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A member since


Total posts: 3,465

Posted in:
Best Debates by Subject
All the debates listed here (save one by request of a participant) are now backed up into the thing I'm working on.

I've set myself the goal of rejecting my perfectionism and share it next week, so stay tuned!
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia Signups
You can add me as a backup.

Court is ongoing, apparently people can just claim to not remember anything to prevent evidence of their past written statements from being admitted... I thought I had lost all faith in our legal system, but apparently there was more to lose.
Posted in:
I am number 1 on leaderboard!
Dude! Congratulations!

I honestly thought it was a fixed point that would never change, but you did it!
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Epilogue
Finished the first week of the trial.

Getting cross examined by a lawyer whom I was accusing of perjury was fun but a little nerve-racking.
Posted in:
Paper Mario Chapter 2
I gave my claim for a couple reasons, mainly because I was inactive and would be pushed for it today under threat of death. Plus, this is a busy week for me, and I don't know what my powers actually do; so making myself a bigger target wouldn't hurt town as much as if an active player dies (that said, I've asked the mod if whiteflame or mharman are available to replace me).

My powers are tied to Jr. Troopa's forms he used to fight Mario. Each night I select a player to receive one. I gave magic to Casey last night. I still have shell, wings, spiked helmet.

What did magic do for you?
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
I am not fully caught up on reading yet, but at least I've slept so can think straight.

I seriously doubt Mharman's claim. I'm Jr. Troopa, a Dreaming God. This makes a Joat unlikely to also be in this game.

VTL Mharman
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
Courts are stupid, and my friend could not understand what both the judge and I told him... If he uses me as a witness (to which there's not that much I can say), even if he calls me first, I cannot be in the court room until I'm excused as a witness by the other side (and they can reserve that right through the whole damned trial).

Meanwhile, I'm the one who organized all his evidence... There's four goddamned binders full of it. He might as well VTL himself (which I worry is his intent; even if he won't admit that).
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
I've been up all night prepping, now just waiting for the judge to get here. I'll get a nap after this then get caught up on reading.

But from what I was tagged in, I am dubious of a JOAT, but I haven't actually read the conversation which lead to that outing, so I'll make sense of it when I have two working brain cells to rub together,
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
I am helping a friend get ready for court on Tuesday (I'm basically in charge of making his four or five exhibit books).  I will not be active this day phase.  Once the trial formally starts, I should have a decent amount of time for things like this game (not all the time, but enough).
 I know he’s not been super active, but cmon man. I feel like what he’s posted is underwhelming, even for what I would expect. Recently all he did was update some list… he can update that but not say anything more about what he’s seeing? Even with his claims about how he’s generally less active DP1 because of how his mind works, I see almost nothing. He has one very weak point on Wylted. That’s it.

VTL Barney
Waiting for Monday night, during my final push to prep for trial to pull this...
Knowing it's my most busy time, and once I'm into the evening tomorrow my schedule will open back up...

*slow clap*

That said, I give you credit for tagging me. That's appreciated since I would not have otherwise seen it. So sarcastic slow clap aside, thanks for not being a true bastard.
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
No updates unless I've missed something.

Player              Role               Character
Mhar                                      "A boss"
Casey     Hated Townie   Tubba Blubba
Wylted                                   General Guy
Barney       Bullshitter    "Sonic"
Skipper                                "A boss"


Other people, please copy/paste and update as information comes out.

Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
Quick reminder... Some noob mistakes can get you automatically mod killed.

Do not PM other players about the game outside of the game
Do not copy/paste anything from PMs (you may paraphrase, but it has to be your own words!)


Besides that, try to remember that this is just a game, so have fun.
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
Any other thoughts on the game? I saw that you're busy, but you seem to have enough time to collect all of the claims, so I assume you read through thread and might have some opinions at this point.
My reading is surface level. Like I would have missed the General Guy claim had it not been mentioned by others, so I did a word search for it to get the link.

I'm also pretty upfront that I'm little more than dead weight during the first day in any game. Once people are making statements about night actions, then my data analyst brain has some good data points to work with. 

Like others have said, Skipper is playing up the being a noob card. I'd say this makes him a touch of a negative asset to town (if scum, his partner would advise he do this; if town, he may he easily buddied and swayed by the scum team into mislynches).  That said, unless a new player really really screws up I believe they deserve to make it at least to day two.

You and Mharman was something I'm aware of, but I did not read much of those. Early pushes for reactions are useful to town, but are unlikely to lead to a lynch so aren't much of a tell to me.

Wylted I have an uneasy feeling about. He's a wild card, and hasn't pulled any stunts yet. Also I'm seeing him mention me picking up on Mharman's logic, but I don't know what that is (again, I've skimmed rather than deep read).
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
Player              Role               Character
1. Mhar                                      "A boss"
2. Lunatic 
3. Pie
4. Casey     Hated Townie   Tubba Blubba  <- Claims is post #3, seems town.
5. Wylted                                   General Guy     <- Null (but like, read his short posts null, instead of the longer posts haven't read yet null)
6. WF
7. Barney       Bullshitter    "Sonic"
8. Skipper                                "A boss"                    <- First time player, let's be a little easy on them  to make it not a last time player... Also he's Like A Boss
9. Cerulean 


Other people, please copy/paste and update as information comes out.
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
That was a stupid question on my part to ask if townies had their own chat, lol
Nope. Each game we close our eyes during the night phase while they post publicly, and we use the honor system to not peek.


Yes, they usually have a chat room on discord.
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
I am helping a friend get ready for court on Tuesday (I'm basically in charge of making his four or five exhibit books).  I will not be active this day phase.  Once the trial formally starts, I should have a decent amount of time for things like this game (not all the time, but enough).

I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, the lead villain of the Halo franchise.

Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)
Going to need to see some signs of life.

VTL Barney
...Brains! 🧟
Posted in:
Paper Mario Mafia Prologue (Signups)
/in (if you get enough fully active players, set me as a backup)

FYI, do not expect a high activity level from me. Consider me a filler so that the game can happen.
Posted in:
Trump Blows Microphone
You are retarded if you think Trump got on stage and simulated giving the microphone a blow job
In fairness, he did mime it.

But I don't see the problem with a little physical humor.
Posted in:
J. D. Vance Lack of Moral Standards
The syphilis outbreak taught him well, so he's now more careful in which couches to turn into love seats...
Posted in:
Any chance we can get a porn category?
Hopefully that first post was an inside joke between you two (just not that inside).

Anyways, the Showbusiness category would be the place for that.  Or maybe Science and Nature if you're talking about Corn consumption.
Posted in:
Platform development
You'd just have to use a platform which doesn't tie to your identity. Even creating a secondary account on one could do it.

Not that it'll happen here, but I do love embedded images into arguments.
Posted in:
Open letter to those criticizing Israel
One can criticize a giant douche, without embracing a turd sandwich.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Sorry for the delay, I've been moving.

he is basically my administrative assistant and I cannot get her to make dental appointments.  Should I stop having sex with her until she does her job?
If that's the satisfaction you need from a relationship, one way or another you must communicate it to give her the opportunity to rise to the challenge. If she cannot, and your emotional fulfillment will not be attained with her without that service, then it will be best to move on and find someone who will be a better match for you.

administration has moved away from being so anti white and anti heterosexual and claims are that Iran is trying to murder Trump.

What is the likelihood this means we are very close to going to war?
Even if their plot were successful, it would not be the first time we've assassinated each others leaders (granted, this would be more high profile). I think it is against the financial interests of both countries, so there will not be an overt war any time soon. Likely both would step up the wars by proxy which are the modern standard (such as we can't go to war with Russia, but we can supply Ukraine; or we can't go to war with the entire middle east, but we can supply Israel).
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Sorry for the delay, I've been moving.

Do you find you can keep up with women's sexual appetites? I cannot. Serious question now. It's hard to keep it from feeling like a chore. Sometimes I feel like I'm prostituting myself for clean laundry and home cooking. 
Depends on the woman, but usually no. I have a below average drive in that regard.
Posted in:
Voting on debates is too subjective.


So as Wylted said, awful votes may be reported and will usually be deleted. But the system will always be subjective as it depends on people donating their time to casting votes.
Posted in:
Magic!!! Pick any letter in the English alphabet, and I'll guess how many syllables it has.
What's your favorite dead language?

You have a suspect link in your first post, so we need to confirm you're alive.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
A bit above average. That said, almost any partner will care more about other aspects of love making.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
You're welcome. Best of luck finding good entertainment.

If I go to rewatch that show, I'll probably just buy it on Google, since it's available there. I just dislike spreading my movie collection out into different platforms, so I try to stick with Amazon.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Ironically, I was relatively safe while in the military, only to have 2 near death experiences after: once at a plywood mill and again on a tug on the ocean at night.

I was told as an infant I was also supposed to have died from spinal meningitis, but I have no memory of it.
Do I want to know what you were doing out in the ocean at night? ;)

Also that so many people survive to adulthood these days is weird. Like normal for us because we live it, but historically it's very weird.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
They have a confusing setup, so I can't be positive.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Tricked how btw?
They didn't like being talked down to, obviously us soldiers were healthy due to miracle American medicine (you cannot convince them we do not have a "cold pill" which lets us operate with all that equipment in the heat), not simply drinking lots of clean water. So I gave the children in that village a tiny subcutaneous injection of saline solution (which I was later told off by a doctor for, because what if they were allergic... Seriously), and told them that the medicine would only work if they followed my instructions on how to clean their drinking water.

Ok worst thing you've ever done?
Every criminal story I've got, had altruistic motives, so really aren't bad... 

There's plenty of regrets.
  • When I was 18 and escaped, I left my cats behind. As punishment for me for not returning, they were denied basic medicine. I was later informed one of them died from a flea infestation (and yes, they had plenty of flea medicine available; they just weren't given any). I don't know for sure about the other, hopefully just old age.
  • Basically everything until I was 18.
  • My past treatment of women. I suffered imposter syndrome for a long time, so sabotaged any potential good relationship.
And a bunch of others, but those are the ones which come to mind.

Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
What's the closest you have been to near death?
I've been through a few things that I'm told should have killed me...

The closest I felt to death was when I was in the hospital for a possible Bacterial Meningitis (turned out to just be a migraine), and they gave me a little too much morphine. Feeling my heart and everything else slowing down from it, was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. And yes, they did give me Narcan... And then more morphine.

The one time I really should have died was our final mission in Iraq. The kid I trained (we got sent some extra medics midway through deployment, and they came straight from school) ended up being where I was supposed to be on a patrol, and was taken out by an IED.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Everyone should probably copy some top debates from top debaters, because if this site goes down, you are not going to have access to them anymore. Some debates on this site are too good to be lost forever.
Wholly agreed. A good place for backups is:

Additionally, please post any exceptional ones to:
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
and with the uncertain future of the site...
Did I miss something?
See post #9
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
How do you balance your liberal ideology and your religious beliefs? 
Religion comes and goes for me, but when I am at my peak levels of being religious I am still just as progressive.

I don't view there as being a conflict. God doesn't hate women, even while some early members of the church did... Nor does God hate children, unlike forced birthers... The important thing is God, not any douchebag who claims to be representing God.
(some days you can plug in the FSM for God; even on this I don't understand why people force a conflict)
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
I dont have any extra money. What would it cost to buy Dart?
I don't know. It's a cash drain rather than an asset, so Michael would probably divest for very little if not outright for free; the main thing would just be paying for hosting, domain services, and putting the time in to code and recode it (which most people would be lost at).

Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
What's the best thing you've ever done?
In short:
Saved some lives while I was a medic.

At length:
That takes a little explaining... My mind works differently than other peoples, which lead to things like teaching myself literacy...

When I enlisted as a medic, the training standards that were they way they were because they were always that way... As you can guess, I did not care for the appeal to tradition, and as I learned I designed a significantly better training standard and outargued the instructors even as they smoked me. Since they were not brain dead, my standard was taught to every class thereafter.

Oh, and I tricked a ton of villagers into learning how to clean their drinking water, and I think I convinced them to teach others. Dysentery in one of the top killers of children internationally.

Sadly, I lack access to the datasets needed to quantify how many lives were saved by those efforts.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
What is your most memorable experience as a moderator?
Sadly, the repeated problem of having to tell people that I do not pre-approve every post on the site. Not just the general trend of this type of thing, but precisely that thing!

There are some good times with it. Like someone in the mod chat used to put quotes from site drama onto South Park characters (it was only funny because of how well it fit each time).

I'll also say that being a moderator helped me to mature a ton. I was happy to engage in flame wars, not even realizing that even if I was in the right, I was being stupid for being in a flame war with some stranger online... I have not lost my sense of humor or anything, but I am more conservative in the application of it.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
What are some songs you like the most?
I listen to a decent number of musicals, including TV musical episodes. Beyond that, I average two concerts per month, so my taste is pretty wide.
For individual songs, Higher by Michael Bublé; Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2; Hurt by Nine Inch Nails.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
I’ve been off for a while, what’s uncertain about the site?
Michael, the owner, has withdrawn from the hobby of this site, and in July there was an issue where the domain briefly expired.

If the site gets a new owner, it could continue for a long time. If not, sooner or later it will go away.
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
1} do have a leaning more or less  toward the concept of belief of whether occupied space Universe is infinite { volume size et } or finite?
Finite, even while it might as well be infinite. 

2} do have leaning  more or less twoard the concept or belief of whether our occupied space Universe is eternally existent in various phases.  Ex expanding contracting, all EMRadiation then all quark soup then all plasma etc type of feasible existence?
I did not understand all of that, but we can measure the Doppler Effect to determine both that it is expanding, as well as the age. Granted, we can do thought experiments that things might be different elsewhere in the universe, but until we can test it, we are forced to assume the same laws of physics and such.

3} what trait of humanity gives you the most hope that, the end date for humanity is not going to occur within 100 years?
Weirdly, our overall incompetence. Have you watched The Brink? Brilliant Jack Black show about the start of WWIII, and when Pakistan tries to nuke Israel, their facilities are so bad the missile bay doors don't open. While that was fiction, it spoke quite well of trends.

4} what trait humanity gives you the least hope that, the end date for is coming sooner rather than later in the future?
Our gullibility. Did you know that because John McCain wouldn't brown tongue a draft dodger, he was a war criminal who tortured and burned to death hundreds of our soldiers, and took out an aircraft carrier?! The same people who believe that load of rotten orange, loved McCain as little as a year prior, and would have seen right through those lies had they come from a source on the other side...

So yes, we're so damned gullible, we'll be talked into anything by snake oil salesmen.

5} end date for DArt?
I don't know, but after the outage we suffered a couple months ago I do not trust the longevity. It feels like a reprieve, rather than a new life. So, I'm going to operate under the assumption that the domain won't be renewed again and will expire in July 2025. If it keeps going past that, I'll still be around to help as needed.

Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
Ask Me Anything
Posted in:
Barney - Final AMA?
It's been a couple years since I did one of these, and with the uncertain future of the site there is unlikely to be another from me... Might as well do one last one for old times sake.

So, ask me anything!

My previous ones may be found at:
Posted in:
2nd round of exploding device attacks on hezbollah
Those new handless pagers are a real blast!
Posted in:
Another Trump Shooting, This Time at His Golf Course.
Hitler also survived many assassination attempts.
My grandpa was involved in one of the many… Norwegian sniper… sadly, Hitler’s schedule was changed in response to another failed attempt on his life.
Posted in:
Hillary Clinton weighs in on second assassination...
I was thinking more of lobotomize a few skinheads until they have the IQ of dogs... Err, maybe give them brain stimulants instead to raise them to that esteemed level?

Anyways, you take the dumb as dog skinheads, and have them listen to speeches while measuring their reactions.

It should go without saying that you'd test them with some Hitler speeches first, to get a baseline.
Posted in:
Hillary Clinton weighs in on second assassination...
I'd add that "dogwhistle" is massively overused. You don't need to be that over the top overt to gaslight people into what words mean.
I actually haven't heard the term very often, but I'll take your word for it.

Specifically in the case of Trump, most of the racist stuff he says is openly racist instead of subtle signals.
Posted in:
Hillary Clinton weighs in on second assassination...
I have seen no mechanism by which "racist dog whistle" could be objectively evaluated. 
Well, we could see if racist dogs answer to it? 🐕🐕🐕
Posted in:
Hillary Clinton weighs in on second assassination...
In case either of you are curious, here's a good source on his statement: 

He routinely does racist dog whistling, so it's hard to verify if a statement is or is not racist.

Also, the word Nazi is massively over used. If he praised white supremacists that day, it doesn't mean he drank the genocide Kool-Aid and praised actual Nazis...
Posted in:
Is This Presidential Material?
OMG, did Trump say that because he is in love with Travis Kelce?
That is the only possible answer!
