Total debates: 59
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Abortion should be a basic right because every individual deserves autonomy over their own body and the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions without political or societal interference.
Not here to get super aggressive, just trying to have a productive conversation to figure out my stance on abortion through debate :)
By joining this debate, con supports a pro-life standpoint (is against abortion access).
A Fetus is a human being, Murder is wrong, therefore abortion is wrong.
Pro agrees with the title, con is opposite.
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I am personally against abortion to an extent, but I believe this is a more interesting topic.
I'm still making up my mind on whether im pro-choice and pro-life so just looking for a friendly debate so I can gain some perspectives :))
My brother wanted to see that I got humbled so come on chew me up and spit me out
This debate will address whether personhood begins at conception.
You will argue why abortion should not be legal and I will argue why it should
A debate concerning when personhood begins.
This debate is about abortion and if it should be legal or not.
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This debate will address whether personhood begins at conception.
A debate about abortion and whether or not women should be doing it.
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Just curious to see what people thing, I can see both sides :)
New human life is created at the point of fertilization, and since "personhood" is subjective, we must err on the side of caution, with the conclusion that ending a human life is murder.
I (Kouen) will argue that Abortion Is Murder while the opponent will argue that Abortion Is not Murder
I will be hosting a zoom meeting on Wednesday 25th at 7:00 pm. We will debate on the topic at hand.
New human life is created at the point of fertilization, and since "personhood" is subjective, we must err on the side of caution, with the conclusion that ending a human life is murder.
The activity of aborting a pregnancy is inherently ending a human life.
Can we argue that abortion should be outlawed simply because it can be perceived as moral? Do morals over ride ones right to body autonomy?
Throughout the debate, Pro and Con will discuss scientific evidence, philosophical principles, and societal considerations.
"Redo" of my last debate on this topic. Practice debate. Anyone may accept.
A continuation of our prior debate, I am Pro choice before 20 weeks, and Mall is Pro life
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Abortion is a very frequent debate because there are many points to discuss about, tell me what you think
Just a freindly debate about the morality of abortion, I am Pro choice, so if you join you must be pro life
This debate will address whether a law should exist in the United States restricting abortion from the point of conception.
Taking into consideration the unique lens of government, should abortion be supported or not. Pro argues government should support abortion, Con argues that abortion should not be supported by the government.
Abortion is not murder debate me or die
Read the full description.
Pro-lifers constantly and consistently state, emphatically, that abortion is "murder." But what these pro-lifers fail to recognize is the mutually exclusive situation or standard that abortion is a medical procedure, not a crime. And that crime takes one person (clearly already born) taking the life of another person (clearly already born). That is the definition of the crime of murder. Abortion is not murder since a pregnancy is not a person (which requires birth to be designated as a person).
I just want to know your opinion and maybe I feel the same or maybe I don't we shall see lol
This debate will cover all stages of pregnancy but will not cover cases of rape, the removal of ectopic pregnancies, or abortions performed to save the life of the mother. It will also not cover legality. Murder will be defined here in the moral sense. The burden of proof is shared. All arguments given MUST be at least 3,500 characters to prove that both participants are committed to the debate.
Rape has been used as an excuse for anyone that is pro-choice. I believe this is such a flaccid argument that can be easily rebutted by using pure simple logic.
Abortion. Do I need to explain?
This debate will cover all stages of pregnancy but will not cover cases of rape, the removal of ectopic pregnancies, or abortions performed to save the life of the mother. It will also not cover legality. Murder will be defined here in the moral sense. The burden of proof is shared. All arguments given MUST be at least 3,500 characters to prove that both participants are committed to the debate. Failure to adhere to this will result in a loss.