Here is why I think that Lucifer is right

Author: Best.Korea


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Most christians are complete idiots.

I know that its said how we shouldnt judge a religion by its followers, but christians make that really damn hard.

Christianity itself is filled with bad teachings, nonsense, bad advice and hate.

I did a lot of research on how to be happy and comfortable in life.
However, the more I researched about it, the more I learned that christianity teaches complete opposite of what makes people happy.

In fact, if one followed christianity to the letter, he would likely be a very unhappy person. Thats why most christians dont follow even 30% of christianity.

Christianity teaches that its bad to eat a lot and to drink a lot. But how does one become happy if he doesnt eat a lot and doesnt drink a lot?

Drinking a lot of water at once makes person feel better.

Eating a lot at once makes a person feel better.

Moderation, as it is taught by Christians, doesnt work. It only makes people starved of pleasure.

Christianity starves people of pleasure. Dont eat, dont drink, dont have sex, dont masturbate...

so whats left?

Whats left is nothing.

And it gets even dangerous at some point. For example, christians wanted to fight against masturbation to the point where they spread blatant lies such as "masturbation causes blindness". They even promoted circumcision of children because they believed it will stop children from masturbating.

I dont even need to say that masturbation has many health benefits. However, christians still lead war against masturbation.

They even made up many "benefits" of "semen retention", and said how orgasms are actually harmful.

And thats only the beginning of a long list of nonsense.

The sentence "Jesus died for your sins" is a literal nonsense. Like, what the fuck does that even mean?

The christian advice "turn the other cheek" is only good if you want to get fucked over twice. It is such a dumb advice that almost no christian follows it. Anyone following it would quickly become victim of those who know how to abuse forgiving people.

As usual, nothing christians say is supported by facts. Its all a bunch of bullshit that christians themselves cant follow because of how dumb it is.

And thats where we come to Lucifer. The Christian description of Satan is a literal nonsense, so we will stick to actual description not polluted by christian filth.

Lucifer means the Bringer of Light. He is also known as the Morning Star, and the Black Sun.

He is the symbol of freedom and pleasure.

If we take a look at my research of what makes people happy, we see that teachings of Lucifer align with what makes people happy, where teachings of christianity stand opposite to what makes people happy.

Christianity demands of you to be in constant "hate mode" where you always hate this or that. In fact, its impossible to be a christian without hating something and complaining about something. Even Jesus himself always went around and criticized people, which is what got him killed. He knew it will get him killed, still did it, so we could even say that Jesus committed suicide.

However, if you give up on hate and complains and critique, you will be happier in life.

Its the excessive which makes people happy. Moderation makes people unhappy.

Lucifer teaches about excessive, where christianity teaches moderation.

Moderation is bullshit, because nothing good that comes in moderation feels as good. However, anything good that comes in plenty usually feels good. 
Drinking a lot of water at once feels good. Eating a lot at once feels good. Masturbating a lot at once feels good. Solving lots of problems at once feels good. Just think of anything that is good, and you will likely conclude that plenty is better than shortage.

So do christian teachings win anywhere? No, even the christians themselves dont follow christianity to the letter. Not to blame them, it would be hard even if they could memorize 2000 page book which is needed to follow it completely.
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Here is why I think that Lucifer is right

Who is Lucifer and from where did he originate?

And  what was he right about?