Airmax1227 For DART

Author: airmax1227


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airmax1227's avatar
Hey Dartians! Thank you for taking your time to read this post, and hopefully what follows is an interesting and informative thread.

While I appreciate the passion of DuhHamburgler, I wanted to post an official campaign thread that reflected my thoughts and views that is a bit more my style. The last couple of days I spent time getting caught up with old friends and answering some questions, and today I want to officially kick off my campaign with a better outline of who I am and what my intentions are.

Firstly I want to address the issue that I'm just swooping in to win an election, and that I don't have a particular commitment to this site or its community.

I did touch on this a bit in the other thread, so I'm going to repeat what I said there: My reentry into the community is a fair criticism, though it's not entirely unlike what occurred on DDO. I was a semi-active member there, criticized for a lack of experience and activity, and then I was asked by my peers to run for president. I agreed, and then spent the next 6 years doing everything I could for that site. That's what is happening here, and if the community wants to give me the opportunity, I will keep my promise as I did then and always do, and dedicate myself to seeing Dart improved. This is also under much better circumstances than DDO, where my workload was far greater and there were much greater complexities involved in the management of that site. For Dart, I can keep my efforts much more focused, and I am very enthusiastic about the prospects of that endeavor.

To reiterate, this is something I have a passion for. I took a break after DDO, but I was asked to do this because I have a certain set of skills, and there are some that believe I can utilize that set of skills to improve this site. The idea that I'm some unknown person just suddenly appearing isn't entirely accurate either. I have maintained close relationships with several members here during my hiatus, and while I haven't been active directly on the site, I have a decent awareness of its issues and community concerns. In that sense, I'm not just coming out of nowhere, I know many of the people here, and while it took another member to seek me out to ask me if I'd like to contribute something specific to the site to bring me back, I don't necessarily believe that is a bad thing. I'm here to help Dart, that's where my passion and interest is, and when asked if I'd like to come back to achieve that, I answered the call and so here I am. Certainly another benefit of that is that I can enjoy the community and my interest in debate as well though, so while it took the incentive of my interest in working on a substantial project to motivate me, my motivations are multifaceted.

I believe that the only thing that needs to be asked though, is do we believe that Airmax can commit to something, is he able to do the job, and does he have the experience to excel in that role. I believe the answer to all of those questions is obvious given my history. Furthermore, regardless of my absence, I still have good relationships with members that are crucial to my agenda and the agenda of the community.

I hate to be melodramatic and I might embarrass Whiteflame with this anecdote, but I'm going to do it anyway. Whiteflame and I go way back,  we worked together on DDO for a long time, and very few (if anyone) knows that Whiteflame was the last man standing with me as we tried to save DDO. The entire focus in those last few days was all about deleting spam and Whiteflame was the guy by my side helping me with this. In the end though, as we fired our last few remaining shots towards the advancing Ad spam zombie hoard, we both finally knew it was over. We shrugged, and both said without saying to each other 'It was a pleasure serving with you'. The lights flickered out as we made our way out of the last vestige of civilization, unable to look back at the sad graveyard of what once was the great DDO.

Whiteflame and I served in the trenches together. He knows how I think, I know how he thinks. I don't need to spend anytime building a relationship with him, it's already there, and instead of spending any time building a rapport and working out our differences, we both know how each of us likes to operate. This doesn't mean there wont be disagreements, and he knows that I can be eager to express those disagreements, but it simply means that I can spend 5 minutes on explaining my philosophy and we are done. I'm also well acquainted with a lot of other members of the community, which naturally helps, and to those I don't know, I just haven't had the chance to become your buddy yet, but it will happen.

With that said, I'll reiterate my philosophy from the other thread:

I don't think my general philosophy will come as a surprise to anyone. Should I happen to win the election, my goals will be similar to what they were when I was on DDO. I would encourage a similar moderation policy, which is decidedly laissez faire to encourage activity, but draws a line. Doxxing and harassment aren't acceptable and I'm sure the current moderation team feels similarly. We can discuss further details, but I think most understand my position on this. Thankfully, I already have an established relationship with the current moderators and I look forward to potentially working with them, and sharing my perspective that I've built from nearly a decade of considering the challenges of working with a community like Dart.

I want to take a moment to say that it's important that we all keep things in perspective. To my supporters, I appreciate your support, but I want you to voice your support in positive ways. We can run an exclusively positive campaign that focuses entirely on the benefits that you and I can bring to Dart without the need to attack our opponents in any way. Of course there can be vibrant disagreement, but we don't need to frame anyone who feels differently in any way negatively.

RM is a good guy, and he's passionate about debate in general and Dart specifically, and that makes him a worthy candidate. Naturally there are areas we disagree, but those areas shouldn't create a perspective that regardless of who wins, we can't work together to the betterment of everyone. I want everyone to keep this in mind, especially my supporters, that our time on this platform should be fun, and we can have fun in a positive way when it relates to this process, without the need for that fun to be harmful to anyone else.

This election should be fun, and I'm here to have fun while running, and assuming I win, have fun while we work on improving Dart in all the ways that I can. But I find it discouraging if this process becomes overly hostile, and while some drama and contentious argumentation is great for the site, let's keep things within the perspective that this doesn't need to be taken that seriously. None of this should be personal, and all the candidates should be able to simply enjoy the process.

With all that said, I want to talk about Site Development, since this is where my main focus and passions are going to be directed.

Phase one: Topical, Integration and Preparation
Phase two: Specified Marketing
Phase Three: Regularity and Growth

airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
There's a fair amount of complexity here, and the detailed version of this that I wrote for DDO was a very lengthy document, so I'm going to just briefly explain how all this works, and then do my best to explain it over the next couple weeks. I also want you to keep in mind that I'm skipping a lot of necessary steps behind the scenes that make this all possible. I'm simply giving some of the highlighted bullet points that follow to explain the intention and intended results. The idea that suddenly Dart goes from a relatively unknown platform to the next Facebook of course sounds ludicrous, especially with the limited explanation, but that's what we are shooting for (in term of reach, not platform dynamics). So keep that in mind as you read the following.

Growth needs to begin with a trickle of awareness, new members and activity, drive that planned development over time, and do that within reasonable metrics over specific periods. One step towards this goal requires that we dust off that ol' twitter account and get some hits going. We'll eventually also focus on SEO areas, but I want DART to actually be something people get linked to because of their interest in debate - that needs to be the focus, what brings in new quality members, and what retains those members. It's not enough just to hashtag the common abortion debate, we need to get specifically topical. If there is a trending hashtag and a breaking event we need to incentivize and encourage debates on it immediately to make DART at the forefront of that interest. To that end, we are going to begin the DART STARS DEBATE TEAM (or we can call it something else if you have a better name). This cadre of the willing are going to be tasked by the Social Media Director to start these topical debates and then we'll get the twitter account to feed on those trends.

While this will only begin with a trickle of traffic, it necessarily has to be a trickle. We don't want to overwhelm the site, and this first phase will take place over several months. But it's going to be an exciting time while other aspects are being developed and we literally turn the members of the DART STARS DEBATE TEAM, into the site's rockstars and beyond. I'll touch on this more in the future, but the point is to make these genuine personalities across other media. There is a "debate bros" culture that exists to some degree on twitch, youtube and elsewhere, and to everyone on this site, you should think of those guys as amateurs. If you aren't a DART STAR, you are just some mediocre debate bro with poor competition - and WE fully intend to prove that across the entirety of the internet.

DART is a debate site, and we are a community because we have this shared interest and this can't be emphasized enough. While some social networks drive their social currency through parroting the established/majority ideology, DARTers build their respect on intellectual honesty, pursuit and skill. DART believes in freedom of expression to that end, and the integral part that debate plays in our society and in our personal lives. This is the ethos that drives DART and its community and what makes it so important that its community is thriving and can reach even greater heights.

To that end, influencers and media personalities that share in the values of freedom of speech, debate and the pursuit of intellectual exercise for its own sake, will be asked to take part in quick interviews posted on the site (via youtube). I have some significant but realistic names in mind, though it's important that the trickle of interest in the site not become a massive deluge from a sudden influencer/celebrity appearance. This single aspect of the marketing is but one part of this phase, but simple enough.

Once there is some level of site reputation from which to build-on, we can move from DART STARS doing live and youtube debates among themselves to challenging influencers and other personalities. This will be the point where DART makes its biggest jump as the broad social network dynamics become a regular aspect of the site, with a growing population contributing to, and/or following each area. Then the sky is the limit.

I recognize there is a reasonable level of skepticism that can be leveled at this plan, and that's entirely fair. I just stated that the plan is for DART to go from minimal activity to a virtual focus point for everything debate related in under a year, and being skeptical of that is understandable. But I want to reiterate that the plan expressed above is displayed in its simplest form. I realize there's a lot of I haven't explained, and the tons of work involved hasn't even been mentioned. But the above is the goal, we are going to make DART the epicenter of debate and free expression, and drag the entire internet with us as we do so, and I hope that every DART member is as excited to do that as I am, and will join me on that journey. If you are the least bit interested in this endeavor, then I have a job for you.

I plan to expand more on this, and answer all of your questions in the coming days but the above reflects the goals and the basic plan to get there. I can not emphasize enough how excited I am to roll up my sleeves and begin this process, and even during the election I am already making the plans to move forward with each step. It has been awhile (since I took a break from DDO) that I've been able to focus on a hobby that I can pour all of my passions into, and I'm super excited to be back among the community and potentially be given the opportunity to do so.

Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to interacting with all of you, and answering any questions that you may have. Feel free to contact me anytime.

- Airmax1227
AirmaxGoon1994's avatar
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AirmaxGoon1994's avatar
An inspiring post, I think we have a bright future ahead of us with Airmax in charge once again.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Nobody should believe Airmax.

He will smile to your face and lie. These promises are all intentionally vague so that you are confused and just 'feel good' reading them.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
As President, your role is to stop the mods abusing their power, how are you better than me for that job?
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
  1. Will you actually be active all year long?
  2. What would you have done when Ragnar banned me in Sept 2020?
  3. What is your outlook on white supremacy being advocated for (or sexism and homophobia)

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Will you defend members from unfair censorship, if they have moral values you find repugnant? 

And let's say the defense would be you having to defend their right to argue in favor of something disgusting. For example.

1. A user hates women and posts a bunch of arguments arguing they are inferior in some way. They are then banned for hate speech. Will you defend them? Let's leave out examples of mere proselytizing and promoting hate, those probably should be banned, but just focus on making arguments.  

2. How will you help a user whose posts provide good arguments for an ignorant position, but say supa locks the thread because it could result in a heated debate on a debate site. 

Are you capable of proving your ability to use discretion.  The ability to use discretion is important to a working relationship.  Let's say you earn whiteflames trust and he starts leaning heavy on you as an advocate for users he interacts with less than you. 

A lot of those conversations may be very private and ugly facts about users could come out that was only the privy of mods. Say whiteflame concludes a particular case of harassment is not harassment and the user should go unpunished. You guys fight hard over it and he basically says "fuck you, not banning the harasser " . Your only two options are

1. Drop your argument and let the harasser get away with it


2. Air your personal grievances with whiteflame publicly and break his trust and ruin the relationship necessary for a working relationship.

Will you and can you be trusted to take option 1.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Do you think it can be dangerous for some of us who have made posts here about certain religions and views, for use to get very famous for it on Twitch and YT?

Aren't you actually going to increase the power of cancel culture here by what you plan to do?
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Imagine that everything you debated and typed in the forums and debates became associated with you across YT and Twitch and basically the whole Internet. Would that not increase, as opposed to decrease, the power of 'cancel culture' on you here?
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
 The idea that suddenly Dart goes from a relatively unknown platform to the next Facebook of course sounds ludicrous, especially with the limited explanation, but that's what we are shooting for (in term of reach, not platform dynamics). So keep that in mind as you read the following.
This sounds like a terrifying idea, if we're that famous people better start thinking twice about any debate they have here.
airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
As President, your role is to stop the mods abusing their power, how are you better than me for that job?
I believe that's one small aspect of it. I believe that given my relationship with the mods, and my general ability to influence and make the case for what I believe, that directing courses of action towards what I believe is best, shouldn't be that difficult.
airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
Do you think it can be dangerous for some of us who have made posts here about certain religions and views, for use to get very famous for it on Twitch and YT?
I think there's an understandable concern, but I don't mean that anyone will be famous in real life, but their online persona. This is a concern that I share, since I like my privacy and also want to maintain my anonymity to some degree, and anyone who wants to engage with this idea should be able to do so. I think it's reasonable to see some level of popularity across several platforms for "rationalmadman" but not necessarily the person behind the username.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
It's not a concern that you share because you barely posted anything on either debate website. Also, why would you need to be the site president in order to push for its popularity? You have had 3.5 years to do that same thing right?
airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
Will you actually be active all year long?
Yes. I don't see why that should be hard to believe, I did this for much longer than that on DDO.

What would you have done when Ragnar banned me in Sept 2020?
I only have a vague recollection of this from what I heard in Discord hangouts, and I recall believing that the ban wasn't necessary and something that I didn't support.

What is your outlook on white supremacy being advocated for (or sexism and homophobia)
I don't believe in a restriction of any kind so long as it is in line with the purpose of the site. If someone wants to debate the merits of white supremacy, or something equally distasteful, they are welcome to do so. There does become an issue if it is mere preaching and spamming though, since this isn't the purpose of the site. I actually found on DDO that the best approach to this was to usually let it play itself out. Unlike on many other platforms, those that want to advocate controversial views are challenged, and after some time get discouraged by being forced to defend their views and finding a lack of supporters.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Unlike on many other platforms, those that want to advocate controversial views are challenged, and after some time get discouraged by being forced to defend their views and finding a lack of supporters.
Actually the very opposite occurred and a user named Mesmer found 2-3 dedicated upvoting supporters.
airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
It's not a concern that you share because you barely posted anything on either debate website. Also, why would you need to be the site president in order to push for its popularity? You have had 3.5 years to do that same thing right?
Even with my lack of direct activity, I was still one of the best known "personas" on that site, and I did in fact get doxxed at one point - so it's certainly a concern I share, and those concerns will be kept in mind as part of the plan.

The title helps in terms of representing myself to the community and especially to those outside of it. I suppose if I was hired as a consultant to do this I could do the same thing, but then this is just a job, and I don't want to do this as a literal job, I want to do this as something I have a passion for as a hobby.
airmax1227's avatar
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airmax1227's avatar
Actually the very opposite occurred and a user named Mesmer found 2-3 dedicated upvoting supporters.
I realize there's always going to be some level of support, but my point is that if members are passionately against something being advocated, for then challenging that view is the best way to diminish it. The best way to eliminate those views is more free speech, not less of it.

I recall a guy who came to DDO to advocate holocaust denial, he figured he'd get banned quickly (he even titled his first thread something like "the greatest taboo") but then members simply argued with him, including myself, and I even challenged him to debate. Even though there were likely those that agreed with him, the lack of push back in terms of his membership, and the fact that his views were challenged and wouldn't defend them formally, eventually made him lose interest.

Every instance is going to have its unique qualities but I believe if people who want to advocate controversy for it own sake, see that they aren't going to by martyrs, and are just going to be challenged like any topic, then it doesn't become as much of an issue. There are edge trolls and the like that are simply going to pop up from time to time, but the goal of the site is to advocate debate, and that's not facilitated if we start picking sacred cows (topics of specific offense) that aren't allowed.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Good luck on getting us popular, make DART proud.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Both me and RM really wanted to win and had the capacity to win this election. It speaks a lot about the expectations we have for max and confidence in his ability to meet them. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Imagine that everything you debated and typed in the forums and debates became associated with you across YT and Twitch and basically the whole Internet. Would that not increase, as opposed to decrease, the power of 'cancel culture' on you here?
I can't speak for twitch, but I know youtube's online community tends to be much more right wing leaning judging by the comment section. Doesn't seem like a crowd very supportive of cancel culture. 
Mikal's avatar
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Mikal's avatar
I think Max typically hit the point pretty well on why it's bad to cancel instead of letting people handle it. It's why free market systems can work well. If someone wants to be a dick and not serve a certain ethnicity, someone else is going to open a store down the street and serve them and run them out of business. When you let people express their viewpoints, it allows it to be criticized and that is where you typically get better return for the results. Where as just blocking it,  you allow them to think they are being censored and right. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
It's why free market systems can work well.
The freer the market the less developed the nation, generally.

A country like Nigeria has one of the freest markets on the planet, as does Bangladesh.

Not gonna debate anymore anyway, just think your analogy was weak but you and I have very different political outlooks.
Mikal's avatar
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Mikal's avatar
I am not pure free market (btw) , I think the ideology behind it (typically) makes stuff flourish. Obviously there has to be some regulation because without it and left unchecked there are certainly ways to abuse it. I think a lot of people land on this, possibly even you. Most of the debate is where you move the bar when you talk about regulation. This extends to a variety of topics as well. 
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
A country like Nigeria has one of the freest markets on the planet, as does Bangladesh.

Yeah, it such a fee market that anyone opening a shop can be robbed consequence free by drug lords on a daily basis. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Exactly, capitalism that's uncontrolled is self-defeating after all. In such nations, you can't even truly trust the police, you are better off hiring a security firm if you can afford it.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
@Airmax who.

Never heard of them before 2022.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Exactly, capitalism that's uncontrolled is self-defeating after all. In such nations, you can't even truly trust the police, you are better off hiring a security firm if you can afford it.

You can't have capitalism without rule of law, for the reason I mentioned. Nigeria is very low on the economic freedom index which measures how capitalistic a country is
Mharman's avatar
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Mharman's avatar

Mharman's avatar
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Mharman's avatar
Airmax 2022
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
@Airmax who.

Never heard of them before 2022.
My point exactly. (Though admittedly, I do somewhat remember (him?) from DDO.)

It's as though your campaign is entirely based on reinvigorating some nostalgic remnant of the DDO site. And that begs the question: why haven't you done everything you stated in your platform for DDO? You boast this military-like relationship with Whiteflame (i.e your knowing how he thinks, and his knowing how you think) yet you haven't used much of this curried favor to influence these changes you seek as member of DEBATEART, especially since Whiteflame has been a moderator for some time. In fact, you haven't done much at all as far as contributing or even participating as a member of DEBATEART. Your platform is entirely predicated on your touting your experience as a moderator to what's now a relic (i.e. which saw a mass exodus to DEBATEART, as well as this alleged friendship you have with the chief moderator. What of your experience, here? What have you contributed, here? How has this alleged friendship with Whiteflame benefited this site? To your own admission, you haven't really given much attention to your membership, here, yet you think it's reasonable to assume that confidence should be placed in what you will do, when you haven't done anything? 3RU7AL has moderation experience as well. And what enhances him as a candidate is that he has been here, actively contributing without a title of "President." 

I'll state to you something identical to that which I stated to RationalMadman: I presume you're a fairly intelligent person who probably can do everything he sets out to do. With that said, your place in this race is entirely predicated on the friends you've had come out of the woodwork. Friends who support you, not necessarily anything that has to do with this site (you and many of them are grossly overestimating the capacity of this office.) Do I believe you can carry out the functions of the presidential office better than 3RU7AL can? For RationalMadman, I stated, "not by a mile." For you, I state, "not by a light year."