Total debates: 577
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BoP is shared. PRO argues that SG is not an accurate representation of capitalism in SK. CON argues that it is. (Only RationalMadman can accept.)
I take the position of Golden BSP
I take the position of K-Rino
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Direct challange. My bad for the wait.
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(RationalMadman: You aint on my level. We never rap battled as each other, btw. Try it.)
Only for devon, rated challenge
I believe that frequent sex ruins a woman's value. I am on the pro side, and I hope to express my opinions on why and facts supporting my claims. Please do not join if you just wish to forfeit every round. I'm looking for an actual, serious debate.
If you want to do this rated, ask in the comments.
I think that the Ukraine war is not an unprovoked attack, and the West is the major contributor to the commencement and sustainment of hostilities. West means NATO, and individual countries acting independently from NATO.
Sham- Something that is not what it purports to be; a spurious imitation.
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This is Round 2 of Tejretic's tournament. I, blamonkey, am going Con. RationalMadman is Pro.
I claim that 0.99999... is exactly equal to 1.
Rap battle between the two legends.: Big L and Eminem.
Getting to the truth of a long-term claim.
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Living life alone is better (pro) To have a family life (con)
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Rap battle for respect and elo
Two defensive tacticians doing a pro-boxing match.
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The US should choose the Free Market over Government Regulation and I'll be defending this point.
Abortion is wrong in every single case, unlsess life of mother or her future health is in danger.
THW get rid of the Olympics for good.
I believe that a job is for money.
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In random street fights or bar brawls where you are fighting against one person, grappling is more useful than boxing.
Is the idea of globalism wrong
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It should be compulsory to wear uniform by students in schools.
Resolution: Islam Does Not Encourage Authoritarianism (Pro) – Does Encourage Authoritarianism (Con)
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I was going to challenge TWS1405 to this debate, but apparently the “authority” on the abortion topic." is too uneducated to accept my debate.
Men don't perform better than women in chess, at niether the highest level nor club level.
Let’s try this again. I have a specific approach in mind
This is A Star Wars debate. Two debates on this topic have been abandoned so I will try a third one.
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