Total debates: 53
Just a fun little history debate to give me an excuse to talk about nerdy history stuff Disclaimer: Please note the use of the word "biggest" in the title. I've learned my lesson, and I will not be using ambiguous terms like "main".
Woodrow Wilson was NOT a good president.
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I want to see the arguments for the continuing of Capitalism as a global economic system as well as a case against alternative systems like Socialism.
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European colonizers didn't "steal" the land of the natives'
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Researching history is pretty hard if you don't have a public and unrestricted website.
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Pick any subject that deals with an event in history that happened in the first half of the 20th century. I will pick my side on the topic.
evidence that is not forensic/impartial here: eye/earwitness accounts; hear-say (e.g. news articles, rumours, stories from relatives or others; films; documentary programmes and articles); readily subject to bias and hear-say origins (e.g.: photos; government-issued statements, reports, logs, identity cards, death certs; encyclopedias; memorial publications.); used in unorthodox courtroom proceedings (e.g.: evidence presented at either the Nuremberg Trials or the Soviet equiv.)
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When you cross a western site and a Chinese teenager with boredom, you get this.
Hitler was a bad military leader.
The FBI was respectful, lawful, and discreet
Stalin's Socialism in One State policy is justified, in the geopolitical context at the time.
The USCP's definitive response protected members of Congress and/or staff from potential harm or death
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For any changes to the parameters. Queries about definition. Or additional terms in the description, please consult the comments section.
For any changes to the parameters. Queries about definition. Or additional terms in the description, please consult the comments section.
No book is more infamous than Mein Kampf. In this debate, I will show that this status is well-deserved.
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Required rating=1000 Anybody is welcome to accept this debate
9/11 was the fault of Israel
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Exodus is not a myth, but a real historical event.
We talkin' war
There is actually a lot of evidence that the Egyptians did not build the pyramids.
The Egyptians did not build the pyramids, prove me wrong.
America conducted a secret war in Laos during Vietnam
I will be arguing as pro for this argument, and that ancient aliens, is bunk
My opponent is going to argue against this conspiracy theory. Though i am going to argue, not only is it not a conspiracy theory, but also for what it says on the tin.
What's Done In The Dark Will Shine In The Light
I believe the Bible is what formed Western society for thousands of years.
The Debate will focus on how the Democrat Party, from its beginning and all the way to the 21st century has been and continues to be anti-black.
I am pro for this argument, that William De Brus, son of Robert De Brus, "is" on the Falkirk rolls
Resolved: The House should vacate its impeachment of President Trump.
What has Christianity done for the world? Is it worse than "child abuse," with little more than the Crusades for its historical accomplishments (per Richard Dawkins)? Or has it "inspired the highest achievements of Western civilization" (Alvin Schmidt)? I contend that history reveals a narrative far closer to the latter. Should someone disagree with me, let's debate!
Debate about whether the man Jesus of Nazareth existed; not a religion debate, and is not about the existence of God. Please do not make it such. First round is for acceptance, 4 real debate rounds
Quick Historical Debate
God's Plan To Eradicate Evil
PRO=GRANT vs. CON=LEE "Now, I have carefully searched the military records of both ancient and modern history, and have never found Grant's superior as a general. I doubt that his superior can be found in all history.” -Robert E Lee (apocryphal)
Modern Western values derive more from Enlightenment philosophy than from Judeo-Christian religion.
When their is no God (Biblical God) there is suffering.