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Total topics: 523

This is not a right, vs left issue. This is a symptom of the lack of leadership unifying the nation on principles beyond our physical characteristics.

What do you guys think? Did Vivek counter the race-baiting? Offer a viable solution?
14 5

The White House counsel’s office met with a top aide to Special Counsel Jack Smith just weeks before he brought charges against former President Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents — raising serious concerns about coordinated legal efforts aimed at President Biden’s likely opponent in 2024.

Jay Bratt, who joined the special counsel team in November 2022, shortly after it was formed, took a meeting in the White House on March 31, 2023, with Caroline Saba, deputy chief of staff for the White House counsel’s office, White House visitor logs show.

They were joined in the 10 a.m. meeting by Danielle Ray, an FBI agent in the Washington field office.

Nine weeks later, Trump was indicted by Smith’s office on June 8, 2023.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel, said Bratt was at the White House for a “case-related interview” but declined to comment further.

The FBI declined to comment.

What do you guys think? Fishy or Legit?
30 7
Rumors from the underground suggest a new round of Covid and mandates will be in time for 2024. 

Do you guys know anything about this claim?
195 14

The video shows a clip of Biden nodding off during a Maui victim meeting, which includes children.

This on top of the delayed response (Biden vacationing and refusing to talk to journalists) and also making sure no tragedy goes to waste by tying in bloated Ukraine funding to the Maui funds, will this be a significant issue for Biden? Or can the crony corporate media partners in the government successfully spin this away yet again?

What do you guys think?
24 8

Also, for context, this is the standard definition of Cathy Newmaning

A quick breakdown of the video:

CNN: Questioning the government means you are toeing the line for conspiracy theories.

Vivek: A) The government DID lie. B) I never said 911 was an inside job. C) We should never be smeared for asking questions about the Government, especially when we know they lied to us.

What do you guys think?
14 5
Maui Residents TRASH Joe Biden As He Vacations & HOLDS UP Their Funding Unless Ukraine Gets Paid!

Savvy political move or ridiculous corruption?

What do you guys think?
19 4
These 2 songs have gone beyond viral:

Do you think civil war is a possibility? It doesn't seem like there's any peaceful path toward unifying the country.
35 9

C: Hello Mr Paliov um a number of your own comments and actions have been um
characterized as dog whistling by the far right...

P: By who?

C: by a number of...

P: By Who?

C: but I think it's been characterized by that way but are you trying to show it...

P: By who? Sorry I just need to clarify by who??

C: By a number of different experts and a number of...

P: Who are the experts?

C: okay, well it's been established that this is this is a concern are you trying to court the far right vote all right...

P: Sorry who are these experts?
You say that there are "experts" who are saying this... who are they???

C: My question is are you trying to court...

P: Sorry I am sorry, but your question seems to be based on a false premise.
You can't even tell me who these experts are. It sounds like it's just a CBC smear job. Thank you.

C: But what about the question about whether....

P: The answer is that I have a common sense agenda to ax the carbon tax, bring home powerful paychecks, clear the way to build affordable homes, to put those people in housing that they they can afford. That is a common sense mainstream Canadian agenda. And I know that Justin Trudeau's supporters are so desperate to distract from that because his political career is falling apart, so we're seeing an attempt here to distract and protect Justin Trudeau from his extremely unpopular carbon taxes and other failing policies, but we won't let him or him or others distract from that reality, so thank you.

Fkn Based.

What do you guys think?

48 9

Pool discusses a series of incidents in sunny funny California where groups of people are looting luxury stores, causing significant damage and stealing valuable items. These actions are actually a symptom of larger cultural and societal problems in cities, not just a law and order issue. Democrat Cities have become less cohesive, with people not connecting or communicating with each other as they used to. This decline in cultural cohesion comes from internet detachment and a lack of local community engagement. This trend is likely to worsen and these events are leading to the creation of wild conspiracy theories and mistrust in authoritative institutions. The chaos is an intentional result of societal decay, and the only sure immediate refuge is a rural lifestyle. You should be skeptical about the effectiveness of urban law enforcement, and there are few deniers that cities are becoming less desirable places to live due to various preventable factors.

22 7

Turley talks about how the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump could end up causing major problems for President Joe Biden. Even though Trump's charges are related to the 2020 election, they could have an unexpected impact on Biden. Turley points out that the indictment against Trump is based on limited new evidence and shaky legal grounds. It's about trying to make what Trump said into a crime, even though it is likely to be protected by the First Amendment. If Biden views this as personal, he might be onto something, as these legal tactics will probably also be used against him. The way Trump's words led others to act could also be used against Biden own words doing the same, especially in an impeachment inquiry by Republicans in the House of Representatives. Biden has been accused of disregarding the Constitution, such as pushing unconstitutional measures and allegedly lying about his knowledge of his son's overseas business deals. There is quite the irony that the legal standards being used against Trump could also be used against Biden, and that could make things very problematic for him.

Do you guys think a can of worms has been opened here?
17 7

GOP has to 'be the party of free speech and open debate’

Vivek addresses far left Chuck Todd's concerns during this interview.
here are some of Vivek's points:
1) We need to act with compassion for others and stop doing things that just make us feel good about ourselves through virtue signaling.
2) Free speech and open debate are essential to a functioning Democracy.
3) We need a need a new institution to replace the FBI. One that respects the law instead of engaging in malfeasance for political reasons.

Here are some of the top comments from Chuck Todd's audience, which are mostly Democrats:

On the issue of gender, I totally support his views... and I'm not a republican

I am very impressed by this guy! He definitely knows how to debate on principles and not back down.

Ramaswamy schooled Chuck Todd on the trans issue. This guy can think on his feet. I'd like to see more of him.

As a democrat I like this guy, not on everything, but he represents what’s needed

I'd vote for him.....we need change. We need new energy and rational thinking in DC......

first politician I've heard tackle these issues with a compassionate, yet firm stance that makes complete sense.

Dude hit on the mark with the gender issues. People have lost their minds over this issue.

So embarrassed that the topics that Ramaswamy has to answer questions about are even part of the political conversation. I want to hear Ramaswamy talk about the economy, higher education issues, healthcare etc. those questions are never asked by the left!

This man can unite our country I feel it.


What do you guys think?
23 5

Make Ukraine Great again?

Most polls have Americans against the endless funding to Ukraine over American concerns.

What do you guys think?
14 5
Liberals RAGE As Democrats BEG Citizens To House Illegals Immigrants And Declare State of Emergency!

Do you agree with the Mayor of New York and the Governor of Massachusetts?

Is illegal immigration a problem right now?

Please share your thoughts!
21 6

Things are changing in a big way. Mitch McConnell, who's been in Congress for a long time, got embarrassed and booed by people at an event. They want him to retire because they're fed up with how things are going in our government. People are realizing that the government is kind of messed up. Back in 2016, many folks voted for Donald Trump because they thought he would fix things, but he didn't completely do that. He exposed some problems, but he didn't get rid of all the issues. People are starting to wake up and pay attention to what's happening in politics, especially with Trump and Biden. Some are even talking about trying to remove Biden from office. The important thing is that we can't just rely on one person to fix everything. We all need to get involved and vote for the changes we want to see, especially in our Congress. That's how we can really make a difference.

11 6

Pakman: "is there any way to interpret that
Donald Trump actually won the 2020
election or did he lose the 2020

Vivek: I'm a data driven guy, I'm a data
driven guy, and I think you
probably are too. Based on 
what little I know.. so look at the
polling data, yeah. On the
aftermath and before and after there are
more than enough people... it's not even by
a super small margin, that say they would
have changed their vote had they been
exposed to that information before that
election. The fact is that was systematically
suppressed in what was probably the
single greatest form of election
interference in American history. And
there's a lot of discussions if I may
just finish just to just simply get the
full Freight of my view here yeah there
was a lot of discussion about the
legitimacy of the 2016 election on the
back of Russian election interference
that actually, as it turns out, was actually
a much smaller scale than surmised. But
on the day of Trump's inauguration there
was a lot of discussion Hillary Clinton
called the election result illegitimate
and said that it was partly the product
of Russian election interference
whatever that was. That pales in
comparison pales to the effect of the
systematic suppression on domestic soil
of a story that two years later every
news Outlet in this country has
absolutely admitted was indeed true. When
it was systematically suppressed at the
time so you ask the question
is there any basis?
there's your basis.

78 8

“A person reading the crimes of conviction in this case would be left with the impression that the offending defendants were sophisticated international terrorists committed to jihad against the United States,” Judge McMahon wrote. “However, they were, in actual reality, hapless, easily manipulated and penurious petty criminals.”

“The F.B.I. invented the conspiracy; identified the targets; manufactured the ordnance,” Judge McMahon wrote, adding that officials had “federalized” the charges — ensuring long prison sentences — by driving several of the men across state lines into Connecticut to “view the ‘bombs.’”

The F.B.I. had no comment on the decision.

22 5

RFK has spoken to his peoples. Clearly, this is pure evil.

5 5

This NYT article tries to explain why Donald Trump remains popular in the polls despite facing frequent indictments. Brooks explores two different perspectives on Trump's appeal. One perspective comes from anti-Trump individuals who see his supporters as reactionary bigots and authoritarians, while they see themselves as tropes of progressive forces of enlightenment. However, Brooks challenges this view and presents a more reasoned and alternative perspective.

Brooks suggests that the educated elite class, including anti-Trumpers, might actually be the "bad guys" in this story. They argue that this class created a system of meritocracy that favors academic achievement and excludes others. Highly educated parents pass their privileges to their children, leading to a concentration of power among the educated elite. This elite class dominates professions, media, and politics, and they tend to congregate in a few prosperous metro areas.

The elite class regularly supports policies that benefit themselves, like free trade and open immigration, and free tuition, but may negatively impact others. They use language and cultural norms as tools to recognize one another and exclude those who don't conform to their standards. The erosion of social norms, such as discouraging having children outside of marriage, affects less-educated classes more severely. The Brookings study on poverty shows a direct correlation between out of wedlock children and generational poverty.

Brooks doesn't label the elite as "vicious or evil" but points out that they benefit from "oppressive systems." This disconnect between the elite class and the less-educated classes creates a sense of economic, political, and cultural assault, leading many to rally around Trump as their champion against the elite. This is especially true as "rules for thee but not for me" manifests throughout the country.

While Brooks holds the opinion that Trump's indictments are not a political witch hunt, he emphasizes the need for self-reflection and discretion among the elite class. The article ends on this note: The elite class must stop behaving in ways that make Trumpism inevitable and at least attempt to address the grievances of the less-educated classes.

The NYT article presents two perspectives on Trump's popularity: one sees his supporters as bigots and Trump as a monster who deserves punishment, while the other views the elite class as the architects of a system designed to exclude and oppress, leading to a backlash represented by Trump's appeal. Brooks calls for a deeper understanding of the underlying issues to bridge the vast divide between the two groups.

Sociologist E. Digby Baltzell wrote decades ago, “History is a graveyard of classes which have preferred caste privileges to leadership.” That is the destiny the elite class is now flirting with. We can condemn the Trumpian populists all day until the cows come home, but the real question is when will the elites stop behaving in ways that make Trumpism inevitable?
13 6
Lets take a look, shall we?

This video is a discussion about the recent indictment involving former President Donald Trump. The indictment accuses him of various crimes related to how he challenged the results of the 2020 election. The indictment, on its face, seems weak and politically motivated, and we should raise questions asking if there's enough evidence to charge AND convict him with serious crimes.

The video claims that the indictment acknowledges Trump's right to speak out about the election and even claim there was fraud, even if those claims were false. It's a basic first amendment right to question the government without fear of retribution or retaliation. He had the right to challenge the election results through legal means like filing lawsuits and seeking recounts or audits. You have to wonder why they're charging him with these felonies if he indeed had the constitutional right to do those things. Something to note is that, as of yet, not one indictment has been presented charging Trump with "insurrection," yet that is the allegation most assigned to him by his detractors.

Many people who protested the election were charged with felonies, even if they didn't engage in violence. Other protesters in different situations were not charged with felonies unless they caused harm through violence. This seeming violation of the exercise of the first amendment is unfair and should raise questions about the way Trump is being treated.

I believe the indictment is questionable, and I feel it's important to have strong evidence before charging someone with serious crimes; especially if that person is in the middle of a democratic election. I think we should consider whether there's a fair basis for the charges and to avoid bastardizing basic legal matters into overly political demagoguery if only to preserve the integrity of fair treatment and a functioning democracy.

What do you guys think?
88 11

Who will win? Disneyland or Disney World?
1 1
To join Democrats in unanimous support to defeat oversight of the war machine. 113 Billion.

It's good to be the king.

7 2

Poor Hunter can't catch a break. Those evil Repugs won't rest till Hunter is under the jail.
39 8
Biden has been the best Republican of the decade. Lets go through the list.

1) Kicked millions off of government healthcare.

2) Sent hundreds of Billions to foreign nations and the military industrial complex instead of local social welfare.

3) Absolutely BTFO the rail worker strike with a massive FU to the rail unions. Setting an example for any other Union that dares to hold the elites hostage.

4) Funded corporate elites with trillions of dollars in corporate subsidies.

5) Increased ICE and BTFO illegal immigrants.

So the evidence is clear. The choice is mean tweets from a Felon, or the continuation of policies that the Republicans could never hope to implement without Biden.

13 7
Sadly, CNN has taken down their video due to public outrage, so I had to find a 3rd party source.

Key takeaways, Cooper insists America is pure as the driven snow and NATO's sole concern is to protect Ukraine from Russia rather than using Ukraine as discarded territory for a proxy war perpetuating endless NATO expansion against all Asian countries.

Cooper then insists the hundreds of thousands USA killed in Iraq can't compare with anything Russia did.

Because Cooper was "there"
11 5

Tucker Carlson interviews Tim Scott, and their discussion revolves around Ukraine and foreign policy. Tucker questions Tim Scott's hawkish stance on Ukraine and asks if he has considered attempting to force a peace agreement. Tim Scott responds, stating that Ukraine is heavily dependent on the support of the United States, with the country's stability reliant on the aid they receive. Tucker presses further, inquiring how to end the war, but Tim Scott seems uncertain about achieving a peaceful resolution. In fact, Tim is so clueless that he has to ask Tucker how to end the war. Tim Scott doesn't explain why weakening Russia's military and economy while also expanding NATO and encroaching on Russia's border brings us further from nuclear Armageddon rather than closer. WW2 was a direct result of weakening the German military and economy while also encroaching on their country. WW1 devastated Europe due to an explosion of defense pacts such as NATO's article 5. We have learned nothing from history except how to start world wars. Step 1, make global defense pacts with nations that have their own national interests. Step 2, decimate a country's military and finances while encroaching on their borders. Step 3, act surprised when people rise up in desperation. Tim Scott also does not explain why indirectly creating powerful alliances against America such as the recent India, China, and Russia alliance formed in retaliation for America's anti-Asian policies helps to secure Domestic American sovereignty.
49 7

This video features James Klug who is conducting street interviews in Los Angeles. He reads quotes from Joe Biden to Californians, some of whom are black, without revealing the source. People react strongly and passionately, labeling the quotes as racist and attributing them to Trump. The participants seem unaware of Biden's actual remarks due to Corporate controlled media bias such as WAPO and MSNBC. They then express shock and surprise upon learning the truth. This video explains the media's influence in shaping people's perceptions and points out how many Black Americans voted for Biden without knowing about these quotes. Even so, some respondents continue to defend Biden despite the revealed statements, showing just how deep the crony media indoctrination and dissonance goes.
57 8
just came in here to do a victory lap as I have substantial holdings in XRP.
3 2

Does simply having any job, regardless of hours worked or wages earned translate to a healthy economy for all? 

Is income keeping pace with inflation?

22 9

Jimmy criticizes President Biden for approving the supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine. He mentioned that the United States was one of the last countries manufacturing and using cluster bombs, despite their widely recognized dangers. Cluster bombs have a high failure rate, often remaining unexploded and posing risks to civilians for years after conflicts end. Jimmy highlights that more than 120 countries have joined a convention banning the use of cluster bombs due to their inhumane and indiscriminate nature. He criticizes the decision to bypass U.S. law and the disregard for international laws in the pursuit of selling old weapons. Jimmy sarcastically mentioned that "failing bombs" should be given a chance with equity and inclusion, sarcastically highlighting the dangers and risks associated with these weapons. He also commented on the potential risks to civilians and the need to consider the long-term consequences of using cluster munitions.

Critics of Wapo and President Biden's decision to approve the supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine have raised several key concerns.  By disregarding the potential harm to civilians, the United States is undermining efforts to protect innocent lives. Cluster bombs, known for their indiscriminate nature and high failure rates, pose long-lasting dangers even after conflicts end. This decision also violates international norms, as over 120 countries have joined a convention banning the use of cluster munitions due to their inhumane and indiscriminate nature. The United States should align with global commitments and prioritize the protection of civilian populations instead of grinding meat for the industrial complex.

Another critique focuses on the inconsistency of U.S. policy. Providing cluster munitions directly contradicts the country's stance on promoting peace, security, democracy, and human rights. Critics argue that it sends mixed messages about the United States' commitment to international law and its obligation to safeguard civilian lives during armed conflicts. Cluster bombs have a high potential for causing harm, as they often fail to detonate upon impact and become de facto landmines.
The colorful display of the small bomblet makes children think they are discarded toys and blow themselves up on touch. Providing these weapons to Ukraine increases the risk of civilian casualties and perpetuates a cycle of violence and suffering.

Environmental impact is also a significant concern. Cluster munitions not only threaten human life but also have severe consequences for the environment. Unexploded submunitions can contaminate land, rendering it unsafe for agricultural use and displacing populations. The decision to supply cluster munitions disregards U.S. laws that restrict their production and transfer, raising questions about the government's commitment to upholding domestic legislation designed to limit the use of these dangerous weapons. Much of Ukraine is already a devastated wasteland because of the years of artillery warfare that the US has the last Ukrainian...

Relying on cluster munitions also undermines the international credibility and moral standing of the United States on the global stage. It should raise troubling strategic and ethical concerns, especially when there are alternative means to support Ukraine's defense needs without resorting to such controversial weapons. Even as the USA is  perpetually adamant about brokering a negotiated peace treaty.
28 7

President Biden's private demeanor reveals a different side than his public image as a kindly uncle. Behind closed doors, he has a quick-trigger temper and is prone to yelling. Some aides even try to avoid meeting alone with him, often bringing a colleague as a shield. Witnesses and recipients of his outbursts report admonishments such as "God dammit, how the fuck don't you know this?!," "Don't fucking bullshit me!," and "Get the fuck out of here!" These private eruptions paint a more complex picture of Biden as a manager and president.

While Biden's public persona is carefully crafted, his private anger raises questions about his management style and suitability for office. Some of his aides believe occasional displays of his temper in public would help alleviate concerns that he is disengaged and too old for the presidency. The president's anger is not limited to specific individuals, as even senior and lower-level aides can be targets. The fact that no one is safe from his outbursts has become a known reality within the administration.

Biden's anger was notably directed at Jeff Zients, then the administration's "COVID czar," during a shortage of testing kits in late 2021. However, such episodes are temporary, and Zients now serves as Biden's chief of staff. While Biden's temper is not as volcanic as that of Bill Clinton, it is a genuine aspect of his personality.

Biden's anger manifests through intense interrogations rather than erratic tantrums. He challenges his aides on various topics until it becomes evident that they don't have the answers. Some see this as a meticulous process, while others describe it as "stump the chump" or "stump the dummy." Being yelled at by the president has become an internal initiation ceremony within the White House, indicating a level of respect.

Despite the challenges it poses, Biden's high expectations for his staff reflect his commitment to policy-driven decision-making. Those who have worked with him appreciate the fact that he challenges them and helps them arrive at better decisions. Some argue that Biden's outbursts are a reflection of his deep care and desire for his team to excel.

Although Biden's temper is occasionally visible in public, it is often concealed to maintain his folksy image. Former aides have written about his temper, highlighting his autocratic management style and moments of anger. However, Biden's defenders emphasize his generosity and compassion, which make them feel like family. This is one reason why many long-term aides have remained loyal to him throughout the years.

While Biden's public and private personas may seem contrasting, his occasional flashes of anger are not entirely out of character, and may be a symptom of his deteriorating condition...

26 10

The movie "Sound of Freedom" is making waves in Hollywood and the mainstream media. Despite its small budget of $14 million and limited promotion, it has achieved remarkable success at the box office. It even outperformed "Indiana Jones" and is competing well against a massive-budget Disney movie on a per-theater basis. However, some in the woke media are having a meltdown over the movie's message about child trafficking prevention, branding it as "Q-Anon adjacent" and trashing it in liberal outlets.

The movie is based on a true story about child trafficking, and its success challenges the notion that addressing human trafficking is a political message. It portrays the work of Tim Ballard and his organization, Operation Underground Railroad, which rescues children from slavery and trafficking rings. The movie has received criticism from certain far left whack media outlets, such as The Guardian and Jezebel, who are quick to dismiss it as a conspiracy or a paranoid thriller.

Critics of the movie fail to acknowledge that it is based on real-life events and highlights a serious issue. The movie's core story is based on the work of an actual charitable organization dedicated to combating child trafficking. Despite attempts to politicize it, the movie's aim is not political; it focuses on raising awareness about a real pressing problem.

The backlash against "Sound of Freedom" reveals a double standard in the media. Woke Outlets like Rolling Stone and The Washington Post praised controversial films like "Cuties," which faced accusations of sexualizing young girls. However, they are quick to attack a movie that addresses human trafficking and child slavery, undermining its importance.

Despite these crazed partisan attacks, "Sound of Freedom" continues to resonate with audiences and exceed expectations at the box office. Its success should raise eyebrows in Hollywood. The media's fierce opposition is a response to this movie's impact. Despite attempts to discredit it, the movie's powerful message and real-world relevance make it a compelling watch over the trite woke crap.
11 5
You would think Zelensky had enough of quashing Democracy in Ukraine last year...
Jailing political opponents
Jailing opposition Journalists

But oh no, oh no gentle readers, Zelensky, the great supporter of the 2014 Maidan revolution, is not done quite yet.
By imposing martial law on a troubled public, Zelensky is allowed to also suspend elections.

Talking heads in both Democrat and Republican parties insist that this is the ideal USA needs to fight for, and a cause to send billions of dollars toward.

You guys have been warned.

51 9
10 6

Is this like the Berlin wall when USSR was trying to keep the Communists inside?

What do you guys know about the exit tax?
91 9

Bo Jiden, smartest president since Trump.

Meet the new Trump, same as the old Trump.
7 5

Apparently, a jury found that It's ok to be White, it's ok to be a biological female, it's ok to be straight and it's ok to be all three at once.

7 4
Why is the FBI refusing Congress?

Biden was asked about the $5Million and said "That's a dumb question!"

So that sorts that out, nothing to see here...

What's your thoughts?
58 8
213 14
Donald J. Trump. He's an existential threat to democracy itself. If we don't destroy him, the unparalleled peace and prosperity Biden brought to America will be over for good. But there's still time to stop Trump before it's too late. Here's a few ways to destroy Donald Trump. First off, impeach him for the third time. It's bound to work. Number two, Bribe Melania to reveal the source of his strength. It's got to be his hair. Number three, put a Big Mac right underneath a dangling piano. You didn't hear it from me. But Hillary Clinton has successfully used this method three times before. Effective and hilarious. Number four, become a porn star, have an affair with him and get him to pay you hush money through a shady arrangement. I think somebody already tried that before. Nah, scratch that. Okay. Here's a really good one. Outlaw tanning beds and then nuke the sun like in the matrix so he can't have such a glorious tan. His supporters will abandon him by the thousands. Send the FBI to raid Mar-a-Lago again. Third time's a charm. Oh, send him on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney. Diabolical. Next up, start World War III and hope one of the Russian bombs hits Mar-a-Lago. The current administration is working on this one right now. Okay, how about this? Catch him in the act of drinking a Bud Light. Political career over. And finally destroy democracy itself. You see, if a democracy elects Trump, then we have to destroy democracy to, to save democracy. It's, it's complicated. Alright guys that's the best I got. If you can think of another sure fire way to destroy Donald J., leave them in the comments below. Then we can link arms and destroy him together.

8 3

"you have to wonder if the justice department is considering whether there is some political solution to this criminal problem; whether part of the issue here is not just that Trump has "committed crimes," but that Trump has "committed crimes" and plans on being back in the White House, do they consider as part of a potential plea, offer something that would prescribe him... proscribe him from from running for office again? I don't know..."

O'Donnell then mansplains to Madcow:
"I would imagine if anything like that happened that it would have to come from the defense side of the negotiation, that the that the Trump team would would say
"oh by the way, and with this we will also, you know, drop out of the uh the race for president," otherwise it would put the justice department in this position that Donald Trump claims they're in...."

43 7
According to many estimates, the Floyd riots only cost hard working Americans about 1 billion dollars.

The combined total of the current MAGA riots against corporate gays is now reaching around 30 billion dollars.

Who are the real terrorists here?

8 3
Ladies and gentlemen it's just my personal opinion that's all it is take it for what it's worth
somebody's got to say it so I'm gonna say it
we need a new president in 2024.
we need a new president now

16 7
Here's a debate I watched recently:

Let's delve into this video. The debate revolves around the topics of respect and courtesy. Douglas Murray emphasizes the importance of societal courtesy, while Sylvana Simons stresses the significance of mutual respect. While you can listen to their arguments, here's my perspective on the matter. Courtesy is bestowed with the intention of fostering an open dialogue, irrespective of one's behavior. On the other hand, respect is earned as a reward for displaying acceptable conduct. Murray's concern stems from the idea that granting respect to everyone may incentivize deceit and hinder genuine, honest communication. Furthermore, he worries that extending respect to all individuals, including those who engage in negative actions, could empower certain individuals to silence others who they find offensive. This outcome contradicts the essence of being courteous.

What do you guys think?
Current events
25 8

Bud & Target stocks DOWN $40 BILLION, right-wing terrorist Maga BOYCOTT WORKING...

Corporate America embraces the ESG deathcult. As terrorists boycott.
5 4
As if normies don't have enough to worry about, far leftoids are creating a brand new army of right wing terrorists...

14 7
29 6
5 4