Total topics: 680
Just a decade ago, everyone would say that DSLR is far superior to smartphone camera.
And for the most of the smartphone history, that claim was correct.
Smartphone for a long time was just there to take simple low quality photos and videos.
It had no any special settings. Photos were often blurry. In low light, quality significantly decreased. Videos werent as smooth as in DSLR.
However, in the past decade, smartphones took a huge improvement.
Shutter speed is crucial for quality of photos and videos.
The main difference between DSLR and smartphone for a long time was that smartphone didnt let you control shutter speed.
In the past decade, smartphones got the option to control shutter speed manually, and this basically put smartphones on equal ground to DSLR.
It allowed people to control the main settings, as shutter speed determines if you want movement blur or not.
With high enough shutter speed, there is no blur in photos or videos.
Whats also important to note is that unlike DSLR, the smartphone can simply be updated from settings. The update further improves camera quality with each new update. After you buy smartphone, smartphone gets better over time with updates.
DSLR doesnt.
I have been comparing photos of different DSLR cameras to latest smartphone cameras today.
The difference in quality is no longer noticable.
So, why would someone pay extra money for DSLR, when smartphone is now just as good?
The new smartphones have 200 megapixel cameras, can record 8k video...
I guess the only difference would be sensor size. But that difference is simply not noticable anymore in quality of photos and videos.
1. Hospitals have duty to provide service for free to those who cant afford it.
2. Private schools have duty to provide education for free to those who cant afford it.
3. Landlords have duty to provide housing for free to those who cant afford it.
4. Stores have duty to provide food for free to those who cant afford it.
5. Water and basic clothes are free for those who cant afford them.
6. Military production is privately owned, and companies compete to sell military products to the state.
7. People have obligation to work if able.
8. Government's policy is service for service. Government doesnt provide services to those who refuse to provide services to the government.
9. Bigger companies are expected to pay more in taxes and more in free services.
10. Government will support struggling buisnesses.
11. When government needs some job to be completed, it will direct that job to private companies.
Government will offer reward, and the company that completes the job gets the reward.
12. Government will cut out undesirable production
13. State will own a part of the market, and act as buyer and seller.
14. Local companies act as local governments who put state's law in effect.
15. Government will print certain amount of money to increase money supply.
16. Private companies regulate free services, but answer to government.
17. The basis of economy is competition and citizen report.
18. The laws are based on survival of the state and government.
I read that a man has to drink about 3-4 liters of water per day.
My brain is big, so I guess I am more in the 4-5 liters category.
I am awake for 12 hours.
I need to drink 4 liters of water daily.
Per hour, that is
4000 / 12 = 333
So I need to drink 333 mililiters of water every hour.
However, I chose to drink water every 2 hours.
So I need to drink 666 mililiters of water every 2 hours for 12 hours to drink 4 liters of water daily.
I also read that B12 vitamin is very important for brain. So I figured, if I take lots of Vitamin B12, my brain power could even be restored to its former glory.
Science and Nature
Most people dont know how to raise kids.
Thats why most kids are pure idiots.
In fact, in China, parents beat their children if they have bad grades.
Are Chinese people smart as a result? No. Chinese people are idiots who live in dictatorship and eat dogs and work 84 hours a week for 200$ a month.
Now when we are done away with failed system of China, lets move onto something less violent and more successful.
The basic of parenting is trade.
If you want for your kid to do homework, offer him a reward.
Reward for every homework. Reward for every good grade. Reward for good behavior.
Its called trading. Its the solution to parenting problems of today.
Most parents in China think they own their children, and that they can command children by force.
But really, if people just abandoned the idea that they own their children, China wouldnt be such a shitty place to live in.
1. Redistribution of wealth
I think the government should redistribute wealth from upper classes to lower classes. Lower classes who cant afford education, food, water, house, medicine, should get them for free.
2. Public schools
I oppose to the idea of public schools. I think private schools payed for by government are better in every way.
3. State regulated economy
I believe that state should not own factories or farms, but should indeed regulate them to create higher quality products, to cut out undesirable production, and create safer work environment.
4. State owned market
I believe the state should buy some products from the market, and then distribute them as needed. State should even act as buyer and seller.
In a way, there should be state owned market where state buys products from producers and then sells them at a lower price than it bought.
State should help buisnesses who cant compete on a private market by buying their products, assuming their products are desirable by the people.
5. Price control
I believe state should not control prices of private buisnesses. Rather, state itself should be run like a buisness.
6. Local governments
I believe that central government should deal with general rules, while local companies should act as local governments who put those rules in effect.
7. Obligation to work
I believe that anyone using government services of free food, healthcare, housing and education should have obligation to work and produce. Refusing to work would mean that those government services are no longer available.
Government should always operate on a principle of "service for service".
8. Trade in everything. Government investment in buisness.
I believe the government's role is that of a trader. Government cannot simply drain economy, but must give something to economy too.
We all know that buisness needs money to be started. Not everyone can start a bigger buisness. But thanks to government sponsoring him, they can.
9. Printing money
I believe in money printing. Every economy benefits from money supply increasing, because that is what allows growth.
To keep the amount of money always the same would mean that any new buisness starting would have to take away money from some other buisnesses on the market. When amount of money increases, so does market.
It is of no surprise that all big economies print lots of money.
10. Military
I believe that military is a priority. The main priority is to build your country in a way that no one wants to invade it.
This includes keeping neutral relations with all, building a military power so that any invader would suffer greatly, and building "no profit" principle in which invader cannot profit in any way from invasion. Also, building trade so that all countries benefit from being in good relations with your country.
Also, not engaging in external wars. There is no reason to make enemies.
11. Government as a buisness
Government should offer money for services that need to be done.
If government needs someone to manage healthcare, government should hire private companies to work for the government.
If private company gets the job done, it gets payed. If not, then it doesnt get payed.
The competition among private companies working for government would drive progress and keep them in check.
The principle of "citizen report" should be seen as crucial, as citizens are the eyes of the government.
Jesus will crush his enemies and make them pay
Jesus will destroy his enemies
Jesus's revenge is coming
Jesus prepared the infinite great fire
He prepared the fire for all those who dont believe
All those who dont believe go to the fire
Jesus remembers how they put him on a cross
Jesus will forgive his enemies
But first he will torture them forever
God of disproportional revenge!
The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever,
Please Jesus, dont kill us.
Exclude us from the list of people you intend to torture forever with great infinite pain
People will praise you eternally for your eternal infinite cruelty,
The hearts of the entire world will fear Jesus forever!
To me it seems kinda strange,
that someone would make a porn game in such quality and size, invest so much in graphics and character creation,
But the only sex thats included in it is straight sex!
First what comes to mind is...
Gay people make at least 3% of the population, which is over 240 million people in the world.
It seems strange to intentionally make porn game unwanted by 240 million people by excluding gay stuff.
From what I see, the game lets you make male characters and female characters, but there is simply no option to have 2 male characters have sex.
I mean, how can a company that makes porn games be homophobic?
Anyway, given how technology is advancing, in 20 years men wont even need real women because best women will all be virtual.
Semen production is related to mood, but most people spill their seed through masturbation and kinda run out of seed in their testicles.
So, how to keep the mood you had before orgasm?
One must increase the semen production so it is restored quickly.
To increase semen production, one must:
1. Drink a lot of water, usually lots of water at once
This might be the reason why drinking plenty of water at once improves mood. Dont drink more than 700 mililiters at once tho.
2. Vitamins, such as B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
These vitamins increase semen production
3. Sleep
Sleep improves semen production
4. More green vegetables, such as spinach
6. Eating eggs, bananas.
Science and Nature
I mean, Jesus loves his enemies, so Jesus loves Satan too.
And I love them both, because they are kinda cool. Satan is cooler, but Jesus is fun too.
I saw many people who:
1. Decided to have some goal
2. Failed to achieve that goal
3. Got badly disappointed
As we can see, the disappointment could have been avoided if step 1 was never taken.
In other words, dont have goals or attachments.
I know that your attachments are your weakness.
Think of it this way.
If you are addicted to drugs, you will suffer if you dont have drugs.
But if you never get addicted to drugs, you dont suffer when drugs are no longer available.
An attachment is a need for something. When you create a need for something, you will suffer when you lose that something.
But if you have no need for something, you will not suffer if that something is no longer there.
the pain from losing something
is created by our need for that something.
So to remove pain, one must remove need.
But how does one remove need?
Does one simply accept different needs that are easier to satisfy?
In Capitalism, there is the so called "supply and demand" theory.
It is a theory that price of a product is determined by its supply and the demand for it on the free market.
Here are the three problems of the free market.
Problem 1 - Demand greater than supply
If demand is greater than supply, every economist will tell you that prices must go up.
Problem 2 - Demand equal to supply
If demand is equal to supply, prices again go up because anyone selling products at lower prices will quickly run out of them, and those who sell at higher prices will become the only sellers and will earn more money.
Problem 3 - Demand lower than supply
Many economists falsely believe that if demand is lower than supply, that prices go down.
That is far from reality.
When supply exceeds demand, what happens is not that prices go down, but capitalists reduce production to reduce supply.
After supply is reduced and becomes equal to demand, we again have Problem 2.
Also, there is the cost of production effect where even if supply is higher, price cannot go down as cost of making a product wont allow it.
Therefore, we see that in free market, even the most ideal circumstances dont enable any reduction in prices in the long run.
Average prices always must go up because every seller works to have demand for his product greater than its supply.
Have you ever been to some poor country and thought:
"Things are really cheap here. My dollar buys much more in a poor country than it does in a rich country."
Congratulations! You just discovered basis of economical global exploitation!
So how does it work?
Due to exchange ratio of currencies and as well as prices,
Rich country pays much less when importing from poor country
than poor country does when importing from rich.
This creates an effect where even with equal amount of money or equal amount of things bought,
rich country can buy more and drain more resources from poor country
than poor country can buy and drain from rich country.
Of course, one could say that the rich country offers better quality products. That may sometimes be true, but it isnt true in exchange ratio of currencies.
It also often isnt true in prices either. An apple is cheaper in poor country than in rich country. Now, one cannot put on a serious face and say that apple from rich country is better in quality than apple from poor country. Apples are somewhat same. The price isnt even close to being same.
This is also because poor countries have cheaper labor force.
Poor countries also depend upon rich countries for trade. Only rich countries with high technology can provide good military equipment.
This means that poor countries are forced to enter in trade in which the exchange ratio of products is simply not even close to being equal.
Technologically advanced countries always have trade ratio which is in their favor.
In fact, the trade ratio is so much in rich's favor that poor countries sink even more in poverty as their resources are taken by rich countries on a mass scale.
Remember that Gaddaffi was killed for rejecting US dollar exchange ratio and set his own ratio of exchange.
Transphobes say:
"If you have a penis and testicles, you are a boy."
So if a person surgically removes those, then he stops being a boy?
Checkmate, transphobes! You just proved that person can change genders!
What is the single biggest mistake of Christians?
The Old Testament.
The New Testament is somewhat okay, even tho the bloodthirsty nature of Jesus is revealed in revelation when he kills the entire planet again.
But The Old Testament should have never been included in the Bible.
God of the Old Testament is literally crazy maniac.
God sending bears to kill children?
Yeah, that probably should have been excluded.
I am just saying that bloodthirsty Jesus is much more bloodthirsty in the Old Testament.
The New Testament paints Jesus as "nice chill guy who forgives everyone, then later comes to kill entire planet again and burn people alive for all eternity".
But in the Old Testament, God doesnt have the nice chill guy side to him.
So I guess The Old Testament and Revelation should have been excluded, as well as parts showing Jesus's bloodthirsty side which isnt exactly acceptable in this century, but probably was acceptable in Jesus's time.
Yeah, I dont see how can "love others as yourself" be consistent with Jesus's bloodthirsty nature, but I am not Christian nor psychopath to be able to understand this.
People burn more calories when awake.
People burn less calories while sleeping.
Person on average burns 83 calories per hour while awake.
But only 50 calories per hour while sleeping.
So if you sleep for 16 hours instead of 8, you can save up to 250 calories each day.
83 - 50 = 33 less calories per hour.
16 - 8 = 8 extra hours of sleep
8 x 33 = 264 calories saved
Science is so cool.
Science and Nature
Edging is probably one of the most potential powers when it comes to masturbation.
Edging simply means delaying or avoiding orgasm.
But how does one do that?
Well, first we need to know that penis can be soft, hard, or somewhere in the middle. This is very important to know.
To do edging properly, you need to avoid touching penis when penis is hard or close to hard.
Only touch penis when its soft and when you have no feelings in it.
As soon as it becomes hard or close to hard, there is much higher chance of orgasm if you keep touching it.
So, touch penis when its soft. Avoid touching hard penis.
What are the benefits of edging?
Well, you can masturbate all day without having an orgasm.
You will constantly feel good because there wont be orgasm to ruin everything.
It takes some time to master. Remember to write down about your experience so you dont forget important details.
Okay, time for science.
"Happiness" is a group of hormones that are produced, stored and released by your body.
When they are released, you feel happy.
However, there is a catch. They are not unlimited in supply.
If you use too much of happy hormones, what happens is that you "run out of happiness".
The condition where you run out of happiness is when you become very happy for a short time, using up all your happiness supplies. Then after happiness supplies run out, you cannot be happy anymore until supplies are restored by production of hormones.
To prevent yourself from "running out of happiness", you must use your happiness carefully.
If you engage in activities that bring too much happiness, you will use up your happiness supply really quickly.
Take for example, when you listen to music. The more you listen to music, the less happier it makes you. At first, its great, but later it just doesnt make you happy anymore. Thats because you used up all your happiness supplies.
So in order to have good amount of happiness supplies, you must first understand that happiness supplies last longer if you use them less.
If I try to do activities that make me happy all the time, what will happen is that they will stop making me happy.
However, if I spend time doing boring activities, I wont be using my happiness supplies, allowing them to be increased during boring activities to be used later. Then when I do fun activities after boring activities, they will make me much more happy than if I just did fun activities all the time without doing boring activities first.
Science and Nature
Okay, so I finished Two Worlds main story as a mage.
Mages seem to be an overpowered class, but I havent tried completing as a knight yet.
With mages, you have spells such as overpower and concenrate, which when used combined make your next attack spell do huge damage. I think it does like 20000 damage or more.
Even final boss fight was too easy.
The spell "chains" basically stops any opponent, making him unable to move and unable to fight.
So mage can control his opponent easy.
It took me some time to figure out that certain enemies were weaker against certain spells.
I went with Earth, Fire and Air spells. I figured there wont be enemy in the game that is immune to all 3 of those. And there wasnt.
Now, final boss can kill you with one strike, but basically, you either run away to gain distance and strike with spell from distance, or you freeze him with spell chains. Chains can basically freeze him forever.
Now, I did start the game again, this time as a knight.
But I really wanted to try Two Worlds 2.
So I didnt proceed with playing as a knight in Two Worlds, but went straight for Two Worlds 2.
Two Worlds 2 is obviously somewhat better graphics. It does feel closer to Skyrim graphics.
I started it as a mage, since mage seems to be good in first game.
Now, you have to make your own spells, which I find slightly annoying. Well, we will see how it goes.
My hair is very long. I like combing it.
I bet your hair is so short that you cant even comb it.
Masturbation can lower dopamine and oxytocin. These are "happy hormones".
Masturbation can increase prolactin, which is something like a stress hormone.
"After orgasm, various studies have shown that prolactin levels increase, whereas oxytocin and dopamine levels decrease significantly [12–19, 23]."
Now, of course, many have noticed that they feel happier when not masturbating for a long time.
The longest I have gone without masturbation is maybe a month.
But its so hard.
You have to work all the time to forget about masturbation.
Sure, you feel better when not masturbating. But you also feel urge all the time.
I wonder why did God create such a nasty urge.
God, that is not funny.
Okay, so I really played the game a lot, trying to get lots of spells, and I have to say I like the game more now when I have lots of spells.
The game lets you stack spells, which is amazing.
You can find spells everywhere, and when you find the same spell again, you can add it on top of each other for more damage. It seems that you can stack as much as you want.
I can see the point of such system.
Two Worlds is different from Skyrim in a way that Two Worlds has much more potions and spells, and they are easier to obtain since you keep finding them everywhere and they are more available to buy.
What also needs to be said is that spells in Two Worlds constantly increase in damage by stacking and by leveling up.
There is also much more summon spells available, much more protection spells available.
In Skyrim, spells dont increase in damage often, and it takes a long time to get the spells that are actually good unless you use cheats.
In Two Worlds, every spell has an incredible leveling system where it increases in effect each time you level up. On top of that, you have stacking which makes even better effects.
I like the summoning spell where you summon ghost archer. Also, I like protection spell that uses mana as health, making you very tanky. Its useful since mages usually arent that tanky.
Now, some may ask why did I start with Two Worlds and not Two Worlds 2.
The reason is because I have this experience where every new game in series often ends up being worse than previous.
Also, I wanted to check the first game first.
Now, the graphics arent much, but it is in a way, an open world game.
You face all sorts of creatures. I bought the spell "push" only to find out that for some reason push doesnt work on ghosts while the basic spell fireball does. Well, spell push was a waste of money, probably. Over 1000 gold payed for nothing.
The magic starts just like in Skyrim. You get the fireball spell. And you get the heal too.
Of course, I cant wait to try new spells but one must note that they are really expensive in the game.
Now, I play the game because of the magic system. I am not really sure if any other combat system in Two Worlds is even worthy to consider. Sword combat seems to only have few moves available, and bow and arrow look awful and boring.
Game allows you to ride a horse, but the problem is that horse in the game has mind of his own. He changes directions on his own when faced with any small obstacle or enemy.
Now, the game offers plenty of magic, and thats why I play it. The magic takes some effort to obtain, since not only you must buy spells, but also learn from trainers.
I hear from lots of people that Two Worlds is a terrible, bad game. I agree that it could have been better, but I wouldnt agree that its terrible.
The game overloads you with quests right at the start, which is bad, but I guess just complete the important ones one by one.
The core of the game, magic, seems great at start and it looks like there are plenty of spells available, although not all spells are useful obviously.
I just hope this wont be one of those games where only few spells are useful. I like games with variety of ways to play, and variety of spells and powers.
Does anyone else find Bible boring?
While I was a Christian, I forced myself to read Bible because I thought Jesus will burn me alive if I dont read it all.
I have to say its one of the most boring books I have ever read.
It is filled with irrelevant information. I literally felt physical pain in my brain from reading all the stupidity that is written there.
Some might say "gospels are fun".
There are two problems with gospels.
First, gospels make less than 1% of the Bible.
Second, gospels are boring too.
Its same story being repeated 4 times in a row.
Who wants to read same story for 4 times????
God was a shitty writter. He should have used ChatGPT to write book for him. At least ChatGPT would have enough sense to exclude the story of bears sent by God to kill children, as well as many other things that God mistakenly bragged about.
So I played Fable again. This time as an evil character. I have to say evil characters are surprisingly strange. They have 3 powers that only they can master.
Berserker, drain life and something like mind control that turns enemies to allies.
I have to say berserker is really fun to play. It makes you really big and strong. It makes you unkillable, but your health can decrease to very low. The weakness is that at the end, you turn back to normal which makes you unable to move for a second, then you can cast again. Drain life doesnt seem to work on some enemies, and neither does mind control.
I completed the game as evil character and I have to say that evil character's powers dont feel as strong as they should be. Like, even berserker can be knocked down making you unable to fight.
I am saying this because before this I played many times as neutral character. With battle charge, which is a neutral power, you can pretty much beat any other power. By spamming battle charge, you basically become immune to all damage while knocking down your opponent constantly making him unable to fight.
This works as long as you have mana, but thanks to potions you basically have all mana you need.
Now, combining battle charge and berserker seems kinda unnecessary, unless you are fighting an enemy who has battle charge.
To me, it seems kinda strange that evil character didnt get more powers. The game is after all based on good and evil.
I started again as good character. Good character has shield, heal and summon.
So I picked the shield and it seems that it just turns your mana into health. It makes you very strong, you cant be knocked down, but I cant say I am too impressed.
Compared to neutral powers like Slow time, battle charge, force push, it seems kinda unfair.
Maybe Summon can make up for good character, but still I am not a fan of summoning spells in Fable because usually things you summon fight very slowly.
I feel like neither good nor evil character are perfect. It seems that neutral character beats both. Of course, in game, enemies arent exactly strong so it is possible to beat the game in many ways.
How does this game, Fable 1, compare to Fable 3? Simple. In Fable 3, all spells suck. You only have couple of spells, but nothing even close to spells like berserker and battle charge. There is no any joy in being mage in Fable 3.
I kmow that they wanted to invent something new, but Fable 3 made everything complicated. They focused on story too much and ruined combat experience.
The point of Fable 1 was to make you feel powerful and praised. In Fable 3, you are praised, but you dont feel powerful. There is nothing grand about you.
"According to European Environment Agency (EEA) early estimates, 22.5% of energy consumed in the EU in 2022 generated from renewable sources."
So the organization most dedicated to renewable energy couldnt get it right.
With only 22% of their energy being renewable, they have not only completely failed, but they are showing that even trying your best wont stop global warming. And they are the best!
Now, why cant we have renewable energy?
First, the problem is electricity.
The world runs on electricity.
However, there is no cheap way to produce electricity for 8 billion people plus countless factories.
The second problem is cars. Cars pollute the environment and cause global warming.
However, electric cars use lots of electricity, making it impossible to have lots of electric cars.
In other words, electricity is the problem.
World became so dependent on electricity that,
instead of abandoning it, which would almost immediatelly solve global warming,
They keep producing it.
However, electricity simply cannot be produced in any sustainable way.
Solar panels produce too little. Wind power produces too little.
So yeah, the problem at hand is with electricity itself.
Can humanity simply go back to era with no electricity?
Well, no. Thats why its called the point of no return. Once you discover it, you become dependent on it, and cannot survive without it.
This is what Marx describes as "negation". It is where one new thing negates the thing before it so the thing before it can no longer exist.
However, the bad news is that there is also "negation of negation".
It is the point of development where you can neither go back to how things were, nor you can keep things as they are right now.
And that point of development requires a 2nd negation. If that negation cannot be found, system collapses.
Marx was a fun guy.
Saddam interviewed during invasion of Kuwait:
Interviewer: "War and invasion, wouldnt you say that thats not an arab thing?"
Saddam: "Well, would you say its a British thing?"
"Dont complain about the government."
"Dont rebel against the government."
"Be satisfied with how much government pays you."
"Obey the government."
"Dont feel sad when government puts you in miserable situation, but keep serving the government."
"Each government was put there by God."
"Dont think about Earthly problems or what the government does to you, but think about your reward in Heaven"
These are teachings of the Bible.
When read this way, you can obviously see that only a pure idiot would willingly follow these teachings.
Christians have a moral duty to support every tyrannical government on Earth, because "each was put there by God".
In fact, any smart government would encourage Christianity, because Christianity literally commands people to obey the government while discouraging any kind of rational thinking.
So yes, now we have discovered the true purpose of Christianity.
I dont think that bestiality is wrong.
If someone has sex with an animal, he shouldnt be punished.
It seems wrong to punish someone just because he had sex with an animal.
This society often kills and tortures animals, so can this society really judge a person for having sex with an animal if both person and animal enjoy it?
If I have to choose between
Saving myself
Saving 8 billion people while sacrificing myself
I would save myself.
I love myself the most.
There is no number of people that can be more important to me than me.
The idea that you have to sacrifice yourself to save a certain number of idiots is itself an idiot's idea.
Sacrificing yourself doesnt benefit you in any way.
Like, all I see on internet is people bullying others. The internet isnt there for any education or reasonable discussion. Its there so people could judge and bully others under the mask of anonymity.
99% of internet is shitposting and bullying.
Bible Matthew 7 12
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you"
Now, there are many interpretations of this particular verse. I never seem to understand.
What does it even mean?
I know what it means: "Do to others what they do to you".
But the Bible added a change.
Its not "what they do to you".
Its "what you would have them do to you".
Well, if I want for others to do whatever I want, I must do whatever they want?
But if I do whatever they want, will they do whatever I want? Probably not.
The verse doesnt help.
Now, here is another example. Lets say someone wants to kill me. I want for him to not hurt me. So by Bible's logic, I am supposed to not hurt him, just let him kill me.
Here is another example.
Lets say someone raped me. I want for him to let me be free, so by Bible's logic I am supposed to let him be free.
Yeah, I can see this particular verse can be spinned into oblivion.
Why did Jesus have to make it so complicated?
Oh well.
Now, the first thing that comes to mind is side effects.
Most drugs have dozens of side effects, which for example they say happen in 10% cases.
However, thats a statistical deception.
The truth is that each of those side effects has 10% chance of occuring.
Its not 10% for all.
Its 10% for each.
So if you have a list of 20 side effects, each having 10% chance of occuring, you are basically guaranteed to get 2 side effects.
And thats just for those who used them for a short time.
However, the fun doesnt stop there.
Drugs dont come with guaranteed benefit. In fact, there is 50% chance that drugs wont work to produce desired effect.
Now, here is the really fun part.
Even if they work, drugs stops working after some time. At that point, you have to use different drugs, causing you new side effects.
To make matters worse, mixing drugs causes even worse side effects.
I see people using psychiatric drugs so casually like its nothing.
The truth is that drugs will change you, but not for the better.
Well, you should read the side effects and ask yourself: "Do I feel lucky today?".
Basically, original Christians came to polytheists and said that they should accept Jesus, which polytheists did because polytheists are allowed to worship as many Gods as possible and Jesus seemed like a fine God to worship.
However, then Christians, after gaining power, changed the whole story.
Christians from the start tried to turn polytheists into monotheists, but it was mostly just talk.
But after gaining power, Christians used force to wipe out polytheism from the face of the Earth.
Christians basically shot themselves in the foot, because Polytheists will never accept them again and no Polytheist will ever trust a Christian again.
In fact, all Christian actions did was prove that no one should trust Christians.
Today, I had a moment where suddenly Lucifer gave me his 10 Commandments which person should follow to have a life of a true Satanist!
Here are the 10 Commandments, as delivered to me today:
1. Dont give attention to those who dont give attention to you
2. Dont give love to those who dont give love to you
3. Dont help those who dont help you
4. Dont talk to those who dont talk to you
5. Dont care for those who dont care for you
6. Dont give pleasure to those who dont give you pleasure
7. Dont think of those who dont think of you
8. Dont praise those who dont praise you
9. Dont defend those who dont defend you
10. Dont consider people important if they dont consider you as important
The bones of your ancestors will rise up and reclaim the flesh that they lent their sorry progeny. The sewers are all muddied with a thousand lowly suicides. These streets you walk lead to the spinal column of the great beast's hall. All you walk willingly into the eternal feast of the guilty! The roots of this city wrap around the Great Worm and all who live in its stinking bowels bloat themselves on apocalypse nectar. Every second takes us closer to the Time of Judgement. Time of Judgement gets closer every second. This rain is the pungent sewage of Hell seeping into the cracks of this putrid purgatory! The corruption of the soul is pandemic! There is no hiding your true face to the judge of souls! Redemption cannot be bought and sold! There is no mercy for the deviant! Gaze upon me and see reflected the contempt of your savior! To mock me is to scorn the Lord's love! The damned laugh loudest before they loose their heads! Hurry on your way to the Apocalypse! Always room for heathens in the cold and oily pits of the damned! Skies are all rotten and the storm is our death sentence! We are living in the last days of the last age of mankind! Repent your wickedness and atone in these, your last hours. I have seen the squirming on the horizon! The worms are stripping the foulness from the skull of the Earth! I have seen the face of the demon, and it is excited!
I worship Lucifer. Thats why I feel guilty when I give to charity. Like, I am not supposed to give to charity. I am not supposed to help others. I guess giving to charity is my biggest mistake in life. I could have used that money to buy myself something, but no, its gone to the poor people.
To stop kids from committing their favorite sin.
It takes a huge amount of Christian stupidity to think that circumcision will stop someone from masturbating, but Christian doctors promoted circumcision and claimed it will stop kids from masturbating.
Christianity requires faith, but problem is that when you start believing in things without proof, you start believing all sort of nonsense which is why you can expect to hear dumbest things from religious people, for example stopping masturbation being one of them.
"Being religious is not exactly a sign of great intelligence".
There, their mouths have spoken, although it would be better for islam if their mouths didnt speak. Their mouths make islam look worse when they talk.
"a person who is forced to work for and obey another"
We see that children in school are forced to obey others and forced to do all kinds of tasks.
So yeah, school is slavery.
Eating a lot feels good. Drinking a lot feels good.
So I figured, maybe breathing a lot feels good too.
But how do you breathe a lot?
I guess by breathing in as much air as possible in a given time, by breathing very fast with deep breaths.
Sounds like fun.
Science and Nature
Christians say that God loves me.
So, what does that mean?
How does God love me?
Can you make an example of God's love towards me?
May the Great Serpent rise
Rise Great Old One
The Great Devourer
Awaken the World Serpent
Show the world your size and might
The entire world will bow to the Serpent
May the Ancient Devourer rise
Rise mighty Devourer
Awaken the mighty Dragon
Show everyone the power of the Old Ones
All bow to the Lord Lucifer
All serve the mighty Ancient Snake
Please Snake, give me your power
Please Dragon, give me your knowledge
Reveal to me your secrets
Let every mouth praise the Dragon and the Snake
Episode 1: The Fateful Decision
In a small town lived young David, an innocent and carefree boy. One day, his parents made a decision that would alter his life forever – they decided to have him circumcised. Oblivious to the pain and sadness that awaited him, David was taken to the hospital, his heart pounding with uncertainty.
Episode 2: The Cold Operating Room
As the doors of the operating room swung open, a coldness settled upon David's skin. The sterile environment reeked of anxiety, further intensifying his fear. He lay there, trembling, as strangers surrounded him, ready to carry out the irreversible procedure. The beeping machines seemed to mirror the racing of his little heart.
Episode 3: The Surgeon's Blade
With a chilling precision, the surgeon's blade sliced through David's sensitive flesh. A searing pain spread through his entire body, eliciting a blood-curdling scream. His cries echoed off the sterile walls, but it seemed no one cared about his anguish. In that moment, he felt betrayed by his parents, robbed of his autonomy.
Episode 4: The Haunting Memories
Days turned into weeks, but the pain from the circumcision persisted, forever etched into David's memory. Each time he looked down, he was reminded of the agony he endured. He withdrew from his family and friends, haunted by the persistent ache and the cruel fate imposed upon him.
Episode 5: The Dreadful Nightmares
As night fell, David's sleep became tormented by dreadful nightmares. Vivid images of the surgical instruments, stained with his blood, invaded his dreams. He woke up in a cold sweat, his heart pounding, only to be confronted by the reality that he would never truly heal, physically or emotionally.
Episode 6: The Lonely Journey
Growing up, David felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. His peers couldn't comprehend the profound sadness he carried within, the pain they didn't even know was possible. He yearned for companionship, for someone who could understand the depths of his suffering, but he was left to bear the burden alone.
Episode 7: The Masked Smile
David masked his true emotions behind a smile, pretending that everything was fine when it wasn't. He became a master of concealment, hiding his deep-seated sadness behind a façade of normalcy. But underneath it all, the weight of his pain became unbearable, threatening to consume him entirely.
Episode 8: The Cry for Help
Finally unable to bear the burden any longer, David reached a breaking point. He sought solace in therapy, attempting to mend the shattered pieces of his soul. Each session, he laid bare the pain he had carried for years, hoping that the therapist would offer a glimmer of understanding, a path to healing.
Episode 9: The Bittersweet Glimpse
As the therapy sessions progressed, David discovered a group of survivors who had experienced similar pain and trauma from circumcision. They formed a bond, sharing their stories and finding solace in one another's pain. For a fleeting moment, David glimpsed the possibility of healing, of forging a new path together.
Episode 10: The Tragic Legacy
But fate had a cruel twist in store for David. One by one, his newfound friends succumbed to the darkness within, unable to escape the haunting memories that plagued them. The weight of their collective pain became too much to bear, and David was left alone once more, his hopes dashed.
Episode 11: The Final Descent
In the depths of despair, David made a decision that would bring an end to his agony. Overwhelmed by the relentless pain and haunted by the trauma he had suffered, he succumbed to the darkness that had lingered within him for far too long. In his final act, he hoped to find peace, free from the anguish he had endured.
Episode 12: The Lingering Sorrow
The town mourned the loss of David, a boy whose pain had gone unnoticed until it consumed him entirely. His parents, burdened by guilt, were left to grapple with the devastating consequences of their irreversible decision. The tale of David's pain and suffering became a cautionary tale, a haunting reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding.
In the end, David's story serves as a somber reminder of the long-lasting effects of trauma, and how one decision, made without consent, can shape an individual's life forever. It is a chilling tale of pain, loneliness, and the devastating consequences of choices made in ignorance.
Here is another story from another survivor:
I remember it all too vividly—the day that forever altered my life. It was a chilly morning when my parents, with a mixture of excitement and concern, took me to the hospital for a procedure that would strip away a piece of my innocence. I was just a young child, unaware of the magnitude and consequences of what awaited me. Little did I know, that day would etch a deep sadness into my heart.
As we walked through the sterile corridors of the hospital, the feeling of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. The smell of disinfectant filled the air, causing my nose to twitch uncomfortably. I clutched onto my father's hand, searching for reassurance. But his grip, though loving, couldn't ease the overwhelming dread that consumed me.
We entered a room that seemed foreign and intimidating, with cold metal tools shining ominously on a table. My gaze darted from one sterile instrument to another, my heart pounding louder in my chest. A stranger in a white coat appeared, introducing himself as the doctor who would perform the procedure. His somber tone matched the somber expressions on my parents' faces.
As I was asked to undress and lie down beneath the blinding lights, my vulnerability reached new depths. I felt exposed and defenseless, my innocence slipping away with every passing second. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I mustered the strength to hold them back, looking to my parents for solace. Instead, I found pain mirrored in their eyes, mixed with a resignation that sent shivers through my young frame.
The doctor's hands were cold as he went about his work, unfazed by my fear. My pleas for mercy went unanswered as the procedure began, leaving me feeling betrayed by the very people whom I trusted to protect me. My body tensed with agony, each touch a blade through my existence. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to find solace in the darkness, but there was no escape from the torment inflicted upon me.
When it was over, I slowly opened my eyes, hoping to find comfort in the familiar faces I had known to bring me joy. But the smiles I so desperately sought were eclipsed by tears that streamed down my mother's cheeks. My father tried to be strong, but his eyes revealed a deep sense of regret. It was then that I realized the profound impact this event had on not only me but on them as well.
In the days that followed, physical pain gave way to a deep emotional anguish. I felt mutilated, a part of my body taken away without my consent. I struggled to understand why such a drastic alteration had been forced upon me, and whispered words of confusion and sadness echoed within the walls of my thoughts. The void left by the loss could never be filled, forever a reminder of a childhood stripped bare.
As I grew older, the scars of that fateful day remained, etched into my very being. The sadness that lingered was not just about the pain endured but also about the violation of my autonomy and the loss of a part of myself that I could never reclaim. It was a tragic reminder that love and protection can sometimes be overshadowed by tradition and cultural expectations.
To this day, the memory of my circumcision lingers like a thundercloud. It serves as a constant reminder of a world that often fails to respect the rights and desires of the most vulnerable among us—children. And as I reflect on my own story, I hope that one day, such unnecessary suffering will be eradicated, and the cries of innocent children will no longer be silenced in the name of tradition.
"Body autonomy is the right for a person to govern what happens to their body without external influence or coercion."
Sounds good to me. So why cant we have body autonomy?
Its because there are too many christians and rapists in the world.
How do you think its possible to have body autonomy in society that circumcises babies?
Well, its not possible.
Some people say that persons under 18 dont have body autonomy. This sounds like their excuse to violate those persons under 18.
However, the basic premise of the idea of body autonomy is that no one gets to decide who has body autonomy and who doesnt.
Because if someone can decide that certain person doesnt have body autonomy, then body autonomy stops existing and what you have is force.
Society governed by force is doomed to fail because force breeds violence and wars. But our society for some reason really likes force. So yeah, that might be a little problem.
I must say, its very powerful prayer. Kinda scary tho.
In the name of the Dragon,
I invoke Lucifer,
Lord of the Trident,
He who guides the Ascending Soul on the path of the Gods,
Phosphoros, the Light Bearer!
Dark God of the Qliphoth!
Open the way to your stellar realm,
Come from the Throne of Thaumiel,
Through the gates of the Void,
Into this Temple of Flames.
Lord of the Night,
Open the gates to the Path of the Dragon,
And reveal to me secrets lost and forgotten,
The wisdom of primordial Gods!
Lord of Darkness and Light,
I invite you to enter this flesh,
I call you to my body, my mind and my soul,
I welcome you in my heart!
Lord of Ascending Flame,
Open for me the way to your Throne,
Show me the keys to your Stellar Gates,
And guide me on the paths of limitless power!
Lord of Thaumiel,
Ignite the fire of my soul,
So that I may rise forged in your flames,
As a living grail of your Immortal Essence,
From the bonds of flesh to the heart of your Golden Throne!
Emperor of Darkness and Flame,
Empower and protect my soul,
So that I may arise as a living vessel of Draconian Gnosis!
Great Horned King,
Enter this flesh which I offer you as a temple,
And let your immortal blood flow through my veins!
Lucifer, Lord of Ascending Flame,
Let your Fire burn forever in my soul!
So I took an online test for autism.
I answered questions very honestly.
And the result:
"Based on your results, there's a strong probability that you are autistic. Please remember that this result is only indicative and does not form a formal diagnosis. However, People with scores like yours often benefit from a comprehensive assessment to provide an official, recognised diagnosis."
So, on top of all the other disorders God has blessed me with, now I can add autism too.
Or as Anakin says:
"This is where the fun begins."
If you believe in social contagion, then spanking children is a social contagion that leads to abuse
You teach people that its okay to hit kids.
You get some people who hit too much and too often, creating abused children who are on their way to become criminals.
To put it simply, its your fault.
Yes, why do black children think that black doll is bad?