Total debates: 24
1. I am pro Islam and want to debate with any other religion or atheism. 2. I have not decided topic yet so if my opponent agrees to my rules then we can discuss resolution in private messages. 3 No moderators are allowed to vote on this debate especially named Barney, if Barney voted on this debate then it's automatic loose for my opponent. 3 Islam is not presumed to be false and the Quran as well unless we are talking about these topics. 4 Burden of proof is always shared.
Christian god as described in the Bible cannot exist. By accepting this debate you also accept that the Bible is either the complete word of god or the Bible is completely made by mankind. There’s not saying that some scriptures are real and others are not. No picking and choosing. Primary burden of proof rests with Pro. Pro must prove that he is impossible and Con must prove that he is at least somewhat possible.
The Catholic Church is infallible
A debate on whether the Bible teaches the doctrine of the Trinity. I will argue the Con position, asserting that the Bible does not support this concept.
This debate has been proposed by Casey_Risk. I kindly ask that nobody else accepts this debate.
Does the evidence support the claim that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead?
This debate will assume Christianity is true.
I know some of yall are raising your eyebrows because neither religion appear to be feminist at all, but nonetheless lets hope an actual Muslim is willing to debate me and have their side heard.
The premise of this debate is to discuss whether the Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is mentioned in the Old Testament, whether together or separately. Are the three parts of the Godhead mentioned in the Old Testament.
Do the tenets and beliefs of Mormonism really fall under that of traditional Christianity?
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Prove "Jesus is God" by using "I and the Father are one." John 10:30-38 (NIV), if it is possible to prove.
Is the belief in any God reasonable?
This debate will discuss whether or not "sola scriptura" - that is, the doctrine that Scripture is the only sufficient material needed to determine all dogmatic and moral principles pertaining to Christianity. Any source is allowable to be cited by the contenders, not just Scripture to prove their point.
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Directed evolution is where God had a hand in controlling evolution, 6 Day is what Genesis says.
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I am a Christian that believes Christianity should not have been removed from schools.
Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38 both purport to be the genealogy of Jesus, and they have little in common.
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Azathoth, one of the Extraterrestrial Old Ones is considerably more powerful than the God of the Bible.
Christianity is a man made religion based on faith and the beliefs are unjustifiable with many factually wrong.