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Total topics: 18

I just started this debate, and I think I proved God hates fags. Are there any holes in my arguments?
9 6
Liberals believe the opposite of the following things and I would like just one to have the courage to defend their beliefs. I have reworded all the below so I am pro on all these issues

1. Over regulating things is possible
2. We should not have completely open borders
3. late stage abortions should be illegal unless done for medical reasons
4. All guns should not be completely banned
5. People should not be able to cut there 12 year old human child's dick off and call him a girl?
6. Bruce Jenner is biologically a male
7. It should be illegal for grown men to fuck 5 year old human children and younger,
8. The United States should not completely disband the military
9. Religions should not be outlawed.
10. There should be a presumption of innocence in rape cases
28 9
My life was threatened on this site. 3 obscure users who have accounts but don't participate in anything here contacted me to tell me to leave it alone. One gave me a link to a youtube video with a strange voice saying they would kill me, if I didn't walk away from what I was digging at. 

I can't tell if this is because of me exposing the corona virus as fake, or if this is because I have been questioning the people close to Mike about his possible russian mafia connections. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have been talking to a documentary film maker about some of the underground seediness of the  online debate community. All I know is my life is in danger. 
I think my ban was probably about this. Maybe ragnar was forced to ban me because he was threatened also, maybe he is one of them. I don't know. I'm scared though. I have a family. I came here to have fun, not for the racism projected at me by a certain user or to be threatened by possibly the Russian mafia. 

22 8
I am being banned for using the word nigger. I want to make it clear that I have identified as a black female my entire time on the site and my use of the word nigger is entirely appropriate from a cultural perspective, though certainly non blacks should not be using the term, unless it is a sexual thing. I can get into some race play. With that said, the word was used to highlight the inherent racism of a certain user here, and to be honest most of the people on this site are racist. I would not have believed this before joining the site and identifying as a black female.

The racism is more covert than you would think. It isn't an active hatred other than a few exceptions that will be unnamed. The racism generally comes in two varieties here. The first variety is the inconsiderate nature of wealthy whites who are the majority of this site. The second variety is often in the same folks, but it is them looking at us as children. 

I'll show some examples. I was arguing that the media maybe sensationalizes some things and that the coronavirus though serious id likely overblown. I also pointed out that the shut down could permanently harm poor people. However we had a certain user come in and argue that us "niggers" being poorer was good for society, as it would somehow result in lower mortality rates across the board but  obviously mostly lower mortality rates for whites. I immediately recognized his racism for what it was. He didn't use the word nigger, but I wanted to use it in order to expose his closeted racism and lack of concern for how public policy will affect people of color outside of his gated community. I merely reworded what he said, but removed the coded language portion so people could see the user's true intent. 

I don't even think this is the hating kind of racism, more like the indifference towards the black community and how we are affected by policy. It is not the first time I have seen this affect. Often liberals will argue for policies that harm the black community like abortion which kills 50% of blacks before they are born, or for them to argue for social welfare programs that destroy the family making it harder to get rid of income disparities between white and black communities. I want to say it isn't motivated by a desire to harm us, but by something even worse, an indifference as to what happens to us when these policies are put into place. 

Besides the indifference, I am often handled with kid gloves around here. I don't know if it is because I am black or because I am a woman, but I think it is mostly due to my skin color. I am used to this. I have been told what I should believe in or who I should vote for. I am even told I am supposed to hate white straight men, despite them giving me the best sex of my life. I am not a child. My skin color does not make me a child. The racism on this site is out of hand and I am sick of you treating me like a nigger instead of a human being. 

I have shown tremendous strength in the face of this racism, and I hope you guys all reconsider being racist and maybe checking yourself
55 11
So I am about to be banned, I wanted to create this thread in case I don't come back, and I have a couple of debate arguments I will spit out without them being completed, just after I post this. It seems to be confusing to people when I have argued that the government is not always being 100% honest with us, or if I say the media is often less than honest. 

So if blindly trusting the government or the media is out of the question, how do we determine the truth. We do this by looking at what possible motives would be in painting a certain lie the way it is. This is just like mafia, where you can determine people's motives by what their actions are. I'm going to start with a non covid19 example of this process of determining truth before I get to the covid19 portion.

There is debate over whether the Branch Davidians or the government started the fire that killed dozens of women and children in cold blood. The government claims they did not start the fire. So we know based on this specific statement, if they did not start the fire, than there would be absolutely zero reason to lie about anything surrounding that event. This includes lies through omission or commission.

1. The FBI admits to hiding the fact they had pyrotechnics launched at branch davidians.

Let's examine possible motives. Well the lie only works to make them look more guilty, so if they were innocent we know they would not make up this lie. However it only benefits them to engage in cover ups of things that actually happened not of things that did not happen. SO the pyrotechnics prove they started the fire. Or more correctly, it proves the only reasonable and logical motive for such a cover up.

2. The government claims it has evidence of the fire started by davidians because of tape recordings of the incident. The problem is nobody has ever heard these recordings. They are not available to the public.

Let's think about possible motives for hiding the recordings. One possible motive is that the recordings are bullshit and don't exist or don't show what the government claims they show. I can only think of a few other motives, but those motives seem silly, illogical and just not the best motivations. SOme possible motivations like "out of respect for victims" is silly and incongruent with their actions in other scenarios where they have no problem releasing footage of victims, so some recording is harmless. 

We can see the same things with covid 19 reporting. In other threads I have shown that the media has engaged in sensationalizing things. Like insinuating every hospital is like a warzone when the largest hospital in new york is practically empty. Or the media trying to make a story more engaging by pulling up some interesting stock footage instead of real footage of an event. We have evidence the media sensationalizes things in this case. Even some people who believe the virus is a very serious thing, agree with this.

Now think about why the media would sensationalize a story. There job is to report the news in a disinterested factual way, that is in depth and honestly portrays the story without editing tricks or sound bites or click bait article titles. If the media chooses a story to sensationalize what does that say about their motivations. If there motivations were to spread the truth, than you wouldn't need to sensationalize things to do that. It is only when you need to spread a lie that, that becomes necessary. 


p1- people that have the truth on their side don't need to lie or exxagerate

p2- If you you lie or exaggerate, the truth is not on your side

p3- the media and government often lie or exxagerate
14 4
We have proof covid 19 is a hoax. The media is using fake footage and sensationalism.  Check this evidence out

The video is absolute proof of lying so watch it now before it is removed

43 11
I can't believe you fuckers are falling for this. My wife is part of a facebook group of nurses and they are all reporting less work than normal and being bored. Yet we have the news reporting overflowed hospitals. I saw a youtube video of some guy in New York the other day who showed up to the hospital and the place was a ghost town. This shit is a hoax
74 12
I saw stats that said the last great depression caused 7 million deaths. The numbers from the Coronavirus deaths if we did nothing at worst would have been 1 million though more likely just a few hundred thousand. However we have shut down the economy meaning we will definitely be causing the next great depression by doing this. Adjusted for the increased population size, this means we will kill 14 million people with this shut down. Here is my question. why do retards think shutting down the world to save 500,000 boomers is worth 14 million people dying over?
91 13
What in the fuck is wrong with liberals. Where they think people should get positions based on anything other than merit. Wouldn't it be better to have the first female vice president be picked because no better candidate for the job exists? Will Biden also put the country at risk by picking people for other positions based strictly on what their religion race or sex is instead of focusing on grabbing up the absolutely best person for the job?
Seriously liberals. Please start hiring based on merit instead of being racist and sexist pieces of shits

22 8
I am an expert on female sexuality. Ask me anything
54 19
The other day I made a post detailing why religion was a cope. Many people challenged me on this common sense conclusion.  Which is fair.  Sometimes our common sense can be proven wrong. 

While working on my upcoming blog I came across a scientific study that set out to find out if religion is a cope. The study determined that areas of the world where there was harsher conditions due to the actual environment or the political environment, had religions that were more moralistic and areas with an easy life were either atheistic or at least had non moralizing Gods. 

The theory is that religion seems to help people cope with high anxiety. If societies with higher levels of anxiety provoking conditions are more likely to develop moralizing Gods, I think it might be safe to say those who are more at risk of anxiety even in western countries would be drawn to these religions as well. Even if the anxiety is of a more existential nature. 

There we have it. Proof religion is a cope 

39 8
First thread plus post all transhumanist art here please
18 6
What threads have been significant to Dart history, which have not been included in the archives? I would like to collect these threads, and put them in one post and petition the site moderation to do the right thing, because the archives appear to be lacking, and I'm sure Dart has a richer history than the archives would have you believe if that was all you were going on.
5 4
It is my opinion there are 4 possible routes to life extension and that we have, and that we should pursue all of them. Here is the 4 of them and how I approach them.

1, we achieve biological immortality in our lifetime

I am watching my health and fitness and paying attention to the latest trend so I can live long enough to live forever.

2. We achieve biological immortality after we are dead. 

I have signed up for cryonic preservation at Alcor, in case I die before society achieves this, and hopefully at some point they gain the ability to revive me, and somebody is nice enough to do it. I also have had children and am trying my hardest to be loved by them, so they are incentivized to revive me after I am dead.

3. We will go to heaven

I am hedging my bets here by forcing myself to go to church and believe whatever the preacher is selling. It seems I can go to heaven through faith, so I am just trying to not be so evil God won't take me and to merely mantain faith

4. We live in a simulation

My goal here is just to make my life enjoyable for observers. When I finger myself, I do so as if people are watching. Putting on a show for our creators. When I have sex, I do the same thing. I am a bitch to inferior men who hit on me, for example because the interaction will be funnier if people are watching. I assume our creators will see I am amusing to watch and maybe save me to put me in different environments instead of just letting my program end once I reach natural death. The same way DC can not let superman die, because he is too loved by his observers. 

SO how are you guys pursuing all 4 of these routes to immortality at once?
76 10
It seems there is multiple users here who have a mental illness, who are very vocal Christian's or spiritual in some other respect. 
I am not referring to mental illness such as depression, but ones where there are some clear problems with grasping reality. Should religious institutions be required to provide free psychological evaluations to new converts, to see if it was an honest conversion or just the result of some disorder that causes delusions?

84 14
Some people might ask why I have such a fascination with death and aging. I’m really not sure myself. All I can tell you is that it has always been there.I think it comes from just being more aware of my fear than others.Once we become aware of death, and it’s seeming inevitability, we form one of four coping mechanisms. The 4 copes are as follows;

1. Believing in a  religion and hoping that, the religion will lead to everlasting lifespan
2. Seeking to be immortalized through our works, by becoming famous, making millions or getting involved in politics and other similar things to make us larger than life.
3. Seeking the fountain of youth. These are the type of people trying to literally hunt for a magic fountain, use alchemy or pursue the philosopher’s stone.
4. Having children.These are the people who think of their kids as an extension of themselves and are seeking immortality through reproduction.

Some of us don’t think we are using copes, but we are. These people are those who have no fear of death. Anyone who has no fear of death has psychologically minimized what it is. They describe it as going to sleep, or say it is just like before you are born. They’ll reassure you that death is nothing to be scared of, or that it doesn’t hurt (As if it matters)

Death is real, and it is not going to sleep. It is not “being in nothingness”. What it is, is seizing to exist. When you die, you stop existing at all.Anything you did is pointless because your world has ended.

If I don’t use copes, you might ask what I do actually do.

First, I know that life has lost all meaning if you just end up dead anyway. Even if you try to rationalize it as having been good because you helped somebody, it is pointless. The person you helped will die also, and they will be lost to the sands of time.

There are only 2 correct responses to the fact we know we will stop existing at some point. The first rational response is to just give up. It most likely is true that we will fail to cheat death. No other generation has done so, before us though many have tried. When you give up, you go the hedonistic route. Enjoy every moment to it’s fullness. Screw the future, in the future we are dead.

The second response is the more heroic one, which is to actively fight the prospect of death. To hold off on the hope that we can one day do the impossible and cheat death, and in fact by taking the more heroic route, we actually increase our chances of beating death.

I encourage all of you to take the heroic route. Watch my posts, do what I tell you todo, but using your own judgment. I have a debate with rationalmadman where I give diet advice. Take the advice I give. Soon I will give advice on what to do in terms of activism and even provide you with solid career advice to help me end aging.

64 8
In this debate I will be arguing that radical life extension is good for society.

It is my opinion that arguments against it, are really no different than just rationalizations because people have accepted death as inevitable, and now cope with death by pretending like it is a good thing. Copes occur everyday and for a variety of reasons. Arguing against radical life extension would be similar to arguing against something like childhood leukemia, which a cure for would also increase some people's life expectancy. 

Some argue that death is good because only the rich would benefit at first, but this is equally as silly and for similar reasons. It would be similar to discouraging the invention of a home based PC, just because it is only available to a select few to begin with. Or saying we should not drink fresh safe water, just because there are portions of the world, without access to it.
1 1
Does anybody else think that it will be possible for us to gain an indefinite lifespan in our lifetime? I am doing this debate on it
Science and Nature
56 7