Total debates: 23
the finale (unless RM wants to make it best of 5 or more)
Bass saxophone.
Fun little NBA debate
I did this a long time ago, and I want to do it again
Manipulation is an art that receives negative attention because of societal views on "manipulation" being a tool used purely for personal gain. The general population will agree upon "influence" being a positive tool and the tool that should be used in place of "manipulation." Ideas of what words and concepts should be are shaped by personal beliefs.
EVERY verse must have the word 'cat' in it.
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troll debate, so unrated
Looking for a good discussion with a young earth or old earth creationist. I will take the pro position that evolution and the bible are compatible while the con will argue against this.
If Chess is so good, why isn't there a Chess 2?
As of now, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation-state on Earth.
I believe Hitler was left wing.
It's pretty obvious that god intended for humans to sin, right?
There should not be a 15 minute window to delete your vote.
Freestyle voting, no stress.
Bring forth points that explain the issue with cohabitation in the context of the topic. I've selected the "pro" position which represents in this case as it relates to me that I'll be questioning the arguments. If the arguments hold validity and consistency, the person in that position would have therefore proven their case and I would have a new thought process. For any questions , clarifications or confirmations, please send a message.
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In this debate, Pro will be arguing that nature (biological factors such as genes), on average, has a more significant impact on human adult intelligence than nurture (the effect of environmental influences) while Con will be arguing the opposite, the BoP is thus shared.
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