Total debates: 592
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The Founding Fathers wanted to end slavery.
Should Donald Trump be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanours as prescribed in Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution and removed from office?
The LD case from 2018 Jan.-Mar. If you wish, debate in L-D style.
Are 4 heads better than 1?
Brexit will destroy the British Economy and is on the verge of presently creating civil war, the British voter is a wanker
Trump has betrayed his base as factory jobs keep disappearing
"No Collusion" is just another one of Trump's crescendo of lies
If Trumps admitted conduct doesn't justify impeachment nothing does
Socialism of the Western European social democratic variety would work here and already has
Socialism can occur through voluntary associations and without governmental interventions
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Just Proving My Point On The Largest Crime Syndicate In America & The World
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My internet went out for 3 days and i screamed and creamed but it didnt come back on til about an hour ago, so my loses humiliating as they seem dont count
Insert short description.
Donald Trump needs to be impeached because of his actions.
Donald Trump deserves to be impeached for a myriad of abuses but will not because thr Democratic clown car cant get its pathetic act together
As of now, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation-state on Earth.
Gun controls efficacy can be objectively verified
John Stewart Mills the foremost proponent of Liberal, classical liberal values was in the end convinced that for society to survive prosper and provide for everyone liberty and prosperity, some for of Soclialist economy would need to prevail
Huey Long did no wrong
A fun, hypothetical debate for anyone who is a fan of the anime Death Note!
China and Vietnam despite market reforms remain at heart Socialist States guided by the state All my arguments will be based on this video link and data provided no other source My resolution is that Norway is an ideal model for what a society should be like , we will also totally avoid the is it socialist debate because that is retarded, call it the nordic model, can it be replicated elsewhere? Maybe not in total, but there are lessons to be learned
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I can't be stopped.
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America! F yeah!
In his pamphlet Common Sense (1776), American philosopher Thomas Paine compared the government to a “necessary evil.” Law enforcers, Judiciary, and the constitution are meant to protect individuals' right, property, and liberty but in some instances, the same institutions might be used to against the individual.
Norway is actually socialist as the Government owns most of the wealth and controls most of the means of production
This house believes that the Antifa movement is a destructive political movement, and has caused more harm than good.
The USA has so many drug addicts and suicides it life span is shrinking no healthy society can exist like this
Nordic nations are not all the same but yet have common traits, this is the ideal system
WE should stay out of the dispute between Hong kong and red china
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china is on the rise we are sinking its only a matter of time till the red Chinese take over the world
Should a college give immunity to a rape/sexual assault victim, even when the victim has engaged in illegal activities? Let's talk about it!
When people say something is fascist or socialist usually they are merely expressing displeasure with out any real meaning, people have misused these two words so badly they have no real meaning anymore
Germany will save the European Union
This is my favourite type of debate. Trying to spice it up by comparing two weaker nations.
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Is the two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict a good idea?
I believe that gun violence, while not a myth, is not a problem; the issue is gun-free places.
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