Here is what I think of the greater good

Author: Best.Korea


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Greater good can pretty much be used to justify anything.

In muslim countries, they beat you up if you drink alcohol.

They justify it by saying how its better for society if people dont drink alcohol.

Of course, I stand on the side of freedom because I like alcohol and I like freedom.

I like freedom even if its a bit harmful for society.

Individual can choose to do things that harm him. Like that, society too can accept things that harm society a bit.

Thats freedom and democracy. Its self-determination.

Just as individual has a right not to be part of society and right to self-determination, so does society have right to determine what will be allowed and what will not be allowed in the society as long as it affects society. But society can allow harmful things. Its called freedom. Not everything thats harmful needs to be banned, otherwise we would be in a slippery slope where we would ban almost everything from sugar to smoke.

Praise freedom!