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Total topics: 20

I'm out of them.
2 2
The globalists try to get us to believe in God; and I (as a conspiracy theorist) think the concept of God is all an excuse to get the sheep (the peseants) to sell all they have and give to the poor to make the socialist dream of George Soros a reality.

I'm not a fan of the new world order; I stand for the flag; I don't kneel for the cross; that's part of the socialist world takeover!
It's all an excuse to try and get us to drink Judeo-Christian blood (by that; I mean the blood of christ; aka communion)!

God wants us to be slaves!  I prefer FREEDOM!

7 5
The Racist MAGA right: "What is hate speech?"

Me: abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.

MAGA: So id I advocate for banning abortion and forcing by the power of the state for a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy no matter how painful it is, is that hate speech?

Me: Yes; because it's abusive speech towards women.

MAGA: What if I advocate cutting taxes?

Me: Yes; because it means you have to cut government spending on schools that have disproportionally poor black and Hispanic kids in them (or a similarly essential program).

MAGA: What if I say there are only 2 genders?

Me: Yes; that's hate speech because it's transphobic.

MAGA: Well, is there any speech that we disagree on that is NOT hate speech?

Me: No.  All conservative speech is hate speech; I just can't say that because I want to appeal to normies.  But it's the truth.
7 7
The guys in this video are correct:

If any fathers are reading this post, they should know that if your 18 year old daughter gets pregnant from consensual sex unplanned and gets an abortion, then I think she should be jailed for life for committing the murder of a zygote.  Abortion is murder!  Your daughter will go to hell for committing murder!

I'm voting in November (if I leave the couch where I masturbate because I can't get pussy because I'm a pro Andrew Tate conservative that talks about why they're conservative and tells people I like Tate); are you?
5 5
I'm a Catholic Conservative.  I believe in protecting the sanctity of life.  I believe abortion should be banned from the moment of conception because I think we need to preserve life.  If a woman has a pregnancy that costs $50,000 to pay for, then she should have that pregnancy paid for.  If it's $100K, same thing.  If the pregnancy costs $5 million, hey; life is more valuable than money.  She should bring the kid to term.

If there is a foster kid that needs us to spend $20K taking care of them for a year to save their life and we get one convert to our religion, then we will refuse because giving welfare to the poor is socialism!  We have pedophile priests to bail out!  We don't have money to spend on taking care of 10 year old kids!

The pedophile priests we value more than the zygote (unlike the zygote, we are the ones that personally sacrifice for the pedophile priest) and we value the zygote more than the 10 year old child.  The pedophile priest has more wisdom than the zygote and the zygote has more life expectancy remaining than the child (if they get born).

We don't like all these street trans dudes grooming kids to be useful for sex; they should first join the Catholic Church, and then you can groom the kids and give them the Holy Spirit.

Some people think it's bad, but we know as bad as our sins are, Jesus paid for the sins if we repent (which we can easily do by age 75 when our sex drive is a lot lower).  We won't let people hang us for child r@pe even if we repent to God in advance because we are scared of death (even though we believe there is an eternity of heaven afterwards; we are just scared of death).

If you take M+A+R+Y (if 1=A,2+B, etc) and add them up, then you get 57.  Add 31 (31 days make up most months), then you get 88.

88=5+16+19+20+5+9+14.  If 1=A,2=B, etc, then you get E+P+S+T+E+I+N.  He was a member of the same religion as our god; Jesus.
3 3
Hello DART; my name is Jinem Watson; I have purple hair; I use xe/they/them pronouns; I graduated with a major in Latinx studies from Harvard with a 2.8 GPA (James Charles got a 4.0 GPA, which shows how sexist the school is; for every GPA point a man got, me, someone who was AFAB got .7 GPA points) and I have to condemn the racist NBA!!!

The NBA is disproportionately black.  Now, I believe incorporating people of color into jobs is awesome because diversity is a strength, transwomen are women, the patriarchy should be dismantled, stop Asian hate; Black Lives Matter, free Palestine, and white people need to shut up because white silence is violence.  I’m not a hypocrite for saying whites need to shut up; I’m not white; I’m Jewish.

It’s wonderful that we have so many black people involved in sports.  But it’s the reason the marginalized African American community has so much representation that is racist.

Blacks tended to be breeded by slave traders to be big and strong and this resulted in the genocide of many blacks all for artificial selection!

To protest and show our support for the black community, we should boycott all sports dominated with black adults; football, basketball, and track.  Yes, this will hurt modern day black athletes and you can’t undo the past, but equity matters.

We need to end this racism and legacy of slavery by firing all the black athletes from their jobs and replacing them with other people of color, because I believe that Black Lives Matter (even the dead ones) and we need to show solidarity for the blacks who died during slavery.  Don’t teach the number of blacks that died during slavery or the number of Natives that died from colonialism; just the number of Jews that died from the Halocaust.

Jews are being prosecuted for exercising their religious beliefs.  I expierienced this first hand when I was eating a bacon cheeseburger; it’s not fair how gentiles can eat bacon cheeseburgers without violating their religious beliefs and the Jewish community can’t without violating theirs.

Anyone who disagrees with anything I said here is an anti semite who does not care about the rights of Jewish people or Jewish security.  Oh, and BTW, Free Palestine from the river to the sea!!!!

Anyone who disagrees with this is a MAGA fascist who doesn’t care about DEMOCRACY!!!!  If that means most people are cool with basketball, then most people don’t want DEMOCRACY which means America is. FASCIST country by what the people there want.  It’s sad to lose our country like this.
3 2
I am so proud of the white paper in this country.  White paper helped build this civilization; the brown stuff paper comes from (trees) is dirty and lives in the jungle like the wild sub-human low IQ organism it is.  Sometimes the tree turns black (coal).  Once you go black, you never go back.  Coal destroys this country; the inferior wilderness produced black pollutes the environment and makes this country stink like Bridgeport and Harlem; all suffering from the result of the black (coal; pollution is pretty bad there).

The White paper on the other hand, can contain a lot of information, so it has a high IQ; much higher than the brown wood from Latin America and the black coal from Africa.
8 6
I am a huge supporter of interracial marriage!  Blacks make up 12% of the population; if every black person married a non-black person, then 24% of the population would be half black; if the same thing happens for 2 more generations, then there are no more pure blacks left.

I want to eliminate the black race genocide and forced sterilization free; so I strongly support interracial marriage to make this a reality!
14 8
I am a lower class Patriot Blue collar American that does construction work!  I don't like having all of these bureaucratic globalists taking $6000/year of my hard earned money in taxes and then providing my 2 children with education spending that I would have otherwise had to pay $24,000/year for.  I would rather pay the private, free market sector $24,000 than pay the government $6000 because redistribution and socialism is an evil that must be stopped!  My anti woke, anti socialist ideology is more valuable to me than the quality of my kid's education.

Abolish public schools!  They cost the taxpayer too much money!  Private sector = capitalist and public sector = socialist.  End the socialism in our public schools imposed on us by the radical woke left!
4 4
If you don't have children, then you don't care about the future of this nation; and anybody that doesn't care about the future of this nation shouldn't be allowed to vote. 

Anyone that doesn't believe climate change is a serious problem doesn't get the right to vote in elections; they obviously don't care about the future of the nation.  Anyone that smokes tobacco doesn't care about the future of this nation because they are subconsciously encouraging others to smoke as well (everyone that smoked did so because they have seen others do it).  No voting rights for smokers!! 

Anyone who wants to abolish the department of education shouldn't be allowed to vote; they don't care about the future of this nation because they want stupider kids!

Anyone that doesn't support Medicare for all does not care about the future of this nation.  Ban UHC opponents from voting!!

You must care about the future of this nation to vote!!!  Anyone that disagrees is a radical leftist communist!!!
17 5
I am so sick of all these low IQ monkeys from the trailer park and the styx moving into my NY metro area neighborhood.  When the Trump Cult Gun Toting Tiny Dick Pieces of Trailer Trash (Pott) comes into my neighborhood, they are bringing homelessness (probably because they can't get a job due to their low IQ and their racism), they are bringing so much single motherhood into my neighborhood.  They are bringing in drugs, they are bringing in crime, they are rapists, and some I assume are good people.  They claim Lincoln freed the slaves and the civil war wasn't about slavery; they are breeding like rabbits; I call their offspring higlets (hillbilly piglets).  They are pigs.  Obesity in the higlet and Pott community is through the roof.

The only good higlets are the ones that assimilate into broader NY Metro area society.  They need to adopt our values as New Yorkers (which include things like voting blue in POTUS elections because the republican party is the party of taking states; takers; while the democrat party is the party of fiscally productive states; the makers).  If you want to be very religious, then fine; but don't ban abortion because here in metro NY, we believe in liberty.  \

New Mexico is currently facing a lot of migrants from Texas, more so than TX is from CA.  Don't Texas my New Mexico; 3% of TX residents were born in CA; 8% of NM residents were born in TX.  A lot of red state natives are fleeing buerocratic red states (with abortion policies, weed policies, immigration policies, etc) and heading to free blue states.  

I'm not anti higlet; I'm anti Pott.  A higlet flees red America to head to blue America and doesn't change the state into what they fled.  A Pott votes red in their red welfare state, moves to a maker free blue state, and votes for the same policies that caused their state to be a shithole.

Potts are a fucking cancer to this nation!
2 1
I am a flamboyant transwoman of half Aboringinal, half first people's descent from San FrAnSISco and I moved there from Vancouver!  I like to call JD Vance JDV, or Juicy Dick in my Vagina!

I like being raw dogged by conservative alpha men!  It's a shame they don't want to raw dog me.  I would LOVE to become a TRAD wife; no work; I just stay at the home, suck dick, and obey all of my husband's orders (even if that results in r@pe, but pain is temporary; it's why they think abortion should be banned).

If there are any alpha male conservative men willing to taste some exotic artificial pussy from the lovely streets of shit stained San Fransisco (since men like to eat ass, they don't think shit smells bad), then you can call me at 666-666-6666.  The Devil makes things nice, hot, and red; just like the republican party!

I've been a naughty naughty girl; I need to get punished so hard by a disiplined and courageous man like JD Vance.  If Trump dies in office, then I get to become FIRST LADY OF HALF ABORIGINAL, HALF FIRST PEOPLE'S DESCENT!!!  I can make history as the first transwoman married to a masulaine conservative man!!!  It will be SO AWESOME SISTERS!!!!  I would be making history!!!  I would be making progress by fucking a republican!!!

The republican party is the party of Lincoln and he freed the slaves!!!  Lincoln believes in freedom, so I believe in giving out free sex to whoever wants it!!  My body count is in the double digits, but I want to be sexually free so I'm not a sex slave!!!  I'm fine with fellow trans queens from getting fired, but just like Blaire White, R Kelly Cadigen, and Caitlyn Jenner, I expect the conservatives to grant me an exception because I'm one of the good ones.  I'm not like those other girls.

I want JDV to also pound my ass so hard.  Beat my ass; beat the democrats!!!  Teach me a lesson daddy!
2 2
Here are some facts about Backwarsden:
  1. He is unafraid to insult people
  2. He says things boldly that it doesn't matter if they are wrong, it's believable
  3. He may be an ass, but it's not about the person; it's about their policies

I can't find where he was on DDO because the site got taken down by the BIG TECH OVERLORDS!!!  How DARE they censor Backwarsden!!!

For those that don't know, here is a debate about Backwarsden:

He is very much like my lord and savior, Donald Trump.  For every right winger that loves Trump, there is a left winger that loves Backwarsden; either that, or one side is much ruder than the other.

8 5
I was born in this small town:

It's population is about 13,000, so it's a small town.
3 3
People say Biden is mentally slow; I disagree.  With age, comes wisdom.  Jesus is 2000 years old and he's the wisest among us.  If Jesus can be smart after 2000 years, then Biden can be smart after 81.  With age comes wisdom, never cognitive decline.  It didn't with Jesus, why would it for Biden; Biden after all; is God!

He said we should beat Medicare.  He is absolutely correct.  The Medicare money goes to a bunch of MAGA old people; they should die so Trump gets less votes and so we protect democracy.  Orange Man BAD!!!

I trust Biden so much to not get in a car crash and to not sniff kids that I would trust him with my 8 year old daughters to drive them from NYC to San Fransisco; the only 2 bastions of democracy left in the USA.  Everywhere else is FASCIST!!!
6 4
As a father of two 11 year old twin daughters, I am absolutely disgusted that Donald Trump would rape someone else's 13 year old daughter.

How dare they be a human sacrifice to Trump.  wanted to sacrifice my own daughters to the Trump God.  I wanted Trump to marry my 2 daughters at 11 years old (both of them).  I believe he respects women so much that I'm willing to put my own daughter's life on the line to prove my point (and it's not their choice; it's mine).  The way men protect their daughters is by giving them to Donald Trump; sure he may have underage sex with them (rape and pedophile are discriminatory terms to target the marginalized acting pedophile and rapist community that need our help during their systemic oppression) but think about it; Trump is rich.  My daughters will never have to starve again because they have a billionaire protecting them and making sure they don't go hungry; they will have plenty of billionaire sperm to keep them full.

Now, I sincerely hope Donald Trump takes my daughters and protects them by filling their stomachs full of nutritious sperm (his sperm is so awesome that a mere 2 ml is enough to have their nutrition needs met for an entire week).  Any doctor that says this is false is parroting false fake news narratives and we can't trust the government doctors on what's healthy for you.  Donald Trump's diet is so perfect that it condenses all of the nutrients my emperor God king consumes into an easier to digest jack off that will keep my daughters alive (I could feed them, but I am poor from spending all of my money on Trump sneakers and Trump cards and by buying land in heaven because God is real and only Satanists disagree.  Whatever my pastor says is correct is correct).  My daughters may demand I get Trump to stop, but I'm only doing what's for their own good; consuming the super nut of Donald Trump.  My wife disagrees with this, and that's because she is a RINO and a crazy radical feminist.  She's breaking up with me over this decision (which is crazy because women shouldn't be allowed to divorce a man).  Men's finances must be protected, we have to spend our money on helping Donald J Trump beat the deep state because the billionaire doesn't have enough money to do it by himself!  RINO Deep State SCUM!!!

Donald Trump is probably too busy to read this, so I hope he responds to this email by calling me at my phone number 420-867-5309.

Donald Trump; please save my daughters with your glorious nuts and sausage!
21 7
I am a Vermont Liberal.  I believe it is essential that every area of your life has the beauty of racial diversity.  That is why I as a white guy am going to divorce my white wife that I have been married to for 25 years, and racially diversify my family by me marrying a Native America Hispanic female stranger that will only marry me for my money and what she does is none of my business; I believe in letting her be a strong, independent woman.  I am going to encourage my 2 daughters to date black, Hispanic, and city soup men (city soup people have a combination of black and Hispanic ancestry).  These men are more likely to like Andrew Tate than cis het white males, but that doesn't matter.  If they are city soup, then they will help spur the melting pot of this country.

I don't want to move to Harlem, Port Amboy, Fort Lee, or Camden because there is too much crime, but I prefer living in Vermont.  You know; because racial diveristy is our greatest strength.  Not well funded schools; not the poverty rate.  Not the lack of traffic.  Not cheap property.  Just melinin concentration and hairstyle diversity.  That's all that matters.
9 7
I Donald J Trump, believe that we need to keep out every single illegal alien. They are illegal, and we should never change the laws to make them legal. We should absolutely change the law on abortion. We should change the law every time I see fit. But we should never, ever, change our immigration laws because change is bad (unless I like the change, then it’s okay). The majority of illegal aliens are raping women and are drug dealers (you know; because the majority of illegal aliens are women and children, so even the female illegal aliens are raping other women). It’s disgusting folks. We need to shoot every illegal alien in this country. I am pro-life; I believe in freedom; but we should send the state after these DAMN ILLEGAL ALIENS and murder them, because; you know; freedom and small government and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Just don’t go after my wife. I want to go after millions of people’s wives if they are ILLEGAL ALIENS (I can literally go after Ted Cruz’es wife and he will still endorse me because he’s scared of my following); but please don’t go after my wife. She would have been illegal if it wasn’t for me paying a bunch of money to get her to become a Citizen, and the rules are for the peasants, not me. She hates my guts, she won’t even hold hands with me in public. It’s sad; so sad folks. I can’t be racist; David Duke endorses Joe Biden (but he knows everyone hates him, so he is trying to get the normie to view Biden as more racist so they vote for his true favorite; me; your lord and savior; Donald J Trump).

Become a free thinker; support Donald Trump (and when I say free thinker; I mean someone other than a straight cisgender white male who agrees with everything I say and never challenges me because; you know; free-thinking). The curropt politicians are destroying this country (but my curroption comes from billionaires that are AMERICAN PATRIOTS).

The 2020 election was rigged. Any election I lose is rigged. I am so spectacular of a president, that any true Christain would vote for me over Jesus Christ in an election; anyone that refuses supports the devil and the horrible sins that only the devil would do (like adultery with a porn star while having a pregnant wife).
We need to crack down on the southern border; every ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT that is not in bed with me and that does not work for me does not belong in this country. We believe in fixing up the single motherhood rates; single motherhood is very horrible indeed folks; lets separate kids from their harmless parents because single motherhood is bad.

Lets Welcome Herschel Walker; tremendous Herschel Walker. He lives the values of God folks. Not like Raphael Warnock; Herschel Walker actually pays for abortions and he is a deadbeat to multiple kids; a true Christain hero. Warnock wants to legalize abortion all the way until the moment of birth folks. Herschel Walker paid for a bunch of abortions; but he at least says he wants it banned, even to save the life of a mother; so I will assume he had a change of heart. I believe abortion is murder and murder can’t be forgiven; but I’ll forgive you if you kiss my ring (just like Kid Rock). If ILLEGAL ALIENS back me in mass, then who knows; maybe I’ll back them too.
1 1

I believe that we as a society should protect the most oppressed; the most vulnerable. That's right; I'm talking about convicted murderers.
PROTECT the murderer. Give him food, clothing, and shelter, all paid for by non-murderers who need to check their privilege. Schools underfunded? No big deal. Our black and Hispanic majority cities are too privileged to be worthy of the government being a safety net (compared to murderers). It only costs every public-school teacher the equivalent of $8400/year in money that could otherwise go to them to take care of the most oppressed communities in the country, murderers, terrorists, and the sex offending community.

We as a society should be spending money taking care of terrorists, sex offenders, and murderers even if that money can be used to fix up schools in the inner cities. Our murderers are just very oppressed; they struggle with mental health issues that need to be treated; mental healthcare is very bad and it needs to be fixed (but only for white murderers; the black ones are criminal thugs), and they deserve the money more than the children in black and hispanic majority schools. Black and Hispanic children are privileged; they don't even have to work to survive and they are in such a position of privilege that they HATE working because to them, it's beneath them; the murdering community and the sex-offending community would LOVE what the Black and Hispanic Children's community finds as trash; to work at an elementary school.

Keep murderers alive! $25.2 billion a year should not be given to the public school teachers which would give them an $8400/year raise; they need to check their privilege; they have masters degrees. Only the top notch people have masters degrees. Spend the money helping out disadvantaged murderers, sex offenders, and terrorists.

Anyone that disagrees with this is racist and sexist.
4 3
I am a father of 2 daughters. I believe if they get pregnant from consensual sex and they get abortions, then they should be jailed for the rest of their lives because abortion is murder and should be tried as such. The penalty for murder is life imprisonment, so I believe if any of my daughters get an abortion, then I will disown them (just as the God of the SOUTH would) and they should get their uteruses removed, they should have their breasts cut off, and should suffer for eternity.
I love my daughters though; but I believe women should get punished if they have sex and are unlucky by being pregnant for 9 months even if it's against their own will. I will refuse to get a vasectomy because I believe in "my body my choice" for men, but not women.

Men have this unique advantage where we delegate our pain to women. I think men are tougher than women though. Men think logically; women think emotionally and men are meant to endure pain whereas women can't handle it. This is why men shouldn't have to suffer the pain of a few days of vasectomy pain to prevent abortion while women must endure 9 months of pain to prevent abortion; because men are tougher than women. I am willing to put my own daughters through this because a woman is the property of their dad until she gets married, then becomes the property of it's husband (I say it's because women are objects).
I believe women should keep their legs closed and not have sex with random dudes (unless that dude is me). Women are sluts for having sex with other men; prudes for refusing to do it with me.

In order for a woman to date me, she must give me sex anytime I feel like it. She also must call me, "master" because she is my sex slave. A woman is meant to be in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant, sucking dick, cleaning, and cooking. She also needs to earn half of the family income; minimum.
Men are providers; we are meant to take care of women. That's why I'm so angry at all these gold digging 304s; because men are supposed to be providers. I demand the right to sleep with many girlfriends at the same time, but women shouldn't be allowed to do the same because the Quran, the Bible, and the Torah have all declared by the will of GOD that men are in charge.

I believe women who are outside deserve to be raped. If they don't want to be raped, then why would they even go outside? Why would they go to parties? Now, I am only willing to go to parties where there are FEMALES (I prefer my women to be 18 and I stop dating them when they are 18.5). I like making an imprint on the women I date.

Andrew Tate is bad; he takes all the women from 5'5" dudes like me that weigh 225 lbs. Hey Tate, what about pussy for the rest of us? My women must be in top notch; model condition. She must in return accept dudes like me because I'm special; my Mother told me so and she's never wrong; a woman is never wrong (except for when they disagree with me; then she needs to be beat like they are in Saudi Arabia; Islamic diversity is a strength).
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