Total topics: 30
Neocons in the US Senate are attempting to stir armed conflict against Iran to fight for the interests of Israel, the Rothschilds, and Multinational corporations. Long live AmeriKKKan democracy! We must enforce the reign of globohomo!
The Chinese conception of Democracy is superior and far more meaningful than what Americans define as Democracy. American Democracy is about magical pieces of paper going into magical ballot boxes. Chinese Democracy is more practical and meaningful.
- China is incredibly responsive to the people's needs. Studies demonstrate that the American government does not care about the people's interests, the only considerable influence on policy is by special interest groups.
- China's means of production are owned by the people. America's means of production are all owned by an elite class of capitalists.
- Special interest groups cannot buy their way into power in China. Xi Jinping has actively curtailed and rooted out corruption. Special interests and corruption in America are systemic, and they easily dictate the government's policy. Iron triangles are a regular occurance.
- China has made considerable advancements in living standards and infrastructure for the majority of its population. America is only concerned with advancing wealthy capitalist elites and entertainment industry celebrities, the common people fight over crumbs.
Objectively speaking, Chinese Democracy serves the Chinese people much better than American "Democracy" serves the American people.
If you support Israel, you fall into the following categories:
1. You are a misinformed idiot that bought into the loads of Israeli propaganda. Israel is a state that is built upon chronic pathological lying. Look at their concept of “Hasbara” and how it explains Israel lying 24/7 to the outside world.
You were told to believe Israel is the benevolent state of the Middle East and Arabs are all backwards barbarians (far from the truth), even though the reality is that Israel is worse than an apartheid state.
2. You are a genuine psychopath and racist. You have hatred for Arab Palestinians and view them as an inferior subhuman race. That’s why you justify a demonic state that treats Arabs and non-Jews worse than apartheid South Africa treated blacks or nonwhites. You are full of bitter hatred, psychopathy, and racism towards Palestinians.
3. Some mix of the above.
Which category do you pro Israeli folk zionist sheep fall under?
And friendly reminder: Israel must be wiped off the face of the Earth for justice. Glass Tel Aviv.
After bombing a Christian hospital, Israel decided to strike one of the oldest Christian Churches in the world and turn it into dust, not just demolishing the Church but killing Christians inside it.
This, zionist jewish ultranationalist apartheid state, is what satanic Evangelical "Christians" in America are hardcore simps for. The state that actively perpetuates poverty, massacres, and genocide against Palestinian Christians.
Let's face the facts here: evangelical "Christians" are not real Christians but are satanists. Why would any Christian support atrocities committed by a Jewish apartheid state against Palestinian Christians? They are undoubtedly anti-Christian and satanic.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv and frighten the Zionists.
The more you build it the more we will destroy it.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
You need to know, oh occupier, that the Palestinians won’t be humiliated.
We don't want no truce or solution.
All we want is to strike Tel Aviv.
We will strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Oh oppressive Israeli army, you can take on anything but Gaza.
Here comes the decisive response:
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
You sent a bomber to shell us neighborhood by neighborhood.
But we downed the airplane.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Here is the breaking news:
We shot down the airplane, and the pilot is missing.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
We have downed their airplane, and filled up their air raid shelters.
Oh Palestinians, you can be proud.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Oh you settler, with your sidelocks, in your shelter you cower with fear.
My entire people cry out loud:
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
After the raid, after the strike – Netanyahu, you son-of-a-$@#$%,
How come you are hiding in the shelter?
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu, son-of-a-whatever, we will wipe out your entire army.
You can stick your operation up your ass.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Oh Gulf states, shut up. All you are good at is convening conferences.
Those lowlifes are not the same blood as me.
We want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
We want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
The Gulf states and all their billions are tough only with NATO's support.
Their statements are of no use to us.
We want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
We want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
We don't want no truce or bargain.
We have sworn in Gaza only to wage resistance.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv.
Strike, oh Qassam missile, do not let the Zionists sleep.
Even if they beg for mercy – be sure not to show Tel Aviv any mercy.
Don't show Tel Aviv any mercy.
Oh Fajr missile, explode in the Knesset and the army base.
Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar – terrorize Tel Aviv.
Blow up, blow up Tel Aviv.
Upon hearing the air-raid sirens, Akko and the valleys sing out:
Oh Arafat, your people are striking a blow at Tel Aviv.
Let's strike a blow at Tel Aviv!
Russia and China are challenging the unipolar world order of Atlanticist powers such as the United States and northwestern Europe. Through this unipolar world order, western elites possess massive amounts of power over global society. Institutions like the World Bank and IMF enact neoliberal economic policies that continuously screw over 2nd and 3rd world countries. People who descend from 2nd and 3rd world countries are looked down upon by snobbish first worlders.
Russia is reclaiming Ukraine from the Atlanticist sphere of influence and reuniting Ukraine with its fellow east Slavs.
Westerner NPCs continue to seethe, why? They don't want anybody but Germanic Northwestern European neoliberals to hold power over the world. They are both neocolonialist and racist. They demand the entire world bow down to their neoliberal whims and social norms of Germanic countries. They despise anything but liberal western culture. They have snobbish neocolonialist attitudes.
Pro-Russian sentiments are essentially an Indigenous Peoples' Movement against Anglo-Germanic neocolonial global supremacy.
How many Ukrop simps here are aware of Azov division? Or the fact that Ukrainian forces have been harassing ethnic minorities for ages - including Indian students being thrashed by Ukrainian forces for India's neutrality on the war. Meanwhile, Russia's literally helping foreign students evacuate from Ukrainian nazis...
Azov division will get 0 attention from western media. NPCs will believe whatever they're told by the media.
May Third Rome triumph over NATO and western global hegemony.
Just thought I'd wish DebateArt a happy Columbus Day!
🎉 Afghanistan has been liberated from foreign oppression thanks to the heroic Mujahideen warriors 🎉
(a) The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.
(b) This section shall apply only to action taken after the section's effective date.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as prohibiting bona fide qualifications based on sex which are reasonably necessary to the normal operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as invalidating any court order or consent decree which is in force as of the effective date of this section.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as prohibiting action which must be taken to establish or maintain eligibility for any federal program, where ineligibility would result in a loss of federal funds to the State.
(f) For the purposes of this section, "State" shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the State itself, any city, county, city and county, public university system, including the University of California, community college district, school district, special district, or any other political subdivision or governmental instrumentality of or within the State.
(g) The remedies available for violations of this section shall be the same, regardless of the injured party's race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin, as are otherwise available for violations of then-existing California antidiscrimination law.
(h) This section shall be self-executing. If any part or parts of this section are found to be in conflict with federal law or the United States Constitution, the section shall be implemented to the maximum extent that federal law and the United States Constitution permit. Any provision held invalid shall be severable from the remaining portions of this section.
The following is the section that has been voted to be struck down by the Californian legislature. Thoughts?
So, after Democrats stalled a stimulus relief bill over the virus fiasco to blab about political topics irrelevant to the crisis, it appears a settlement has been reached to provide $1200 to every American below a certain income bracket along with $500 for each child under 17. However, adults within the age bracket of 18-24 (or was it 26?) are not eligble to receieve $1200 if they are listed as a dependency to an adult. Typically, this includes college students.
So roughly everybody in America except for college students (or those wealthy enough) are receiving TrumpBux.
Thoughts? Could this be to increase the profits of usurous lenders over student loans?
"Communist-ruled Cuba Holds First Transgender Ceremony"
A great example demonstrating the flaws of Protestant Christianity. Western Christianity has been on a slow departure from holy truth and has descended into all kinds of lows. This is especially prevalent among the Protestants, who have a prideful notion of taking centuries of sacred tradition and biblical interpretation, among countless saints, into something any laymen can distort for their own purposes. As a result, you get a Church that simply blends in with the world. You don't get a Church that rejects the wrong-doings of modern society. Now, you get a Protestant Church holding "transgender ceremonies." The notion one can simply change their biological gender is a stupid one antithetical to Christian teaching.
The Orthodox Church in the east has remained true and unchanged for centuries. The religious life of the early Christians, medieval Christians, modern-day Christians, etc, has always been the same in the Orthodox Church. As Catholics and (even more so) Protestants fall into error, the Orthodox Church remains faithful and unchanged.
So, this year, Israel has entirely banned its Christian population in Gaza from visiting the holy sites during Christmas.
Where's the Evangelical outrage? All I see are American "conservatives" licking the boots of Israel.
Let's all take a moment to respect the achievements of a great Italian/Spanish explorer (of whom has been demonized by propaganda and lies from the black legend and modern academians)
Why do you support Israel? American support of Israel is strongly embedded in their politics despite the policies that they enact. Americans tolerate having pro-Israel lobbies corrupting their congress. Public criticism by politicians (i.e. Ilhan Omar) will land accusations of anti-semitism.
Meanwhile, Israel continues to enact policies that support its creation as a Jewish ethnoreligious state that disenfranchises the Palestinian residents there. This includes Christians, which makes it quite ironic for all of the American evangelicals that are blindly pro-Israel and have more sympathy with Jews who hate them rather than Palestinian Christians.
Are they really our greatest ally either? They sunk the USS Liberty and are consistently dragging us into pointless middle eastern conflicts that hardly benefit us and only tarnish our own reputation.
Why do you, personally, support Israel?
It doesn't make sense to me that the religion of atheism requires atheismists to worship them.
Also, why do atheismists have to pray 7 times a day to Allah specifically and build statues dedicated to the Profits of Muhammed?
Soon they start slaughting the infidels for Allan through the blessing of Saint Richard Dawkins and the Archcardinal Carl Sagan.
Protestantism is an umorganized religion that has easily been able to devolve and distort itself under modernism.
Catholicism has stayed true to doctrine and century old teachings. It's resisted modernism to a greater extent.
What makes you follow the former?
Following the trend because why the heck not
Describe your ideal society or state in depth. Its politics, governance, culture, language, religion, etc. What would it look like? Whatever it is could tell is a lot about your political views.
The new President elect Jair Bolsonaro...
- Used to serve the Brazillian military government
- Has been an avid apologist for military rule
- Has criticized the military dictatorship for one thing: not killing enough people
Recently, he has stated
You are my witnesses that this government will defend the constitution, democracy, and liberty.
Why has he said this?
Do you think he will coup and restore the glorious military dictatorship or Brazil, or act as a democratically elected leader?
Who were the founding fathers of the United States to you? Noble men? The spawn of Satan? Liberal freemasons? Conservative white men?
Please elaborate.
This comment of yours is highly problematic: "Just include an option called 'other' for idiots who can't align with the binary. There's only two genders lol."This comment could constitute "invective against an entire class of people," which is prohibited as hate speech under the COC.The issue with your comment is not that you question whether that there are two or more genders--it's perfectly fine to argue that there are only two genders, though it might be anatomically incorrect in the case of intersex people.What is problematic with your comment is that you suggest that gender non-binary individuals and trans individuals are "idiots." This disparages an entire group of people in a way which is, at the very least, troublesome. It is even more troublesome when placed in the context of your other remarks on the matter, which clearly mock gender non-binary and trans people.This is not an official warning. But it is a reminder that language like this is not looked kindly upon by moderation, and that it is best to avoid comments which may be reasonably construed as hate speech.
Well, looks like "bsh1" is the moderator. Geez, I can't wait to have politically right-wing posts deleted left and right for "hate speech" so we can ensure this site is a safe space for minorities against bigots like me.
I certainly hope the guy who creates this website doesn't endorse this action. A potentially great debating site, to fulfill the legacy of, is going to become a crappy place once we have morons like him censor posts left and right for "hate speech" because we insult groups a progressive moderator doesn't like.
If he does, well you can surely insist that you'll have a flight of people from this already in-need-of-activity place.
Let's make a list of genders for the debateart profile settings, I'll start:
- Male
- Female
- Agender
- Third gender
- Fourth gender
- Fifth gender
- Genderqueer
- Gender fluid
- 1/3rd male 2/3rd female
- Fluidgender
- Male to Male transgender
- Female to Male transgebder
- Male to female to male transgender
- Female to male to female transgender
- Boeing AH6 Apache Attack Helicopter
- A10C Thunderbolt II
- Concord
- EC-130 Commando Solo III
- USS New Orleans Amphibious transport dock
- Al Qaeda
- Toast
- Eggs
- Glock 18
- AK-47
- Hezbollah
- Hamas
- Accordion
- Grand Piano
- Flute
- Pathological liar Hillary Clinton
- Zodiac killer Cruz
- Communist liberal lizard alien Obama
- Drumpfism
- $$$
- Goldman Sachs
- Spaghetti
- Chinese noodles
- Mexican Burritos
- Indian curry
- French Croissant
- Arizona state University
- Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
- Harvard University
- Yale University
- 你好中国
- Binary Code
- Fish
- Snowflake
- 1000001010110111101010001010010101010100
Please continue the list of genders!
Can you say that you're not liberal and that you admire the American Revolution?
I consider myself to be a patriotic American, but in no way can I support the flawed origins in liberalism that plagued this nation. If I were alive in the mid-1700s, chances are that I'd be a Loyalist.
Why? Because the American Revolution was a liberal revolution.
American politics are inherently liberal. The term "conservative" is usually applied relatively. Both, modern conservatives and modern liberalis carry ideology that is very well in alignment with Classical Liberalism. Such includes unrestrained freedom, republicanism, secularism and church-state separation, separation of powers, and so forth. These were inherently liberal ideas that traced their origins to Classical Liberals such as Voltaire, Montesquie, John Locke, and so forth.
Maybe you're a self-proclaimed Conservative who believes that these liberal ideas were "inherently different" from more modernist forms of liberalism such as feminism, LGBT rights, multiculturalism, etc. This would be wrong. Classical Liberalism of the old centuries and modern Liberalism are closely intertwined. They may appear different but rest upon very similar foundations and beliefs.
For this reason, the American Revolution was a mistake from a reactionary perspective. It undermined the instutition of monarchy and replaced it with an enlightenment-based republic. It gave us secularism and a weak/inefficient government that was heavily restricted from legislating morality.
From a practical persepctive, we can see how this manifested. The institution of Monarchy provided much more stability than did a Liberal Republic. Moreover, it was not controlled by interest groups. The early Republic, on the other hand, was prone to much more corruption. The founding fathers themselves consisted of freemasons, criminal smugglers, slaveowners, and of the like. Many of these interests were empowered after the American Revolution, resulting in a cronyism that would eventually grow and strike us hard decades later - if they haven't already. Slavery was a prominent example. The revolution gave power to southern plantation elites, away from the British Crown. What was the result? Slavery was expanded to new territories and the government at times was controlled by "pro-slavery" advocates. Monarchy subjugates and controls these interest groups, but a Republic lets them run free.
America's racial structure was never ideal from the start.
Blacks were brought as slaves to toil on the cotton farms for southern elites. In smaller numbers, Asians came working under slave-like conditions for other elites in charge. Both faced discrimination that tried to lower their opportunities in order to enforce their lower position in society.
However, you would now notice that Asians are unlike any other minority. They carry more power and wealth than whiites - speaking on averages. Blacks on the other hand remain in dysfunctional communities and are still present in a lower socio-economic status.
Now while there could be multiple reasons to this, let's first consider the approach for equality. Blacks largely followed liberal leaders such as Web DuBois, placing a focus on protest for equal treatment. Asians largely took an approach more similar to Booker T Washington's ideals. They focused on education and economic opportunities to readily exploit.
As a result, who do you believe is in a better condition nowadays?
Asians remain segregated at times, for you can spot multiple "Chinatowns." However, you'd also find Asians who are much more integrated - almost entirely. Nobody really minds either.
Blacks are pseudo-segregated. They have been forced to be desegregated with mixed results. Many of those who co-exist with whites will still form some level of self segregation, which are in dysfunctional communities promoting cancer such as "thug life" or single motherhood. Those who attempt to better themselves may be branded as "Uncle Toms, Oreos, Whitewahsed," or other such derogatory terms.
Can we conclude from this that blacks have followed the wrong method for civil rights, and due so today? Their modern condition is not due to "Institutional racism" (given affirmative action and reverse discrimination policies) but poor communities, crime, cultural marxism, and a failure of working to a sense of upliftment.
Just goes to show you, the media will constantly talk about how Russia intervened in the election. Democrats claim they did and Republicans deny it, but none of them have spoken a SINGLE WORD about the Israeli Jews and their influence over the election:
Reminder to die for our "greatest ally."
American Democracy, in its current state, is corrupted. The institution itself was fragile, and bound to collapse at some point. Various founding fathers such as John Adams believed that democracy would never last for a long time.
America is showing signs of structural weakness and poor governance. Candidates and politicians are corrupted and self-serving, lobbyism influences politics more than public opinion, there's a political gridlock, the two party system, and so forth.
This is quite analogous to the late Roman Republic. Eventually, the crumbling Republican system was replaced by despotism. But was it a bad thing? Julius Caesar introduced various reforms to improve Rome and its poorer classes, while the Senate was full of corrupt and greedy oligarchs, of whom were unwilling to do anything and keep a gridlock of instability.
Is this event in history analogous to America? Should we declare Democracy expired, or can it be saved? What are your opinions on a sort of neo-Caesarism that may eventually rise with growingly authoritarian-populist leaders in the western world?
When the left advocates for importing numerous amounts of refugees, I see a major cause for as to why they advocate for it and others don't.
Besides the fact that many of these people aren't actual refugees... Let's assume they are for a second.
Most "refugees" are young, fit, and healthy men. By chosing to migrate, they are betraying their honor as treason to their nation. Rather than joining the Syrian army or assisting in the war any way they can to support their country, they chose to escape the conflict.
A liberal will not view this as a problem, because they don't hold nationalism to the same extent as others - especially on the right.
From a more nationalist and conservative perspective, these people have a nation to defend. If they are capable of assisting in some way, they should do so. It's an insult to their honor and nation to abandon it and their countrymen in times of conflict.
Though onto a broader and more philosophical subject, should this be the case? Should young and fit people capable of serving the nation in the army, or some other way, do so in times of conflict? Is it a selfish pursuit to escape their home to simply get away from war?
The reason was popular can be accredited to SEO. Any way we can do this for DebateArt?