I don't want all these low IQ monkeys moving into my neighborhoods!!!

Author: 420-1776


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420-1776's avatar
I am so sick of all these low IQ monkeys from the trailer park and the styx moving into my NY metro area neighborhood.  When the Trump Cult Gun Toting Tiny Dick Pieces of Trailer Trash (Pott) comes into my neighborhood, they are bringing homelessness (probably because they can't get a job due to their low IQ and their racism), they are bringing so much single motherhood into my neighborhood.  They are bringing in drugs, they are bringing in crime, they are rapists, and some I assume are good people.  They claim Lincoln freed the slaves and the civil war wasn't about slavery; they are breeding like rabbits; I call their offspring higlets (hillbilly piglets).  They are pigs.  Obesity in the higlet and Pott community is through the roof.

The only good higlets are the ones that assimilate into broader NY Metro area society.  They need to adopt our values as New Yorkers (which include things like voting blue in POTUS elections because the republican party is the party of taking states; takers; while the democrat party is the party of fiscally productive states; the makers).  If you want to be very religious, then fine; but don't ban abortion because here in metro NY, we believe in liberty.  \

New Mexico is currently facing a lot of migrants from Texas, more so than TX is from CA.  Don't Texas my New Mexico; 3% of TX residents were born in CA; 8% of NM residents were born in TX.  A lot of red state natives are fleeing buerocratic red states (with abortion policies, weed policies, immigration policies, etc) and heading to free blue states.  

I'm not anti higlet; I'm anti Pott.  A higlet flees red America to head to blue America and doesn't change the state into what they fled.  A Pott votes red in their red welfare state, moves to a maker free blue state, and votes for the same policies that caused their state to be a shithole.

Potts are a fucking cancer to this nation!
420-1776's avatar
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Posts: 81
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