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I'm bored, and I saw this argument on another debate. The Omnipotence Paradox is often used by the non-believer to disprove God, or at the very least call into question God's Omnipotence. I believe this to be a flawed and illogical argument.
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Rap Battle 1. Open Challenge, Open Voting Rules -Swears are allowed -No in tune beats -Judges should judge by rhymes, flow, and length -Grammar shouldn't count unless you can't read it -No plagiarism Good luck
I don't even caaaaaarrreeee
I will argue that Richard Nixon was the best president of the United States. My opponent must choose another president that they believe was the best.
The legal working age should be set to 14 in all countries. If my opponent thinks otherwise, it shall debate with me on why this is not acceptable
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Abortion should be illegal in most cases.
The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God. God exists as three separate persons, but yet as one God.
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Should DA change this option?
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