Illegal immigration

Author: 420-1776


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420-1776's avatar
I Donald J Trump, believe that we need to keep out every single illegal alien. They are illegal, and we should never change the laws to make them legal. We should absolutely change the law on abortion. We should change the law every time I see fit. But we should never, ever, change our immigration laws because change is bad (unless I like the change, then it’s okay). The majority of illegal aliens are raping women and are drug dealers (you know; because the majority of illegal aliens are women and children, so even the female illegal aliens are raping other women). It’s disgusting folks. We need to shoot every illegal alien in this country. I am pro-life; I believe in freedom; but we should send the state after these DAMN ILLEGAL ALIENS and murder them, because; you know; freedom and small government and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Just don’t go after my wife. I want to go after millions of people’s wives if they are ILLEGAL ALIENS (I can literally go after Ted Cruz’es wife and he will still endorse me because he’s scared of my following); but please don’t go after my wife. She would have been illegal if it wasn’t for me paying a bunch of money to get her to become a Citizen, and the rules are for the peasants, not me. She hates my guts, she won’t even hold hands with me in public. It’s sad; so sad folks. I can’t be racist; David Duke endorses Joe Biden (but he knows everyone hates him, so he is trying to get the normie to view Biden as more racist so they vote for his true favorite; me; your lord and savior; Donald J Trump).

Become a free thinker; support Donald Trump (and when I say free thinker; I mean someone other than a straight cisgender white male who agrees with everything I say and never challenges me because; you know; free-thinking). The curropt politicians are destroying this country (but my curroption comes from billionaires that are AMERICAN PATRIOTS).

The 2020 election was rigged. Any election I lose is rigged. I am so spectacular of a president, that any true Christain would vote for me over Jesus Christ in an election; anyone that refuses supports the devil and the horrible sins that only the devil would do (like adultery with a porn star while having a pregnant wife).
We need to crack down on the southern border; every ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT that is not in bed with me and that does not work for me does not belong in this country. We believe in fixing up the single motherhood rates; single motherhood is very horrible indeed folks; lets separate kids from their harmless parents because single motherhood is bad.

Lets Welcome Herschel Walker; tremendous Herschel Walker. He lives the values of God folks. Not like Raphael Warnock; Herschel Walker actually pays for abortions and he is a deadbeat to multiple kids; a true Christain hero. Warnock wants to legalize abortion all the way until the moment of birth folks. Herschel Walker paid for a bunch of abortions; but he at least says he wants it banned, even to save the life of a mother; so I will assume he had a change of heart. I believe abortion is murder and murder can’t be forgiven; but I’ll forgive you if you kiss my ring (just like Kid Rock). If ILLEGAL ALIENS back me in mass, then who knows; maybe I’ll back them too.