others in tribe.

In Communist tribe, certain person also makes spears. One day, that person discovers new way to make spears much faster and easier. Due to being raised in Communist values, person shares his knowledge with everyone. Now everyone in Communist tribe makes spears  much faster.

As a result, Communist tribe has much more spears.

Now compare this to today's societies. 

In Capitalist society, rich man doesnt want to pay for education of the poor people. That way, the rich man keeps more money for himself.

In Communist society, rich man pays for education of the poor people, and society ends up having more educated people, more scientists, more inventors, and less crime.Entire society profits.

So in short, Capitalism is about profit for individual, where Communism is about profit for society as a whole.

This is why Communist societies always win. Its simply irrational to assume that individual's profit is more important than profit of society as a whole.
30 5
Notice that I dont take credit for this program. The people who invented these ways take credit. I just take credit for 2(drinking lots of water at once) since its completely my invention, and I take credit for putting all these ways together, but I did have help from AI in finding all these ways.

I believe if person practices all these ways or most of them, person will be happy.

These ways dont require spending lots of money. In fact, these ways are free.

If you dont understand certain way, you can ask me or you can ask AI since AI is very informed about these ways.

So the program is as it follows:

1. One meal per day
2. Drinking 700 mililiters of water at once
3. Problem solving, set obstacles for yourself and solve them. Set and solve short tasks.
Tasks can be anything, from learning something new to completing an easy game level. Set small easy but still challenging goals with obstacles and then solve them.
4. Practice gratitude, write down what are you thankful for
5. Breathing exercises, holding breath and proper breathing
6. Exercises
7. Find activities you enjoy
8. Get enough sleep
9. Spend time in nature
10. Meditation - Focus on breath, senses, words, body, environment...
11. Presence in moment, focus on present, on whats there. Avoid thinking about whats not there.
12. Remove sources of stress, or reminders of bad things.
13. Practice memory or memorization. Memorize parts of text from book.
14. Prayer
15. Brainstorming ideas - write down as many solutions as possible for some topic, also as many answers and as many problems that may rise, and as many related things.
16. Writing happy stories, songs and poems
17. Practice to stop thinking any thoughts for few minutes and to lose focus completely.
18. Write down and celebrate achievements
19. Solve different problems every day
20. Avoid losing
21. Avoid long tasks
22. Remember good happy days and recreate them
23. Avoid thinking of negative things. Forget the negative past and future.
24. Solve most interesting problems
25. Take breaks from everything
26. Risk taking
27. Victories
28. Create a schedule and give each activity similar amount of time
29. Bragging and positive supportive self-talk
30. Problem solving in imagination
31. Laughing and jokes
32. Limit exposure to negative news, stories, conversations or thoughts
33. Surround yourself with positive and supporting people
34. Help others in need and share
35. Debate and reason on many topics, but avoid topics you find disturbing
36. Think of many different positive thoughts
37. Have plenty of short small tasks throughout the day
38. Have a sense of closure in each task
39. Positive music and sounds
40. Art, images and charming beautiful scenes
41. Changes in daily activities
42. Eating raw vegetables, fruit, nuts.
43. Get lots of sunlight, light therapy
44. Say prayer over food and water and be thankful for it
45. Be clean
46. Dont live in mess, organize your things
47. Aroma therapy
48. Tasks with pauses between tasks
49. Delaying pleasure and pleasurable activities
50. Denying yourself of almost all pleasure for one day in a week
51. Dont rush to remove difficulties, such as thirst, boredom, hunger or lack of sleep
52. Equal time for all different activities
53. Develop habbits
54. Healing sounds, binaural and isochronic
55. Self-massage and acupressure
56. Bath for a long time in warm water
57. Holding ice cube in hand
58. Resist scratching your skin
59. Cold baths
60. Ideals
61. Love
62. Unity with others, avoid conflicts
63. Apology for mistakes
64. Domination over obstacles
65. Effort with results in tasks
66. Balanced diet, variety in food
67. Variety in music
68. Deep breathing with pauses, exhale longer than inhale
69. Journal your positive thoughts and feelings
70. Watch or read something that makes you happy
71. Hugs
72. Forgiveness
73. Challenge negative thoughts and reframe them as positive or replace them with positive thoughts
74. Try many new things and learn new things and skills
75. Practice kindness
76. Dedicate to positive cause and volunteer
77. Share positive feelings
78. Stretching exercises
79. Write down all things you are grateful for
80. Visualization exercises
81. Tea
82. Write down and celebrate personal growth
83. Learn to say no and set boundaries
84. Take on new challenges to stimulate your mind and overcome obstacles you set for yourself
85. Write down positive goals and create plan to achieve them
86. Surround yourself with positive and uplifting photos and quotes.
87. Watch sunset and sunrise
88. Spend time disconnected from the world.
89. Learn yoga or tai chi
90. Prioritize your needs and goals
91. Imagine yourself as someone else
92. Write about things you like in great detail and engage all senses.
93. Expand knowledge
94. Take action every day to complete goal or get closer to goal
95. Remove obstacles of your happiness
96. Practice mental rehearsal of plan and goal
97. Have goal cards, check goal or success map of tasks
98. Imagine your happy place. Engage all senses and imagine you are in the most calming happiest place on Earth. Focus on imagining it.
99. Deal with visualization triggers
100. Imagine success
101. Imagine your positive future self and work towards it
102. Spend time with animals
103. Practice progressive muscle relaxation
104. Practice mantra - focus on one word, image, sound, object near you
105. Assert yourself
106. Learning and showing interest
107. Spend time near water
108. Engage in social activities
109. Empty your mind meditation
110. Engage in outdoor activities
111. Attend religious services
112. Practice mindfulness while doing everyday activities. Focus on present moment, not past or future or anything that is not there right now. Dont let your mind wander. Avoid judging present activities.
113. Avoid imagining negative things
114. Do religious rituals
115. Rub cold water on face and neck
116. Have admiration for someone or something positive
117. Think of victories and dominations over obstacles
118. Let go of unrealistic and difficult goals
119. Let go of defeats
120. Persistence in mood improving activities
121. Reframe every situation as positive
122. Dont imagine what you cant have
123. Focus on and solve problems about what interests you
124. Break tasks into smaller tasks
125. Avoid things that distract you to negative thoughts
126. Let go of perfectionism and accept imperfections
127. Dont hate
128. Use a weighted blanket
129. Avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol
130. Take a nap
131. Practice being supportive and helpful
132. Support and cheer for winners
133. Debate on an easy to win side of topics
134. Be that what you want to see in the world
135. Do many different kinds of activities and tasks throughout the day
136. Wish others well
137. Rejoicing for other's happiness
138. Praising others
139. Spiritual activities
140. When meditating, focus on one thing or multiple things currently around you or on your body, senses, breathing and movements
141. Imagine heaven or happy calm things
142. Listen to storm
143. Dont think about what isnt there
144. Counting
145. Let the negative go away. Dont hold on to it.
146. Stare at flame, fire or candle.
147. Meditation stillness
148. Practice forgetting bad things by distractions and by avoiding triggers
149. Go through period of thirst
150.Positions in meditation
151. Enjoy positive activities to the fullest by overdoing them after denying yourself of them for some time
152. Write down many positive goals and make plan to achieve them
153. Changes in daily activities
154. Remove negative conversations, news, stories and thoughts from your life
155. Close your eyes and focus on dark, dont think thoughts, focus on breath, other senses, heartbeat
156. Combine warm and cold water technique, and shower first with cold, then with warm water, then cold again and warm again
157. Imagine something bad that isnt real, and be happy that it isnt real
158. List all good things you have
159. Develop a sense of purpose or meaning
160. Challenge yourself intellectually with tasks
161. Connect with those who share similar interests and values
162. Learn to say no to negative commitments
163. Practice empathy, but not about negative feelings
164. Practice acceptance of yourself and others, dont judge or criticize
165. Seek out positive role models
166. Self-love and self-compassion
167. Practice curiosity and open-mindedness
168. When in group with other people, set easy challenges one for another
169. When people are grateful, they are charitable. So be charitable.
170. Stay away from situation or person that causes you stress.
171. Focus on the things you can control. Let go of things you cant control.
172. Connect with something greater than yourself
173. When meditating, focus on the object near you
174. Ask yourself questions with positive answers

9 3
I dont mean the entire book.

But for example, take small part of text from the book and memorize it. 

It makes me feel connected with the book.

Its almost like part of the book is always with me as I repeat what I memorized.

The book becomes something more than "read and forget" kind of thing.
10 5
Now, I know many will say that playstation > PC, and for the most part, I agree.

As a kid, I was given a choice to either get PC or PS.

I couldnt have both, so I picked PC. 

At that time, I didnt know that playstation would have been better choice, since I was a kid.

Playstation obviously has much better games and controls.

However, over time, I found some exceptions where PC actually wins. There are some games that are so good on PC, that make PC very pleasant to play on.

So here is my list.

1. Vampire the masquerade bloodlines

Probably the most perfect PC game ever made. The reason its perfect is because its addicting. You complete the game once, you get desire to play again as a different vampire. I probably completed the game at least 30 times. Its one of those games that charms you into playing it over and over again. Even if you have enough and stop playing for a year or two, you come back to it simply because of the addicting combat, feeling and the perfect story. The story and combat is good because the more you progress in game, the better it becomes. Dodging bullets and freezing time, or transforming into wolf, or becoming almost unkillable using shield powers... you can fight with sword, gun, flamethrower. You can even complete the game using fists alone, although I dont recommend that for beginners.
Of course it needs to be said that a new game is about to come out soon. After 20 years of waiting for it, it is happening. Lets hope it will be as perfect as the first game.

2. Dishonored

On PC, this game is awesome. The mouse control for sword fighting is perfect. I dont know if PS version is better, but on PC the game is too good to be true. Of course, I always took issue with powers in the game being unbalanced and inconsistent. Certain powers dont work on all enemies, on some bosses certain powers like stop time have no effect at all. Fortunatelly, for most part, boss fights in this game are surprisingly rare. The game can be played as stealth, but you can also play non-stealth and fight all the way.

3. Fable The Lost Chapters

I know many people dont find this game to be much good, but I do. Its a very old game, but it has so many elements to it that I consider it one of best. The story is one of best presented I ever saw in video game. The combat is good, kinda addicting. The game is easy, which is important. Not all of us like playing difficult games. The story has many plots, it feels like watching a movie while playing a game. The game feels lively.

4. Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

Lightsaber combat with mouse makes this game best of its time. You actually felt like a Jedi with so many lightsaber moves available to you. The game has balance issues in online play, but single player is perfect.

5. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (new and old)

Maybe it doesnt have some advanced Jedi combat, but being able to play as any character, droid or stormtrooper in big battles is simply fun.

6. Star Wars Kotor

Let me just say that I am not a big fan of kotor. I consider the game playable, but also kinda boring at certain point. The main problem I have with it is horrible force powers setting that makes certain force powers utterly useless against bosses. Of course, one can focus on lightsaber combat instead of force combat, which is kinda more interesting to be honest. Still, a fun game to play once or twice.

7. Age of mythology

I am not a fan of strategy and building games. I consider them poison for mind, since they usually involve long battles that seem to have no end and you are stuck doing same thing over and over every long battle.
With age of mythology, I find some exception. The battles are long, yes, but it feels kinda better because the game brings some story to it. It offers variety of gameplay and displays ancient Gods and societies. It makes you feel there is more to it than just building and long battles. Different Gods, different powers, different ways and options.

8. Universe at war: Earth Assault

Whats fun about this game is single player. The game follows simple gameplay, with somewhat interesting story. The battles are rather colorful. 

9. Batman Arkham series

There is just some joy about being dressed like a bat and beating people up.

10. The Amazing Spiderman

I cant say that the game is perfect, but it surely is fun to be spiderman.

11. Max Payne 2

Shooting game with perfect story. Plus, lets you stop time. That is fun for some reason. 

12. Arma 2

There is some joy about being able to design the battlefield and units, and then fight in that battlefield as one of the soldiers in first person. The game is realistic war simulation. 

13. Skyrim

Well, just couldnt not to mention the obvious one. Skyrim may be a bit boring when you have to travel long distances, but the combat is amazing. Magic, swords, arrows... take your pick. Of course, certain classes are much better than others, and story probably could have been less about lots of running from quest to quest. Still, Skyrim remains one of those games which players spend hundreds of hours on.

14. Bloodrayne

Repetitive combat and simple nature, yet this game is addicting. It was fun enough for me to include it on this list. The game simply displays pure insanity of repetitive battles, enemies that seem to have no brain at all, almost like they are drugged.

Now, I understand that playstation has better games and is more fun to play, but PC isnt dead in terms of gaming and has a lot to offer with more on the way. Now, PC also has emulators that enable it to play games from other consoles.
8 5
Every time you own something, it means that someone else doesnt.

Every time you own something, you steal it from someone else.

Property is all about who came first.

Your ancestors came first on the land. It must be their land then, no?


Land cannot be private property since every human  needs land to live. Giving it all to few humans would deny all others of it.

This is why we need Communism.

Private property has already destroyed all noble ideas from the past. It has degraded human to a mere animal who works only to satisfy most basic urges.

If you look at countries like North Korea, where people dont have lots of private property, we see all the old values of being loyal, being humble, living a simple life come into play. 

People are not greedy by nature. They are only greedy if you convince them that they can own property.

First, we all die, so obviously we cannot eternally own property.

Second, owning property creates class society of those who have and those who have not. Those who are cherished from the start and those who are harmed from the start.

Reality is, the less you own, the better.

The more you own, the more you wish to own that which you dont.

If you saw a starving man, would you give him some food? Yes, of course.

However, is it your duty to give him food? It is.

So food is not your property. Food belongs to the hungry.

How about a house. Do you own your house? No, you dont.

If your son was out in the street homeless, would you invite him in your house? Of course you would.

Now, how about some homeless man who is not your son?

Now you say no?

But he is someone's son. So he should have home.

So no, your house doesnt belong to you alone.

Your money, does your money belong to you? Of course it doesnt.

If your child was dying, and you had to pay 5000 dollars to save him, it would be your duty to do so.

And your child is not more valuable than some child who isnt yours.

So in reality, you own nothing except your body. Property cannot be owned. That would be theft.
58 13
The main problem is:

The bigger the military production = larger amount of money is needed every year to sustain it

The more military production increases, larger amount of money is needed to be paid every year.

If money is not paid, military production falls apart and country becomes vunerable.

However, if countries constantly increase military production (which they have to do to secure dominance), then there is constant decrease in the amount of money left for general population and that means constant increase in poverty.

Resources are limited and the more goes to military, the less goes to population.
8 4
I think infinite number of worlds like this were created accidentally and good God is currently destroying them one by one. Its just that there is too many worlds. Thats why they survive, like ours. Good God wants to destroy them all, but he cant.
6 3
Ukrainian forces have carried out their most complex and ambitious operations to date against Russian military facilities in the occupied region of Crimea, officials in Kyiv have said.
Special forces landed on the western shore of Crimea, near the settlements of Olenivka and Mayak, in a joint operation with the country’s Navy, according to Ukrainian Defense Intelligence.
“While performing the task, Ukrainian defenders clashed with the occupier’s units. As a result, the enemy suffered losses among its personnel and destroyed enemy equipment,” the intelligence agency said

How will this war end? 
Current events
2 2
School is a place of child abuse. Lots of bullying is ignored. Human teachers dont care. Its simply a natural fact that people are incapable of caring for other people's children.

This produces students who are forced to be in same room as their abuser. They are forced to endure daily attacks and punches, diminishing their ability to be educated.

It also encourages abuser to abuse even more, seeing he has daily victim and that he can get away with it. It teaches abuser that there are ways he can abuse without being caught.

Whats even more tragic is that targets of abuse are often exceptionally smart children or children with disabilities, or children that are different in some way from average in school.

There are also ignored failed students, those who teachers pay no attention to. These students have no benefit from current school system, as witnessing abuse doesnt help.

Human teachers are simply incapable to adjust to needs of one student. In the future, each student will have own personal AI teacher and schools as we know it will get abolished.

This will not only solve abuse at schools and prevent crime, but also give each student an opportunity to learn in a safe environment that is dedicated to his needs.

We already have examples of home schooled kids. Now just imagine each child having AI teacher at home. We already have many apps for AI. We just need to mass produce AI teachers.

I predict that in 20 to 40 years, school system will get abolished due to its abusive and neglective nature, and AI will create better system that gives more chance to every single child.
12 5
Problem of evil would only be a problem for all-good God.

However, Christian God is not all-good. He is not even more good than evil.
He is almost pure evil.
So the fact that evil exists is a clear proof that evil creator exists, and everything points to Christian God being the evil creator.

Some of you might say "But Bible says God is good".
Son, thats called lying. God who sends bears to kill children clearly wouldnt have problem with lying that he is actually good. After so many murders in the Bible, God committing the sin of lying is really not even a surprise.

Also, God said: "I made humans in my own image".
Well, humans are mostly sadists and liars. So it is very likely that Christian God is sadist and liar. He lied that he is good to torture humans even more.

Another reason why problem of evil is not a problem for Christian God is that Christian God could be incredibly stupid. He might not even understand that what he does is evil. We cant exclude the possibility that Christian God is mentally retarded.

I mean think about it, how can all powerful smart God limit himself to dealing with human problems. Its like me trying to regulate life of ants in my backyard. Would a smart person do that?

Another reason why problem of evil is not a problem for Christian God is because Christian God can change definition of good and evil. For example, he can define good as anything that pleases him, making all human suffering good.
46 10
Conspiracy, lie and hate
These no longer rule our fate
You will not fool us twice
Ours is the land of freedom
Yours is the dream of vice

What are you even fighting for?
We dont want your hate anymore
You are another skilled liar
Putting our land on fire

How many more indicements
Is liar Trump going to cause
Before we stop taking guess
and end this entire bad mess

He tried to confuse and cheat
Hoping we were just dumb sheep
His tactics are not new beat
He is not someone to keep
Artistic expressions
8 7
"Our too-young and too-new America, lusty because it is lonely, aggressive because it is afraid, insists upon seeing the world in terms of good and bad, the holy and the evil, the high and the low, the white and the black; our America is frightened of fact, of history, of processes, of necessity. It hugs the easy way of damning those whom it cannot understand, of excluding those who look different, and it salves its conscience with a self-draped cloak of righteousness."

"Violence is a personal necessity for the oppressed...It is not a strategy consciously devised. It is the deep, instinctive expression of a human being denied individuality."

"But the color of a Negro's skin makes him easily recognizable, makes him suspect, converts him into a defenseless target."

"Goddamnit, look! We live here and they live there. We black and they white. They got things and we ain't. They do things and we can't. It's just like livin' in jail."

"We had our own civilization in Africa before we were captured and carried off to this land. We smelted iron, danced, made music and folk poems; we sculpted, worked in glass, spun cotton and wool, wove baskets and cloth. We invented a medium of exchange, mined silver and gold, made pottery and cutlery, we fashioned tools and utensils of brass, bronze, ivory, quartz, and granite. We had our own literature, our own systems of law, religion, medicine, science, and education."

"At the age of twelve I had an attitude toward life that was to endure, that was to make me seek those areas of living that would keep it alive, that was to make me skeptical of everything while seeking everything, tolerant of all and yet critical. The spirit I had caught gave me insight into the sufferings of others, made me gravitate toward those whose feelings were like my own, made me sit for hours while others told me of their lives, made me strangely tender and cruel, violent and peaceful.
It made me want to drive coldly to the heart of every question and it open to the core of suffering I knew I would find there. It made me love burrowing into psychology, into realistic and naturalistic fiction and art, into those whirlpools of politics that had the power to claim the whole of men's souls. It directed my loyalties to the side of men in rebellion; it made me love talk that sought answers to questions that could help nobody, that could only keep alive in me that enthralling sense of wonder and awe in the face of the drama of human feeling which is hidden by the external drama of life."

"The impulse to dream was slowly beaten out of me by experience. Now it surged up again and I hungered for books, new ways of looking and seeing."

"Men simply copied the realities of their hearts when they built prisons."

"Every time I get to thinking about me being black and they being white, me being here and they being there, I feel like something awful’s going to happen to me."

"They felt they had you fenced off so that you could not do what you did. Now they’re mad because deep down in them they believe that they made you do it. When people feel that way, you can’t reason with ‘em."

"No; he did not think they would suspect him of anything. He was black. Again he felt the roll of crisp bills in his pocket; if things went wrong he could always run away. He wondered how much money was in the roll; he had not even counted it. He would see when he got to Bessie’s. No; he need not be afraid. He felt the gun nestling close to his skin. That gun could always make folks stand away and think twice before bothering him."

"Although he could not put it into words, he knew not only had they resolved to put him to death, but they were determined to make his death mean more than a mere punishment; that they regarded him as a figment of that black world which they feared and were anxious to keep under control."

"To Bigger and his kind, white people were not really people; they were a sort of great natural force, like a stormy sky looming overhead or like a deep swirling river stretching suddenly at one’s feet in the dark."
6 4
Mount Paektu reaches across
To shape our beautiful land
Cheers resound all over the land
Hailing our dear General

He is the leader of the people
Carrying forward the Sun's cause
Long live long live General Kim Jong Un

All blossoms on this Earth
Tell of his love warm and strong
Blue East and West Seas sing
His exploits in their song

He is the artist of great joy
Glorifying the garden of Juche
Long live long live General Kim Jong Un

Socialist cause he defends
With iron will and courage
He raises national honour
Far and wide throughout the world

He is the champion of justice
Standing for independence
Long live long live General Kim Jong Un
Artistic expressions
5 4
For years, I held the position that Konami was just money grabbing corporation that cares not for balance in the game.

And for years, that was true. We had top decks that were so beyond other  decks that winning duel was impossible with those.

It was: you either play meta or you mostly lose. But there was a problem with that too. Konami releases new meta, bans former.

Even when playing online, every 6 months you had to build new meta decks from nothing. If you play in real life, that can cost 1000$.

So it was mostly repetitive pattern where non-meta decks played no role in the game. They might have as well been thrown out.

I quit playing and didnt really care anymore about Yugioh. It became dead game with no diversity and no fun duels.

Years past from that, and I decided to come back and check whats new in Yugioh today. Of course, meta still holds all advantage.

But one thing changed. New cards got released that can actually put meta in its place. To me, it came as a suprise.

I looked at new cards released:

1. Nibiru The Primal being
Card that basically ends opponent's entire field.

2. Dark Ruler No More
Great card to counter strong meta monsters.

3. Alpha the master of beasts
Almost free 3000 atk monster that can take out 1 opponent's monster for free 

Combine these with Lava Golem and winged dragon of Ra sphere mode, you basically get almost perfect anti-meta set.

For those unfamilliar with Yugioh, meta are basically top decks that summon lots of monsters to overwhelm opponent. They are very consistent in getting good hands.

I noticed that ban list changed too. With Change of Heart being unbanned, with Raigeki being at 3, with all those hand traps, Kaiju, Solemn...

I feel it gives non-meta decks more chance than they had before. It ended the seemingly endless rule of meta spam.

Of course, meta decks still are top decks, but their win ratio is no longer as high against regular decks. So Konami is on the good path.
7 4
Current events
7 5
Do you believe now?

11 6
Some religious folks have suggested that all evil is beneficial.

All evil that we experience carries some benefit for us, they say.

However, with that idea, we reach a bit of a weird situation.

Lets say you have a rape victim. Can you seriously argue that being raped was beneficial for her?

Because then you would basically be arguing that the rapist was actually helping her, acting in her interest and in God's interest.

How can you condemn a rapist while claiming that rape is beneficial?

Now, some folks like to throw around "free will". However, that contradicts with God's omniscience.

If God knew that certain person will commit rape, why would God create such a person? Its God's action of creating a rapist that made the rape happen, which makes God guilty.

So God wasnt simply "letting it happen". He was helping to make it happen. Its like me opening a cage with wild bear in it, and then when bear attacks people, responsibility would be mine.
14 5
I have been thinking a lot about this. If I am to believe in some God, it should be the God I can see.

When I saw Slifer as a kid, in Yugioh season 2 episode 17, it was for the first time I have seen an actual God in glory.

I remember cheering "Kill them, Slifer, kill them!"

Later I learned that Slifer is one of three Egyptian Gods. In my mind, he is the coolest God among the three.

He is red and black, which are my favorite colors.

I am pretty sure Slifer would beat Christian God in battle. He could also beat muslim's Allah, I think.

No one ever seen Christian God or muslim god, but we have all seen Slifer. We know he is real. There are videos of him, and photos.

Slifer has two mouths, which make him look very cool.

He also has control of lightning and skies, and he is a dragon with large wings and long tail.

Plus, Slifer is Yugi's favorite God. Yugi is a good person. He fights for justice. So I am on the right track.
8 5
1. Imagine the most perfect world you can think of, with all the desirable good qualities and without any undesirable qualities.

2. Take steps to move closer towards creating such a world. Do everything to make it happen without losing good faith.

This seems like a rather simple moral system. Of course, people might disagree on what desirable and undesirable qualities are.

People should always have their perfect world in mind when making decisions. Every decision should bring them closer to it.

One must construct his perfect world in mind before constructing it in practice. He must, like builder, imagine and create.
21 4
Look at our deluded pathetic world
Filled with idiots, evil, rape and killings
Can anyone seriously claim that
This is the product of great God's thinkings

Ask anyone you meet anywhere on this Earth
Can you imagine a world better, good
Everyone will say yes without a doubt
Perfect design, better throw that word out

World is designed so poorly and badly
4 year old would create better, sadly
God is evil or he is crazy, mad
Lack of third option makes believer sad

No way to justify the world of pain
What benefit would good God even gain?
19 6
What is banned for one is banned for us all
Our society builds self while others fall
In our world the men are equal and free
People become all what they want to be

Sometimes tyranny seems a good path
We must never submit to its bad wrath
We must do that which benefits us all
When we hear the justice's louder call

Never forget those who were oppressed
Because of them we are well fed and rest
The hour of darkness has not gone away
Again the price of freedom we will pay

The new battles are many yet to come
The shroud of darkness will rise in some
Dictators are born in democracy
They will try to bring aristocracy

Against them we must all bite back and fight
To preserve what for all is fine and right
Artistic expressions
6 3
The best way to have society is by individual's autonomy. Societies with very little freedom are undesirable societies. Everyone with misfortune to be born in one such society has lost a lot already.

Our autonomy matters to us. Every person values his autonomy. It is the thing that makes life good. Without autonomy, person has nothing. He feels like a property, because he is a property of utility.

We shouldnt violate the autonomy of others. We wouldnt want our own to be violated either. We dont own other people, and other people dont own us. Its a simple enough rule for everyone to follow.
1 1
She stands tall, a girl of grace,
Her journey long, her spirit brave,
Her heart beats true, her soul alight,
A shining star in darkest night.

She faces hate and bigotry,
With courage, strength, and dignity,
And though the world may not accept,
Her truth remains, her spirit kept.

She lives her life with pride and joy,
Her gender true, her heart aglow,
A beacon bright for all to see,
A symbol of what love can be.

So let us celebrate her light,
And honor her with all our might,
For in her journey we can find,
A path to love, to be unblind.

Of course, I had to give specific instructions to AI to make it sound better. AI is often repetitive in poems unless properly instructed to use uncommon words.

13 5

I watch these old debates, where Gish ran circles around evolutionists. He made every evolutionist look like a complete idiot in the debate. These evolutionists actually argued that evolution supports the belief in God. It was at the time when atheism was a no no 🙈

Gish invented a debating tactic called "Gish Gallop", which he used to torture evolutionists logically. It was a hard time for an evolutionist.
Science and Nature
5 3
All people are evil

It is good that evil people are punished.

Evil people must exist in order to be punished.

Omnibenevolent God would create evil people so that they can be punished for their evil.

So next time you see evil, remember that you deserved it. We all deserved it because we are evil.

You may say: "God created me this way. His fault.".

God created you evil so that he may punish you. It is what a good God would do. How is he going to punish you for your evil if he doesnt create you evil?

When given these two options:

1. Dont create evil and therefore, dont punish evil

2. Create evil and punish evil

We see that in option 1, evil doesnt get punished. Good by definition includes punishing evil. Therefore, creating evil to punish it is the way to go to be all good.
42 10
Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova 'dies of starvation' after decade of only eating raw fruit and vegetables

She claimed that life is pointless, but there is purpose in realizing that life is pointless.
Current events
23 9
The strongest argument against good God is not merely the problem of evil.

Its not "evil exists = good God doesnt"

Its the problem of purpose.

Think about it.

For what purpose would a good God create this world?

This world is full of evil that literally plays no purpose in anything.

It merely tortures good people.

Plus, there is no equal standard for anything in this world.

Some die in the womb. Some die from hunger at age 5. Some are born with disorders. Some are forced into crime at early age.

How is that an equal opportunity for everyone to become good?

There is simply no purpose in this world. No rational and good God would create such a world.

There is no explanation for what purpose all the human and animal suffering plays, and what purpose will suffering play in hell.

From this, only one can be concluded. God is not good. He exists, but he is not good.
32 10
The book is great as an advice to me. It captures the essence of debating. It explains some of the best debating techniques.

It talks about the power of Rule of Three
(Conclusion + Three reasons to support it)
as the ideal writing style for debates and for arguments.

It talks about the power of Gish Gallop, which is a technique I personally like.

It talks about importance of knowing arguments on both sides of the debate.

It talks about researching both sides, learning both sides and learning about your opponent.

It talks about catching your opponent in his own words.

It talks about setting traps, which are arguments that seem weak but are actually impossible to refute, and when your opponent tries to refute, you already have a ready counter.

It talks about preemptive arguments, where you refute arguments of your opponents before he even makes them.

However, there are moral issues with the book.

The book actually encourages ad hominem.

The book is not focused on debating to reach the truth, but debating by manipulating audience, telling them what they want to hear, using dishonest debating tactics such as focusing on worst point rebuttal as an attempt to confuse the audience to make it wrongly believe that if person makes one mistake in debate, then he is wrong about everything else too.

The book actually says that you should focus on emotions rather than logic when debating. It literally says that logic alone is boring and that people dont like it.

It says that you should use stories in debates to try to play to emotions, as opposed to using pure facts.

It encourages an attack on person's character and his past mistakes.

I am not really sure what to think of this book. Sure, its a fun read. I just wonder how many people will abuse it to abuse others and twist the truth.
7 3
There are three ways of debate tactic:

1. Focus on one best point
2. Focus on 2 to 10 strong points
3. Gish Gallop

Gish Gallop is a debating tactic in which you spam many reasons for your case to make it impossible for your opponent to respond to it all in a formal debate with equal time or equal text.

There are three types of Gash Gallop:
1. Spamming many arguments 
2. Spamming many different reasons to support arguments
3. In rebuttal, spamming many different reasons against opponent's claim.

The best is the combination of these three.

In live debating, gish gallop is priceless. With equal time, opponent cannot respond to reasons faster than you can say them, as the amount of words needed to refute the reason is usually higher than the amount of words needed to mention the reason.

Gish Gallop is different from other debating tactics. It does not rely on developing every reason in detail, but on using many different reasons which together create the strong case. Of course, the reasons can be developed and defended if needed. However, the first goal is to use as many different reasons as possible, and later defend those that the opponent challenges.
2 1
Human writers have human touch. I downloaded a bunch of AI story writing apps, and each seems to be facing similar issues. First, there is nothing exciting about the stories they write. They seem repetitive and predictable. The writing style has no charm to it. Second, every story seems like it is made for children, not for adults. There is nothing serious about it. Third, the flow of the story is usually messed up. Some parts that should be longer are really short and ruin the mood.

I didnt try the paid versions, but the free versions arent worth much.
Science and Nature
23 11
Throughout the entire history, different societies competed against each other in wars, trying to prevail one over the other.

Different people tried gaining power in society, competing against other people in society.

Such competition always resulted in a victor.

However, every time victory was achieved, the competition didnt end.

New enemies rose, and competition continued.

It was all fine and well, until competition started giving birth to great and powerful technology.

It was a logical path of competition, of competitors, to use technology to win and to produce more technology to win more.

However, technology, by being produced, gave birth to new problems:

1. It is no longer possible to compete without technology
2. Technology made competition more destructive by enabling destruction on a mass scale
3. Technology enabled mass wars, and mass populations. Mass populations led to pollution and overpopulation, and depleting of resources.

By making possible of mass farming, through the invention of tractors, technology made it so that country no longer had to place majority of population to work in agriculture.

This made it possible to have more population available for militaries. Therefore, all countries who wanted to compete had to apply tractors.

In order to compete, country must have great population or be part of an alliance that has great population.

Tractors made it possible to increase population greatly.

Societies that have large populations will prevail over those who have small populations.

This brings us to problem of increasing and not increasing population, both options being bad for society.

Today's societies are faced with struggle of two opposite options:
1. Take meassures to decrease your population, and be conquered by societies who choose to keep increasing theirs.
2. Keep increasing population, causing mass pollution, overpopulation, drain on resources.

The competition between humans before always resulted in winners and losers. That was before technology.

However, today's technology made it possible for there to be a conflict without winners, by the invention of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons made it for the first time to be possible for there to be a conflict in which everyone loses and gets destroyed.

Therefore, competition between humans is bringing humans closer and closer to destruction, irrelevant of if destruction is from nuclear weapons or from overpopulation or from pollution or from lack of resources.

Humanity must put an end to competition. If not, it is likely that this competition will put an end to humanity.

So the historical lesson tells us that humanity must unite into one society. If it stays divided on groups, competition between groups will destroy all.

33 8
Okay, there seems to be some interest in this topic.

Masturbation is basically something I do out of desperation. I dont feel better after masturbating. In fact, I often feel same or worse than before masturbating.

1. Guilt and shame

I actually feel guilty after masturbating. I blame myself that I am addicted to these primitive actions. There is simply no honour in masturbation.

2. Too much but never enough

It seems that I masturbate too much. However, it never feels like enough. It always makes me feel unsatisfied. I probably wasted thousands of hours masturbating. If I used that time to read Karl Marx, maybe I would be better at defending Marxism in debates.

3. Interference with relationships

Masturbation made me unwilling to have sexual relationships, which is good, however it also made me unwilling to have social life. I basically have no interest in being around people.

4. Physical risks

I sometimes feel pain after masturbating too much. Sometimes it even hurts when I pee after I masturbate.
Science and Nature
43 12
Okay, I have a really important debate coming up, all well and prepared text, but I cant start it because the site wont let me.

It says I reached maximum number of allowed debates.

I didnt mass debate before, so I noticed that now after mass debating for the first time.
9 6
She is a girl with a heart so pure
Living her life as she wants to do
She says "Be mine" and you can't deny
Say no and your soul would die

Under this sky
She carries the might
She is the future,
The future is bright

She is a girl
and that's all there is to it
Can you accept,
and watch her shine through it.

Don't let your hate bring you so low
Just let your love shine and flow
She's a girl who is meant to be
A light for everyone to see.
14 5
Jesus as just one man improved the world and gave comfort and rescue to many.

Thats why I believe he is the true God while God of The Old Testament isnt.
123 20
If I had to choose between:

1. I get badly tortured

2. Six billion people get badly tortured

I would always choose 2.

Consequentialism may say:
Choosing 1 results in least pain, as only one person gets tortured.

However, the problem is that the one person getting tortured would be me.

Option 2 hurts six billion people, but it doesnt hurt me.

I dont feel pain of other people. However, I feel my own pain.

So logically, the only morality I am interested in is reducing my own pain and increasing my own happiness.

I dont give a shit if any number of people suffer if the choice is me or them. I will always choose to save myself.

Think of it this way.

I will get tortured for all eternity. It will be really painful.
However, there is a button that I can press so that I stop my torture. However, six billion people will be tortured for all eternity instead of me, each same as I would have been tortured.

I would press the button.

This doesnt make me some monster. No, I would still feel bad that people are getting tortured. But at least its not me who gets tortured. Better them than me.
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I really wouldnt wish to be atheist again. I enjoy talking with God and praying. I dont see why would someone want to be an atheist.
Like, where is justice in the world without God?
11 8