Polytheist-Witch's avatar


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Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
Then you should quit slumming it here with the retard theists. 
Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
My mother is a political Christian. She doesn't read the bible, she doesn't go to church, she doesn't engage in any sort of Christian ritual but she's a Christian because she's conservative. At least true believers have some kind of faith. It's awful.
Posted in:
Great plan to abolish "meat industry and factory farm" and save the animals
Hey I'm all for putting cows out into open fields because then during hunting season you wouldn't have to just get deer you could actually get beef which would be freaking awesome.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
I managed to catch one of these ads last night. You can tell that they're targeting the marginalized they were trying to focus on people who felt alone or mentally ill.
The church is really restricted these populations from the ranks for so long they're not going to win them over with a couple of commercials.
Posted in:
it is irrational to argue that there's no evidence for the afterlife
This is the wrong place to have a actual discussion on philosophy or religion. It's called a debate site but there's nothing about debate that goes on here.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
Christians are paranoid psychos
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
Considering that you hate gays and women and don't seem to have any issue with the church's past of murdering people to convert them and wiping out other religions, your view on what makes a human a human means very little to me.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
Missionary work, that's when Christians go out and force Christianity on countries and tribes and people who are practicing other religions or are atheists right? Because Jesus need you to go out and shove him down everybody's throat.
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
Alive and living are two different things. And I'm sorry but a tadpole is not a human being. It's a potential human being. And there's no reason you shouldn't be able to take a pill the day after you have sex to get rid of it other than your religious freak who hates women.
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
Yes men are far too stupid to be in control of their own birth control. It should all fall on the woman to keep him from getting baby trapped. Women hating pigs.
Posted in:
Why do gay guys act feminine?
No it doesn't.
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
They're not people at three weeks or even ten weeks.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
Doubt you would see ads for Islam. Preferred treatment.
Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
I wouldn't consider them at that time part of the religion, because they didn't believe the full truth, and were imbedded in mans greed and corruption. So no the religion isn't responsible for it, man is responsible for it. 

Christianity has a history of violence that still carries over to today. Your religion is violent whether you like it or not.
Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
Humans make mistakes. This was a corrupt version of Christianity, that wasn't imbedded in truth, rather greed. It does not speak for all Christians.
The religion is still responsible for it.

Posted in:
Why do gay guys act feminine?
I'm saying that you throwing masculine and feminine into the mix doesn't mean anything, dumbass.
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
What lives? 
Posted in:
The LGBTQIA+ movement is more like a religion
Christians love going after other religions and wiping them out. This is why Christians are always calling things they hate a "religion".
Posted in:
Abortion should be illegal, except for cases where it is a threat to the mother's life.
You make things illegal to try and prevent people doing them. It doesn't always work. Prohibition is evidence of this.
Ok, go ahead and give me another example. It works 95% of the time, so it is a useful tool to use. To assume that abortion is one of those instances without any evidence backing that up, is a bad argument. 

Name one thing that's illegal that people actually don't engage in because of that. Prisons are full of people who break laws. From minor traffic infractions, to taxes, through a variety of misdemeanors and felonies up to murder. Abortion was illegal before Roe v Wade and people still did them. Whether on their own or through doctors. To say because something is illegal nobody will engage in it is the most childish view of the world I've ever heard. You really need to admit you just hate women you fucking can't stand that they have a right to their own decision making. You have on numerous occasions excuse the male behavior in this whole equation. You have made it illegal for women and doctors to engage in the activity with while giving men a pass. You're not even willing to allow women to take a pill the day after they have sex so that they don't have the egg attached and get pregnant. You are a woman hating pig.
Posted in:
Why do gay guys act feminine?
Just like straight men tend to be attracted to a certain type of woman gay men are attracted to certain type of men. Gay men want to have sex with men because they have penises not because they're feminine or masculine. Just like lesbians are attracted to each other because they don't have penises.
Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
God will be proven any time now.
I don't know about deities but I'd certainly believe that eventually we will be able to prove there's something after death. Once spirit is verifiable it'll be much easier to say deities exist.

Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
What's the debate part of your post? I mean everybody here knows what the fuck Christianity is. Most of us even know that there's a varieties of denominations and want most of those varieties practice. 

or all of those people out there who think we try to enforce this belief onto others, persecutor, and other things people might say
Christianity single-handedly almost wiped out the pagan religions of eastern and western Europe to the point that when they're practiced today those practices have to be scraped together by archeology and various limited texts. Most of which have been translated by Christians so they're not pure in their animism or polytheism. And Christianity single-handedly almost wiped out various native cultures both North and South in the Americas. And they still continue to go through Africa and try to convert that continent. There is still a struggle in the United States today which is a secular Nation with religious freedom for Christians to try to enact laws that force their morality and beliefs on the others. You are a perfect example of that. 
But I'm still not sure I find what topic you were wishing to debate in your original post.

Posted in:
Still think it's just white cops.
Never thought it was just white cops. They are a guilt of group think. They all think they are worth more than the "others".
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
Satan is make believe, white supremacist exists and can be dangerous. Racists dumbass.
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
You realize white supremacy doesn't mean that they're in charge of everybody else, it means that they think they are superior to other people. Doesn't mean they don't have power, it doesn't mean they're the only ones in control, it just means that they view themselves as supreme. A lot of freaking morons in this topic.
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
Sure there is. My particular religion has issues with white supremacists folk groups. You have to watch who to give attention to. If they sell merchandise you have to watch your not getting items with messages. Are they mainstream, no but they are open and present. 
Posted in:
Another idiot dies by cop failing to follow commands and grabbing for the taser
I watched the video, he seemed confused when the officer talked to him. He was walking away. 
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
This ehole there's no law so there's no way there can be white supremacy is honestly the stupidest argument I've ever heard. There are laws against murder yet there's murder so you're just a fucking retard.
Posted in:
Wylted $50 giveaway
You forgot to change accounts
Posted in:
What happens to transwomen prisoners(let’s say it’s a DUI):
Oh well.
Posted in:
What happens to transwomen prisoners(let’s say it’s a DUI):
Put them in the prison for the sex they were born but in PC
Posted in:
Another idiot dies by cop failing to follow commands and grabbing for the taser
So the guy gets out of his truck and it seems like he's walking towards his home? He doesn't even seem to be  aware that it's a traffic stop.
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
Ah, so it's not the Bible that says witches reanimate the dead it's the Dictionary well that must make it true. Again I feel I've been slighted about powers I may have and not using, lol.
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
He's probably confusing being clingy with wanting to fix him because a lot of women want to mother  men that have problems. Especially if that person has some kind of issue like, an alcohol problem. They probably just wanted to help him be better.
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
Well someone should have told me I can do that because that's something I could be making quite a bit of money on, raising the dead. They also thought witched  used to come at night as cats and milk their cows and take the milk. Do you realize how dumb you sound when you say witches raise the dead? You're absolutely right Peter and Paul are  witches and a sorcerers. Funny they're the two that Protestantism and the Catholic religions are based on. 
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
Says a woman hating racists.
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
If that loser, selfish, moron on sister wives can find four women willing to marry him you should be fine.
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
Just because there's no law doesn't mean it doesn't exist it just means it's not State sanctioned. Come on you honestly know the difference between the two you can't be that dumb. 
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
I know people like to go on about how polygamy doesn't benefit women and  the state it's in now it doesn't. Those goofball Mormons are authoritarian and they want little harems. An actual polyamorous relationship with adults in it who treat each other with respect is a perfectly reasonable relationship. Especially in the case of having someone who is interested in more than one sex. This person is able to express themselves sexually without cheating or hurting anybody else. So when you have three or more people who are adults, that treat each other respectfully and equally and everything is done in a way that benefits everybody there's absolutely nothing wrong with the relationship. I mean there are cultures where it's standard for men to have a wife and a girlfriend. The two never meet, they would never leave their wife, the girlfriend understands her role and everybody gets along fine. Now if you can have a situation where those two women get along and live under the same roof what's the difference. All these different relationships and whatnot seem to be gaining steam pretty fast so I wouldn't be surprised if 5 years from now polygamy/polyamory's workout and we see more of it out in the mainstream.
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52
You lost anyway.
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Okay. Let me know if you have any other input.
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
Because I don't give a fuck about your OP, it's fucking stupid. And since witchcraft isn't in a religion it shouldn't even be in this forum. But whatever, dumbass.
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Over course of 26 years people change or don't. Is what it is. As long as we don't bother each other. 
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
Yes. I know I am blocked by you, but this doesn't stop you posting to me direct, does it, Witch?  

No, retard, it doesn't. 
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
I love how only ex women are cunts. Men never hold grudges, treat people like shit or try to fuck an ex over. You wonder why women are starting to hate men. 
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
You are blocked, tard. I don't want you pming me. That's all a block does , fucking moron. 
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
The mods can do whatever they want about it I don't give a flying fuck. You and they know exactly when it was posted. You're just too pussy to stand by it.
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
The idea that people think there isn't a single white person in the United States that doesn't think they're superior to every other race in the United States is scary because it just shows how fucking stupid people are. There are actually groups who are proud, hence the term White Pride, of that stance and they have gatherings and parades and they will clubs and everything. To say not a single white human being in all of the United States is never ever able to be a white supremacist is just the biggest denial of common sense I've ever seen. It talks even some of the shit I've read in the religion forum.
Posted in:
Basic Vegetables Farming - Farming Tools
At least that's something. Thought you're just off from some kind of wild fucking  tangent.
Posted in:
Ex Witch say Witchcraft is expanding.
No it's where I come to take a shit and watch you talk about my kids with brooms between their legs. 