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Poker Mafia - DP2

Died last DP:


Died in the night:

warren42 - Affiliation: town
Player: Chris Moneymaker - Yes, your name is literally Moneymaker. You were the first World Series of Poker winner to have qualified through online tournaments. Your win led a large increase in interest in the game of poker, which was dubbed the "Moneymaker Effect."

Discipulus_Didicit - Affiliation: town
Player: Johnny Moss - Known as the “The Grand Old Man of Poker,” you learned how to gamble and play cards at a young age. You were born in Texas and travelled around Texas playing high stakes games. You were the first ever World Series of Poker Main Event winner, then you won it 2 more times.

Living players:

1. SupaDudz
2. ILikePie5
3. PressF4Respect
4. Crocodile
5. oromagi
6. BearMan
7. Speedrace
8. RationalMadman

With 8 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch.

This DP lasts ~72 hours. DP2 ends 07/19 14:00 EST.

Forum games
191 9
Poker Mafia - DP1

Game Mechanics

  • During the day, players will vote to lynch other players like in a normal mafia game.
  • The mafia does not have a factional kill. Instead a night kill is awarded based on who has the best hand. 
At the beginning each dayphase, each player gets 2 HOLE CARDS (you get new cards every DP); and the FLOP will be shown (The flop is the first 3 COMMUNITY CARDS). Cards are based on a 54 card deck with 2 WILD JOKERS. Before the end of the dayphase, players may FOLD, CHECK/FOLD, or BET; these actions are done by PMing the mod your choice any time before the lynch goes through. 

  • Folding means you’re not playing your hand. Players who fold will not get a role for the night, and will not contend for the night kill. 
  • Betting means you’re playing the hand. Players who bet will be able to use their roles at night, and will contend for the night kill.
  • Check/fold means you may or may not play the hand. If everyone checks, then everyone plays the hand. If even 1 person bets, you automatically fold. 
  • Not submitting an action will behave as a check/fold. 
At the end of every day phase, the 2 remaining community cards will be dealt in the DP. There will not be any duplicates of cards that are in play at any given time (unless someone cheats). 

Each night, players who have bet may use their role; your role depends on the best 5-card hand you can make from the 7 cards (your 2 hole cards and the 5 community cards). Also, the player who has the best hand of all the players who bet receives a kill to be used that night. Using the night kill is mandatory; failure to use the night kill results in immediate modkill.

All hole cards, actions, roles, and nightkill awards are private. That is, only the mod and the player knows what cards they got and what they did. You're allowed to discuss your cards and anything you did in the DP. But of course you may also lie.

COMPLETE KILL is in effect, since town can also receive the night kill. Mafia must eliminate all town to win.

Once again just so people are not confused: you have a character, but the character is unrelated to your affiliation and role. Your character is a well-known poker player, and I have included a short bio about them. All these players have won millions of dollars versus other very smart players in a game of skill. If you have some interest games of wit and skill, these are very interesting people.

Town Roles

High card - miller
Pair - tracker
Two pair - watcher
Three of a kind - cop
Straight - BP, effective this night only
Flush - doc (no self-doc)
Full house - popular next DP
Four of a kind - double vote next DP
Straight Flush - vig
Five of a kind - declared innocent child

Mafia roles are different and only known to the mafia.


  • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, etc.
  • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
  • 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP
  • Majority lynch
Living players

1. SupaDudz
2. warren42
3. ILikePie5
4. PressF4Respect
5. Crocodile
6. oromagi
7. Discipulus_Didicit
8. BearMan
9. Speedrace
10. RationalMadman

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

This DP lasts ~72 hours. DP1 ends 07/15 13:00 EST.

Forum games
500 11
Poker mafia is a mafia game with special mechanics.

Game info

  • designed for 10-13 players. 10 players is optimal for balance reasons (a typical hold'em table has 10 players).
  • Does not require poker knowledge, although basic knowledge of poker hands helps. If you don't know poker hands I can tell you exactly what your role is at night.
Special mechanics

  • no set roles: your role depends on your hand, which changes every night.
  • The role a player receives differs depending on whether the player is town or mafia. Town's role assignment list is public; mafia's role assignment list is only known to mafia.
  • cards are guaranteed to be randomly shuffled every phase.
  • players may take actions during the day to affect their poker odds against other players during the night.
  • no factional night kill for mafia: instead, night kills will be awarded based on a player's hand, meaning town can also receive kills.
  • Mafia's advantage revolves around abilities to 'cheat' at poker.
  • complete kill: mafia must eliminate all town to win.

All players are randomly assigned the name of a well-known professional poker player. This is for thematic flavoring only, meaning the name of the player is randomized and has no bearing on either faction or role. I do not mean to imply that any of the poker players named in the game are cheaters!

Game rules

  • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, respect the spirit of the game, etc.
  • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
  • 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP
  • Majority lynch


Forum games
53 14
Hey guys. We once again have been invited to participate in the annual Mafia Championship hosted on Mafia Universe. I've represented DDO/DART the past two years and as a result have been asked to communicate this with all of you guys.

Assuming we'd like to send a representative, I figure we should nominate people here, maybe give that a week, then vote on the nominees for a week or so. They want reps confirmed by April 27.

Forum games
10 9
Ragnar[2] (replacing ILikePie5) - Grumpy Cat - A snowshoe cat with an expression showing incredible disdain - You are vanilla townie.

Lunatic - Press F to pay respects - A bizarre and tasteless quicktime event in a 2014 Call of Duty game that turned into one of the biggest memes of the 2010’s. Memers from around the world will throw up a chain of ‘F’s in chat when something bad happens - You are the graveyard visitor: each night you may visit a player in the graveyard and pay respects to them. (flavor: you receive the results your target would have received on the night they died)

oromagi - Harambe - Dicks out for harambe! You were murdered in cold blood when you tried to protect a child from it’s negligent parent - You are a beloved bodyguard: each night, you may protect another player, if they are targeted for death, you die in their place. When you die in any way, your killer or hammerer becomes hated, that is they take 1 less vote than normal to be lynched.

WaterPhoenix - Supa Hot Fire - “I’m about to end this man’s whole career. Boom, bam, bop Bada-bop-boom, pow.” You have won 398 246 303 rap battles in your career. You are not a rapper though - You are the gladiator: once per game, at any point with more than 24 hours left in the day phase, you may declare a gladiator challenge against any other player; you do this by posting “I challenge ____ to a rap battle” in BOLD in the DP. Votes will be reset, you and your challenge will automatically vote each other, and only you and that player may be voted to be lynched for the rest of the day; if the challenge ends without a majority vote, plurality voting will be in effect, with ties resolving against your opponent.

warren42 - Galaxy brain - a meme where a described scenario becomes increasingly ludicrous while a picture of a brain becomes increasingly advanced. You are able to make amazing deductions with your galaxy-sized brain - You are cop (flavor: because the meme is most often used in an ironic way, you are insane)

SupaDudz - Bee movie memes - A 2007 movie starring Jerry Seinfeld with a ridiculous script packed full of “bee” puns. You didn’t become a prominent shitposting meme until the 2010’s, exemplified by the video “The bee movie but every time they say bee it gets faster.” - You are honey townie. (same as vanilla)

Ragnar - Black guy pointing at head - Also known as “roll safe,” you mock decisions that appear good if you don’t think about it. Can’t lose if you don’t play the game, right?  - You are the commuter: each night you exit the game such that anyone who tries to target you simply can’t. You are the quitter: at any time, you may quit the game by posting “I can’t lose if I don’t play the game” in BOLD in the DP; quitting the game at day does not end the day. Also you are excused to go inactive the entire game without being replaced or modkilled.


Greyparrot - Area 51 raid - a social phenomenon where millions of people sign up to raid Area 51 and bust out some aliens. Of the 50 people who actually showed up, one absolute legend actually Naruto ran on camera - You are mafia ninja: using the power of anime you can Naruto run past any enemy defenses without being observed. If you visit an alien you recruit them to the mafia PM. 

Speedrace (replacing Lucky) - Ancient aliens guy - Is such a thing even possible? YES IT IS. You’re always on the lookout for aliens who have visited this planet - You are the mafia lookout: each night you may visit someone and see who visited them. (flavor: if anyone visits your target, you see “aliens”.)

Singularity - Ayy LMAO - You’re a high alien who’s laughing his ass out about something or other. Your allies are trying to bust you out of Area 51. You are the jailed mafia. Anyone not mafia who visits you is rolestopped. You do not start with the mafia PM, and while you are not in the mafia PM you may not perform the night kill; also while not recruited, you automatically lose if you’re the last mafia alive. If you are visited by the mafia you may join their PM. After you join the mafia PM you are no longer jailed, you become a normally functional mafia member and you may receive a role. (If recruited will bring a UFO to the mafia. You may use the UFO to commit strongman-janitor abductions in place of the NK)


1. Lunatic - Press F to pay respects - graveyard visitor - Visit ragnar, visit grey, visit singularity, died NP3
2. SupaDudz - Bee movie memes - honey townie - 
3. Greyparrot - Area 51 raid - Mafia ninja - modkilled NP1
4. Warren42 - Galaxy brain - cop - modkilled NP1
5. Ragnar - Black guy pointing at head - commuter quitter - lynched DP1
6. Singularity - AyyLMAO alien - jailed mafia - recruited NP2, lynched DP3
7. WaterPhoenix - Supa Hot Fire - Gladiator - gladiate speed DP4
8. Oromagi - Harambe - beloved bodyguard - guard lucky, guard Supa died NP2, 
9. Ragnar[2] (replacing ILikePie5) - Grumpy Cat - vanilla - 
10. Speedrace (replacing Lucky) - Ancient aliens guy - mafia lookout - look at Single NK Supa NP2, NK Lunatic NP3, lynched DP4


The thematic split is alien-related memes vs other memes.

Activity was bad.
Forum games
15 9
Memes of the 2010's Mafia - DP2

Died last DP:

Ragnar - Black guy pointing at head - Also known as “roll safe,” you mock decisions that appear good if you don’t think about it. Can’t lose if you don’t play the game, right?  - You are the commuter: each night you exit the game such that anyone who tries to target you simply can’t. You are the quitter: at any time, you may quit the game by posting “I can’t lose if I don’t play the game” in BOLD in the DP; quitting the game at day does not end the day. Also you are excused to go inactive the entire game without being replaced or modkilled.

Died in the night:



(Mafia) Greyparrot - Area 51 raid - a social phenomenon where millions of people sign up to raid Area 51 and bust out some aliens. Of the 50 people who actually showed up, one absolute legend actually Naruto ran on camera - You are mafia ninja: using the power of anime you can Naruto run past any enemy defenses without being observed. If you visit an alien you recruit them to the mafia PM. (reason for modkill: inactivity)

warren42 - Galaxy brain - a meme where a described scenario becomes increasingly ludicrous while a picture of a brain becomes increasingly advanced. You are able to make amazing deductions with your galaxy-sized brain - You are cop. (reason for modkill: inactivity)

Living players:

1. Lunatic
2. SupaDudz
3. Singularity
4. WaterPhoenix
5. oromagi
6. ILikePie5
7. Speedrace (replacing Lucky)

Speedrace has replaced Lucky.

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch.

This DP lasts ~72 hours. DP2 ends 03/22 19:30 EST.

Forum games
71 9
Memes of the 2010's Mafia - DP1

  • Themed rolemad style game
  • Flavors are possible - your role may not behave exactly as it is stated

  • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, etc.
  • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
  • 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP
  • Majority lynch
Living players

1. Lunatic
2. SupaDudz
3. Greyparrot
4. warren42
5. Ragnar
6. Singularity
7. WaterPhoenix
8. oromagi
9. ILikePie5
10. Lucky

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

This DP lasts ~72 hours. DP1 ends 03/18 21:30 EST.

Forum games
111 11
Memes of the 2010's Mafia is a themed rolemad mafia game with role flavors.

Game mechanics

  • designed for 9-15 players
  • typical DDO-style mafia
  • The game may have hidden flavors - you should not come into the game expecting roles to do exactly as they say in the PM, or assume night action mechanics to work in a traditional manner. Flavors are not necessarily revealed upon death
  • This game has been thought-out and balanced beforehand
  • This game will actually start when there's enough players
    All the characters in the game are memes from the 2010’s. Note that memes don’t necessarily have to have originated in the 2010’s, they just have to have been prolific in the 2010’s. Memes are taken from my mind and various meme boards and meme aggregators. Then the memes are validated on 

    There is a thematic split.

    Game rules

    • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, etc.
    • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
    • 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP
    • Majority lynch


    Forum games
    50 15
    Nightless Sensor QF Mafia - DP2

    Died last DP:

    Lunatic - mafia
    WaterPhoenix - town

    Living players:

    1. Speedrace
    2. oromagi
    3. drafterman
    4. Ragnar

    Mod note:

    Sensor results - last DP's wagon consisted of [Ragnar, speed, drafter, oro]. The wagon contains exactly 1 scum (obviously).

    With 4 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch.

    This DP lasts ~24 hours. DP2 ends 02/22 15:30 EST.

    Forum games
    27 5
    Nightless Sensor QF Mafia - DP1

    As a reminder:

    • 6 players, 4 town vs 2 mafia
    • Nightless - no nights, no night actions, no night kills
    • Sensor - at the beginning of the next day phase, I will state in the OP exactly how many mafia were on the lynch wagon the previous day.
    • Special mechanic - the first mafia to be lynched gets a bomb ability - he chooses 1 person to die with him.
    • No other roles.

    • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, etc.
    • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
    • 24 hour DP cycles; no NP
    • Majority lynch
    • No-lynching results in mafia being awarded a kill

    Living players

    1. Speedrace
    2. Lunatic
    3. oromagi
    4. drafterman
    5. Ragnar
    6. WaterPhoenix

    With 6 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch.

    This DP lasts ~24 hours. DP1 ends 02/22 09:30 EST.

    Forum games
    46 7
    This is a quickfire style mafia game with special mechanics.

    Game mechanics

    • 6 players, 4 town vs 2 mafia
    • Nightless - no nights, no night actions, no night kills
    • Sensor - at the beginning of the next day phase, I will state in the OP exactly how many mafia were on the lynch wagon the previous day.
    • Special mechanic - the first mafia to be lynched gets a bomb ability - he chooses 1 person to die with him.
    • No other roles.

    Game rules

    • Normal rules apply, no screenshotting PMs, no outside comms, etc.
    • UNVOTEing is encouraged, not required
    • 24 hour DP cycles; no NP
    • Majority lynch
    • No-lynching results in mafia being awarded a kill

    Game starts 2/17 at the earliest.



    Forum games
    23 9

    In this project, we use deep learning to detect deception through online conversations in the interaction-based party game Mafia. We present various neural network frameworks (LSTM, bidirectional LSTM, CNN) to generate predictions of deceptive text. The results of this paper suggest the capability of neural network architectures to effectively detect deception in the Mafia setting, and offer qualitative analysis in agreement with current deception research findings.

    We have trained tensorflow frameworks based on unidirectional LSTM, bidirectional LSTM, as well as CNN, that successfully perform deception detection on online Mafia game interactions using the Mafiascum dataset [3]. All three models performed above baseline accuracy (81.6%), with 88.8% (unidirectional LSTM), 94.7% (bidirectional LSTM), and 94.9% (CNN). This suggests that deeplearning techniques may be able to effectively identify linguistic cues that signal deception.
    Emphasis mine

    This is a relatively recent paper (March 18, 2019). I wonder how this compares against good players here.
    Forum games
    6 5
    Ever wonder what is going on in the Games' forum? Why it has so many posts? Do kids really talk that much about their vidya games?

    Well, yes, but that's not why: it's Mafia!

    No, we haven't been invaded by the Cosa Nostra. This isn't the work of Sicilians...'s the Russians!*

    Mafia was a party-game invented in the 80's. It is known as a "social deduction game" where you have a "Town" team and a "Mafia" team. The objective of each team is to kill the other. The Town, while in the majority, doesn't know who the Mafia are. The Mafia have to Masquerade as Town, convincing them to kill their own (and also have the ability to directly kill Town's people themselves).

    Today, it is a commonly played online: in many forums on the Internet and on web sites dedicated to the game, such as Epic Mafia or Town of Salem.

    Each place has its own implementation and variation and DART is no different. Because of this, there can be a steep learning curve which can act as a barrier to entry.

    No more!

    In times past we have held Beginner's Series of game to introduce people to the mechanics and culture that is DDO/DART Mafia. If there is enough interest (~7-8 people) we can resume this series of games.

    So if you've ever been interested in what this game is but were worried about being fitted for a set of cement shoes, fear no more!

    * - Seriously, Mafia was invented by a Russian.
    11 7