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Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
But that was all that Newton saw, a falling apple.
Does not follow that the apple proved gravity, nothing has proved gravity. There has been evidence that supported but not proved
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Yes it did lead to the discovery of gravity, but it wasn’t the Apple falling that gave us the main understanding of gravity, instead gravity was simply a hypothesis to explain the experienced phenomenon. And the reason gravity is a valid hypothesis is that it’s falsifiable and yet all the attempts to falsify it have failed so the hypothesis has stood.
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
An apple falling from a tree doesn’t prove gravity, it simply proves that apples fall from trees, we don’t need science to prove that. What science does is it hypothesizes why it falls from the tree, not if it falls from the tree. And one of the hypothesis, and the most accepted one is gravity and that’s because it’s a hypothesis that has evidence supporting it and has never been disproven or “torn down” by the scientific method.

Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Yes there seems to be a tendency to deny anything not “scientifically proven” (although note as I stated earlier science doesn’t prove anything, simply because that’s not what science is, proving a mathematical idea, instead science either accepts or rejects ideas) 
a phenomenon is not considered scientific unless it is testable through empirical experimentation, which then determines its truth or falsity.
No a hypothesis is not considered scientific unless it is testable through empirical experimentation. Although the empirical experimentation doesn’t prove the hypothesis true or false, instead it simply either proves the hypothesis wrong or the hypothesis withstands through the experimentation and then after quite a few attempts to reject a hypothesis that have failed then that hypothesis is more accredited as likely to be true. Gravity isn’t even really “proven” yet it is just about as close to proven as any hypothesis can be in a scientific framework, which is why it’s called a theory. (Which I would also like to specify that a scientific theory isn’t the same thing as what a layman might mean when he says theory, instead a scientific theory is a hypothesis supported by an extremely large amount of empirical evidence, not just like someone throwing around a theory about their favorite tv show that has nothing or very little to back it up 
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Saying you can’t prove it isn’t the same as saying it’s falsifiable, science doesn’t prove anything, instead it falsifies different hypothesis until it finds a hypothesis it can’t falsify. But then for a hypothesis to be considered you have to point out a way it could be falsified.
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Shila please re-read my question, that wasn’t what I was asking 
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Shila I’m not asking if what they described is falsifiable. The statement you made “What was revealed to them was based on their faith.” is that falsifiable?
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
I’m not asking if the eye-witnesses are falsifiable, I’m asking if the claim “what they saw were dependent on their faith” is falsifiable
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Okay and how is this claim falsifiable? And I don’t think understanding is equivalent to what you see in a hallucination 
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Well I ask how you came across this knowledge, and how is this claim falsifiable? It’s simply not falsifiable soo it’s not a valid hypothesis
Posted in:
The Fatima Sun miracle.
Well the biggest grain of salt to swallow when it comes to the miracle at Fatima is the variance in reporting. An Italian priest by the name of 
De Marchi made a collection of numerous reportings from people at the event writing about what they saw and collected them in his book (6) here are the reportings;

"The sun, at one moment surrounded with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceedingly swift and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching the earth, strongly radiating heat." —  Domingos Pinto Coelho, writing for the Catholic newspaper Ordem. (1)

"The silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds [.. The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands [...] people wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they." —  Reporter for the Lisbon newspaper O Dia. (2)

"The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl when suddenly a clamor was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible." —  De Marchi attributes this description to Almeida Garrett, Professor of Natural Sciences at Coimbra University.(6) Theologian Father Stanley L. Jaki wrote that it was actually given by José Almeida Garrett, a young lawyer, and is often mistakenly attributed to his father, a professor of natural sciences at the University of Coimbra,[3] named Gonçalo de Almeida Garrett.[4] (would like to note that it is understood if you want to discredit this account due to the disputing of source)

"As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendor. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multicolored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes. The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees." —  Manuel Formigão, a professor at the seminary at Santarém, and a priest. (6)

"I feel incapable of describing what I saw. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment." —  Rev. Joaquim Lourenço, describing his boyhood experience in Alburitel, 18 kilometres (11 mi) from Fátima.(5)
(should be noted I excluded an account from a Afonso Lopes Vieira since it didn’t give any details over the event)
Here we can see the eye witnesses disagree on numerous things including the color, the sound (some described a sound and others omitted it, although this is expected with eye-witnesses accounts) this seems to be a mass-hallucination to me
Work cited: 
1 - De Marchi 1952b: 147
2 - De Marchi 1952b: 143
3 - Donal Anthony Foley. Marian Apparitions, the Bible, and the Modern World. Gracewing Publishing; 2002. ISBN 978-0-85244-313-2. pp. 404–.
4 - História da ciência na Universidade de Coimbra: 1772–1933. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University Press; 2013. ISBN 978-989-26-0609-5. pp. 15–.
5 - De Marchi 1952b: 149
6- De Marchi 1952b: 143

Posted in:
The trinity doctrine.
I would like to add some type of consideration that needs to be taken when questioning the trinity, and this is the main reason I don’t attack the trinity despite being atheistic now. I don’t think this is nearly brought up enough yet certainly should be considered, what do we expect to be able to understand? It seems somewhat arrogant to expect to be able to understand through what medium god exists, it just sort’ve seems above us as mere humans to understand it. So although the idea of 3 in 1 is rather confusing and seems idiotic, it seems perfectly consistent with a world where the trinity exists that we wouldn’t understand how it works.

Posted in:
How does God love me?
I gave you an answer, what's the issue with it?
Posted in:
How does God love me?
Okay, so you think love means saying I love you. Really, your logic of love comes from cartoons.
That's not what my reply meant, his love is similar to someone that says they love you, it's the english definition of love.
Not an act of love, given that my existence is immoral. It is the opposite of love. It is something you do to someone you hate, not love. It was already explained in this topic, but you felt the need to repeat a refuted point.
I didnt see the point in the topic, but why is your existence immoral? And have you considered he meant for it to be perfect?
Not an act of love, since I wont be ruling along side him. I dont think you know what love means. I didnt think I would have to define love but it seems that you are clueless about what it is.
Do you think I meant a literal ruler, you must love someone if you created them out of a good-will like that, is that not a loving act?
So yeah, God screwed them up by giving them free will. Another act of hate, not love. A loving act would be not creating those people. There is no love in eternal torment.
I hate to get into logical arguments but ill put one below
p1: It is possible god has morally sufficient reasons to create people with the possibility to commit evil acts
c1:There is a possible world where god has morally sufficient reasons to create people with the possibility to commit evil acts
c2:The existence of free-will does not necessitate contradiction.

Also, do you think hell is literally fire?
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
This is the description of the book. If you want to read the content, buy it.
I cant read spanish sadly
By the way, this book is really interesting because it also says that Mary had a birth similar to that of Jesus. Mary's parents were wealthy but old and sterile, and "an angel" promised that they would conceive a baby. Similar to Abraham too. Why would an angel (an astruanat) do that?
Ive heard to something similar to that too, I haven't really looked into it though
Posted in:
How does God love me?
So, what does that mean?
Well it would mean the same as if someone else said they love you.
How does God love me?
Many different ways, for example he made you for the purpose of ruling with him, now some of god's creatures went wrong in their practice of free-will, and we can't rule with him in the garden of eden anymore, but he did promise to send us a redeemer.
Can you make an example of God's love towards me?
Yes, he sent his own son so we could rule along side him again.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Are you telling me that I  am wrong? Or is it that you are just another bible basher that has never read the scripture for yourself but preach it to others regardless?
I dont have a encyclopedic knowledge on the bible sadly, im not saying your wrong I just want you to show me the verse that says "the seed" (of david)
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
I don't get it. I think this passage looks congruent with the official (canonical) books, there is misogyny and also the rabbi seems to say that we all are the same in spirit.
Do any gospels record Jesus saying to kill anybody? I dont think there is any.
Google translator is good if you dont speak a language. 
I dont trust google translator, ive found it to be somewhat unreliable.
"In The Astronauts of Yavé, J. J. Benítez reveals to us countless details and circumstances surrounding the preparation and birth of Jesus and that the Church has not wanted or been able to make known until now... Who could suspect that Wasn't Jesus actually born in the village of Bethlehem? How many of us knew that Jesus' "grandparents" were from a wealthy family? It was never said that Joseph was a widower and had six children. And in this torrent of secret and ignored information until today, J.J. Benítez goes much further and presents a working thesis that may shake current theological approaches."
That doesn't tell me what he said about mary's & joseph's age.
Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
I was answering the equal Bible fool to you, n8nrgim in my  post #11, in his quote of "i dont have enough faith to be an atheist," and then included you as well since YOU are the creator of this embarrassing thread of yours again, in wanting to agree or disagree with what I said, understood?    
What did your post have to do with #11, and you dont need to tag me in since it had no relevance to me. Stop clogging up my thread.
Since you brought up my post #11 IN MAKING IT KNOWN, then have you ever had to do the following:
No I dont, you have no idea what the old covenant vs new covenant is, make your own thread, and if you want to debate me specifically send a debate request.

Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
What did you just say in your Devil Speak quote above?  Where you Satanically said "the supposed resurrection?!"  Who in the hell do you think you are in slapping Jesus in the face again with your Bible Stupidity which is BLASPHEME on your part regarding His resurrection!  
You say "Supposed resurrection" since not everyone agrees it was a resurrection, your an idiot trying to be smart.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
I never "admitted defeat" 
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
I'm not sure what your goal is in opening a thread about Jesus's parents, whether to question the Christian faith or to find the truth, so it would be nice if you clear that up.
Brother D made a post saying jesus wasnt of david.
1. Apocryphe means "hidden", not false. This is from an academic point of view. If the catholic church cast the apocryphe books out it's because it's a matter of convinience and not of intelectual honesty.
That's not what the council of trent was, they removed gospels because they lacked consistency with the other gospels, for example the gospel of thomas (although not a apocryphe book) was removed at the council of trent because it appeared to have mythic developments. This is a quote from the gospel of thomas

'Simon Peter said to them: “Let Mary go forth from among us, for women are not worthy of the life.” Jesus said: “Behold, I shall lead her, that I may make her male, in order that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who makes herself male shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.”'

Doesnt exactly line up with what other gospels have.
2. You won't see any historian casting out historical material like the apocryphe books because that would be biased and not correct for the sake of an investigation. I already said that if the apocryphe books are considered apocryphe by the catholic church is because they want to square the biblical content with their faith. Example, the book of Enoc says more about UFO contact than faith, so it's cast out.
An historian would cast out a books if;
  • Doesnt have an author on the title or internally
  • Seems to have interpolation (like many of the apocrypha books seem to have)
  • Makes clear contradictions to another more reliable source
A historian if he is worth his salt would throw away the apocryphe books
3. The issue of Jesus's parents' age is controversial, but many historians agree with what I've pointed out, that Mary was like 13 and Joseph was more than 80. It's not only because of the apocryphe books but also because in the "oficial" books Joseph is absent in great part of the rabbi's life.
Why should I believe the historians? Did they have a source saying her age? Were they back then when the betrothal happened? And what do you mean by the official books of joseph? I cant find that book. And he's not a rabbi, he was a saint.
4. My source is the book "los astronautas de Yavé" by JJ Benitez, writer and journalist who mention other historial investigations in his book. There are many papers about it out there if you want to go deeper in this subject.
Yahweh's Astronauts is an interesting title, I sadly cant speak spanish would you take an excerpt from the book for me?
Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
Brother d has no understanding of the old covenant, if you want I can tell you the rebuttal to his comment (through messages since this is off topic of the thread)
Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the thread

Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Forgetting that of the  BIBLE states that the MESSIAH would be of "THE SEED" and bloodline of David.  When these BIBLICAL facts were pointed out to you,  you then switched your focus to Mary's bloodline. saying:
I may be mistaken, I haven't seen a verse that says "The seed" specifically.
But that was bullshit too and can't help you either because it has been shown to you over and over again that she was a Levite and not of Judah.
You keep on saying this but it hasnt, your pulling shit out of your ass, it has not been shown.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
It is not joseph's genealogy, Joseph's biological father is jacob in matthew 1, this traces it through heli. You dont understand the verse.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
You never addressed what I pointed out biblically, you may begin addressing it now, how doesn't luke put marry as from david?
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
History books. Also in the apocryphe gospels.
Why should I believe the apocryphe gospels, and which history books? Would you cite a source.

Cause I can, the catholic encyclopedia:
From the age at which Hebrew maidens became marriageable, it is possible that Mary gave birth to her Son when she was about thirteen or fourteen years of age. No historical document tells us how old she actually was at the time of the Nativity.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Im just going to put it bluntly since im tired of responding to your text walls

you must address how the genealogy in luke does not link marry to david. 

While you try to do that, ill point out why it does.
Luke 3:23-38:
23 Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli, 24 the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, 25 the son of Mattathias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli, the son of Naggai, 26 the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda, 27 the son of Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel,[a] the son of Neri, 28 the son of Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam, the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, 29 the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, 30 the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim, 31 the son of Melea, the son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son of David, 32 the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Sala, the son of Nahshon, 33 the son of Amminadab, the son of Admin, the son of Arni, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah, 34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, 35 the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, 36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, 38 the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.
Let's address the elephant in the room 1st, the genealogy doesn't say marry's name explicitly, this is because it was not common to put female's names into genealogies. Now let's look at the point of interest, it links "heli" to david. Heli is not joseph's biological farther it seems, since in matthew 1:1-2 says it was jacob. Heli is short for Heli-achim, a Hebrew alternate form for the Hebrew Joachim seems to be a variant form of Eliacim, which is abbreviated as Eli, a variant of Heli therefore making marry of david.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
It is said that Joseph was more than 80yo when he accepted Mary as his wife, so I think the story as story makes sense because at this age and at this time was quite difficult that Joseph got bricked up and as a consequence impossible to have conceived a child, contrary to Mary who was 13yo and very fertile.
Hmm, you kinda caught my eye here, "It is said that joseph was more than 80 yo" by who/where/what?
You also said mary was 13 yo, where did you get this?

Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
And a "brick wall"  of your own making. NONE of your claims will in any way make Jesus nor his mother of the line David.   You can deny these BIBLICAL facts all day long but it won't change anything.
Yes they both could, since you dont like the marriage option we'll look at the other, if marry is descendent of david through blood (not marriage) therefore jesus, descendent of the virgin marry, is of david.
oseph had absolutely nothing to do with the conception of Jesus No seed and no bloodline.. THE BIBLE CLEARLY STATES this.

Answer me this, Yes or No? Is the bible telling the truth when it tells us this:

"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit"
That's the strawest straw-man to have ever been created. I never claimed david was involved, I argued marry would be descendent of david through marriage

Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
No, I dont see any reason to believe vahalah exists.
Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
No, I dont see any reason to believe vahalah exists.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Oh please stop with your convoluted bullshit! 
You are simply making things up on the hoof.  My wife doesn't become of my bloodline or of my seed simply because I married her. UNLESS she is my sister by the same father  or that she was my own  daughter! to begin with, you absolute clown.
Again, I don’t know how many times I must say this. You are doing an internal critique, your wife is not an internal critique. Since your doing and internal critique you follow the rules of the critique, since the thing your critiquing is referring to that. In this case it’s 2 flesh become one.
Another important point you seem to have ignored is the BIBLICAL fact that Joseph and Mary were NOT married when Mary had conceived Jesus "immaculately".
Further the BIBLE clearly states that Mary was baffled  and "troubled" by the whole processes because she says that she hadn't had sex with any man.
Your right they weren’t married when she conceived, but they were when she gave birth which would be sufficient to make Jesus under David. 
And ANOTHER BIBLICAL point that you have let slip that dense skullbone of yours is the BIBLICAL fact that Joseph was about to call off the betrothal(engagement) and  dump Mary when the news was broke to him that she was all ready with child.
Why is this relevant? They were married when she gave birth, doesn’t matter how their relationship was

The only way that you could be anywhere near correct is for you to say the whole bible story of  the conception and birth of Jesus is all made up mythology. And that the whole biblical story is simply about a man (king or not) that Christians has wrapped in a mythological cloak.
Uh no, there is multiple ways I can prove Jesus to be of david
1) marriage to joseph
2) genealogy in luke
I feel as if I’m talking to a brick wall here.

Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
By Christian belief, I mean what Christianity is stemmed from, the supposed resurrection. Since there is no naturalistic explanation for why the original Christians claimed the resurrection (atleast none I’ve seen) how is it not faith to accept a naturalistic explanation?
Posted in:
Can God create a rock so big he can't lift it?
God, your an idiot. Let's show exactly how philosophically wrong you are.

Brother D, define omnipotence, does it ahear to logic (As in god cant do something illogical, my personal definition) or can it defy logic. (As in god can do something illogical.)
Posted in:
Why you must use faith to accept naturalistic explanations to the origin of christian belief.
So I made a post a few weeks (?) back about me doubting naturalistic theories for why christians claimed the resurrection happened. The answers I received for naturalistic theories were rather disappointing. I have seen no naturalistic theories that can explain the 8 criteria I have that a theory would have to meet.

Given this, how can you believe in a naturalistic theory without using faith, since they are obviously contrary to what happened & without evidence.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Show the membership in Luke 3:28-38 that Mary is mentioned in that it is her specific genealogy, because at the onset in Luke 3:28 it specifically says that it is Jesus and Joseph's genealogy and NOT MARYS! “Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli, …….”(Luke 3:28) 
Mary isnt explicitly mentioned in the genealogy, simply because in culture back then you wouldnt put women in genealogies. Joseph's father is Jacob, the reason it says joseph, son of heli is because joseph was heli's son by law. "Joachim" (What you most likely know mary's father as), a variant form of Eliacim or its abbreviation Eli, a variant of Heli, which latter is the form found in the Third Evangelist's genealogy.

How can Mary be the DAUGHTER of Heli, when Joseph was Heli's son in Luke 3:28???!!! If your Bible ignorance wants to believe that Heli is the father of Mary like you proposed in your quoted statement above, THEN JOSEPH MARRIED HIS OWN SISTER!!!  LOL!  Do you see why you are a great comedian in making us laugh relative to your Bible STUPIDITY?  Only one more reason for YOU of many that Luke 3:28-38 is not Mary's genealogy!
Simple, Joseph was Heli's son in law, hence it calls him his son. Even if you think they were biologically sister & brother, what follows? Joseph noir Mary is a standard of goodness, no matter how munch the catholics try to convince you the blessed virgin is.
When you comically state that Mary became the "flesh" of Joseph through marriage including his Davidic blood line, Joseph's DNA and BLOOD LINE OF DAVID could not be transferred to Mary BIOLOGICALLY like it needed to be "through the loins" in relation to Jesus being the Messiah (Acts 2"30)!  Do the simple math to prevent you from being so God Damned Bible Stupid like Miss Tradesecret is all the time!  ENOUGH!
exact quote; "that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh" nice when you take it out of context. According to the flesh, and mary is "Of the loins" since she was married through joseph who was "Of the loins" your argument falls soo short that you can merely chalk it up to them saying jesus was of david, confirming my argument.
 Again, if you want to be biologically inept, then you state your through marriage alone ruse shows Josephs David Blood line passed into Mary, and in turn, then Mary's blood line of her being a LEVITE is passed onto Joseph in marriage as well, GET IT BIBLE FOOL?  Using your inept reasoning, then Jesus now had a LEVITE blood line of 50 percent, and IS NOT BIBLICAL because Jesus needed 100 percent of Davids Blood line "through the fruit of the loins" from Joseph, which DID NOT HAPPEN because Joseph was NOT THE PATERNAL FATHER OF JESUS, period! (Acts 2:30). Wipe the egg from your face once again!
You've yet to show marry is a levite, She is a davidain judahite, not aronic Levite.

Your kinda embarrassing yourself here, it's fine to misunderstand the bible at times (of course try not to) but you consistently do it almost purposefully, and yet act soo confident. You should research The Dunning-Kruger Effect

WRONG AGAIN! LOL!  In my post #6 I have already shown you in how Bible STUPID you are in front of the membership relative to your Satanic quote above, but let me add more proverbial egg upon your face with the following inspired by Jesus passages, are you ready?  Good!
You didnt really show anything except for demonstrating the dunning-kruger effect.
Jesus as God had promised David that his descendant would inherit his throne and establish his kingdom forever (2 Sam 7:12-16)  Barring the FACT that Jesus NEVER accomplished this act, pay close attention, the ONLY WAY, I repeat, the ONLY WAY that Jesus can be considered from the lineage of David, is through the following biblical axioms: 
And Jesus is from blood & marriage, since mary married joseph, and is daughter of heli, who is son of david.
Barring the FACT that Paul and Luke were blatantly WRONG when they said that Jesus was born through the loins of David, where YOU ADMIT that Jesus was not from the sperm of Joseph in your post #1, and in Luke 3:28-38 IS NOT MARY'S GENEAOLGY as explicitly shown in my post #18, therefore, Jesus was NEVER, I repeat, NEVER a descendant from David through the fruit of the loins” as the impetus of being from the blood line of David had to be through Joseph and NOT Mary because she was a LEVITE as biblically shown!  
Show me in the bible where mary is levite, you cant. And luke 3:28-38 is mary's genealogy, you've shown nothing.

Public Choice is as Bible dumbfounded as you are in his Bible Ignorant post #4 in thinking that Luke 3:28-38 is Mary’s genealogy, where I addressed it and where you are too SCARED and have RAN AWAY FROM IT AND WENT INTO HIDING relating to this post link: 
You ran away from my debate request, you cant really be talking.

I will continue with Section 3 in totally removing Mary from any Davidic line, at your embarrassing expense once again in front of the membership, sorry!

ill be waiting for the pathetic attempt.

Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Scraping the barrel  and trying to crowbar in absolute convoluted bullshit won't get you away from the fact that  Jesus was immaculately conceived so simply couldn't have been of the bloodline or of the seed of David.
Yes it can, since his mother was still apart of David’s line through both blood and marriage. 

Also in luke he (luke) provides a genealogy that links marry to David through heli (her father) 

Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Your meat riding an idiot. 
He won't be able to do that Brother D. In relation to either the immaculate conception and how it in anyway relates to Genesis 2:24.
The post this was in response to was brother d saying the Old Testament said the messiah must be of the line of David. Brother d is correct on that to his credit, what he is wrong on, is that it must be by blood (although there is still a blood connection without marriage) the verse in question doesn’t say that.
He hung himself the second he attempted to impress upon the members here how the bible shows that Jesus was of the bloodline and the seed of David, which is all contradictory to the Bible version.  And even if his convoluted gobbledegook  reasoning had the slightest scintilla of truth about it, he would still be wrong concerning Jesus' messiahship, simply because Jesus failed in all the requirements of the expected Messiah.
I don’t think he did, the genealogy in luke says heli is son of David, now since Mary is daughter of heli, I may be mistaken but that’d make her daughter of david, therefore Jesus son of david.

So I will sit back and watch "SethBrown" attempt to dig himself out of the crater he has dug for himself by showing us all  "how internal critiques work"  relative to the immaculate conception and how it in anyway relates to Genesis 2:24. 
Simple, you need to follow the context of the text your critiquing, me and you both agree on that I think. Given that, the context says 2 flesh become 1 with marriage, making Mary‘s flesh & Joseph’s flesh the same, meaning she would be of David even if she wasn’t son of heli.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Tell the membership in how your perceived knowledge of "how internal critiques work" relative to Genesis 2:24 and Mary and Joseph becoming one flesh where Joseph can only pass his "seed of David" unto Mary through sexual intercourse (Acts 2:30), and where Joseph was NOT the paternal father of Jesus, but Jesus was through His Holy Spirit! 
If you haven’t noticed your doing an internal critique, so you must follow the ‘rules’ per say of the text
Uh, now you are really being biological and Bible STUPID!  Explain biblically how the blood line of Joseph who is from the seed of David can literally transfer BIOLOGICALLY his David blood line to Mary, without Joseph having sexual relations with her to make the baby Jesus to begin with? 
The Bible verse that says the messiah will be of the blood of David, doesn’t say it must be biological, just that he must be of David’s line. Shifting goal posts.
YOUR QUOTE ABOVE WENT DIRECTLY AGAINST YOUR FIRST QUOTE TO THE EQUALY BIBLE STUPID PUBLIC-CHOICE HEREWITH:  "I may be missing something, but I dont see how this would allude to mary's genealogy, it seems as if it's Joseph."
H-E-L-L-O, ANYBODY HOME TODAY? OBVIOUSLY NOT! LOL!!!  When you say in your post #5 that you don't see what Public-Choice has said in being a part of Mary's genealogy, and then YOU state that now that it does, you are making yourself the greater Bible fool in front of the membership by your Satanic DOUBLE SPEAK!  LOL!  Seriously, are you trying out your comedy acts in this thread, to take on the road in making Jesus' HEBREW creation laugh?!
I was missing something, I was ignorant and didn’t analyze the verse enough, read my 21st century view into the text. I re read it and realized marry is of David. I apologize to public-choice (that’s why I’m tagging you in on this)
AGAIN, you said in your post #5 that you didn't think Luke 3 was the genealogy of Mary, therefore can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? LOL!  Therefore, YOU should educate yourself so as not to be so GOD DAMNED Bible STUPID in front of the membership all the time!  Why do you do this to yourself, do you gain some kind of pleasure when you blatantly contradict yourself, and being so Bible inept?  
In my #5 post I said “I may be missing something” and I was. It’s not hypocritical to admit your wrong.

You think admitting Wrong is contradicting yourself? That explains a lot.

Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
Of course he can bring good out of bad, he could have also brought that good without the bad but he chose not to. He chose the bad. Choosing bad is not good. This is really simple stuff.
Okay and given there is free-will in the universe, would he be evil if he made good from bad? You have a situation that happened without you & yet you try to make it better.

He's not a substitute teacher, he's the all powerful creator of the universe. When you are all powerful you don't just tell people not to do things and shrug your shoulders when they do. If God wanted different he would have it. Instead he chooses this. He chooses a world where tragedy occurs every single day. That's not an all loving being.
He also created a world where many great things happen a day, he created us with free-will under the intent for us to do good
Again, if your toddler is roaming free throughout the living room and you see a knife on the table do you take it or leave it there in the name of free will?
Did you give your toddler free-will? Can you make good from your toddler doing something bad? It’s a dis analogy

You continue to pretend that the ability to choose one's own actions and the capability to carry out a tragedy are tied together, they're not. Taking away the kife doesn't stop the toddler from making their own choices, it just removes a threat to their safety. God could have easily created a world with that idea in mind where one person's free will wasn't a literal threat to the life and safety of everyone around them. He chose not to create that world.
I don’t think they are tied together (free-will to potency distinction) but if you create people that can only do good then you still have zombies since they can’t even think of a bad thing, thinking of doing a bad thing is bad as well.
I'm curious, do you believe in heaven, and if so, do you believe we get to have free will there?
I don’t think you will, the main difference is all the bad thoughts are removed, god won’t do that in this world since he wants us to have the choice to be separated from him

Actually, this is sightly off the topic but if you believe God is omnipotent and omnicient, it is not logically possible for us to have free will.
I don’t see a good reason to believe this is true, he just knows the decisions we are going to freely choose, there isn’t a contradiction there.

If he is omnipotent then there is no outcome that would have been beyond his control. If he is omnicient then there is no outcome in which he wasn't fully aware would be the case as he made his decision. So when he created this universe he had plenty of other options, he could have chosen a universe where I would end up a theist and you the atheist or even a universe in which we would never have been born. But instead this is the universe he created and he did so knowing full well how it would turn out. He made this choice, that's not free will.
Just because your omnipotent doesn’t mean you must control everything, it’d be contradictory to say a omnipotent being can’t not control everything, since that’s limiting his ability. And where do you get the notion he chooses the universe? He created people & let the system run, he didn’t choose it, they did since there is free-will.
Exactly, which directly contradicts that he's all good.
It’d be cruel to not give them the option to choose bad, if you do so then there is a ton of things that can’t happen, there can’t be love without free-will.

Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
ROFLOL!!!  Oh my, you actually think that Genesis 2:24 makes Mary in the line of David because of the term “they became one flesh?” LOL!!!!!  Let me compose myself after laughing intensely at your Bible Stupid unbiblical notion you stated above!!!   OMG, LOL
Somebody doesn’t understand how internal critiques work.
Heads up, Genesis 2:24 sets forth the biblical pattern for marriage as instituted by Jesus as God in the beginning as shown herewith: one man is united to one woman in matrimony, and the two form one new family! This language of “one flesh” points to a unity of two persons, and NOT simply to a conjunction of bodies in genetically passing the blood line of Joseph to Mary from the “seed of David!”
it doesn’t say 2 persons become one, it says 2 flesh become one signifying bloodlines connecting, even ignoring that it appears as if Mary is from David’s bloodline even without the marriage to Joseph, Luke 3:23-28 says that heli (another name for Mary’s father) is descendent of David.
Besides, remember this simple Biblical axiom that you keep forgetting about, and hiding from, as shown herewith:  ”Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;" (Acts 2:30). Therefore, Joseph had to have sexual relations with Mary to pass his “David blood line seed” into the baby Jesus, but since that was not the case in the celestial impregnation of Mary by Jesus Himself, in being part of the Triune Doctrine as the Holy Spirit, then Jesus DID NOT BECOME THE MESSIAH BECAUSE HE WAS NOT FROM THE “SEED” OF DAVID!  2+2=4!
That verse isn’t about what the messiah will be like, it’s in acts.
She would be of David even without Joseph from the genealogy in luke, read the Bible & educate yourself 

Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
Allow everyone to die of old age.
Do you think he cant bring good from someone dying from non-natural causes? 
The claim is that he's all loving. If he's choosing to allow bad then that definitionally refutes that claim.
How is he bad if he allows someone to do bad, yet tells them not to? Same as our law does, doesn't just lock everyone up so it's impossible for bad, but still tells people not to do bad.
Free will and allowing evil are not tied together. That was the point of my toddler analogy. We can be evil all we want, being able to actualize tragedy is a power chose to give to us, which directly contradicts the idea that he's all good.
What's the point of allowing free-will then not allowing someone to do even a smidge of something bad? If god stopped us from doing all bad things, then we would all just be robots following him pretty munch, since we wouldnt truly have the choice to do something we may actually want.
For something to go wrong is a direct contradiction to the claim that he is all powerful and omnicient.
Do you think god determined where people would end up? No, he created them & they end up where they end up, he didnt choose the outcome, they did.
He can also just make good things, but he chooses to use the bad things to do it.
If he created good things then there may only be 3 or so people on the face of the planet, and does he create good things or does he create the possibility for bad & good? Similar to the doctor analogy, by giving a child a shot he risks giving the child an allergic reaction, that could be deadly. He created the possibility for good & the possibility for bad.
Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
Imagine how much evil the world would be rid of with this one simple tweak, yet God chose not to create this world. I would ask why, but the answer is irrelevant because God is all powerful so there is nothing that could have forced his hand. This was a willing choice. That alone refutes that God is all loving.
What simple tweak could he do? 
He doesn't have to remove our free will to ensure we are protected from tragedy. If my toddler is running around the living room and I see a knife on the table, I'm not going to pretend I'm somehow interfering with their free will by removing it.
Well you completely ignored my response, he could allow it to happen & make good out of it in his omnipotence. That may be better than interfering

Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
I think that should be acknowledged, that's more playing into the freewill defense which I sorta combine with this, an atheist would have to prove free-will doesnt exist, and it's impossible for god to have morally sufficient reasons to allow evil. That's a heavy burden of proof.
Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
There is no example of bad being necessary or even beneficial that an all powerful god could not get around. Bad leads to good because that's how we are designed to react to it, if we along with the universe were designed differently that wouldn't be the case.
#1 God could allow evil and just created good from it (what I think he does, and is most reasonable in doing)

#2 God could give us that good without needing evil to exist. 

Now #2 isnt impossible to do, but there are some "bad" things god must allow to happen to be good, for example he must permit people to die of old age eventually. Now similarly, I think god must allow people to make their own choices to be good, he must allow them free-will. Are you really good if your forced to do good by some man in a sky? I wouldnt say so, since your intention isnt there. Now some of god's creatures went wrong in this exercise of freedom, and that caused evil. But God can still make great things from bad things, I think alot of people have became theists from seeing bad things.
Posted in:
A traditional defense against the problem of evil
There is another argument that includes free will.
Free will isn’t required in this argument, you could incorporate it though.

I like the free-will defense sorta combined with this, an atheist would have to prove free-will is impossible, and that god having morally sufficient reasons to allow evil is impossible.

The burden of proof is simply too heavy to meet
Posted in:
it is irrational to argue that there's no evidence for the afterlife
Let’s specify, by doctor we are meaning a doctor of medicine correct? Not a doctor of theology or philosophy. If it’s the doctor of medicine then why would we expect a doctor of medicine to answer a philosophical question, we wouldn’t reasonably expect a philosopher to answer a complex medical question, even though the philosopher is likely an intelligent person

I agree, it’s very likely a afterlife would follow a soul

We know your more likely to hallucinate when there is emotions involved, given that we would expect more hallucinations of dead family members than alive since you would feel emotional if that died, seems as if that could answer it, if the evidence can work for both theories then it can simply be dismissed.
Posted in:
it is irrational to argue that there's no evidence for the afterlife
dr. jeffrey long wrong a book, 'evidence of of the afterlife'.  a smart and capable doctor writing a book like that should be sufficient to establish evidence, but i know some peeps are too stubborn to leave it at that. 
I disagree with this, I’m going to assume dr. Jeffrey is a doctor of medicine. Imagine we put a philosopher and a medical doctor in a room, then I asked the philosopher “how many gallons of blood does a human body mean?” Then asked the doctor “is a god real?”

It’d be quite odd since how munch blood someone needs is a question for a doctor, yet we asked the philosopher that, and if god exists is a philosophical question, yet we asked the doctor. Why would we expect the doctor to know this for certain? Surely we can critique the doctor’s work and see if he has valuable sources and reasoning. The question of if there is a afterlife isn’t a question a doctor would know, that’s more of a philosophical question

philosophically, it's just plain stupid to argue that it's common for people to hallucinate elaborate afterlife stories when they die. why would this even happen? drugs, dreams, and other hallucations dont cause people to hallucinate elaborate afterlife stories in any other aspect of life... why should we assume there's something special about dying that causes this?
I don’t necessarily disagree with this, someone is legally dead when they’re brain has no more function (amongst other things like no heart beat but that’s one of the criteria) so medically  I believe we could eliminate hallucinations.

out of body experiences are commonly verified as accurate, to the point of almost always being accurate. doctors and professionals are often some people verifying things that occurred when someone was dead, when what the dead person knew was impossible to know. if ya'll want a start in researching out of body experiences, 'evidence for the afterlife' by doctor jeffrey long does a short literature review of some highlights. there's lots of studies that look at the accuracy of those experiences and they're always shown to be accurate. there's whole scientific journals out there dedicated to this stuff, the evidence is basically too overwhelming to just ignore. even the AWARE study where they tried to measure out of body phenomenon, had two examples where someone who was dead knew what happened out of their body. and there was some measurement of auditory ability when they were dead. now, yes this isn't the level of evidence that leaves no room for doubt, and this isn't exactly being able to be measured in a lab on demand.... but this is all evidence that is being measured and can be repeated. it's basic science.  
I haven’t read the book you cited, so for sake of argument we’ll assume what you said about it is true (so this only stands if what you said was true ofc) I don’t think this necessarily proves an afterlife, I more interpret it as proof of a soul, now a soul could lead to a afterlife but it doesn’t follow by necessity.

dead family members. when people experience beings on the other side, the beings met are almost always dead and almost always family members. if this was just a random hallucination, there should be many more examples of living people and people other than family members. this consistency is a strong point.
I don’t think we would expect less family members if it was hallucination, we would actually most likely expect family members if it was hallucination since there is a sense of emotional appeal there.

I mostly agree with the rest of what you said.
