Christchurch Terror Attack, Motives & Global Prospects

Author: Yassine


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- As you may all have heard, an Aussie terrorist by the name of Brenton Tarrant was charged with shooting up two mosques at Christchurch town in New Zealand killing 50 worshippers. The whole thing was live streamed. Horrific footage. My friend's brother's fiancee is from Christchurch, they met on his Mormon mission. It's quite the lovely & peaceful town, or it was at least...

- Prior to the attacks, Brenton Tarrant released a 74 pages manifesto detailing his plans & motives for the attacks. I read the damn manifesto, it's quite interesting. It made me think of a certain individual here (that is you, Cassie), brave soul she is. The guy talks about his background, his motives, ambitions, plans, ideas, desires, cause, connections, travels...etc. I can summarize his memo in the following points:
1. It's primarily a racial question. The White lands, Europe & its colonies -North America & Oceania, belong solely to the White race, those of European ancestry & heritage. All non-White races residing in White lands are essentially invaders.
2. Muslims are the worst among the invaders, because: they are "large group of invaders", they belong to a "culture with higher fertility rates, higher social trust and strong, robust traditions", they "seek to occupy [White] lands and ethnically replace [White] people", they are "the most despised group" among the nationalists, & they are "1300 years" old enemies of Christian Europe.
3. The White race is dying, both literally & figuratively. White nations are falling to oblivion, aging & decaying. White culture is a "dying, decadent" culture of "decay, self-hatred, childlessness, disorder and nihilism". 
4. The core issue is fertility rates. Immigrants have higher fertility rates while Whites have below-replacement fertility rates, leading to the eventual decay & end of the White race & its replacement by others. Immigrants must then be removed from White lands with any means possible, & Whites must raise their fertility rates "at any cost". All Islamic nations have high fertility rates because they still preserve their social norms & traditions & strong family values, which are all lost in White society. Thus, Whites must do away with their "hedonist" & "nihilist" society & go back to tradition to raise their fertility rates.
5. Multiculturalism is a lie. The melting pot is a delusion. True diversity is when everyone is in their own corner maintaining their own traditions & culture.
...etc... The terrorist scum also talks a lot about killing & violence & vengeance & assassinations & even murdering children of "invaders"... I'm not talking about that horrific stuff here. He also calls for the assassination of people like Merkel & Macron, & threatens the Turks with taking back Istanbul... blahblah...

- Although I don't agree with the scum on most things he said, he did touch on some crucial truths. The West today is indeed experiencing serious challenges in this fast changing world. The global dominion which Europe -& by extension North America & Oceania- had over the last two centuries is now slipping away, with the rise of the East -or rather the re-awakening of the East. To put things into perspective, at the onset of the 20th century, the West comprised a 1/3rd of world population. More specifically, 4 in 10 people were of European descent. There were as many Whites as Chinese & Indians combined. There were 6 times more Whites than Blacks. Today, there are twice as many Chinese or Indians or Blacks as there are Whites. In the upcoming decades (according to UN estimates), there will be 6 times as many Blacks as Whites. Europe's share of global population will shrink from 25% at the onset of the 20th century (the highest it's ever been in history), to only 5% (the lowest it's ever been)... Whites will go from being 1 in 3, to being 1 in 12... Ibn Khaldun says, "Man is Capital". Human population is the true capital of society & its economy. While the 'West' has been slowly losing its human capital, the 'Rest' has been rapidly gaining their own. In 1950, Indonesia had less people than Germany, a century later in 2050 Indonesia will probably have 5 times more people than Germany. In 1950, 5 of the top 10 populous countries were Western countries, in 1950 the USA will probably be the only Western country in the top 30. 

Yassine's avatar
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- Population aside, global economic trends are not in favor of the West either. During the past two centuries, there were 3 stages at which the West made huge jumps putting itself ahead of almost everyone else. First, the industrial revolution in the 19th century that categorically raised productivity standards, prior to which much of economic weight was still within the East (Ottoman & Indian empires, or Qin Dynasty...). Second, the colonial era of the 20th century, in which the world was virtually divided between European countries (& Japan), driving immense amounts of resources & wealth into Europe. Third, the post-WWII '30 years of glory' in which Europe experienced its greatest period of growth & restoration & stability & cooperation, with the Martial Plan & the mass re-accumulation of wealth subsequent to decolonization, ending with the Oil Crisis. These three periods successively put the West one step ahead of the 'Rest'. However, since then the West in general has stagnated (with some temporary spurs). For instance, 10 years after the 2008 Recession, many European countries have barely regained their pre-2008 economy (some not even), ranging from -25% to +10% GDP increase ; the US +15% increase ; whereas eastern countries such as China & Turkey & India experienced over 90% increase... While the West is stagnating, the East is growing rapidly. 2 decades ago, the size of the E7 (the largest emerging economies) was half the size of the G7, having already surpassed it in size today, in 2 decades the size of the E7 will become twice the size of the G7. Standard Charter Bank even released a report recently in which they predict Germany to remain the only European country in the top 10 economies by 2030 . A couple decades ago, the West's share of global economy was over 1/2, today it's about 1/3rd, in few decades it will inevitably fall to 1/6th & even less. Case in point, few decades ago, the GDP of the entire Middle East was less than that of Spain, today it's half that of the US, & eventually will surpass it in the upcoming decades. The world is changing, to drastic effect. In a decade or two, the world will definitely look very different than it looks today & has looked for the past century, especially to the westerner who has lived for generations in a western-dominated world.

- Going back to the Manifesto, the 'Whites' are shrinking in numbers, in both the absolute & relative sense, & White culture is decaying. Indeed, empires rise & fall. Despite the denial of those who don't want to admit it, History taught us that some of the major signs of the death of civilizations is decadence. Civilizations rise & prosper, which leads them to 'indulge' in degeneracy & hedonism, which leads them to corruption & decadence. This has always been true, even for the Islamic Civilization. The Abbasid Caliphate, the Umayyad Caliphate... all decayed & fell the same way. Ibn Kahldun comments on this regarding the birth & death of empires & civilizations, explaining that the drive of civilization starts with urbanization, with urbanization Man settles & adopts long-term living, leading to birth of crafts & innovation, which leads to trade & the accumulation of wealth, with prosperity comes more luxury, & luxury drives more innovation -though up to a certain point ; he points out that Luxury is a sign of power in a empire, but it is also the source of its downfall, for Luxury leads to indulgence & degeneracy, which leads to stagnation & decay.

- Another point the Manifesto makes is regarding 'diversity'. I both agree & disagree with the statement. Indeed, a 'melting pot' is simply the worst idea, in the name of diversity. The progressivist West has reached a point where everything is literally upside down, everything is just about 'labels', with very little content. 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'Diversity', 'Equality' ...etc. When they talk about diversity, it is superficial diversity, skin-color-gender-diversity, which is the death of diversity. To them, diversity is 'meting-pot' & 'multiculturalism' & 'assimilation'... whereas in fact this is the destruction of diversity, in culture, customs, religion, language, history, arts, beliefs... by way of things like 'Democracy' & 'Secularism' & 'Liberty' & 'Equality'... wherein all is standardized, one mould for all. Democracy subjects the diverse will & culture of minorities to that of the majority. Secularism confines & highjacks the diverse sources of morality of all the different religions to superficial "ideals". Equality strips differences from all the diverse groups on society shoving them all under a single set of rules & laws, which may only fit some of them... To be fair, until recently Pluralism was never Europe's strong suit, unlike many other places such as the Islamic world or the Indian subcontinent... In their attempt to create a pluralist society, they could only allow others to melt in their own, which of course is an unsustainable approach. Now, the West lost much of its heritage in tradition & culture & social norms, in the name of 'progress'. Of course the Islamic model is the better model, Communitarism, each community with their own land, laws, language...etc, in a single society & under a single rule ; truly diverse yet co-existing. 
Yassine's avatar
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- Our terrorist mate may have had some legitimate basis for concern, but he was obviously wrong, both in thought & action. First, he refers to North America & Oceania as White lands when they are not. Europeans are the true invaders of these lands, which they occupied by literally erasing the native populations. Contrary to what this retard & his likes pretend, this makes the Europeans in North America & Oceania both immigrants & invaders, by definition. Whereas, non-European immigrants therein non invaders -by definition. Half a century to a century ago, Europeans made up more than half all immigrants around the world, to all corners of the world, all over America, Africa & Asia. Only they were invaders, occupiers, settlers... yet instead, he refers to non-invading immigrants as invaders, & the actual invaders as natives... Regardless, migration is a human condition, ultimately all peoples come from somewhere. The driver of immigration is looking for hopeful conditions or running from hopeless conditions, if Europeans can do it, so can everyone else. Second, his realization that Whites have below-replacement fertility rates, in contrast with other races, & in his incapacity to change that fact, apparently drives him to hate others & seek to remove them -literally, while complaining about how Whites are not preserving their culture & customs as the others are. This is clearly profoundly incoherent & self-contradictory. Of course, it's just pure sheer racism disguised as sensible cause. Removing immigrants is not going to bring back Europe's tradition or raise fertility rates. In fact, those very immigrants are the ones who are still holding on to their tradition against the insanity & decadence that is befalling the continent. Christians must unite with Muslims against this godless avalanche that is here to annihilate them both. This racist scum complains about hedonism & decadence & loss of culture & tradition among Whites, yet blames immigrants -especially Muslims- for it... Go figure! Racism justified... Third, in justifying violence & murder against Muslims he labels them 'invaders' who must be fought off & removed, not because they are immigrants per se, but because they are Muslim immigrants. In this moron's view, any White person (of European descent) who immigrates to any Western country is not really an immigrant, because they are all the same people... unless of course it's a White Muslim, from Albania or Kosovo... because of their alien culture, while at the same time praising Muslims for retaining their own culture, as opposed to Whites breeding an alien culture to their own traditional one. Who's really alien..?! Racism at it again, hate doesn't have to make sense. Fourth, the killer also blames these immigrants that he calls "invaders" for perpetrating attacks against Whites, as a motive to justify carrying out attacks against Muslims too. The big irony here is that, in his frustration with ***innocent*** immigrants who have just come to find peace & opportunity away from war & poverty, who actually did *not* invade his land or plundered it or bombed his people or killed them & displaced them in the millions, fails to see what level of frustration those who have actually been invaded & bombed & plundered & exploited & humiliated could have felt. If being frustrated with innocent others migrating to your country drives you to killing them, what of your actual invaders & bombers & plunderers these others are suffering from?! This attitude is of course Western by excellence. Western "civilization" of death & destruction vs. the "barbaric" others, who dare to resist & oppose their masters.

Yassine's avatar
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- Finally, things to retain from this. Firstly. Identity is a crucial thing for a society. With the advent of Secularism in Europe post-Enlightenment leading to loss of its unifying Christian identify of the soul, it left the West with all sorts of superficial identities, of skin color & borders & flags... Therein the rise of Nationalism & Racism & Ethno-nationalism... which didn't last very long & had some pretty bad endings, two WW & genocides to say the least... Then it was about even more superficial stuff, like money & whims... It was all about Communism & Liberty... Then, there was nothing, it all come down to genitals (or lack thereof)... The West lost its identity with the loss of Christianity, it became godless & soulless. "Removing" immigrants is not gunna bring Europe's identity or culture back. It's sad that 'White' identity has such a bad history to it, born out of the worst forms of hate & racism & supremacy & callousness & brutality. In their quest to find their tradition & identity, these "patriots" end up exposing themselves to these centuries of hate & racism & brutality against others & Muslims, it defines them. That's bullsh*t identity, built on hate & vengeance & anger & intolerance. Being proud of White identity & White heritage should not mean adopting the "White man's burden" ideals, of racism & intolerance. Indeed, there is plenty to be proud of, especially in terms of innovations & technologies & sciences, & most importantly Christianity. Being Christian is not being antagonistic to Muslims & Jews, or being self-righteous, or hating non-Christians. Rather, Christianity teaches virtues, of love, kindness, charity, compassion, humility, patience...etc. / Secondly. The world is changing, drastically. I believe there will be more & more terrorist attacks like this in the future by similar individuals & groups, whereas the terrorist attacks from Muslims would simply die out -as they were pre-2001, for there is little cause for them, aka American invasions & hegemony... (hopefully). The West has increasingly less sway in the world. The old colonies are growing to becoming new strong powers, while the West is stagnating & decaying. The western colonial narrative that has been dominant the past century is dissipating ; "we are the good guys" "you are the bad guys", everyone has seen through that farce, it's getting old. The leadership of the West in economic or social or technological or moral fronts is also shrinking, it certainly vanished on the moral side of things. Some deluded souls here, like our terrorist nutter, may shout & scream Muslims this Muslims that, let me tell you, NOBODY cares. The West may have gotten away with demonizing others to justify transgressing against them for long, for they had the power to make the rules & write the story, but that's increasingly not the case anymore. Once others get the chance to tell their side of things, their story, the whole western spell which has been cast on the world for a century will dissipate like smoke, revealing that beautiful atrocious History... In light of all this, the West needs to start making more friends & less enemies, they need to pre-occupy themselves with their own affairs & problems & leave the others to their own, they need to learn how to cooperate not dictate. 

ResurgetExFavilla's avatar
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ResurgetExFavilla's avatar
I agree with some of this, but there will DEFINITELY be much more shooters like this. The inter-political divisions within the West pretty much necessitate it. If you've read the manifesto like I have, you've seen his stated goals. He's not wrong about the political state of the West, and our news media and political pundits are doing exactly what he said he wanted them to do. Their response is going to be a purge of right wing people from Twitter, Reddit, and other platforms. They will clamor excessively to it, and the platforms will cave. The decadent, neoliberal ruling class has legitimately gone insane; they seem to think that once they get a gamergater, a Nazi, a trump supporter, and a traditionalist Christian kicked off of twitter those people just... disappear. Out of sight, out of mind. They don't, they fall into the underbelly of the internet, and they all start talking to each other, and as they fall further and further through the cracks the Nazi has a more and more outsized voice among these outcasts. That's just human nature; people who feel cornered are much more receptive to hatred of the outgroup. I'm sure that over the next few months, more and more people are going to be pushed into radicalization echo chambers, and that the alt right will only grow because of this. They also might try to push gun confiscation, which in America will absolutely stoke the very sentiment that they are trying to stamp out.

I've pulled multiple people out of the worst excesses of these spaces, but it's becoming impossible for me to do so because they simply aren't communicating with the outside world anymore. And they aren't communicating because left wing advocates are intentionally isolating them because they want to pretend that none of this is happening.
keithprosser's avatar
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The western colonial narrative that has been dominant the past century is dissipating ; "we are the good guys" "you are the bad guys",
Take care, Yass, that you aren't just swapping the labels over.

they need to pre-occupy themselves with their own affairs & problems & leave the others to their own, they need to learn how to cooperate not dictate.
Don't you see that simultaneously asking for 'pre-occupation with their own affairs' asking for co-operation is contradictory?  Do you want fences between peoples or bridges?   

The problem is not with the west nor with islam.  It's with human bloody nature!  


Greyparrot's avatar
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Whitekanda forever.
Yassine's avatar
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Take care, Yass, that you aren't just swapping the labels over. 
- No sure what you're intending there Keith, but that's exactly it! The West has always had this weird mode of thinking of right & wrong, "I'm right you're wrong" type of mentality. This is understandable, for until recent history Europe has virtually never adopted pluralism. It has always been black & white, us & them, right & wrong. They could never admit or accept norms & customs alien to their own. Despite their ever changing norms & customs, they always seem to perceive them universal... even in Philosophy, even in Logic, in everything there is that mode of thinking, "objective" "universal" "right"... & that's the thing Keith, it doesn't have to be like that. For instance, there is no such notion as "objective" is Islamic Logic. That's simply a Western way of looking at the world, a senseless way of course... There is such a thing as acknowledging other ways of thinking & doing things, within their own milieu. The Islamic tradition or the Indian tradition (before it was poisoned by the West) or the Chinese tradition for example have deep notions of respecting other cultures & societies. The West simply doesn't. It doesn't have to be "we are the good guys" & "you are the bad guys", as the Quran says "to each their way and their method". It's just absurd to judge others against your own values. That said, somethings are indeed "objectively" & "universally" wrong -& plenty of that in Western history...

Don't you see that simultaneously asking for 'pre-occupation with their own affairs' asking for co-operation is contradictory? Do you want fences between peoples or bridges?
- What is about that that is contradictory...? Western nations -especially the US- have always been meddling, & still are, in the affairs of all other nations for their own interests. I'm saying they should mind their own affairs, which they inevitably will for lack of choice otherwise. Cooperation is seeking mutual interests & benefits, by both parties. It is a known fact that the West has always dealt unfairly with other nations on unequal terms, the examples are countless (It's literally US official policy to seek win-lose deals...). They only deal with their own on equal terms. A good example of extensive cooperation with zero meddling is China. 

The problem is not with the west nor with islam.  It's with human bloody nature!   
- The West is a political entity, Islam is a religion. Apples & oranges. Regardless, in this life nothing is perfect, problems are inevitable in all things. I'm saying, if the West intends to survive the future they must realize the occurring change & adapt accordingly. The old ways of bullying & callousness may not work any longer, better sooner than later. As an example, China is a rising superpower, in a decade or so it will simply overwhelm the US & dwarf it in economy & technology. This is inevitable no matter how you look at it. The US (or even the entire West) does not have the human resources to compete with a country the size of China (or India). China has suffered what it calls the "Century of Humiliation" under mostly Western brutality: the Opium Wars, the French & British invasions, the Taiping Rebellion...etc, & that has not been forgotten...

Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
Whitekanda forever.
- Not at the current birth rates...
Greyparrot's avatar
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Sure, just need land and walls and nukes. Population dont matter.

keithprosser's avatar
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The West has always had this weird mode of thinking of right & wrong, "I'm right you're wrong"
I would point out that historically western elites treated their own masses no better than their colonial conquests.

The rich and powerful in all societies have much more in common with each other than they do with their own masses.
Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
Sure, just need land and walls and nukes. Population dont matter.
- Below-replacement rate = eventual extension. 

Yassine's avatar
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I would point out that historically western elites treated their own masses no better than their colonial conquests. 
- In a way, absolutely. Though there was that extra racism & denigration...

The rich and powerful in all societies have much more in common with each other than they do with their own masses.
- Indeed indeed. Though I was referring to culture.
keithprosser's avatar
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Almost immediately after the death of mohammed, long before significant contact with the west, Islam split and Muslim was killing Muslim.
Why?  Because there was a power struggle amongst the elite.   Because their leaders coveted power, ordinary Arabs found themselves killing and being killed by each other.  There's no difference between the west and Islam - we are all the same species with the same fundamental nature.

There has never been a war over religion.  There are only wars for power and control with the sides having different religions. 

Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
Almost immediately after the death of mohammed, long before significant contact with the west, Islam split and Muslim was killing Muslim.
Why?  Because there was a power struggle amongst the elite. Because their leaders coveted power, ordinary Arabs found themselves killing and being killed by each other.
- Not quite. You must not know these people, or the history which therein transpired, but whatever.

There's no difference between the west and Islam - we are all the same species with the same fundamental nature.
- Again, the West is a political entity, Islam is a religion. No room for comparison. I don't even know what is it you're objecting to. Any specific thing you're referring to?

There has never been a war over religion.
- Rarely, indeed.

There are only wars for power and control with the sides having different religions.  
- Absolutely. As Ibn Khaldun notes, wars result from imbalance in power & loyalty. 
keithprosser's avatar
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Not quite. You must not know these people, or the history which therein transpired, but whatever.
I'm not an expert, but mohammed died in 632 and by 656 there was open warfare over power in the Muslim world.

Again, the West is a political entity, Islam is a religion. No room for comparison.
Yet you wrote:

Now, the West lost much of its heritage in tradition & culture & social norms, in the name of 'progress'. Of course the Islamic model is the better model,
IMO, your posts were very guilty of the 'them and us' mentality that you claimed to decry.  There is no problem that is the west's and other problems that are Islam's.   There are only problems that face us all and need us all working together to solve, not playing blame games.

disgusted's avatar
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Your pathetic hatred is merely a reflection of the shooter's hatred. You and he are the cause of this worlds problems.
Analgesic.Spectre's avatar
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Analgesic.Spectre's avatar
I agree with some of this, but there will DEFINITELY be much more shooters like this. The inter-political divisions within the West pretty much necessitate it. If you've read the manifesto like I have, you've seen his stated goals. He's not wrong about the political state of the West, and our news media and political pundits are doing exactly what he said he wanted them to do. Their response is going to be a purge of right wing people from Twitter, Reddit, and other platforms. They will clamor excessively to it, and the platforms will cave. The decadent, neoliberal ruling class has legitimately gone insane; they seem to think that once they get a gamergater, a Nazi, a trump supporter, and a traditionalist Christian kicked off of twitter those people just... disappear. Out of sight, out of mind. They don't, they fall into the underbelly of the internet, and they all start talking to each other, and as they fall further and further through the cracks the Nazi has a more and more outsized voice among these outcasts. That's just human nature; people who feel cornered are much more receptive to hatred of the outgroup. I'm sure that over the next few months, more and more people are going to be pushed into radicalization echo chambers, and that the alt right will only grow because of this. They also might try to push gun confiscation, which in America will absolutely stoke the very sentiment that they are trying to stamp out.
+ 1 This is exactly what happens/happened.

Not that I condone the murders (I don't at all), but if you're able to ignore that to see the effect of his actions, what this man did is genius. He literally told the media/politicians that they're going to try and censor/purge/unperson right wing people, he literally told them the effects that this will have, and they still did it anyway. It just shows how much he knew about what he was doing. It's a damn shame he couldn't apply his genius in a way that didn't slaughter people who are innocent and just wanted to live their lives, at least for the most part.

But I don't think anyone here has stated how serious the situation is for Whites, so allow me to elaborate:

Now, what happens when you have a group of people attacked, who are having their communities destroyed through mass immigration (ghettos and no go zones), who are the only ones legally allowed to be discriminated against in the U.S. (in hiring, college applications, government services, loans, in terms of their right to form racially exclusive organisations etc.), who then get told that they deserve all this because of the bogus concept of White Privilege (when divergent evolution explains racial disparities very well), who then are told that they are fundamentally rotten for being White? What happens if you suppress, unperson, call racist, bigots or literally Hitler, deplatform, shun, slander, isolate, fire or assault, anyone who tries to speak out against this?

What's left for them?

What can they do when every avenue of peaceful opposition is denied?

How can they get anti-Whites to stop?
keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
It seems one man's terrorist is indeed another man's freedom fighter.

TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
wow I totally agree and identify with what you said, extremely insightful imo
SamStevens's avatar
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SamStevens's avatar
That's a pretty accurate way of describing what's going on. The attempt to purge the politics that the left doesn't agree with out of the media only serves to strengthen the motive and resolve of people who feel like their only way to be heard is through killing other people. 

keithprosser's avatar
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Not that I condone the murders (I don't at all), but if you're able to ignore that to see the effect of his actions, what this man did is genius.
...What can they do when every avenue of peaceful opposition is denied?
He could have made that point using a paintball gun.  He wanted to kill as many Muslims as possible.

mustardness's avatar
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Most everything that follows in this thread is short { narrow } sided, irrespective of relative truth.

Nation against nation, religion against religion, tribe against tribe is all a aggregate collection of narrow viewpoints, that, can only lead to the destruction of humanity on Earth.

The largest divide of differrence  is sexual. i.e. man { Xy }  <--><-->  woman { Xx }.

If man{ Pa-triarchy } were to ever become subservient to woman Ma-triarchy }, humanity would have greater chance of surival.

That approach's greatest difficult would be uniting the rich <--> poor divide.

The question is how to pull-humanity as united integral set, rather that push-humanity into united integral set.

Pulling-IN-ward is the path of least resistance.  Will man{ pusher } ever allow woman{ attracter//mass-attracter } to dominant the human landscape on more issues?

Woman { nurtures//integrates//pulls-together }

Man { pushes apart//disintegrates }



TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
He could have made that point using a paintball gun.  He wanted to kill as many Muslims as possible.
man enters (building) with paintball gun, people left with welts and possibly ruined clothes, news at 11

don't think the impact and coverage would be quite the same lol

man enters (building) with giant feather citizens brought to tears with relentless tickling, news at 11

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
It will be out of the news in a few days anyway.

So killing 50 muslims for a headline is ok... does that cut both ways?

TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
Oh I'm not saying it's ok, but that is the best attention getter in a world that has really become desensitized.  He wanted to get people's attention and succeeded, he wanted to be heard, listened to etc just like @ResurgetExFavilla was saying, even so this will be forgotten soon enough.  We have escalated to the top, call someone a jerk is laughable, profanity is meaningless, physical violence is the norm soon killing will be, seems like a rather natural progression.  Squeaky wheel....the extremes get the attention but what happens when nothing is extreme?  We can't go back to a gentler more polite society, just can't happen.  The word jerk will never have the effect it once had, when it has an extreme insult and not said casually.  "when everyone's super no one will be",   everyone wants to be super.
Analgesic.Spectre's avatar
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Analgesic.Spectre's avatar
It seems one man's terrorist is indeed another man's freedom fighter.
Lol no you don't understand at all. This is why I've been pining against multiculturalism and multiethnic for so long. I KNOW violence ALWAYS ensues in these types of situations. Very few people want to get tangled in these nasty politics. Very few people actually enjoy bloody, prolonged wars. I'm not one of them.

All my post was saying is that when you drive Whites into the tightest of corners, when it's becoming kill or be killed, what can they do? Some are so disillusioned that they'll go out with a whimper. Others are so enraged they'll go out with thousands of bangs.

He could have made that point using a paintball gun.  He wanted to kill as many Muslims as possible.
You are wrong:

1) Paintballs hurt; they are not peaceful. That's why paintballers wear gear to protect themselves

2) His claim is that the media/politicians will lambaste and further restrict the right wing. Gun control is arguably the strictest in New Zealand, and yet New Zealand will push for further gun control. The ring wing is heavily censored in New Zealand (e.g. the Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern tour), but they'l be censored even more now. Yes, he wanted Muslims to die, but his claims could not have been tested had he elected a peaceful method of demonstration.

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
So as I understand it, the plan was to generate an anti-right backlash which will have the effect of galvanising the right into even more drastic action. hastening the showdown and the defeat of the anti-white forces.

ResurgetExFavilla's avatar
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ResurgetExFavilla's avatar

They're charging a kid with a 14 year sentence for sharing the video. Yeah, this is going to happen a LOT more.

ResurgetExFavilla's avatar
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ResurgetExFavilla's avatar
That's certainly one aspect, but what's often overlooked is that exposure to diverse viewpoints helps to moderate your own opinions. The worst excesses of ideology develop in isolation. The new left sees the alt right as this insidious tentacled beast slowly 'corrupting' people, because they are a puritanical and see the smallest deviations from their doctrine as intolerable. Just look at the tranny shit if you want evidence of that. A lot of corporate censorship started during something comparatively silly like gamergate because these leftists were FURIOUS that people were pushing back against them and seemed to have some semblance of organization. The immediate response was to cut these people off from contact with 'normal people' to preserve the normies from that perceived corrupting influence. That was the intent. But when you cut people out who have mildly anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-BLM views from general discussion in order to preserve a pro-left consensus, who have you shut those people in with? Who are they going to be talking to now? People who are significantly worse then them. People who see no moral problems with recourse to violence. Those people will immediately start to influence one another, and from that point all they need to do is mildly corrupt a 'normie' and the left will immediately and with great exuberance fling that person out of general discussion. Certainly being cut off from normal discourse is frustrating, but the ideas which we are exposed to shape us, and the left is creating a situation where if you are mildly right wing online you will be put into the speech equivalent of a cage match with Nazis.

This is why it is a goal of the hardest fringes of the alt right to increase censorship on mainstream platforms. This is why they troll so hard; the backlash benefits them when it comes to recruiting. If people get banned for 'misgendering' someone, these people benefit. That's a huge part of accelerationism.