Total debates: 592
Antifa has been known in europe for a long time and now they have become more known in USA because of the 2016 election. Donald Trump has recently said that he thinks it is a terrororganisation. My opinion has always been the same. If someone disagrees do what Antifa can't and let's debate.
We will be arguing over whether it is beneficial to society and moral to have a citizen's dividend, a type of universal basic income, funded by a land value tax.
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I don't even caaaaaarrreeee
I will argue that Richard Nixon was the best president of the United States. My opponent must choose another president that they believe was the best.
The legal working age should be set to 14 in all countries. If my opponent thinks otherwise, it shall debate with me on why this is not acceptable
Abortion should be illegal in most cases.
Hopefully someone accepts this. The contender is in favor of the resolution.
The Nordic model makes selling sex legal and buying it illegal, this is a relatively new approach addressing problems within prostitution trying to merge the benefits of partial decriminalization and efficient crime-fighting.
This debate will be about the death penalty.
ANTIFA is a hate group and is similar in their hate as to the KKK. I agree, you disagree
Wylted needs to be put in place. I give him an argument. He hears what he hears then runs with it (see discord). The least I can do is show people the very same thing because I don't think someone who goes out of their way to misrepresent me clearly is open minded to actually look at what they say and realize. It does not debunk my argument.
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Why do you believe the voting age should be lowered?
Patriotic Music Competition
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I believe Hitler was left wing.
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I support the death penalty for murder and treason. My opponent must be against the death penalty for both of these crimes.
As I said power, freedoms will not count.
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America is the home of the thieves and the land of the snake.
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Islam does not protect free speech and expression. It hunts and kills down those it disagrees with and is not compatible with the ideals of a free and democratic country.
While the stats are good right now in America, they don't truly show the statistics that matter, how well our people are. Without Obamacare, the common man will immensely suffer, that is just one of many things that help the common man that Trump has done nothing for, despite his claim he's for the forgotten American.
A debate about the pros and cons of immigration.
I’ve grown up in an anti-abortion environment. I’d like to understand the other side of the issue to decide which side is more logical.
Bestiality - Sexual intercourse between a human and a non-human animal --Structure-- R1. Pro's case; Con's Case R2. Pro Rebuttal; Con Rebuttal R3. Pro Rebuttal & Summary ; Con Rebuttal & Summary
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Bestiality - Sexual intercourse between a human and a non-human animal --Structure-- R1. Pro's case; Con's Case R2. Pro Rebuttal; Con Rebuttal R3. Pro Rebuttal & Summary ; Con Rebuttal & Summary
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NOTE: This is not a moral debate, this is simply a debate questioning whether from a legislative perspective (religion aside) that the LAW itself is bad for the people. I will take the stance that affirms with the statement, opponent takes the contrary to the statement
As evidenced by historical facts.
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Gun control is a dubious and failed policy as past statistics have shown(more on that later).
You read that correctly
Black Lives Matter hides true facts from the average unsuspecting black man and makes him hate whites,all to feed their own insatiable feeling of power.
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HOT TOPIC: Abortion Virtuoso says I need a non troll non forfeit debate so here you go.
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Anybody else have a spin on this?