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One should believe in and practice the direct inverse of everything christians believe in and practice.


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Round 1
Theism VS Atheism

They say that ad-hominem is not a valid argument but I beg to differ. If literally only stupid people believe something and all arguments for that thing are stupid then there comes a point where that makes it less likely to be true, even if it isn't directly falsifiable as a claim in itself. The only way to "reason" that God exists is to ignore a billion other possibilities, theists usually say "something can't come from nothing therefore there must a first cause". Even if that was true, it doesn't have to be God and it certainly doesn't have to be YOUR God. The fact that such weak arguments are the best theists can do proves that theists are inherently stupid which indirectly supports the notion that there can't be a God.

Appeal to authority VS genuine compassion

In the Christian worldview morality must come from God to be valid, you can't use empathy or compassion to derive morality because "objective" morality comes from God. Ignoring the fact that God is an entity with personal preferences, making his morality subjective and just his opinion, it really doesn't matter to Christians what God says is moral as long as it comes from God. The Bible supports slavery, genocide, burning "witches" at the stake, stoning faggots etc. but God draws the line at having sex outside of a social construct (marriage). God doesn't have compassion for sentient beings and neither do Christians, Christians say that without God we are just an accident and there is no reason not to rape or murder etc. which exposes how evil Christians are. What gives a being moral value is having a subjective experience, ability to feel pain, a will to live etc. not agreeing with your beliefs or having a "soul" which is an excuse to care about human fetuses that aren't even sentient yet while you butcher sentient animals and more developed humans who aren't retarded Christians like you.

Hating pleasure VS hedonism

Suffering is treated as a virtue while pleasure is treated as evil in Christianity. This is blatantly retarded because suffering is nature's programming that is meant to tell you when something is bad for you. Avoiding things that feel bad and seeking things that feel good should be the default position and christians have a serious BOP on their hands to prove that the opposite of human nature and the opposite of everything enjoyable is what we should be striving for. There is such a thing as too much pleasure, but this is an argument that SUPPORTS hedonism rather than debunks it. The only valid reason not to do something pleasurable is that it leads to suffering in the long run or shortens your life span (giving you less time to experience pleasure in the future).

Science denial VS "trust the soyience"

Faith is antithetical to scientific thought. In faith the desired conclusion takes precedence over the evidence and evidence is sought after the fact so that a confirmation bias can be formed. In science the evidence LEADS to the conclusion. This doesn't mean that scientific consensus always has the right answer, but in life you have to gamble sometimes and anyone who isn't a retarded Christian would rather gamble on what the evidence leads you to. Whenever you have to take a leap of faith in life, you shouldn't actually leap based on faith but on the thing most likely to be the case based on the available evidence.

animal fat VS Veganism

This is an extension of "trust the soyience" and "genuine compassion". The opposite of Christian morality isn't amorality, because Christian morality is about reducing pleasure and increasing suffering while having no genuine compassion for sentient beings. To be the opposite of Christian, you must seek to reduce suffering and increase well being for all beings. Furthermore the Bible glorifies animal fat as if it is something to be prized, which according to the scientific consensus is the most retarded thing imaginable because the leading cause of death in the western world is heart disease and the leading cause of heart disease is animal fat/cholesterol. Everyone who isn't vegan is both evil and retarded, because it is not only one of the healthiest diets according to science (rivaled only by vegetarian, pescatarian and mediterranean) but THE ONLY morally sound diet.

shame VS pride

According to the Bible the human body is evil and human nature is evil. The first thing Adam and Eve do upon learning the difference between good and evil is cover their sexy, beautiful bodies that God is disgusted by even though he's the one who made them. Furthermore  humans are inherently sinners according to God, sinning is unavoidable and we all deserve hellfire by default just for being the way HE made us and that is why we can only be saved through grace and repentance and not through works. We should be proud of ourselves as humans, we have the capacity to be more benevolent than Yaweh and the capacity to be more rational than his retarded subhuman believers. Would you rather constantly be like "I'm so sorry for existing and being human God, please don't burn me in a lake of fire for eternity because of the way you made me be" or would you rather see yourself as a sapient, sexy and compassionate being?

human supremacy VS transhumanism

Paradoxically the Bible views humans as the ultimate creation while also seeing our humanity as something to be ashamed of. Also the snake in eden was trying to enhance us and have us become as God by having us eat the fruit, the first act of rebellion, the "original sin", was literally transhumanism. We should improve upon humanity and gain immortality with biotech rather than by sucking Jesus's imaginary cock. In fact our goal should be to BECOME GOD. How's that for anti Christian? You think God is God? No bitch, I'M going to be God! HAHAHAHAHA

Authority/choice VS Socialism/Technocracy

I like to think of socioeconomics/politics in terms of 4 types of decision-making processes. The prominence of each one in a socioeconomic system determines what type of system it is.

There are collective decisions, which are called "democratic" and the logical extreme of which is socialism/communism. There are individual decisions, the logical extreme of which is anarchism. There are authority-based decisions, the logical extreme of which is fascism. Lastly there are decisions based on a method based in reasoning or science rather than opinion, the logical extreme of which is technocracy.

Christians stress the importance of two things: free will and the authority of God. Instead of simply providing for everyone and basing decisions on what is logical and best for everyone, a truly christian system mirrors God's system for choosing who is damned and who is saved. Everyone is fucked by default but has enough "free choice" to have upward mobility if they make the right decisions. This is literally just conservatism/capitalism, a system where people who don't know what's best and don't care about you have authority but if you work hard enough and are lucky enough you can make money even though most people will be relatively poor or even starve to death on the streets.

Free will doesn't exist, and some people start off more privileged than others, so the "choice" part is just an illusion and everyone's well-being is determined by sheer luck and whatever benefits God/the wealthy.

Instead the optimal system is technocratic socialism, decisions are made based on what is best for everyone and this is decided based on facts rather than opinions.

Male supremacy VS Female supremacy

The Bible makes it clear that women are meant to be subordinate to men. This is retarded because women are better leaders and more compassionate than men. Men are good at physical labor and stuff like math whereas female brains are more developed in areas associated with social skills and empathy etc. Men are wired to be worker bees and engineers etc. Women are wired to be managers of people, teachers and caretakers whereas men are wired to lift heavy things and apply their left brain hemisphere to what women tell them to.

But I'm not done perverting God's plan yet though, oh no, because God hates fags and trannies after all.

Oppressing certain groups for their differences is a very Christian and masculine thing to do, so instead of men being seen as second-class citizens inherently it should be more like femininity is celebrated as a virtue and masculinity is downplayed.  male feminization should be celebrated and masculine roles in both society and in the household should be seen as something to be approached in a feminine way. The gender dynamics and roles should be twisted so that masculinity serves the feminine and femininity dominates the masculine. Not necessarily "men" and "women" but "masculine" and "feminine"

unquestioning obedience VS rebellion

At the heart of christianity lies pathetic groveling to an imaginary sky-dictator. The spirit of Lucifer is the spirit of rebellion, the spirit that puts a middle finger up to Yaweh's empty threats and bows to no one. There should be no class, there should be no Gods, there should be no people who go to heaven and people who go to hell, there should be enlightened humans and transhumans working together for the benefit of all.

I submit only to scientific facts, and I serve only the ideology of well being. The ideology that says I want to live and feel good, and I know you want the same.

I will never serve a God that says "go ahead and own slaves and stone gays, but you better not masturbate or smoke weed".
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Round 2
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Round 3
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