Total topics: 27
Trump says US will take Gaza & turn it into the rivera of the ME, put the Palestinians in beautiful places...etc.
- All that is sensational nonsense. He is not going to take Canada, nor Panama, nor Gaza. Never going to happen; ESPECIALLY Gaza. If Israel was winning, it would've never agreed to a ceasefire. They were pushing the ceasefire deal proposed in April hoping the Gazans would surrender come winter. That didn't happen. The fighting just got more intense. What does he actually mean? Maybe it’s just one of his bluffs & fantasies. Maybe it’s a negotiation tactic to pressure Arab countries & the resistance to concede more. Maybe it’s a result of his entourage, since virtually all his family members & all his colleagues are either Jews or married to Jews. & Israel want Gaza! Maybe it’s the imminent implementation of the Zionist project of taking Jerusalem, destroying the Aqsa mosque & building the Temple as prophesied! Or maybe it’s a real imperial urgency the American ruling dynasty sees as the only way to get rid of a serious threat to Israel & their hegemony.
- The whole discussion rests entirely on power dynamics. There will be no talk about Israel existence itself if this was transposed into China for instance, for respective power dynamics makes it unattainable. The current power dynamics dictate that the colonial pocket of Israel is a political reality, for it was successfully inserted in the region by relevant Colonial powers after the fall of the Ottoman Empire & the subsequent occupation of the region, directly or indirectly, manifesting in the current regimes surrounding Israel (Jordan, Egypt, Gulf states…).
- What are the facts? Israel deployed 529k personnel to invade Gaza, mobilizing thousands of tanks & armored vehicles & aircrafts, dropping +100k tons of explosives on the strip (which is 200x the intensity of the Vietnam War bombing), with constant supply of armament from the US & Europe worth +$20B (the Iran attack defense alone cost $1B), spending +$70B on this war – to fight a 15k-35k resistance force for 15 months to a standstill! The result? More Hamas fighters now than were before Oct 7 – 20% less tunnels -allegedly- & almost 6k Israeli soldiers dead & 15k wounded (it's likely much higher than that in reality, including the mercenaries & unregistered fighters) – & a prisoner exchange Hamas was seeking since Oct 7.
- Taking Gaza necessarily requires military action, i.e. boots on the ground, since Palestinians are clearly not going anywhere. US direct involvement will do very little to tip the scale of the conflict. The only thing it may cause is more civilian deaths, more -or smaller- rubble, & more Hamas recruits. Although we haven't seen attempts by Gazans to cross the borders south towards Egypt despite all the heavy bombing & fatal lifestyle they suffered, some might be willing to leave if offered a better life with housing & amenities elsewhere. But 'some' is not what Trump & Netanyahu want; they want ALL Palestinians to leave. Even if half leaves & half stays, nothing really fundamentally changes. Even if we assume Palestinians in Gaza are eager to leave, no country would be as motivated to welcome them ALL; for the simple fact that no country wants a potential army of hundreds of thousands on their soil.
- This isn't even guerrilla warfare. It's something entirely new. Gazans under siege for decades came to two realizations early: that the supremacy of US/Israel military is air power, & that the political solution (to achieve a Palestinian state) is a lie –Israel intends to keep them under siege until it can expel them. Acquiring advanced air defense systems being unattainable, they opted to dig tunnels as deep as 200ft underground capable of surviving a nuclear strike; 500 miles of them. Some of these are large enough to fit vehicles & large spaces. They also had to make their own weapons under siege. They built factories underground & used remaining explosives & materials from the occasional Israeli bombings to make RPGs, rockets with ranges up to 150 miles, rifles, drones, ammunitions...etc.
- Whatever side of the isle you're on, these people are very serious about resisting the US/Israeli occupation & gaining their freedom. You don't spend decades digging tunnels deep underground just to be told "leave". Now, Hamas & the other resistance factions have access to +10k tons of unexploded bombs, hundreds of captured tanks & drones, & a very large pool of potential recruits. There are 2 million people living in Gaza, 70% are under 18, & almost all of them lost everything they had –house, relatives, comfort, amenities, health...etc. These people have nothing more to lose. It is not farfetched to believe that the resistance factions might 10x their forces after this. Which means 10x the fighting force, 10x the weapons & 10x the tunnels. The resistance is growing stronger not weaker.
- Arabia, Egypt & Jordan –the object of intended displacement– are not heedless to the fact that US/Israel seek to expand their territory –as always intended– while pushing the conflict occupation vs resistance further away from their borders. Moving the Palestinians, even those willing, to "nicer" places does not magically abrogate their fight to take back their land after 100 years of resistance. In fact, albeit unrealistic, this turn of events might pose an even greater danger to the Israeli colonial project. 2 million Palestinians who just lost their land on top of suffering & losing everything else, who successfully fought Israel with the full backing of the West, might just be as successful in taking over the country they were moved into, say Egypt or Jordan. Unlike in Israel, a resistance force launching a coup against the Egyptian regime, for instance, will not face much resistance from the people, if not the opposite.
- The deep distress among Israelis regarding this situation is understandable, their state may actually be in danger. This might lead to the infamous Samson option. But if the Israelis use nuclear, it is certain that all regional powers will rush to acquire their own as fast as possible. Namely, Turkey, Saudi, & Iran, potentially Egypt, Iraq & Syria as well. The former already have nuclear capabilities for energy use (Saudi in the near future). That outcome alone might actually be more distressing not just to Israel but to the entire West than just having Palestinians in Gaza. Not the least, Israelis themselves, especially those with dual citizenship, will pack their bags & go back to their countries once they learn their neighbors have nuclear weapons. Israel is already experiencing persistent negative migration since Oct 7.
- All that been said, here are some possible outcomes:
• Trump/Israel wishful secret plan: use all available means short of genocide to expel the vast majority of Palestinians from Gaza & nuke the remaining ones who refuse to yield. Means like: incentives such as community housing, work, school… elsewhere, contracting siege to force them out, encroaching settlements replacing Palestinians homes, military confiscation, monetary brides or green cards, kidnapping, bombing, constant harrasment…etc. The value here is that it’s easier to deal with a couple hundred thousands than with 2 million, & that it’s possible to deal with the backlash of one but not the other. All in all, this is a delusional plan. All this has already been long implemented in the West Bank & it yielded abysmal results with Palestinians unwilling to leave. It will surely yield null results among Gazans.
• Long term annihilation by subversion. It is shocking to me how UNRWA is portrayed in the US (& the West) as some great humanitarian organization, when its reputation induces repulsion in the Arab world. That until it came out recently that USAID was funding it to promote Feminism & Wokeness & inoculate (sterilize) Palestinians in Gaza. To eventually drive Gazans to depravity & eventually extinction, or at least surrender. The probability of this outcome is virtually null. Not for other than the fact that both the Palestinian resistance & Israel itself are against it, since they figure out that Wokness would just make Palestinians even greater victims than they already are.
• Two state solution: recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital & the Palestinians right of return. This might actually be the most realistic positive outcome for Israel. Having a stable home, hope, prospects, freedom will make the Palestinians less prone to more conflict, & might even weaken their resolve to take back their land. Then, they would have much to lose than just keep peace, even just temporary, even with the Israelis who took their homes killed their families or expelled their ancestors. The undesirable consequence of this outcome might be the fact that Israel as a state will seek to integrate itself in the region like the Crusader pockets done in the past, & thus ceases to exist as a colonial project serving Western hegemony as a destabilizing agent in the region.
• One state solution: merging occupation territories & Palestenian territories into one nation under the state. The only conceivable form of this solution is something like Bosnia, a confederation, or a one-country two-state solution. This is only possible with a fully integrated Israel in the region completely abandoning its Zionist project. Otherwise only achieved by Israel being conquered. In effect, leaning from past developments & following the current trajectory Palestinian resistance is poised to possess in the not-far future hundreds of thousands of fighters with respectively equivalent arsenal of antitank RPGs & rifles & so forth. Plus, much more advanced drone & rocket capabilities, possibly even air-defense systems..Also, likely thousands of miles of underground tunnels spanning all occupied territories, including Eilat (nuclear depot) & Tel Aviv. An Oct 7 scenario, where instead of capturing the Gaza belt region for a few days, capturing the entirety of Israel forever.
C/C whatever the short-term outcome of this situation is, it is impossible for Israel to survive in the long term. If this was in Albania, the outcome might be dubious. Palestine happens to be the abode of the Holy Land for Muslims & a province of the Arab nation. You would have to get rid of all Arabs & then all Muslims to eliminate any claim or cause to that land. An impossible feat in itself. Whatever the case, Israel is surrounded by half a billion people forever hostile to its colonial presence in the region, who are historically, religiously & politically attached to the land. The Crusaders occupied –back & forth– Jerusalem for 170 years! But were eventually expelled. The moment the power scale equalizes or shifts in favor of Muslims/Arabs, the existence of the polity that is Israel will become transient. My take, Jews who wish to stay in the Holy Land should learn from History, abandon their Zionist project & actually integrate with the locals & become one with them. But I know this is too much to ask. They might be right, maybe God will allow them to build the temple…
- All that is sensational nonsense. He is not going to take Canada, nor Panama, nor Gaza. Never going to happen; ESPECIALLY Gaza. If Israel was winning, it would've never agreed to a ceasefire. They were pushing the ceasefire deal proposed in April hoping the Gazans would surrender come winter. That didn't happen. The fighting just got more intense. What does he actually mean? Maybe it’s just one of his bluffs & fantasies. Maybe it’s a negotiation tactic to pressure Arab countries & the resistance to concede more. Maybe it’s a result of his entourage, since virtually all his family members & all his colleagues are either Jews or married to Jews. & Israel want Gaza! Maybe it’s the imminent implementation of the Zionist project of taking Jerusalem, destroying the Aqsa mosque & building the Temple as prophesied! Or maybe it’s a real imperial urgency the American ruling dynasty sees as the only way to get rid of a serious threat to Israel & their hegemony.
- The whole discussion rests entirely on power dynamics. There will be no talk about Israel existence itself if this was transposed into China for instance, for respective power dynamics makes it unattainable. The current power dynamics dictate that the colonial pocket of Israel is a political reality, for it was successfully inserted in the region by relevant Colonial powers after the fall of the Ottoman Empire & the subsequent occupation of the region, directly or indirectly, manifesting in the current regimes surrounding Israel (Jordan, Egypt, Gulf states…).
- What are the facts? Israel deployed 529k personnel to invade Gaza, mobilizing thousands of tanks & armored vehicles & aircrafts, dropping +100k tons of explosives on the strip (which is 200x the intensity of the Vietnam War bombing), with constant supply of armament from the US & Europe worth +$20B (the Iran attack defense alone cost $1B), spending +$70B on this war – to fight a 15k-35k resistance force for 15 months to a standstill! The result? More Hamas fighters now than were before Oct 7 – 20% less tunnels -allegedly- & almost 6k Israeli soldiers dead & 15k wounded (it's likely much higher than that in reality, including the mercenaries & unregistered fighters) – & a prisoner exchange Hamas was seeking since Oct 7.
- Taking Gaza necessarily requires military action, i.e. boots on the ground, since Palestinians are clearly not going anywhere. US direct involvement will do very little to tip the scale of the conflict. The only thing it may cause is more civilian deaths, more -or smaller- rubble, & more Hamas recruits. Although we haven't seen attempts by Gazans to cross the borders south towards Egypt despite all the heavy bombing & fatal lifestyle they suffered, some might be willing to leave if offered a better life with housing & amenities elsewhere. But 'some' is not what Trump & Netanyahu want; they want ALL Palestinians to leave. Even if half leaves & half stays, nothing really fundamentally changes. Even if we assume Palestinians in Gaza are eager to leave, no country would be as motivated to welcome them ALL; for the simple fact that no country wants a potential army of hundreds of thousands on their soil.
- This isn't even guerrilla warfare. It's something entirely new. Gazans under siege for decades came to two realizations early: that the supremacy of US/Israel military is air power, & that the political solution (to achieve a Palestinian state) is a lie –Israel intends to keep them under siege until it can expel them. Acquiring advanced air defense systems being unattainable, they opted to dig tunnels as deep as 200ft underground capable of surviving a nuclear strike; 500 miles of them. Some of these are large enough to fit vehicles & large spaces. They also had to make their own weapons under siege. They built factories underground & used remaining explosives & materials from the occasional Israeli bombings to make RPGs, rockets with ranges up to 150 miles, rifles, drones, ammunitions...etc.
- Whatever side of the isle you're on, these people are very serious about resisting the US/Israeli occupation & gaining their freedom. You don't spend decades digging tunnels deep underground just to be told "leave". Now, Hamas & the other resistance factions have access to +10k tons of unexploded bombs, hundreds of captured tanks & drones, & a very large pool of potential recruits. There are 2 million people living in Gaza, 70% are under 18, & almost all of them lost everything they had –house, relatives, comfort, amenities, health...etc. These people have nothing more to lose. It is not farfetched to believe that the resistance factions might 10x their forces after this. Which means 10x the fighting force, 10x the weapons & 10x the tunnels. The resistance is growing stronger not weaker.
- Arabia, Egypt & Jordan –the object of intended displacement– are not heedless to the fact that US/Israel seek to expand their territory –as always intended– while pushing the conflict occupation vs resistance further away from their borders. Moving the Palestinians, even those willing, to "nicer" places does not magically abrogate their fight to take back their land after 100 years of resistance. In fact, albeit unrealistic, this turn of events might pose an even greater danger to the Israeli colonial project. 2 million Palestinians who just lost their land on top of suffering & losing everything else, who successfully fought Israel with the full backing of the West, might just be as successful in taking over the country they were moved into, say Egypt or Jordan. Unlike in Israel, a resistance force launching a coup against the Egyptian regime, for instance, will not face much resistance from the people, if not the opposite.
- The deep distress among Israelis regarding this situation is understandable, their state may actually be in danger. This might lead to the infamous Samson option. But if the Israelis use nuclear, it is certain that all regional powers will rush to acquire their own as fast as possible. Namely, Turkey, Saudi, & Iran, potentially Egypt, Iraq & Syria as well. The former already have nuclear capabilities for energy use (Saudi in the near future). That outcome alone might actually be more distressing not just to Israel but to the entire West than just having Palestinians in Gaza. Not the least, Israelis themselves, especially those with dual citizenship, will pack their bags & go back to their countries once they learn their neighbors have nuclear weapons. Israel is already experiencing persistent negative migration since Oct 7.
- All that been said, here are some possible outcomes:
• Trump/Israel wishful secret plan: use all available means short of genocide to expel the vast majority of Palestinians from Gaza & nuke the remaining ones who refuse to yield. Means like: incentives such as community housing, work, school… elsewhere, contracting siege to force them out, encroaching settlements replacing Palestinians homes, military confiscation, monetary brides or green cards, kidnapping, bombing, constant harrasment…etc. The value here is that it’s easier to deal with a couple hundred thousands than with 2 million, & that it’s possible to deal with the backlash of one but not the other. All in all, this is a delusional plan. All this has already been long implemented in the West Bank & it yielded abysmal results with Palestinians unwilling to leave. It will surely yield null results among Gazans.
• Long term annihilation by subversion. It is shocking to me how UNRWA is portrayed in the US (& the West) as some great humanitarian organization, when its reputation induces repulsion in the Arab world. That until it came out recently that USAID was funding it to promote Feminism & Wokeness & inoculate (sterilize) Palestinians in Gaza. To eventually drive Gazans to depravity & eventually extinction, or at least surrender. The probability of this outcome is virtually null. Not for other than the fact that both the Palestinian resistance & Israel itself are against it, since they figure out that Wokness would just make Palestinians even greater victims than they already are.
• Two state solution: recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital & the Palestinians right of return. This might actually be the most realistic positive outcome for Israel. Having a stable home, hope, prospects, freedom will make the Palestinians less prone to more conflict, & might even weaken their resolve to take back their land. Then, they would have much to lose than just keep peace, even just temporary, even with the Israelis who took their homes killed their families or expelled their ancestors. The undesirable consequence of this outcome might be the fact that Israel as a state will seek to integrate itself in the region like the Crusader pockets done in the past, & thus ceases to exist as a colonial project serving Western hegemony as a destabilizing agent in the region.
• One state solution: merging occupation territories & Palestenian territories into one nation under the state. The only conceivable form of this solution is something like Bosnia, a confederation, or a one-country two-state solution. This is only possible with a fully integrated Israel in the region completely abandoning its Zionist project. Otherwise only achieved by Israel being conquered. In effect, leaning from past developments & following the current trajectory Palestinian resistance is poised to possess in the not-far future hundreds of thousands of fighters with respectively equivalent arsenal of antitank RPGs & rifles & so forth. Plus, much more advanced drone & rocket capabilities, possibly even air-defense systems..Also, likely thousands of miles of underground tunnels spanning all occupied territories, including Eilat (nuclear depot) & Tel Aviv. An Oct 7 scenario, where instead of capturing the Gaza belt region for a few days, capturing the entirety of Israel forever.
C/C whatever the short-term outcome of this situation is, it is impossible for Israel to survive in the long term. If this was in Albania, the outcome might be dubious. Palestine happens to be the abode of the Holy Land for Muslims & a province of the Arab nation. You would have to get rid of all Arabs & then all Muslims to eliminate any claim or cause to that land. An impossible feat in itself. Whatever the case, Israel is surrounded by half a billion people forever hostile to its colonial presence in the region, who are historically, religiously & politically attached to the land. The Crusaders occupied –back & forth– Jerusalem for 170 years! But were eventually expelled. The moment the power scale equalizes or shifts in favor of Muslims/Arabs, the existence of the polity that is Israel will become transient. My take, Jews who wish to stay in the Holy Land should learn from History, abandon their Zionist project & actually integrate with the locals & become one with them. But I know this is too much to ask. They might be right, maybe God will allow them to build the temple…
- It's been a couple years since I was last active here. What changed & who changed?
- As for me, the Jewish question changed my perspective in terms of differentiating between Whites & Jews, their motives & beliefs. A lot makes a lot more sense to me now.
- Every time I come back to this Forum the schism Republicans/Democrats gets more polarized, almost to the point of civil war. The States are increasingly becoming different countries & history is repeating itself. – If push comes to shove, would you, as a Republican or Democrat, prefer a civil war where winner takes all or a one country two-systems solution? Would you want a legally pluralist US where each municipality or state (or confederate of states) has its own constitution & legal system?
- How does one go about displaying an image in a debate round? Thank you.
- The arguments hinges on five pillars:
1. That LGBT+Feminism is the shortest & amplest path to population collapse. White populations fertility is currently at about half replacement rate, & declining. This is the generation which grew up in the 70s & 80s, during 2nd & 3rd wave Feminism. The upcoming generation, of which close to half are LGBT+, will likely half the fertility, to probably quarter replacement rate; since LGBT+ contribution to fertility is, well, insignificant. Half replacement rate means half the population over a life expectancy cycle, idem for a quarter. Specifically, the 600 million Whites in the world will become 300 million by the end of the century at half replacement rate, & 150 million at quarter replacement rate.
2. That much of the world is largely immune to LGBT+Feminism, namely Africans, Indians, Chinese, & especially Muslims. No matter what the propaganda machine likes to make you believe, LGBT+Feminism can never penetrate these regions, for the simple fact that they have not (& will not) undergo the prerequisite changes which the West has undergone, at least not anytime soon. The West went through a radical rejection of family duty & hierarchy, in favour of maximum immediate pleasure. This came about after long periods of prosperity & degeneracy, with successive waves of feminism, the sexual revolution, abolishment of chastity laws, normalization of adultery & fornication, rejection of filial piety, decoupling of sex & child bearing in every way possible (abortion, contraception, adoption...)...etc. All this constituted a fertile ground for LGBT+Feminism rise & dominance in the West. Virtually none of this happened in much of the rest of the world; though, there will always be a tiny minority that worships the West in whatever they do, whose impact in the overall society is virtually null.
3. That "Man is capital" Ibn Khaldun. Meaning, the strength of nations & civilizations is ultimately population itself. At the height of the Colonial Period the urban population of the West constituted 2/3rd total global urban population. 5 decades ago, there were as many Americans living in cities as there were Indian & Chinese combined. Today more Chinese people live in cities in only 3 provinces than Americans do in all 50 states. It is not difficult to overpower & enslave the rest of the world when you have twice the urban, hence effective, population. It becomes increasingly difficult, indeed impossible, to do the same as that share shrinks, from 2/3rds a century ago, to a tenth of that a couple of decades in the future, even with the help of all the fake institutions the West created to compensate for loss of population, such as the UN, the Financial System, WTO, Reserve Currency...etc.
4. That the West is an undesirable & destructive influence in the world. They operate on three political principles: the world is essentially ours & just accidentally theirs - success is to maximize our present benefit (at the expense of theirs or future benefit) - & the ends justifies the means. The basis of Human Rights in the West is the nation-state, that is National Rights, thus, exclusively, guaranteed to nationals & none other. Necessarily, this comes at the expense of others, i.e. the rest of the world, in all forms of exploitations, interference, interventions, invasions...etc. Without the necessary power & domination, those aforementioned principles will simply become unattainable. Hence diminished influence.
5. That "the dominated always emulates the dominator" Ibn Khaldun. This goes for the West as well. Once others overpowers them (like is the case for much of History), they will naturally submit & emulate. This is inevitable due to White population collapse, thankfully. The result is that the cultures which nurture Family values will unavoidably overtake those who don't -by sheer population size, thus extinguishing LGBT+Feminism mores. Thereafter, the West shall go back to cherishing Family values again -i.e. Christianity & Islam, & thus the White population shall grow back to its former glory. Everybody wins.
- From a scale of Jon Snow to 10, how much do you know about your belief system? From a scale of 1 to Jesus, how strong is your belief?
- Any normal people on this Forum who don't subscribe to this nonsense of Left/Right, Liberal/Republican, Progressive/Conservative... that, honestly, the rest of the world does not give one ant's a** about? If not, any among you tired of this dichotomy BS?
- How do we recognize the most sexually depraved human society in History? When sexuality becomes identity itself. A couple of decades ago, 2% was the share of the LGBTQ population in the US. Fast forward today, apparently 40% among GenZ identify as LGBT. This number will keep increasing in the future until, most likely, by next generation virtually the whole population may be involved in these practices -just as Pederasty (gay pedophilia) was normalized in Ancient Greece. Now, every other year a new letter is added to the LGBTQABCD+ sexual identity spectrum in your countries. The American Psychology Association (I think?) lists some 200 paraphilias. Which do you think is next in line on this identity alphabet?
- My personal list is: Incest, because free love & all that; then Bestiality, because western people love their animals as they love humans & more; then Pedophilia, because consent laws are anti-sexual freedom; then Polygamy, because no Christianity can stop it anymore, then everything else... So, LGBTQIIBPP+
- What is to you the undeniable proof that the Bible is true? What does truth mean to you?
- Whether you're christian or atheist or jewish or else, what is the most serious objection or question or scriptural quote or doctrine or experience... that shook what you believed in or at least made you uncomfortable or unable to deal with?
I recently started a thread : Where do you see the US in a 100 years? Some of the responses were pretty shocking. Complete obliviousness towards global realities & world affairs. I always thought Jay Leno is intentionally picking out the dumbest Americans to feature in his show, like who could possibly think Europe is a country?! There is nothing inherently wrong with not knowing world facts & affairs, as long as the person has good character. But it's curious, why do you think Americans are so ignorant about & detached from the rest of the world? Is it education? Media? Some sense of American centrism? US hegemony? Prosperity?
- The US has been the major player on the global stage in the post-WWII, or even earlier. Since, few rivals came close but were never successful in overtaking it, at least economically. Namely, Germany, the Soviet Union & Japan. The Soviets were able to surpass the country militarily, & the Japanese technologically, though only by a small margin, & were not sustained for long periods of time, making the US the best all-rounder superpower in the post-WWII era in economy, military power, international politics, science & technology, industry, finance, & even in soft-power. Add to that the reign of the USD, petrodollar & big data monopoly.
- In numbers, post-WWII US alone, counting only 1 in 16 human population, contributed over 1/4th to global economy. Its share since dropped to 1/7th global GDP today, though with just 1 in 23 global population. In industrial output, the highs were higher, at 40% global industry during the war, & the lows also lower, down to 1/10th today. The same steady decline is also seen in scientific output, from over 1/3rd of all publications 50 years to less than 1/7th today. – New raising powers, especially in Asia & the Muslim world, have been munching away at American hegemony, slowly but surely. Recently, a new rival superpower is emerging. China is overtaking the US in domains previously dominated by the States one by one. In real GDP, it's closing in to 1/5th global production, from only 1/20th post-WWII, thus already surpassing the US. In industry as well, it's no secret that China is the new factory of the world, pumping almost 3 times US production. In S&E publications, similarly, China overtook the US in 2018, with a third greater output today. In global exports, China far outstrips the US today, hogging 1/7th global market share, compared to 1/12th for the US. – That, knowing China has 4 1/2 times the population of the US.
- Despite its successes, the American giant rests on much shaky foundations. US Healthcare spending accounts for close to half global spending. A brain MRI in Turkey costs as little as $30, in the US it's around $10,000 or more. Insurance for universal free healthcare (0 out of pocket) costs about $100 a month for a family package in the former, yet costs a leg & an arm & your soul in the latter. – Unlike in European countries & most other developing countries, infrastructure in the States is geared more towards wealthy lifestyle rather than public good. You all know what I'm talking about. – US household debt & national debt is the highest in the world. The average American enjoys $200k extra money worth of goods, services & expenditure he has never worked: $100k owed to banks in consumer debt (i.e. of future money decades worth of savings he has yet to work for), plus another $100k owed to noone (i.e. will never be asked to pay or work for), except the sheer fact of having the USD as a global reserve currency. – Over 50% of researchers/engineers in S&E in the US are foreign born immigrants, the rate goes up to 80% in more technologically geared fields, such as engineering, material science, information technology...etc. However, since 2017 more among them are increasingly choosing to go back home rather than stay in America.
- Considering all the aforementioned facts:
Do you think the US dominance in Tech, Science, Military, Industry, Finance, & Economy on global stage will persist in the near or far future?
Do you think China will fail to sustain its newly acquired predominance over the US in these various domains like its predecessors or will they actually succeed as they promised?
When do you think China will truly overtake the US & how do you imagine that would happen?
What fate do you reckon for the established pegs of US hegemony (such as USD, Petrodollar, GPS, Big Data, Military Complex, SWIFT...etc)?
When do you think the USD will be dethroned from global reserve currency? How do you imagine the fate of average Americans when that happens?
Where do you see the US in 10 years? In 25 years? In 50 years? In 100 years?
Where do you see China in 10 years? In 25 years? In 50 years? Where do you see the rest of the world in that period & beyond?
- I've been arguing with you lot about faith, mostly Islam, for a while now. I'm curious, have any of you changed your mind or revised your views about the religion or any topic regarding Islam after our exchanges. If so, what topic? Why? Or why not?
- Also, what other faith related views have you discarded or adopted in general during your time on this Forum? & why?
- What factors contribute most to your evolving opinions? Emotional? Intellectual? Popular?...
- Since I joined this website, I've always been argumentative. Evidently! That's why I'm on a debate website to begin with, duh! I love destroying opponents. However, I wanna try something different instead.
- In this thread I will genuinely discuss with you absolutely any topic you wish to discuss, with open-mindedness. I will try my best to be understanding of your viewpoint, while sincerely sharing the Islamic perspective, hopefully without being argumentative.
- I hope you too share my initiative.
[For reference, I'm a traditionalist Muslim, I adhere to Maliki Law, Ash'ari Theology & Junaidi Mysticism.]
While I can agree that women should obey their husband, and I also agree about morality coming from Allah.
- From there it follows: if it's Allah's morality is to punish apostates, so it should yours.
The stat I am concerned about is punishing those who leave the faith. What would that pu ishment entail and why? Isn't them being condemned to hell a good enough punishment as is?
- Your argument is: temporal punishment is unwarranted since an absolute punishment exists? That entails Law & penalties are superfluous. Maybe, a hasty judgement? Also, a finite punishment does not impact an infinite one, to add to your words...
Also, while homosexuality should certainly be discouraged through social pressure, I'm not exactly sure why a Muslim would advocate stoning the..
- You sound sincere in your question so I'm going to answer sincerely in good faith, as I know you can be a troll. In injecting an Islamic practice into an assumed secular paradigm you're begging the question. This is not a question on the effective practices, this is rather a question on the underlined values behind those practices. What do Muslims believe about foundational values?
- We believe our souls established a covenant (Ahd) with Allah to worship only Him. Then brought to this life as delegates (Khilafa) to Allah in this Earthly domain to cultivate & colonize the land (Istimar), acting on by proxy rights (Haq) granted by Allah. In this life our yearning for God is actually the memory of our covenant, as if something we miss we are incomplete without. This memory is our innate state of being (Fitrah), which manifests in our faculty to seek the divine & recognize it when we see it. This faculty is reason (Aql), gift entrusted to us to be fulfilled upon maturity. We are responsible (Taklif) to uphold that trust (Amana) by preserving our innate state of being (Fitrah) -thus our covenant- until we return to Allah again after death. Maintaining our covenant is to worship Allah alone (Ibada). Upon death, our last state of being (Khatima) is what counts, wether we have succeeded in the preservation of our innate state of being (Fitrah) or destroyed it, wether our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds or the opposite. In that course, Allah tests us with ease & trial (Ibtila) to reveal wether we are sincere & to remind us not to steer away from Him. Worship in essence is recognition of the divine –in the absolute, thus recognition of the self –in self-annihilation. This realization is submission to Allah (Islam) manifesting in gratitude & humility. Failure to achieve this realization is delusion, manifesting in arrogance & ingratitude. Gratitude is accomplished by repaying Allah's debt (Deen) on the self [Deen = religion]. Only Allah can tell us how to be grateful, hence revelation (Naql). If reason (Aql) is a gift to seek Allah, revelation (Naql) is a gift to know Allah. If revelation in essence is a message to adore the One (Tawhid), then reason in essence is to make-One (Tawhid, in the literal sense).
[To elaborate on that last bit, Tawhid literally means: make one. we believe that our memory of the One as our innate state of being is Reason itself. Thus, the essence of Reason is in: the conception of universals -that is to make-One particulars, & also the anticipation of explanations & causes (law of causation). It is as if, our memory of the One gives us the unique ability to see Him in the world, to see unity in the many, thus infer universals from particulars; that our memory of the One creates a want within us as if we miss Him that we seek explanations in everything we see in anticipation of an ultimate explanation: Him – to make-One, that is Tawhid].
- Transgression is to infringe on the right of another; the Earth being the domain of Allah (along with all things), any human exercise of rights therein is therefore transgressive. However, since Allah has made us delegates on the Earth we can act by proxy in his domain. Thus, as long as human exercises of rights are within the boundaries set by Allah, they are non-transgressive. – From this respect, Sharia, being inspired from a divine message, unavoidably must seek to preserve our innate state of being, while empowering us to settle on the Earth. Sharia must remove impediments to the soul's purpose of finding Allah in the temporal life. It follows, boundaries must be set to safeguard these purposes & transgression against these boundaries must be penalized, hence the 6 sacred rights:
- 1. Faith, for only in guaranteeing freedom of faith does the soul have the choice to uphold the covenant or break it.
- 2. Life, for only in survival does the soul have the chance to seek her purpose in finding Allah after maturity & to prosper on the Earth.
- 3. Reason, for only in preservation of reason that the soul may find its memory of Allah after maturity & settle rationally on the Earth.
- 4. Family – (for progeny, from a man & woman union), for only with nurtured & stable progeny that future souls may also get their chance at finding He who they have lost & also at settling & prospering on Earth.
- 5. Property – (material wealth), for only in guaranteeing earthly rights that can soul follow its purpose while being settled on the Earth.
- 6. Honor – (moral wealth), idem.
- We also believe that we get rewarded for our own good deeds, but also for the deeds others do thanks to ourselves. If I teach my child a virtue then I too get a reward whenever that virtue is actualized. & if he teaches his child, I get both, & so on ad infinitum. For the sake of preserving future souls & for the sake of gaining more rewards, Family preservation is necessary, thus a sacred right in Sharia. Any impediments to the sanctity of Family must be removed by Sharia, thus transgressions against the integrity of the family must be penalized; particularly, extra-marital intercourse type. Two such transgressions stand out above the rest: adultery & sodomy, for one leads to unsafe progeny & the other to no progeny at all. Therefore, adultery & sodomy must not be allowed, thus penalized. Hence, Hadd (penalty) in Sharia literally means 'stop' or 'limit'. However, given the very nature of these acts being generally carried out in private. Sharia deals a two-fold block to the practice:
- In private: if the practice was performed in private, then it must stay very in private. One, repentance in secret is mandatory. Two, exposure of the act by another party is punishable as calumny (qathf – in 80 lashes). Three, confessions are extremely discouraged, views of ulama range from accepting 4 consecutive & consistent confessions to not accepting any at all. Four, even if the confession is accepted recanting is possible up to the last moment, the transgressor need just call it off or leave the circle of penalty for it to stop. Five, in case the spouse was the witness, the outcome is permanent separation (Lian) without any need for public or legal recourse. Six, in case the spouse finds out after birth, the child is his by Sharia, unless in divorce. Seven, circumstantial or indirect (such as video) evidence is unacceptable & liable to punishment. Eight, having any number of testimonies less than 4 righteous, simultaneous corroborating & accidental witnesses on the act of penetration is punishable as calumny (80 lashes each) – which is a prohibitively impossible condition to fulfill unless the act is done in public. Nine, ignorance of the prohibition of the act in Sharia is like no act has occurred...etc. – In short, Sharia enacts all possible venues to keep private extra-marital intercourse as private as possible, deterring any revelatory factors, thus insuring integrity of the family & safeguarding the honor of those involved to allow for repentance & to protect their children's wellbeing; but also to block the spread of the act or any potential normalization.
- In public: if the act was performed in public, in a reasonably crowded place, where the condition: 4 righteous, simultaneous corroborating & accidental witnesses on the act of penetration fulfilled (for instance, not in a brothel where witnesses' testimonies would be invalid), then the punishment is stoning to death (Rajm). – In reality, only two such cases were recorded in the Ottoman empire during its 6 centuries of reign, one of which was a set-up. No one would actually go to those lengths for a bit of pleasure! Given that this kind of scenario's likelihood is of mythical proportions, the true purpose of Sharia is to prompt hopelessness into any attempt to advertise, promote or normalize these acts; also, the image of stoning is so harsh & horrifying, that in itself is a powerful deterrent from even thinking about committing such acts, even in private.
Please respond to the punishment stuff.
- I see our fellow quoted another post of mine >>> In the spirit of education again, there are three legal perspectives on apostasy among the Fuqaha. Any objections?
When you look at how predominantly muslim societies will often stone queers to death and do honor killings, I think they mean punished by death in those statistics.
- Aren't you very funny! You may wanna think about how the world sees the US, as the most violent nation on Earth. The occasional once a year "honor killing" headline in American TV from some other country, is met with an abundant stream of daily, if not hourly, violent crimes headlines in that other country. It's revolting. The delusion is almost pitiable. Another thing I don't get about his nonsense... it's not like these murders you love to call "honor killing" are legal, they are just murder. As a matter of fact, honor killings are un-Islamic practices imported from the West during Colonialism, a legacy of Civil Law (Swiss, Germanic & French) in these countries. Disgusting! It was not, in fact, until very recently that countries like Italy & Brazil criminalized murder for honor, like WTF?!! Other Western countries opted for change of language instead, passion instead of honor. Honor killings is murder, the "honor" label doesn't add or diminish anything from the act of taking a life. They don't like calling it honor killing in the West, so they instead call it crime of passion or crime of pride. We'll save the "terrorist" label for those we don't like, aka Muslims. We'll save the "honor killings" label for them too. Rightly so, mass killings by Whites happen virtually every other day, yet that one Muslim "terrorist" in 3 years is so much more... murder rates of women in crimes of passion or pride or greed is dozens if not hundreds of times higher than those "honor killings" in these countries, but they have the bad label, they must be so much worse. Lmao! How effing dumb is this?! In truth, you have most heinous types of murder in the US, mass murderers shoot others for no reason whatsoever, serial killers by the thousands murder for sheer pleasure. Do disturbing, it's as if the US is in a planet of its own in crimes.
- To the dude named @BrotherDThomas who keeps harassing me with his poke-&-run tactics, the type of dude that runs away from debate, yet on his way out he turns & screams "you runaway" to save face & what's left of his dignity. In the spirit of fun, this is an open challenge to the Brother (the TRUE CHRISTIAN was it?) regarding the topic of Islam. He is to pick a topic of contention he wishes to argue, if I disagree we shall thus set up a debate with the appropriate rules & resolution.
Good luck to you Brother.
You may be wondering why this topic about Evolution is not in the Science Forum, but here in the Religion Forum. Bare with me.
For the longest time, I was apathetic to Evolutionary Theory. It didn't speak to me. I come from a Physics/Mathematics background. So the whole thing didn't look serious to me. From someone who studied things like Quantum Mechanics, Gravitation & Particle Physics, evolutionary ideas looked too mechanical, too naive, too archaic. No maths. The world we commonly encounter in our daily lives is minimally energetic. That's why it looks as if things are mechanical, as if things affect each-other, as if we understand the parts of a problem, then we can understand the problem. In another highly energetic world the things we think of as common sense would become completely uncommon. That is the quantum realm, the femto-world, where things are highly energetic for their sizes, weird shite happens. The world is not a a large reductionist structure, it's a weird mysterious enigma. Evolutionary postulates, however, are reductionist champions. That's why they never made much sense to me. But they always held some romance to them. Maybe I just don't get it yet, maybe I'm not seeing what all these people are seeing. This, until I read Richard Dawkins book The Blind Watchmaker. This book completely changed my mind about Evolution. I thought I was in for a scientific adventure. What does the icon of Evolution have to say? To my astonishment, this was no book of Science. This was not terrible Science. The few psychiatry papers I read before were terrible. The alien articles I read were terrible. This was simply not Science at all, rather Literature, of the Myth genre. The entire premise of the book is: 'Evolution is true, therefore let's imagine how it happened'. A genesis story of creation with a materialist mythology. Hence the title, Imagination... I mean... Evolutionation.
For a theory which has been systematically & consistently taught for decades across the globe as a core science curriculum, Evolution fails spectacularly in gaining support. Despite all the promotions, the majority of people outside Europe & East Asia do not believe in mainstream Evolution. In the US, only 20% of Americans believe in the mainstream claims of Evolution, whereas 40% deny it, despite the decades long totalitarian tyranny the evolutionary narrative exerts over the country's education & academic arenas. The evolutionationists believe that it's the fault of the Church. In truth, it's the fault of the theory itself. The Church could not thwart antithetical scientific ideas about the cosmos from spreading when it had absolute power over the people. It is of highest absurdity that the Church would be able to thwart sensible scientific ideas when in a time where it is of ultimate powerlessness in state & academic institutions. Very few people insist on denying things they see with their eyes & realize to be true in favor of their dogmas. Certainly, the idea is simply not that compelling. The evolutionary narrative is a failed narrative. It had all the chances in the world & all the powers of the state to gain support, yet it barely managed to.
For those of you who subscribe to this mythos. Before you get your panties in a wad, this has nothing to do with Creationism. I'm Muslim, the truth of Evolution does not add to or diminishes from my faith. In fact, the earlier theories of evolution emerged from the Muslim world. Ikhwan Safa taught that life progresses from plants to monkeys to humans. Ideas which have been adopted by many among the Mutazilites after them, eventually making it into Europe in early 19th century. Such is an idea which has been circulating in the Muslim world for over a thousand years, yet barely being able garner any serious support. Disgraceful! Maybe in 500 years we'll have a quantum theory of biology. But for now, this evolutionary story may very well be all that we can muster. That said, if you're a Christian, why do you believe in this evolutionary story while you have a more compelling life story in the Bible? If you're a naturalist, what makes you believe in the truth of this story knowing that it's unscientific?
- First of all, anybody I used to know still lurking around here?
- It seems nobody wants to debate me despite my soliciting efforts... I've been away a couple of years, & I've already noticed a huge change of attitudes. Regardless, this is a debate website, so let's get debating. I am Muslim, cultivated in an Islamic Tradition, my primary interest for debate. I realize most here have an aversion towards debating Islam related topics, maybe this post will make it a little bit more compelling. Although I'm interested in debating any Islam related topics (religion, theology, history, law, philosophy...etc), this is an initial list of ideas:
God Is (God, as defined in the Islamic tradition of course)
Islam is true / Muhammed (pbuh) is a true prophet
The Quran is faithfully preserved
The Quran is a true revelation
Islam is a religion of peace
The Hadith tradition is genuine
Christianity vs. Islam:
Tawhid vs. Trinity
Quran vs. Bible preservation
Quran vs. NT preservation
Truth of Quran vs. Bible
Quranic stories vs. Biblical stories
Quranic prophets vs. Biblical prophets
Free Will in Islam vs. Christianity
Salvation in Islam vs. Christianity
Worldview in Islam vs. Christianity
Women's rights in Islam vs. Christianity
Human rights in Islam vs. Christianity
History of Muslims vs. Christians
Science in relation to Islam vs. Christianity
Islamic conquests vs. Christian conquests
Secularism vs. Islam:
Islamic state vs. Secular state
Freedom of religion in Islam vs. Secularism
Islamic education vs. Secular education
Islamic ethics vs. Secular ethics
Islamic history vs. Secular history
Human rights in Islam vs. Secularism
Women's rights in Islam vs. Secularism
Islamic conquests vs. Secular conquests
Hard challenges (for me):
The Quran is better preserved than any other book in history
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is the best attested to person in history
Islamic penal law is superior to Secular penal law
History in Islamic tradition is superior to History in the Western tradition
The origin of Common Law is primarily Islamic Law
Eastern Christianity is superior to Western Christianity
The Hijab is a religious duty in all abrahamic religions
The zionist cause of Israel is culpable
Atheism is unattainable
Darwinian Evolution is more literature than science
Subsaharan Africa adopted civilization before White Europe (non-Mediterranean)
Nicholas Copernicus is a plagerist
Classical Physics is primarily an Islamic invention
The Arab race is the most influential race in history
Democracy is a terrible government system
Erdogan vs. any current European leader
The Islamic world will surpass the Western world by 2050
The Belt & Road project is good
China will surpass the Western world by 2040
The world order will go back to its pre-Western dominion by 2070
China has already surpassed the US
The Chinese communist state is superior to the Western democratic state
- I might think of more to add later... Lemme know if you'd like to chip in, I am open to new topics as well.
- Some 250 mass shootings so far in 2019, that's almost one mass shooting per day. Yesterday, a white-nationalist terrorist opened fire on Hispanics in El Paso after posting his manifesto online ; 12 hours later a second mass shooting occurs in Dayton, Ohio. Authorities brush these off as "mental health" cases, but clearly there is much more to it than that.
- You've probably seen the debates, according to you:
Who won the debates?
Who's your favorite candidate?
Who's the most qualified to be president?
Who do you believe is going to win this race?
- If I had to answer I'd say:
Who won the debates?
- Andrew Yang (the polls agree), because he about said the only meaningful thing in the entire debate, 1000$ a month for every American over 18. The rest was just yapping & whining.
Who's your favorite candidate?
- Probably Andrew Yang, he's the least annoying.
Who's the most qualified to be president?
- Definitely Andrew Yang. First, he's got a *plan* & a list of policies no other candidate even remotely has. Second, he actually lives in the 21st century, as opposed to all the other candidates still in their 20th century little worlds. Third, he is 100% neutral -not White, not Black, not Hispanic, not a woman, not gay... he is 100% uncontroversial ; he's Asian for God sake. Finally, this asian dude who had no chance whatsoever of ever becoming a president, basically came up with the most genius idea to get elected guaranteed ever conceived by men: the largest wide scale bribery-at-election project in history, a cash-for-votes promise of a WHOPPING 700 Thousand USD per person in their lifetime... Now, that's just pure genius.
Who do you believe is going to win this race?
- Of course Andrew Yang. Let's not kid ourselves. Would you rather have more talks about "race" & "gun violence" & "health" & "abortion rights", or would you rather have a $1000 a month in your pocket no questions asked (on top of race & all the rest)? [*this question does not concern the top 5%]. There simply ain't enough words in this world about "race" & "abortion" that would replace $12K free money per year.
- That been said, although I'm not too keen on the USA succeeding because once they have problems of their own they'll get off everyone else's back & stop wrecking havoc all over the world & leave it at peace, but I do believe that $1000 a month for every American citizen should about solve virtually every problem the US has right now. Crimes would drop significantly, wealth disparity would shrink, health & education would improve, domestic violence would decrease, workplace environment would soften... etc. At least this is good for the American people, probably not for the corporations...
Tell us what YOU think.
Hello everyone,
- Anyone wishes to debate on the topic of Islam? Anything that relates to Islam, in religion, or scripture, or law, or theology, or spirituality, or tradition, or history...etc. If you do not wish to debate the subject, you are welcome to discuss it in this thread. All questions or objections are welcome.
- As you may all have heard, an Aussie terrorist by the name of Brenton Tarrant was charged with shooting up two mosques at Christchurch town in New Zealand killing 50 worshippers. The whole thing was live streamed. Horrific footage. My friend's brother's fiancee is from Christchurch, they met on his Mormon mission. It's quite the lovely & peaceful town, or it was at least...
- Prior to the attacks, Brenton Tarrant released a 74 pages manifesto detailing his plans & motives for the attacks. I read the damn manifesto, it's quite interesting. It made me think of a certain individual here (that is you, Cassie), brave soul she is. The guy talks about his background, his motives, ambitions, plans, ideas, desires, cause, connections, travels...etc. I can summarize his memo in the following points:
1. It's primarily a racial question. The White lands, Europe & its colonies -North America & Oceania, belong solely to the White race, those of European ancestry & heritage. All non-White races residing in White lands are essentially invaders.
2. Muslims are the worst among the invaders, because: they are "large group of invaders", they belong to a "culture with higher fertility rates, higher social trust and strong, robust traditions", they "seek to occupy [White] lands and ethnically replace [White] people", they are "the most despised group" among the nationalists, & they are "1300 years" old enemies of Christian Europe.
3. The White race is dying, both literally & figuratively. White nations are falling to oblivion, aging & decaying. White culture is a "dying, decadent" culture of "decay, self-hatred, childlessness, disorder and nihilism".
4. The core issue is fertility rates. Immigrants have higher fertility rates while Whites have below-replacement fertility rates, leading to the eventual decay & end of the White race & its replacement by others. Immigrants must then be removed from White lands with any means possible, & Whites must raise their fertility rates "at any cost". All Islamic nations have high fertility rates because they still preserve their social norms & traditions & strong family values, which are all lost in White society. Thus, Whites must do away with their "hedonist" & "nihilist" society & go back to tradition to raise their fertility rates.
5. Multiculturalism is a lie. The melting pot is a delusion. True diversity is when everyone is in their own corner maintaining their own traditions & culture.
...etc... The terrorist scum also talks a lot about killing & violence & vengeance & assassinations & even murdering children of "invaders"... I'm not talking about that horrific stuff here. He also calls for the assassination of people like Merkel & Macron, & threatens the Turks with taking back Istanbul... blahblah...
- Although I don't agree with the scum on most things he said, he did touch on some crucial truths. The West today is indeed experiencing serious challenges in this fast changing world. The global dominion which Europe -& by extension North America & Oceania- had over the last two centuries is now slipping away, with the rise of the East -or rather the re-awakening of the East. To put things into perspective, at the onset of the 20th century, the West comprised a 1/3rd of world population. More specifically, 4 in 10 people were of European descent. There were as many Whites as Chinese & Indians combined. There were 6 times more Whites than Blacks. Today, there are twice as many Chinese or Indians or Blacks as there are Whites. In the upcoming decades (according to UN estimates), there will be 6 times as many Blacks as Whites. Europe's share of global population will shrink from 25% at the onset of the 20th century (the highest it's ever been in history), to only 5% (the lowest it's ever been)... Whites will go from being 1 in 3, to being 1 in 12... Ibn Khaldun says, "Man is Capital". Human population is the true capital of society & its economy. While the 'West' has been slowly losing its human capital, the 'Rest' has been rapidly gaining their own. In 1950, Indonesia had less people than Germany, a century later in 2050 Indonesia will probably have 5 times more people than Germany. In 1950, 5 of the top 10 populous countries were Western countries, in 1950 the USA will probably be the only Western country in the top 30.
Hi, y'all! Step on here if you are coming from DDO & state your DDO username.
- Maybe we should campaign in DDO for the members there to rejoin us here in DDC. Thoughts?