Total debates: 78
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Good and evil co-exist as opposing necessities of free will
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Formal debate on the electoral college.
Refer to description.
Resolution: There is no end to the body of knowledge
Resolution: On balance, a cookie with chocolate chips is better than a cookie with nuts
CON is for the notion that God likely exists BONES is for the notion that God likely does not exist
For any changes to the parameters. Queries about definition. Or additional terms in the description, please consult the comments section.
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Deviating from regular type debates
Christian intellectuals: please school me, if you can.
The Electoral College should be abolished
Resolution: The US Congress cannot merely legislate reparations for descendants of slaves.
Resolution: Automation and technology continue to increase quality of life
Resolution: Air pollution is caused by human use of fossil fuels
The Titanic is sinking. There are not enough lifeboats for everybody. This debate is about the policy of prioritizing women and children for life boat seats during the sinking of the Titanic. Death23 is CON. Death23 is arguing AGAINST women and children first.
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it's rematch time
Is there enough evidence to conclude that God factually exists?
Resolved: It is illogical and impractical to oppose that which does not exist.
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Resolved: Literacy is the ability to read/write and to comprehend. It is not one, nor another, only, but all together.
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I (Pro) will argue that morality is subjective. My opponent (Con) will argue that it is objective.
Resolved: God created “the heaven and the earth” with existing matter and energy and not ex nihilo.
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Resolved: Pregnancy prevention by sterilization is the best choice compared to traditional contraception or abortion.
Resolved: There is not systemic racism in United States government, as a whole.
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Resolved: Two separate species of relatively equal intelligence, one humanoid, and one not, can cohabit a planet, maintaining peaceful, non-threatening cohabitation.
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Resolved: Methane: Silence the rice and save the planet
Resolved: We have the right to be offended… but what to do about it?
Resolved: Art is secularly sacred, or it is profane
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Resolved: referenced sources are necessary in a debate
Resolved: Civil war is upon us. It isn’t North v. South, nor East v. West, and not even Hatfield v. McCoy. It’s law and order v. anarchy
Resolved: If the Earth is a flat disc, any object would not fall off the edge by Newton's laws of motion
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Resolved: Witchcraft is pseudoscience and superstition, not compatible with the scientific method.
Proposed: Jesus was tempted by Satan but three times, yet there are so many sins. There are three sins into which all others are encompassed.
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Enter this debate at will.