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A member since


Total questions: 15

What are your thoughts on homosexuality? do you think the Christian god condemns it?

I oppose homosexuality; the act, not the actors. Yes, God condemns it.

Required reading in school, have there been any books that stand out in your memory, if so, why?

Sorry for the late response. Shakespeare, foremost, because it convinced me to understand Elizabethan English, and, as a result, my understanding of the richness, pathos, and humor of his language went through the roof. Also, several books by Aldous Huxley: Brave3 New World, Ape and Essence, Doors of Perception, [a non-fiction], all for their detailed vision. Homer: Odyssey in particular, introduced me to epic-length poetry that still held true to poetic form; not the crap that passes for poetry today. Plato's Republic. Introduction to a truly brilliant and distant-reaching mind. One of the few books I keep re-reading.

How did you get your unique way of structuring text? Does it have a lot of merits or it is just a personal preference?

My text structure, or syntax, is of my development of years of creating my "voice." Every serious writer ultimately develops a recognizable "voice." There is no real "merit" to a writer's voice, but whether be design, or by serendipity, the "voice" becomes a sure identity. At this point, being a writer of serious intent and effort since I was 14 [over 50 years], it is by preference. I use Grammarly as an editing aid, but it plays havoc with me because it is still insensitive to voice, and I have to override a lot of suggestions since it wants to be perfectly grammatical according to its own rules. It makes an attempt at allowing my call on a variety of factors, such as mood, audience, and whatnot, but it is still restrictive. At least it does allow my override before I submit to a human editor, who must, as well, become familiar with my voice.

Is that a French flag? Could you describe how it relates to the frog silhouette?

Sorry for the late reply. Had an issue with my access to questions that has been resolved. Yes, that is a French flag, squared rather than rectangle. I am of French descent. The entire image, including the frog silhouette, is my designed logotype of my freelance business: writing, illustration, and voice-over. The frog has two implications: the French were called "Frogs" during WWII, and the frog is my spirit guide. You know, like most people have eagles and cougars, wolves, and such. Me; it's a frog,

Do you believe the United States should be more or less involved in world affairs?

More or less? I think until we have cleaned up our yard, we should hesitate expanding our world role, but I would not reduce it, either. Our yard is in desperate need, at least in infrastructure, both in maintenance and innovation. I'm disappointed we have not done enough. It's one area we have not applied sufficient resource to address.

On balance, has capitalism been a successful economic doctrine?

Yes, it has been the most successful economic doctrine ever to come down the pipe. Even thjough, like all other econ systems, it has corruption, but, employed properly, no other doctrine has enriched more individuals, chiefly because, contrary to the beliefs of types such as Oba'a, who said "There comes a time when you have made enough money," the truth is, there is no natural limit to the money supply. Consider the joke that the U.S. Patent Office released to the press sometime in 1899 or early 1900 that at the close of the 19t century on 12/31/1900, the Patent Office would close because all the inventions there would ever be were already invented. Like the War of the Worlds radio hoax by Orson Wells in 1938, some people believed the Patent office closure report, which accounts for suckers born every minute. They still are, and Oba'a is one of them. So is Hidin' Biden.

how would you address the US government's debt problem?

Stop bleeding spending at the federal level for entitlement programs, education, healthcare, etc., better served by private industry and churches, and local government sources. There are a total of 17 specific matters on which Congress should legislate and fund, all described in Article I, section 8. These 17 items should be the limit of federal spending, and at that, only as proves effective and accountable. I don't see healthcare, for example, on that list. The "general welfare" doesn't cut it, because it is not well enough defined by specific enumeration, as the 10A requires of Congressional power.

I am unable to find your book on Amazon, can you provide a link?


I'm not certain I am allowed to provide this link since I shouldn't use the site for merchandising, but, since you're a mod, I'll offer it. After all, I've not asked you to buy, and you've not said you would. But, thanks ofr your interest.

Parlez-vous le français de France ou le français Québécois?

de la France.

how'd u get fluent in Egyptian hieroglyphs?

In college undergraduate courses, and then personal pursuit. It is a fantastic language and culture.

what made u so interested in art?

I'm not sure; seems I've always had a crayon or a paint brush in my hand from my earliest memories. I remember trying to duplicate the covers of my children's books, and then trying to draw flowers and bugs, dead flowers and dead, squashed bugs in my mother's garden. I discovered as a child, about 10, that Leonardo DaVinci once said that there is beauty in all things, even in the dried, caked mass of crushed grapes. He called it "sapere vedera;" knowing how to see. That settled it. I've sold paintings on canvas [both oil and acrylic], and, for a time, had a business painting super graphics on walls in peoples' homes and in businesses, and then I discovered Adobe Illustrator. I use that almost exclusively now. Thanks for asking

Why is there a frog on your profile picture?

The frog is my spirit guide. It is the must unique animal in the kingdom, and happens to have the widest vocal scope of any animal in the kingdom. And, I am of French ancestry. Note that the frog is on the Tri-Colour. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

I've seen your book, "Fauxlaw". I think it's pretty interesting, but I would like a more detailed summary of what is in your book.

sorry to be so blunt, but I write books to sell. buy the book and read it. I don't do summaries.

I notice that you are fluent in reading Egyptian Hieroglyphics. How does one learn to read Egyptian Hieroglyphics?

Undergraduate coursework - 2 semesters - in our antiquities dept, and personal study after that. The grammar book is a 2-in volume

Parlez-vous français?

Oui, je parle français