Total debates: 8
1. I am pro Islam and want to debate with any other religion or atheism. 2. I have not decided topic yet so if my opponent agrees to my rules then we can discuss resolution in private messages. 3 No moderators are allowed to vote on this debate especially named Barney, if Barney voted on this debate then it's automatic loose for my opponent. 3 Islam is not presumed to be false and the Quran as well unless we are talking about these topics. 4 Burden of proof is always shared.
This debate seeks to explore the nature of Islam and its teachings regarding peace and violence. Participants will examine the core principles of Islam, its historical context, and how various communities interpret and apply its teachings. The discussion will also address common misconceptions and the impact of media representation on the perception of Islam. This debate aims to provide a nuanced understanding of whether Islam can be considered a peaceful religion
I know some of yall are raising your eyebrows because neither religion appear to be feminist at all, but nonetheless lets hope an actual Muslim is willing to debate me and have their side heard.
Child marriage is disgusting
Islam is the true religion. We can discuss every topic that makes you say it isn't. Just write a comment about one(!) topic and we'll debate about it
I have to do it unrated as mods are not protecting me from votebombing abuse and it's entirely exploitable.
In the holy book of Islam named the Qur‘an, it is said that Homosexuality is a sin. But why are there „queer Muslims“ ? Let’s find out
Muhammad and Aisha marriage, (Pro) against islamic child marriage