Instigator / Pro

Child marriage is disgusting and you chomos should stop doing it


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I am arguing against the legalization of child marriage. In Pakistan about 20% of females are married to hse pervets under 18 years of age.

Perverted Muslims are marrying up to 5% of those women under the age of 15 and many cases in Pakistan we discover that the ages go as low as 5 years old.

When officials try to create mi imum age laws for marriage, because Mualim clerics are perverts thy resit any attempt at a minimum age.

Further more Muslims defend Muhhamed's marriage to a 9 year old and argue she was an adult at that age because she could have a period. The official motto of Islam is "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed"

By their own logic they have justified marrying anyone who has had a period. There have been cases where an 11 month old baby has gad a period.

In Islam it is acceptable for a father to force his 9 year old into marriage with some perverted Muslim pedophile.

I will not be arguing that Islam supports child marriage it absolutely does. Sometimes Muslims will lie about this but in Muslim circles they readily admit this.

They also have other disgusting secrets like did you know the highest amount of inbred people on the planet are not in west Virginia? But in Muslim countries like Pakistan because in Islam it is okay to fuck your cousin. So essentially a very disgusting people but fucking family members can be forgiven if they are both consensual adults. However in Islam many of the child brides being fucked by grown men are their close blood relatives.

Only a disgusting Muslim who believes child marriage is acceptable can accept this debate. Nobody in this debate is allowed to rgue devils advocate. .

Con has to defend the concept of child marriage, while all I have to do is prove to the pervert that debates me, why fucking and marrying children is bad.

Round 1
My opponent is absolutely wrong that having sex with children is ethical. I challenge my opponent to represent child marriage in an accurate light for the debate. We know a few things about it and what happens. We shouldn't focus on hypotheticals but on how it actually works.. It's normally older men in sexual relationships with young girls. It's not a child with a child who are both given the prognosis of 5 months left to live. It isn't a sexless relationship and the marriage is just ceremonial and not serious. For example in Islam the Imams in Pakistan routinely fight against minimum age in marriage and routinely argue that if the girl is old enough to bleed old she is enough to breed. "grass on the field play ball" is the official motto of Islam. [3]

## Complications

The leading cause of death in adolescents in low income countries is pregnancy and birth complications. pregnant children are less likely to get prenatal care and get help delivery from unskilled people as opposed to medical professionals. [1]

Childhood pregnancy also causes a higher than average mortality rate for miscarriages and newborn deaths than if a girl were to wait until she is 18. If you have a baby as a child you are about 3 times as likely than a mature adult to have the  baby die prior to or just after birth. You are far more likely to have a premature delivery which can have lifelong devastating affects on the baby, assuming they survive the preterm birth. [2]

## Worse life for the child bride

little girls in these marriages to child molesters are far more likely to be abused physically and sexually. [4] They are more likely to get aids, and numerous other STDs. [5]

The children in these marriages are obviously in controlling abusive relationships so they have a more difficult time controlling their reproductive choices. They don't have or are denied access to contraception and  they are far more likely than adult women to resort to abortion. They also have shorter intervals between births which has been proven to be very harmful to the mother and the child's health. [6]

This might surprise some people but the result of all this is that little girls in these child marriages tend to have a ton of trauma and suffer tremendously psychologically. [7] The study cited shows a large increase in anxiety, depression, vitality and a sense of well being. Child brides described that it is very emotionally taxing to be a full time mother and wife and such a young age.

The child bride who becomes a mother (and most of them do in adolescence), is far more likely to suffer high blood pressure, preclampsia and obesity, and obesity is related to negative health outcomes like early heart attacks, diabetes and lack of mobility. [8]

## Economic impacts

A child that is married is ultimately ripped out of society and prevented an opportunity to participate in it and make economic pursuits to increase the well being of her family. Child brides are far more likely to drop out of highschool, be unemployed and even the children born to them are more likely to be in poverty and continue the cycle of suffering and starving. The women who manage to get employment in these situations is still worse off because the average income of a child bride who finds work as an adult is 10% less than somebody not deprived of their childhood[9]

## Conclusion

My opponent will argue that children even at young ages have sexual desires and that marriage is a healthy outlet for them. I will argue that it is far more important to learn how to control our urges, and maybe if you meat a 12 year old that is curious about sex it might be far more responsible of you to suggest that she controls those desires and perhaps masturbates rather than taking it upon yourself to get a piece of paper from the government that gives you the legal right to fuck said child.

Marriage hurts children, it harms their mental health, it kills more babies and it harms even the offspring of the women who now have to be raised by a little girl instead of a woman who is more mentally equipped to deal with the stresses of motherhood.

Childhood marriage has a divorce rate of approximately 80% leaving more single mothers, causing significantly more poverty as now these young girls have to raise a child in a single mother home. [10]


By what is in the topic title "  Child marriage is disgusting ", the opposing side has taken an invalid position thus forfeiting. 

This is due to the wisdom of repugnance or "appeal to disgust".

It is the argumentum ad fastidium fallacy.

But I will proceed in showing correction on what is thought about child marriage in relation to the Islam faith using the faith itself to actually show where it stands on child marriage.

"I will not be arguing that Islam supports child marriage it absolutely does."

This is what the opposing side has stated taking this position.

This is absolutely not true according to the Islam faith.

From the Quran that those of the Islamic faith believe in:

"4:6) Test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage,9 and then if you find them mature of mind hand over to them their property,10 and do not eat it up by either spending extravagantly or in haste, fearing that they would grow up (and claim it). If the guardian of the orphan is rich let him abstain entirely (from his ward's property); and if he is poor, let him partake of it in a fair measure.11 When you hand over their property to them let there be witnesses on their behalf. Allah is sufficient to take account (of your deeds)."

 Surah An-Nisa 4:6-11

The following is a commentary from the site:

"9. When such people approach their majority their mental development should be watched so as to determine to what extent they have become capable of managing their own affairs.
10. Two conditions have been laid down for handing over the charge of their properties to such people. The first of these is the attainment of puberty, and the second is that of mental maturity - i.e. the capacity to manage their affairs in a sound and appropriate manner. There is full agreement among Muslim jurists with regard to the first condition. As for the second condition, Abu Hanifah is of the opinion that if an orphan does not attain mental maturity after he has attained puberty, the guardian of the orphan should wait for a maximum of seven years after which he should hand over the property to its owner regardless of whether he has attained maturity or not. According to Abu Yusuf, Muhammad b. al-Hasan and Shafi'i, maturity is an indispensable pre-condition for the handing over of property. If one were to apply the doctrine of the latter jurists it would probably be more appropriate to refer particular cases to a judge under Islamic law. If the judge is convinced that the person concerned lacks maturity he should make adequate arrangements for the supervision of that person's financial affairs. (For a more complete study of the subject see Jassas, vol. 2, pp. 59 ff.; Ibn Rushd, Biddyat al-Mujtahid, 2 vols., Cairo, Al-Maktabahal-Tijariyahal-Kubra, n.d., vol. 2, pp. 275ff.-Ed.)
11. The guardian is entitled to remuneration for his service. The amount of this remuneration should be such as is deemed to be fair by neutral and reasonable people. Moreover, the guardian is instructed that he should take a fixed and known amount by way of remuneration, that he should take it openly rather than secretly, and that he should keep an account of it."

Now I went right down to the point trying to make it simple on account of individuals with a gripe of not understanding what is being said or stated. This should be understood that orphans of mature mind can enter into marriage, receive their property as grown folks going out in the world.

We have three rounds . It's declared this round the opponent will strike out three times. Three strikes you're out .

Round 2
Round 3
Case closed.

I'm disappointed.