Polytheist-Witch's avatar


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Total posts: 4,188

Posted in:
Should we put the unvaccinated in concentration camps?
No you didn't but your posting style speaks volumes to it 
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
I didn't say welfare was a vegetative state so don't put words in my mouth. Just because you have sick thoughts doesn't mean everybody else that post here does.
Posted in:
Should we put the unvaccinated in concentration camps?
I didn't say anything about concentration camps. Try actually addressing the right person or not drinking before you post.
Posted in:
Haven't heard from the President in a while.
So we're not allowed to ask the president what's going on, what their plans are, what the status is? 
Posted in:
Should we put the unvaccinated in concentration camps?
You would kill someone for having the flu, chicken pox, pink eye? 
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
Says the atheist in the religion forum telling everyone they're assholes.
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
If you have ever been in that situation you would understand. 
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
And not very helpful to the person n life support. 
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
I have no issue with taking someone off life support who is in a vegetative state. 
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
What life? All abortion stops is a potential at life. Like shutting off life support because someone is brain dead. The womb is a life support mechanism. There are legal definitions for what is considered living and what is considered slavery. 
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
Who are the Buddhists controlling, lol. The fact you hate yourself so much god can't be like you is all you, boo.
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
You being okay with being walked on is all you, boo.
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
Because it's murder to religious fanatics doesn't make it murder. How do you murder someone who isn't born.
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
I believe medical privacy is a right and I don't think anybody should be able to demand to see any of your medical records. Unless it involves a lawsuit, insurances or doing your job safely.
Posted in:
Is Roe V Wade constitutional?
Roe versus Wade is not necessarily about abortion. It's about medical privacy. You know that HIPAA s*** you get when you go to the doctor's appointment that's Roe v Wade. If women who are pregnant are not entitled to medical privacy then no one is and everybody should be able to walk into a hospital pull your records and use your records against you.
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
If you find people mocking you and the things you hold dear funny  good for you. Personally I think they could just shut their mouth and not say anything instead of being rude but you know that's me.
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
Well I’m living with Roger. I’m not sure what I would call this relationship. It’s not religious. It’s a personal connection
This is why people hate atheists. 
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
I'm pretty familiar with Nordic & Germanic history. I want to know though why do you believe these are gods & what does 'god' exactly mean for you?

LOL, that isn't history it's mythology. The same reason you think your god is a god, because other people have told you that down through the years that when you work with this being it's a god. Personally don't like the word god I prefer the word deity. People have work with these beings for centuries so the relationships, ideas and rituals are already established. 
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
So you believe in the Odin paradise & martyr glory.
It's part of Norse myth. He doesn't have a hall in Germanic myth. There are several different afterlife places in Germanic and Norse mythology. The Viking were a small portion of worshipers. They also didn't go out and kill people for Odin. They hope to die in battle to go to Valhalla or Freya's Hall. She actually gets first pick of the war dead. They generally leave that out of all the movies.

Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
What kind of interaction? Does this have anything to do with psychedelics?
No. I don't use drugs of any kind.

What is it you intent by a god? What makes you think they are gods, maybe they are spirits or angels or just illusions?
God is a title that's been granted to certain beings. Most spirits don't call themselves anything but a spirit and angels definitely don't call themselves anything but an angel. Most gods don't call themselves gods they just usually have a name and they'll tell you their name.

 Where do you get these rituals? Do you follow a religion
As I said I worship in the German / Norse Pantheon. There are a couple of writings that have rituals in them but most of the time they're either made up by myself or I've gotten them from books or other resources like people who have been practicing longer than I have. Honestly as a solitary just kind of end up doing whatever you throw together or whatever you feel right about doing.
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
I hold those beliefs due to my interaction with various gods via meditation, shamanic journeying and ritual. I believe all the gods we know of are distinct beings and that they can help us to improve ourselves and in return expect us to help others. They also have knowledge of how spirit and the universe works that we don't. Worship is done with prayers, offerings, ritual and works for others. Also tending to the Earth and spirits of the dead and land.
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
Yes I am actually a polytheist. Most of the gods I worship/ work with are Germanic or Norse. A few are outside that. 
Posted in:
What have you changed your mind about?
Not much of what I hold dear spiritually meshes with monotheism. So not much changes but I don't get to interact with people who aren't practice outside Christianity. It's always better to get info/ views from a practitioner.
Posted in:
Whoopi Goldberg is right about the holocaust
Hitler's goal was to wipe out a number of different people to keep the Germanic races blood pure. He believed in a master race therefore everything he did was based on making things appropriate for that race to succeed. That makes all his actions racist. Whether he was rounding up the infirm, the disabled, the Romani or Jews. Anyone that says otherwise is a N@!# sympathizer. Whoopie's problem is she thinks if anyone else receives any sort of attention regarding racism that her race will be overlooked. 
Posted in:
The Bible contains a big FUCK YOU to anti-LGBT Christians
Unless a homosexual is a Christian, Christians don't have f*** all to say about but any homosexual person's doing. Quit acting like Christians get to decide how everybody else is going to do their thing. And if you're a man tapping your wife's ass you are no better than any gay man as far as sex acts goes.
Posted in:
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
You don't pump every woman you see cuz that would be rape. Two men consenting to have sex with one another is not anywhere near the same thing. If a Christian male decides he doesn't want to have sex with other men because it's against his religion that's fine but there is absolutely no reason to force morality for a Christian on anyone that's not Christian.
Posted in:
Any evidence for Soul?
The mind is connected to ego. It has to do with us filtering outside information that comes from the brain and applying it to our conscious self. The soul is connected more to the body and the spirit. The soul is kind of that glue that holds our spirit to our body and it filters spiritual experiences that come through the brain.  I don't think I'm explaining this right. The mind has to do with ego and self and the soul has to do with Spirit and the higher self. Someone can have a damaged mind but the soul is still there and intact and functioning. Like you would never say somebody with a brain injury or say something like Downs had no soul. I don't think I'm explaining this right but I do agree with you that the brain and the mind are connected to damage brain is a damaged mind and it changes how you function as far as ego. I guess a good way to put it would be emotional trauma might damage the soul because the soul is about the higher self or spiritual things. I still don't think that is what I'm trying to say I don't know never mind.
Posted in:
Any evidence for Soul?
I'm not sure the mind and the soul are the same thing.
Posted in:
Spreading the Word about DART
When you search the debate sites we don't even come up on the first page at google. Do we have a Google page that says we exist.
Posted in:
Religious people: Is it your duty to convince others that your god is real, and if yes, WHY?
 Christianity (31.2%)
  Islam (24.1%)
  No religion (16%)
  Hinduism (15.1%)
  Buddhism (6.9%)
  Folk religions (5.7%)
  Other religions (0.5%)
  Sikhism (0.3%)
  Judaism (0.2%)

Of the above religions how many recruit or witness to gain conversions? The top three and maybe the Hare Krishna sect of Hinduism. And how many recruit in Islam for Allah and not political reasons? 
Posted in:
I feel like this election is taking on too much attention, just an opinion.
Considering the elections been over for about a week this post is a little late to it. And if you read half the crap posted it's not about the election it's about giving RM a hard time.
Posted in:
on question for religious people
Probably cuz I'm sick of people coming here just to harass people not engage in f****** conversation.
Posted in:
Religious people: Is it your duty to convince others that your god is real, and if yes, WHY?
There's a  choice to discuss theism. You don't have to do it here and you don't have to do it with other human beings, you just get up and walk away from them. According to the atheist here not a single person they know ever talks about theism in "real life" so I don't know where all this talk about theism comes from because according to everybody it only happens here and somehow they're all forced to be here to talk about it.
Posted in:
It feels surreal
Whenever people here post their age I feel like an ancient being. 
Posted in:
Religious people: Is it your duty to convince others that your god is real, and if yes, WHY?
Then you told me I couldn't respond. I'm sick of you people coming in here and telling theists to shut up. 
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Skeptical Theism
When you read myths across a variety of faiths the gods are not always good. Only the Abrahamic god lacks evil. Even in Hinduism where the godhead can take many forms there are gods of destruction and renewal. 
Posted in:
Religious people: Is it your duty to convince others that your god is real, and if yes, WHY?
I'm really sick of atheists deciding what theists are welcome here and which ones are not. You're the intruder, not the theists.
Posted in:
What is your favorite argument for the existence of God?
Parents intentionally leave proof of Santa and the Tooth Fairy. They intentionally lie. To compare that to a belief in gods is insincere and not in the same ball park. Unless you think I am leaving around proof for my kids. 
Posted in:
What is your favorite argument for the existence of God?
Well what exactly do you think I'm leaving around the house and telling my kids the gods left there for him cuz I'd really like to know. 
Posted in:
on question for religious people
No I don't mean hardest I mean stupidest. The gods don't heal anybody of anything. And human beings can't grow limbs back it's not in our DNA. 
Posted in:
What is your favorite argument for the existence of God?
Why do people always ask theist if they believe in the tooth fairy and Santa. It's a goddamn fact that parents intentionally lie to their children and set up evidence that something exists that doesn't. And it's not exclusive to parents who are theists. An atheist parent will set up the same proofs to their child that Santa or the tooth fairy exist by leaving presents under a tree and money under a goddamn pillow. That is a completely different experience or scenario from someone who believes in divinity. It is one of the most insincere comments and questions posted on this forum.
Posted in:
on question for religious people
This is the dumbest question I've ever seen in my entire life. Until I read the second question.
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
I'm all for it. I don't involve my child in my religion at all not at all kid can't tell you a damn thing about what I do. My parents were both atheist didn't talk to me about religion at all. So I don't care, I think that's the case though you better be willing to pay for someone to come watch a person's child while they're going to religious functions. No reason that you should be barred from going to anything religious yourself because kids can't go.
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
You people act like no atheist has ever gone to religion like no one religious has ever been an atheist before. You act like people of other religions have never been Christians like people don't convert from Christianity to other religions and vice versa. You want to know why you get crap in the religion forum? It's the religion forum. And you basically come here to tell us we're wrong, stupid, unintelligent, we've been called worm people, we've been called mentally ill,we've been called homicidal, genocidal, we've been called evil. I mean at what point are we supposed to be open-minded about the people that come here to talk to us.
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What's the best argument defending heteronormativity you've seen?
How easily intimidated some people are.
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States Rights
That's okay it doesn't comfort rape victims either when they say not all men. Just think, if more of those women would have had abortions.
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the story of ibraham killing his own son in islam

Is this supposed to be Abraham? And why not call out Jews since it was a their story first.
Posted in:
States Rights
Quite a few single moms out there doing pretty goddamn good job. Being born to a single parent home where it's the father is the worst case you can be born into. Because they're entitled to less programs than mothers are. For instance a single father can't get WIC.
Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?
Gnome = nohom(e) must be why they are always in gardens. Sorry it's early and I haven't slept much. 
Posted in:
States Rights
I've never asked for anyone to be banned. And there's a big f****** difference between posting on a website and not being able to have an abortion because some conservative piece of crap who thinks his/her morality is better than yours gets to tell you what to do with your own body.