

Used to categorize content related to the abuse of power for personal gain or the manipulation of public resources for private interests. Discussions under this tag may encompass topics such as the causes and consequences of corruption, strategies for prevention and detection, and the impact of corruption on various aspects of society, such as economic development, governance, and public trust. The tag may also cover topics around the legal and ethical implications of corruption, such as the role of law enforcement and anti-corruption agencies, and the need for greater transparency and accountability in public and private institutions.

Total topics: 109

Has police brutality ever existed?
It's been a myth that the media has spread for awhile.
35 7

"It's my dad" (paraphrasing) - Hunter Biden

For some this is old news. For others it represents a severe cognitive dissonance after years of blind denial of the evidence.
29 9
It should have come to no surprise that the George Soros funded Georgia Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who ran on charging former President Donald Trump on fraud related charges involving the 2020 election in GA, ends up being a fraud herself.

Georgia whistleblowers lining up to testify against Fulton County DA Fani Willis, state lawmaker says

"Republican state Sen. Bill Cowsert opened a meeting of the Senate Special Committee on investigations with a bombshell revelation that multiple whistleblowers from the Fulton County's DA's office have come forward to testify against their boss. He said they allege Willis misused state and federal funds -- allegations that come after the embattled DA admitted to having a relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade that critics have called "improper."

Fani Willis called ‘embarrassment’ by Georgia residents after admission of ‘personal relationship’ with Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade: ‘What the hell is going on?’

"Willis has now admitted to having a “personal relationship” with Nathan Wade, who stands accused of spending some of the $654,000 he has earned for his work on the Trump case on lavish gifts and vacations with his boss, court records show.

“What the hell is going on? I know you guys write the checks. She is an embarrassment to the board and to the citizens footing the bill,” Kevin Muldowny testified at a Fulton County Board of Commissioners public hearing.

“Fani is doing exactly what Fani wants; whether it’s carrying on an adulterous relationship with an underqualified stud she hired or ignoring a direct request from a sitting commissioner for a full audit.”

Fani Willis Impeachment Moves One Step Closer

"In an interview with Fox News, attorney and legal analyst Phil Holloway said the accusations against Willis could result in Trump's Georgia election interference case being dismissed.

"If it can be proven she violated the Constitution in the way of substitute due process claims, that she was fundamentally unfair in how she carried out her prosecutorial duties, then that could result in a dismissal [of the case]," he told anchor Harris Faulkner.

"It would be a question if she gets recused, then her whole office has to be recused. If she's got a conflict of interest, everybody who works for her has that same conflict of interest. So the prosecuting attorney's counsel here in Georgia or the attorney general's office may have to sort out who in the state of Georgia, if anyone, wants this."

A Reality Check on the Fani Willis Scandal

"In a recent appearance before Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Willis barely addressed the substance of the allegations -- more on those shortly -- but chose instead to frame them largely as a racially motivated attack."

Even Jessica Tarlov, the liberal Democrat on 'The Five' calls out Willis for her "race-card" moving being out of line.

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis reports racist threats over Trump case

"A Georgie prosecutor has reported receiving racist threats and abuse as she decides wh3ether to charge former President Donald Trump."

She pulled the so-called infamous 'race-card' before even filing the charges, and yet everyone knew that is the platform that she ran on.

Why Nathan Wade, under fire for alleged affair with Fani Willis, is facing new scrutiny

"Accusations that Wade mishandled the jail-deaths investigation in 2020 are adding to questions about Willis’s judgment in hiring him for the sensitive assignment of investigating the former president and alleged co-defendants in their alleged effort to overturn Georgia’s presidential election that year."
4 3
So far, it's crystal clear that Biden wouldn't last long in the presidency. I mean, his health issues, the shameless corruption around him, the economic crisis that is getting closer and closer, the migration crisis, the possible outbreak of a war, everything seems to be against Joe.

Being said that, it's logic that Kamala Harris, being the VP, must assume as the first female president of the US, but from what I see people don't like her. Republicans say they prefer Biden over Harris in the presidency because she is a threat for the country, but as I said, the situation is unbearable and Joe has to go home.

Is it possible that americans avoid Harris as president? If it's so, who should assume the presidency of the US? The speaker of the US House of Representatives? Enlighten me, please.
146 15
Is Biden using the FBI to wisely crush his political enemies before they can become a threat to his Democracy?
62 7
Artistic expressions
32 15

Epstein…was deeply tied too the left. The left was deeply tied to Epstein.

Truth always prevails, over time.

And it will clearly take a lot of time…but given recent events, out is clear dems are POS.

9 6
Does that statement make the Mayor responsible for the next riot?

21 10

Just goes to show you that it pays to be a military larper.

8 3

Just goes to show you that it pays to be a military larper.

When you get that good, porn stars pay you for a screw job.
4 3
"The killers of Patrice Lumumba, those who toppled Kwame Nkrumah, those who killed Nasser, those who killed Muammar Gaddafi, today are coming to teach us about democracy," explained Fred M’membe, president of the Socialist Party of Zambia, in a speech given March 23.

"A country that has toppled so many governments in Africa, that has led so many coups in Africa and other parts of the world, a country that has killed so many of our leaders in Africa and other parts of the world," M’membe added, in a scathing critique of American hypocrisy.

"A country that has been built on brutal force, on the enslavement of other human beings, on the humiliation of Africans, the exploitation of Africans, the plunder of Africa, today is coming to teach us about democracy,"

"If you have no respect for the dignity of others, if you have no respect for the sovereignty of other countries, you cannot claim to be a champion of democracy,"

Current events
4 3
Very simple solution.

A constitutional amendment to prohibit the government from distributing corporate welfare with tax funds. Taxes may only be spent on government organizations and can never be spent on private organizations. As a follow up to this rule, Any federal taxes levied on private corporations must be applied evenly to all corporations in America with no fear or favor.

The only corporate lobbying that will then have a reason for existing will be for business regulations.

If the public wants to end ALL corporate lobbying in D.C., then there needs to be a Constitutional amendment prohibiting Congress from regulating private business, either relegating that duty to the states, or to the courts via tort law.
14 6
Imagine if those troops were in Alaskan oilfields instead....
8 4
1 1
The newest update ignores sacred MEEPs and undermines democracy on DART.

A noob should only need 2 rated debates to vote and 0 unrated debates to debate rated.

5???? They need to complete 5 unrated debages to even begin to debate rated. Even I would just do low valye trash debates to meet that quota
 Welcome to the new DART, unpleasant and undemocratic.

I am happy I lost that election, I am probably quitting soon, we have no real engagement between noobs and experienced debaters possible anymore.
58 13
“I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule—but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s objections—such as lowering penalties for carjackings,” Biden tweeted. “If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did—I’ll sign it.”

1 1
While Reagan gave 20.000 dollars to make up for the sins of FDR, the children of the victims of racism deserve more. Much more.

All people who who had ancestors that voted for FDR should be forced to pay up.
16 7
Since the origin of the fighting words doctrine, the SCOTUS has failed to uphold a single conviction since 1942. I wonder if there could be a consensus in this forum for reversing this trend.

Post your list of what you think are an objective list of "fighting words" uttered in a public setting.

Words that must be excluded are the ones on the list of the recent SCOTUS rulings, namely:

Insults against the American Flag, Fuck the Draft, Bury the niggers, Send the Jews back to Israel, White son of a bitch, I'll kill you, mother fucking, god damn mother fucking police, mother fucking fascist, black mother fucking pig, wearing German swastikas and German uniforms, cross burning, flag burning, God Hates the USA, Thank God for 9/11, America is Doomed, Don’t Pray for the USA, Thank God for IEDs, Thank God for Dead Soldiers, Pope in Hell, Priests Rape Boys, God Hates Fags, Fags Doom Nations, You’re Going to Hell, and God Hates You.

10 8
Because it's now a toxic dump worse than Chernobyl. Thanks Joe!

26 6
10 5
What a scam
4 2

Senator Grassley and Johnson’s investigation into Biden Inc criminality highly detailed here in this hearing statement. 

It is clear that the Biden’s and all their co-conspirators did as Grassley laid out. An FBI agent was caught conspiring with foreign agents that ties that FBI agent to Hunter and the Biden family. 

If the Biden Criminal Organization can disrupt a 4 year term of a sitting president with constant barrages of illicit and fallacious attacks, effectively setting that POTUS up for failure, it is more than plausible and more probable that they also conspired to rig the 2020 election (which is more or less self-evident at this point).

As these hearings continue, more truth will see the light of day and the snakes in the swamp will continue to be exposed. 

This country is on the brink of total ruin if our government and GOP do not get their act together and clean house from the very TOP to the lowest basement level. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. Neither can the fact that the CCP has every hand, tooth and nail dug deep into our country on multiple levels. 

Things for America and our way of life are at serious risk, and if something doesn’t change soon…that movie Red Dawn may become a very reality present day. 
32 4

These are the people you listened to about Covid Policy.....
10 6

100 billion dollars later....250k Dead Ukrainians...
29 5

As if any sane person believed Joe Biden, son of a used car salesman.
7 4
Wylted is trying to bury to the lead story of this campaign!  Fucking censorship!

READ here the scandalous fact Wylted is shitting his pants over!

48 12

So following the precedent where the progressive squad refused to gain concessions from Pelosi, they also vote completely opposite to what they promise to their constituents. Clearly there is some strong arming and censorship of Democracy going on here.

Do you guys see the rise of a very strong PINO wing as strong as the RINOs once were?
9 5

Does this signal a move by the establishment to set up a resignation of Biden?
27 5

Promoting world organizations, using weapons of mass destruction to justify endless proxy wars for profit, using Covid as a justification to control people.

Maybe he forgot he was supposed to be on the left?

3 2
5 2
Jim Jordan is leading a protest vote to break apart the Uniparty.
46 9
Just in case you haven't donated enough. Here's your sign.

26 5
George Anthony Devolder Santos (born July 22, 1988) is an American politician and businessman from the state of New York. A member of the Republican Party, Santos was elected to represent New York's 3rd congressional district in 2022, a district covering part of northern Long Island and northeast Queens. Both Santos and his 2022 opponent, Robert Zimmerman, are openly gay, a first for a U.S. congressional election. He is the first openly gay non-incumbent Republican and the first Brazilian-American elected to Congress.  Santos is a pro-Trump right-wing extremist who has appeared with MTG speaking to neo-Nazi political parties like Freedom Party of Austria and Alternative for Germany.  Santos attended Trump's Jan 6th rally and claims to have bailed out some Jan 6th arrestees although that has not been verified.

After Santos was elected to Congress, and before he took office, reporting by The New York Times and later other news outlets revealed significant issues with Santos' biographical claims.

  • Santos claims to have been living as openly gay and married to a man for the last decade
    • but according to public records, Santos was a married to a woman until they divorced in 2019.
  • Santos moved out of his Queens address in August but never changed his address and was still falsely registered at that address at the time of the election.  New York mailed Santos' certificate of electoral victory to this old address, where the landlord was throwing out his mail.
  • Santos claimed to have graduated from Baruch College in 2010, earning a bachelor's degree in finance and economics.  Santos also claimed to have received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from New York University, but NYU has no record of his attendance.
    • After, obtaining a high school equivalency at the age of 21, Santos moved with his nurse mother to Rio de Janiero until he was caught stealing from his mother's  patients and fled back to America before his court date.
    • There's no indication Santos actually attended any higher education.
  • Santos claimed to be of Jewish descent, his family fleeing Ukraine ahead of the Nazis. 
    • In fact, his family immigrated from Belgium in 1863.  No evidence of Jewish or Ukrainian ancestry can be found.
  • Santos claimed that his mother was the first female executive at a major financial institute in the World Trade Center on 9/11.  Santos claimed his mother barely survived 9/11.
    • Actually, his mother was a nurse with no known connection to the 9/11 attacks beyond living in Queens at the time.
  • Santos claimed to have made his money as a Wall St. financier and investor at CitiGroup, Goldmans Sachs, MetGlobal, and LinkBridge.
    • None of these companies ever employed Santos in any capacity.
    • Santos clearly has access to million of dollar, he spent much of it on his campaign, but there's now no indication of how Santos actually made his millions. 
    • Not honestly, apparently.
  • Santos ran a charity from 2013 to 2018, claiming to raise money for rescue animals.
    • No application for tax-exempt status was ever filed.
    • All indications now are that Santos simply kept the money.
  • According to his financial disclosures, Santos was sole owner and managing member of the Devolder Organization, which he said was a family-owned company that managed $80 million in assets.  On financial disclosure forms, Santos called Devolder a "capital introduction consulting" firm. Although based in New York, the company was registered in Florida (Santos claimed to be a Fla resident), where it was dissolved in 2022 for failing to file annual reports. During his 2022 campaign for Congress, Santos lent his campaign more than $700,000, and reported receiving a salary of $750,000 and dividends of between $1 million and $5 million from Devolder, even though he also listed the company's estimated value as in the same range.   Despite the claims about the company's size, Santos's financial disclosure forms did not list any clients using the company's services.
  • Santos claimed that one of his companies lost four employees in the Pulse Nightclub Shooting.
    • But this claim, too, appears to be entirely untrue.
  • Santos has made no public appearance since the NYTimes broke this story three days ago and his whereabouts are unknown.
    • It is not known whether Brazil will ask for extradition.
    • It is not known whether police will investigate the source of Santos' wealth.
    • The Republican Party majority is slim and McCarthy is counting on Santos' support for his election to Speaker.  No Republicans are calling for Santos to step down although some are calling for further fact-finding.
    • It is not known how many other Republican candidates won seats without any apparent vetting or background check.

32 6
Kamala declares Africa to be a partner for global exploitation.

1 1

Multiple nations having to deal with a massive influx of weapons from America. 

America is the Lord of War.
5 3
Democrats, friend of little people, crushes rail workers for demanding better working conditions.

Heil the party. Heil!

20 4

So what I gathered from the article is that the "procedure" to making sure American citizens are enrolled to vote consists of 2 check boxes. One to state you are a us citizen and the 2nd box to state you are a resident.

So what is the "procedure" when an illegal invader checks both of those boxes, whether by mistake or intentional?
3 2
It pays to support the power.

3 3