Total posts: 3,465
Posted in:
Player Theme Char Power
Savant Time
ilikepie Rant Possibly about mail in ballots
whiteflame Time
Lunatic Rant
Casey Rant
Joebob Rant
Disc Time Went on a long rant as well. Well played.
Austin Time
Owen Rant
Barney Rant Misogynistic
- DD
Loving the roleplay! I do sus them for pressuring me for a claim, when I'm literally the only person who's even given a character claim. - Owen
So during the whole lie detector fakery that Pie did, Owen loaded a ton of jumbled data in there which would ensure it doesn't work on him. My money is firmly on him as art of the scum team. - Lunatic
Good natured, having fun, leans town. - Pie
The lie detector fake out makes me assume he's town. - Whiteflame
Town. Last time when he was scum I had a feeling which I ignored, I have no such feeling this time. There's no scheme behind his posts. - Barney
Scum^2. He's not scum this time, he's scum squared! Someone else is no doubt the square root of scum. - everyone else
varying degrees of null
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Aye, but No True Scotsman rants while wearing mismatched socks. You have one eye closed in consideration of this, knowing deep down that yours are mismatched!
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You want to lynch me because I typed instead of copy pasted... Damn, that must be my biggest scum slip ever!
But since you said please...
VTL Barney
Posted in:
Do you know that I am town?
I win with town.
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I wrote that before you went back and changed it!
Ironically, right now I'm literally writing a legal document concerning accusations of time travel.
Posted in:
Player Theme Char Power
Savant Time
ilikepie Rant Possibly about mail in ballots
Casey Rant
Disc Rant Possibly third parties in elections... Err, wait, time travel. Lengthy rant about time travel?
Austin Time
Barney Rant Misogynistic
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Might as well put me in for your original planned number.
Time travel/rants mashup!
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Put me down as a backup. Got too much else going on to promise enough activity.
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I suppose this was a real slip that I didn't push hard enough, then.
I'll defend that it wasn't a real scum slip, in that you'd be equally likely to see it if I was town (some air force guy doesn't seem villainous, whereas Peter Dinklage from Pixels is a character Wyited might choose). I hadn't even read through my teammates role PMs (I read their name and then the end for what powers). That said, our reactions to the attention may have differed.
On and the character information links, I'm pretty sure I just went to the top one for each in Google.
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You’re the suicide bonber, is that the same as
If so, bring it before this day phase ends
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Typing on a cellphone it’s hard to state my reasons for joining in on a pressure wagon, but seriously?!
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Caught up at the end of yesterday, but I left my computer at work, so updating will be a little annoying.
As anyone paying attention should have caught, I’m Loki.
DASHBOARD Character Role NP1
Barney. Loki
Cerulean. Dexter. Cop
* is links to character info.
A couple posts stood out during the reread:
Beowulf's age seems to match JoeBob's soft claim.
Earth did soft claim Lie Detector.
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Anyway, in the case I am not mislynched, I would like everyone to say they win with the town.
I win with town.
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Caught this up to the start of today... I'll get it the rest of the way tonight.
DASHBOARD Character Role
JoeBob * Beowulf Town Scum Lyncher
* is links to character info.
A couple posts stood out during the reread:
Beowulf's age seems to match JoeBob's soft claim.
Earth did soft claim Lie Detector.
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This is just a wee bit sus.
I'm going to reread Earth's posts from yesterday before I decide anything (I'll be doing that after I get off work tonight).
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Mine is purple. My character’s is green.
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I’ll get caught up again soon. Just finished a lengthy debate round.
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ISO feature:
You can do that for any user. It is flawed, but should still help.
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I could have picked the wrong one. That one made me think of Peter Dinkledge from Pixels, and think I spent too long looking for a good video of that character before I gave up and just posted.
If it’s the wrong one, it’s an easy correction to make.
Posted in:
DASHBOARD Character Role
WyIted * Billy Mitchell
* is links to character info.
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Vito, from the book or the movies? And did you preference for the title Don, or was that fed back by the host?
Posted in:
DASHBOARD Character Role
* is links to character info.
And damn this is weird playing with Wyited...
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The gender of mine is basically guaranteed to be more interesting than anyone else's.
But I see no real benefit in mass gender claims. It boxes in fake claims, but that's only really useful when there's a limited character pool.
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Marine is always capitalized.
mArInE is always capitalized. Doing it like that helps them shew crayons.
Actually, sorry, that's incorrect... mARINe with lowercase M and E to better fit into a jar.
Most of the Marines I've known would appreciate the humor. Literally the only only ones who would not, are shithead white supremacists who think they talk to Odin.
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Have you considered getting the crayon removed from your brain? For starters, it’ll protect you from zombie marines.
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If we get an overload of people, I'll switch to being backup.
It's never too late for NAY.
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I advise everyone to archive any of their content they might wish to look back on in years to come.
The best tool for such is:
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isn't Doxing against the rules here?Reported.I am the elected president of this site. There is no greater authority than me. I have decided to investigate your report and have found it to be baseless and consider this a warning as I will do everything in my authority as site president to punish you, should you continue to make false reportsThere is no way this should be allowed. He can't have authority over a doxing claim reported at him, right?
I don’t know about the doxing, but the Supreme Court ruled that presidents are allowed to attempt to murder their own Vice Presidents (unclear how it would apply to winners who pull it off), and lead violent insurrections against congress… I expect future presidents will realize it’s not merely allowed, but mandatory to ensure second and third terms.
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A current line in the CoC:
- You may not threaten or promote violence against any person or persons, barring hyperbole against public figures (e.g., “all politicians should be shot”). Advocacy in favor of terrorism and/or violent extremism, especially as related to hate groups as generally defined by the SPLC, is likewise prohibited.
How do you feel the two would work together? If not, what is your suggestion?
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I can fill in. But if you have someone else in mind, by all means.
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If this happens, please treat Owen as the primary, with me just helping on couching for an early game.
But yes, I'm ok with anything. And I promise to never betray or hurt you.
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Hopefully it won't be needed, but I'll be available as a replacement.
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Maybe he "secretly" believes in Savant?
/Pope reference
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As a moderator I cannot take sides... The important thing is to eat lots and lots of corn syrup, because the taste pleases them. Which I don't understand, how would they taste how sugary we are? They've sworn their jaws can only unhinge enough for mammals small than a human, or larger than a human; we're perfectly safe.
TheUnderdog would like assistance deleting his data.
Sadly no. I wanted to be on the development side to practice my coding, but he did not go for that. Nor did he appoint anyone else that I'm aware of.
I'd be fine with that, except I don't have that power. You could message the mass deletion request to Michael (""), he likely has a solution using about two SQL commands (just not sure when he's going to be around).
And I do understand your concerns. I changed my username to Barney, in case the site went to hell in the future.
Posted in:
Keep your personality in place. It's why anyone would watch.
I can’t manually delete your 4K forum posts.
I can delete a select few which you believe are leading employers to reject you. Any in which you doxed yourself are the only ones where there’s such a notable possibility (even if still unlikely).
Also some members will happily assist you in your job search, you need just ask.
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Whelp, it's been long enough. Either Wyited is right, or we're screwed anyways. Plus what I noticed earlier about their claim being a little off... I'll roll the dice.
VTL Casey
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It's a great Catch-22 dilemma you've crafted. If you're town or scum, I admire it.
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I suggest one of you unvote temperately. If they're not scum, scum could rapid fire vote right now .
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No, that's the bus driver. Commuters just leave town for a night.