airmax1227's avatar


A member since


Total topics: 8

Hey Dartians! Welcome to the sign-ups for the February DART Tournament. This Tournament will be hosted by Lunatic, who will handle all Tournament details and assist with whatever participants may need.

February DART Debate Tournament

Basic Debate rules:

4 rounds, 1st round acceptance, one-week voting period, 3-day argument time

This tournament will be for the first 8 people that sign up.

However, if 8 people have signed up already, please express your interest anyway, and if enough people are interested we can increase the participant number to 16 and/or start an additional tournament to run alongside this one.

This tournament will not have any topic restrictions. A list of suggested topics may be supplied, but debaters can choose whatever topic they agree on. However, once the Tournament challenge period begins, debaters will have a limited time to begin their debate. If time expires, the Tournament host will choose a random topic for them.

This is a basic vanilla tournament, and mostly as a gauge of interest and proof of concept. I intend to utilize other ideas in future tournaments, but wanted this one to be as basic as possible.

I'm looking forward to seeing an entertaining tournament. Good luck to all participants.

179 17
It has been an interesting couple of weeks, and I've enjoyed the campaign and especially talking with old and new friends.

To my supporters, thank you for your support, we now have a lot of work to do, and I will now need your support more than ever.

To every member of DART, thank you for your contributions to this community and website. If you aren't a supporter of mine, don't know who I am, or are simply indifferent, I hope that I can still make you proud by my efforts this year. If you have any interest at all in contributing to this goal in a specific role, let me know, I'm sure I can use your services. If not, then just keep being the great contributor to DART that you are, and know that it is appreciated.

Over the coming days I plan to get started with my goals, and I'll do my best to share the details of each step as we move forward. I'm going to need help from the community, so please don't be shy to reach out to me directly, or to express your interest publicly. I will soon be making threads asking for specific help in specific areas, with particular members volunteering to be dedicated to particular needs, so keep an eye out for that. I believe that some of this will be quite challenging, but is going to be very fun every step of the way, and it's going to be even more exciting, and even more fun, if we do this together as a community. So share your interests with me, share your feedback, and please know that I appreciate every offer of help that I receive. Your passion for debate and this community can surely be utilized to the betterment of everyone, and I'm super excited to get started and use the talents and enthusiasm of everyone that wants to be involved.

So Join Me, and Let's Do This DART!

I'd like to congratulate Thett3 on being elected VP. While Thett may be joking, and simply assumes that I'll ignore this development as I may have a few times on DDO, he shall have no such luck this time. As far as I am concerned, Thett is my duly appointed VP, and shall take all responsibilities of that role. While that may mostly be ceremonial, it should be known by all of DART, that as an official statement, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, that I name Thett as my VP, and should something prevent me from completing my duties as president before the next election (assassination, internet ban, baby mama drama etc), and should a special election be required, that I, President Airmax of DART, fully endorse Thett for this office.

Now, I realize that VP is only responsible for two things: A) Parroting whatever I say in public, and B) Secretly forming a coalition of discontented revolutionaries to undermine me politically, and I do imagine Thett will do either of these things to whatever degree he is comfortable, I do fully view him as my endorsed replacement should that be necessary, and more importantly, I expect him to work hard with me for the betterment of the community. Good Luck Thett, Congratulations, and may god have mercy on your soul.

Thanks again to everyone who voted. Even if you didn't vote for me I still appreciate your interest in the site, and I am still going to do my best to convince you that I deserved your vote. I hope you will share your interest with me, so that I can have goals that appeal to every single person here. To those that are skeptical, I understand, and I hope to change your mind in the coming days, weeks and months. I hope we can work together regardless of our differences, and form a team that can't fail in making DART even better.

With all that said, if you have any questions at all, about anything at all, please feel free to ASK ME ANYTHING.

Thank you so much DART, it means a lot to me to have your support,

Your humble President,

107 14
Who do you think will win in the Wild Card round?

Raiders - Bengals
Patriots - Bills
Steelers - Chiefs

Eagles - Buccaneers
49ers - Cowboys
Cardinals - Rams


I've got Bengals, Bill and Chiefs in the AFC
And Bucs, Cowboys and Rams in the NFC

Packers V. Chiefs in the Super Bowl

What are your predictions?
35 6
Hey Dartians! Thank you for taking your time to read this post, and hopefully what follows is an interesting and informative thread.

While I appreciate the passion of DuhHamburgler, I wanted to post an official campaign thread that reflected my thoughts and views that is a bit more my style. The last couple of days I spent time getting caught up with old friends and answering some questions, and today I want to officially kick off my campaign with a better outline of who I am and what my intentions are.

Firstly I want to address the issue that I'm just swooping in to win an election, and that I don't have a particular commitment to this site or its community.

I did touch on this a bit in the other thread, so I'm going to repeat what I said there: My reentry into the community is a fair criticism, though it's not entirely unlike what occurred on DDO. I was a semi-active member there, criticized for a lack of experience and activity, and then I was asked by my peers to run for president. I agreed, and then spent the next 6 years doing everything I could for that site. That's what is happening here, and if the community wants to give me the opportunity, I will keep my promise as I did then and always do, and dedicate myself to seeing Dart improved. This is also under much better circumstances than DDO, where my workload was far greater and there were much greater complexities involved in the management of that site. For Dart, I can keep my efforts much more focused, and I am very enthusiastic about the prospects of that endeavor.

To reiterate, this is something I have a passion for. I took a break after DDO, but I was asked to do this because I have a certain set of skills, and there are some that believe I can utilize that set of skills to improve this site. The idea that I'm some unknown person just suddenly appearing isn't entirely accurate either. I have maintained close relationships with several members here during my hiatus, and while I haven't been active directly on the site, I have a decent awareness of its issues and community concerns. In that sense, I'm not just coming out of nowhere, I know many of the people here, and while it took another member to seek me out to ask me if I'd like to contribute something specific to the site to bring me back, I don't necessarily believe that is a bad thing. I'm here to help Dart, that's where my passion and interest is, and when asked if I'd like to come back to achieve that, I answered the call and so here I am. Certainly another benefit of that is that I can enjoy the community and my interest in debate as well though, so while it took the incentive of my interest in working on a substantial project to motivate me, my motivations are multifaceted.

I believe that the only thing that needs to be asked though, is do we believe that Airmax can commit to something, is he able to do the job, and does he have the experience to excel in that role. I believe the answer to all of those questions is obvious given my history. Furthermore, regardless of my absence, I still have good relationships with members that are crucial to my agenda and the agenda of the community.

I hate to be melodramatic and I might embarrass Whiteflame with this anecdote, but I'm going to do it anyway. Whiteflame and I go way back,  we worked together on DDO for a long time, and very few (if anyone) knows that Whiteflame was the last man standing with me as we tried to save DDO. The entire focus in those last few days was all about deleting spam and Whiteflame was the guy by my side helping me with this. In the end though, as we fired our last few remaining shots towards the advancing Ad spam zombie hoard, we both finally knew it was over. We shrugged, and both said without saying to each other 'It was a pleasure serving with you'. The lights flickered out as we made our way out of the last vestige of civilization, unable to look back at the sad graveyard of what once was the great DDO.

Whiteflame and I served in the trenches together. He knows how I think, I know how he thinks. I don't need to spend anytime building a relationship with him, it's already there, and instead of spending any time building a rapport and working out our differences, we both know how each of us likes to operate. This doesn't mean there wont be disagreements, and he knows that I can be eager to express those disagreements, but it simply means that I can spend 5 minutes on explaining my philosophy and we are done. I'm also well acquainted with a lot of other members of the community, which naturally helps, and to those I don't know, I just haven't had the chance to become your buddy yet, but it will happen.

With that said, I'll reiterate my philosophy from the other thread:

I don't think my general philosophy will come as a surprise to anyone. Should I happen to win the election, my goals will be similar to what they were when I was on DDO. I would encourage a similar moderation policy, which is decidedly laissez faire to encourage activity, but draws a line. Doxxing and harassment aren't acceptable and I'm sure the current moderation team feels similarly. We can discuss further details, but I think most understand my position on this. Thankfully, I already have an established relationship with the current moderators and I look forward to potentially working with them, and sharing my perspective that I've built from nearly a decade of considering the challenges of working with a community like Dart.

I want to take a moment to say that it's important that we all keep things in perspective. To my supporters, I appreciate your support, but I want you to voice your support in positive ways. We can run an exclusively positive campaign that focuses entirely on the benefits that you and I can bring to Dart without the need to attack our opponents in any way. Of course there can be vibrant disagreement, but we don't need to frame anyone who feels differently in any way negatively.

RM is a good guy, and he's passionate about debate in general and Dart specifically, and that makes him a worthy candidate. Naturally there are areas we disagree, but those areas shouldn't create a perspective that regardless of who wins, we can't work together to the betterment of everyone. I want everyone to keep this in mind, especially my supporters, that our time on this platform should be fun, and we can have fun in a positive way when it relates to this process, without the need for that fun to be harmful to anyone else.

This election should be fun, and I'm here to have fun while running, and assuming I win, have fun while we work on improving Dart in all the ways that I can. But I find it discouraging if this process becomes overly hostile, and while some drama and contentious argumentation is great for the site, let's keep things within the perspective that this doesn't need to be taken that seriously. None of this should be personal, and all the candidates should be able to simply enjoy the process.

With all that said, I want to talk about Site Development, since this is where my main focus and passions are going to be directed.

Phase one: Topical, Integration and Preparation
Phase two: Specified Marketing
Phase Three: Regularity and Growth

99 16
Any Beat Saber players on this site?

Probably my favorite game of all time. Have some vids of it on my youtube channel. If anyone is interested I'd be down to do some beatsaber challenges, or just to talk about perhaps the greatest game of all time.
17 4
Firstly, let me congratulate DebateArt on being chosen as the venue for this epic battle. Mars, The moon, even a floating island above Manhattan were considered for this momentous event.

I, the one of many names, have come to challenge for the fate of humanity as it is written:

"...And lo, he shall come upon that day to challenge for the fate of the world via the word and the saber, and then mankind shall know I am with them" - Leviticus 26-12

And so it has come to pass that your champion, Lunatic of DebateArt, will take up the sabers to defend the fate of humanity, via a series of Beat Saber challenges.

We will begin with the first challenge, in a manner befitting my introduction:


Legend (Hard)


Good luck to Lunatic, I eagerly await your response, you just got served sir. While the world has had a good run, I consider you a worthy opponent and look forward to this ultimate battle for the fate of humanity.


Bonus Beat Sabering, for entertainment purposes only:

29 7
The title of this thread might be a bit hyperbolic, but there's certainly an argument to be made for it.

Not since Tetris has a game held my focus to such a degree that I've been put in a nearly zen like state. While ultimately all you are doing in BeatSaber is swinging a light sword at block at various angles, it is this simplicity that is also its genius. The cliche' about easy to learn, simple to master most certainly applies to Beat Saber, and it's that learning curve that makes it almost as satisfying as slicing those note blocks in half.

At first, the new player will start with easy songs (and perhaps the campaign mode) and get the hang of it pretty quickly, but then the difficulty is ramped up and a road block may be placed before the player. It is at this moment that the genius of the game truly manifests. Many attempts and failures at the same song will ultimately result in one of the most satisfying game outcomes, that, I don't believe I have felt in any game before and likely wont for a long time.

it is in that moment of trying to pass a particularly difficult section of a song, where once it felt almost unachievable, only to find oneself swinging, almost instinctively, possessed by some inner desire for mastery, finally taking over - and then bam, song beaten and mission accomplished. Of course, that sensation isn't inexplicable, or spiritual or anything beyond simple science. It is simply muscle memory taking over in a manner not dissimilar to finger movements on a flat game. However, in BeatSaber this is almost your entire body reaction to muscle memory, getting you past a portion of a song you thought would be impossible. I can't tell you how many times I've just gotten beyond a portion of a song just to think to myself, 'holy fluck, how did I just do that....' And that sensation of being a Jedi Master is then fully internalized, and you can't help but think, Darth Vader would be a push over in a light saber battle if he hasn't played Beat Saber.

It's hard to properly articulate exactly what it is that makes BeatSaber so satisfying, but I believe the above mostly describes my experience with it. In fact I've become so enthusiastic with BeatSaber (and VR in general, I'm practically a VR evangelist at this point) that I was compelled to learn how to record my oculus feed and post clips to Youtube.

This first vid is me playing Panic at the Disco, greatest show... this is the first time I ever recorded something, so for whatever reason, perhaps minor latency, my skills (as humble as they may be) are a bit off....

This second vid is of me playing some remake of I Knew You Were Trouble on Expert+... I wanted to test a harder song and resolve recording issues and such... so these vids might not be the best display of my skill in Beat Saber or video production(perhaps they are) but they reflect my attempt at figuring out the technical aspects of oculus recording... but most importantly, they allow me to visualize my enthusiasm for, if not the best game ever, the best game of this generation - the impact of which is yet to fully be seen.

I hope you enjoyed the vids, and if you have any thoughts on anything, please share them in this thread.
13 4
So some of you might remember me from DDO... It's been awhile since I've talked with many of my old friends over there and since now many of you are over here, I figured I'd make an account and say hi... So how you all doin?
82 24