Polytheist-Witch's avatar


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Posted in:
On the fence
If the abortion issue hits the fan and they get overturn Roe I will vote Democrat for the first time in my life. If your pro-choice there is no other choice. And I at this point have sworn off voting. They have not run any decent candidates in either party for years I vote Libertarian every year. And I realized it doesn't do anything so if I can't vote for someone then I'm just not going to vote at all. For the first time since I was 18 I did not vote in a local/state election. I just don't see the point in it. But I'm telling you right now I will vote Democrat down the line for Roe.
Posted in:
It is possible for people to be both free and sinless.
This really should say monotheist or judeo-christians. Sin/ free will are not universal theist concepts. 
Posted in:
We must let Big Brother save us from the evil guns!
I have no doubt the UK gives no s**** about Americans dying for any reason. Especially in a red state.
Posted in:
"Faith is the basis for my belief"
Gut instinct is just another word for Intuition and I believe Intuition is tied into Faith very strongly.
Posted in:
Has anyone ever given you useless advice?
"just be yourself"
Posted in:
Universal Background Checks
Sure our rights can be restricted you can't yell fire in a building, you can't go into certain areas cuz they're designated secure. You have to respect private property.
Posted in:
Tired Pro-Gun Talking Points
The entire point of government is to be the means by which society solves its problems.
WTF? Absolutely not.
Posted in:
Universal Background Checks
Didn't say anything like that. Some men rape people should we castrate all men? Guess so. 
Posted in:
"Faith is the basis for my belief"
Nope. I believe there's spiritual value in practicing established religions, engaging in ritual, reading and living by religious text. 
Posted in:
"Faith is the basis for my belief"
I don't particularly like to say I have faith in gods. I believe gods exist because I have faith in the experiences I've had that lead me to believe gods exist. I have faith in myself and in my judgment on this particular matter. Just as I would if I had faith in my judgment of another person and trusted them to act in a certain way. Because that faith is based in my personal experiences I don't expect anyone else to believe what I believe. And I don't expect anyone else to have the exact same experiences spiritually that I've had. It's probably some kind of illegitimate way to look I'm sure but that's the way I look at it. I have no idea if that's part of why I'm able to be a polytheist is I'm open to the spiritual experiences because I have faith in my own recollection and interpretation of what's going on when I engage in them. Not because I have faith in a book or faith in a text or faith in a being. 
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Universal Background Checks
I never understand people wanting to chuck a right when it comes to gun ownership, simply because guns have been involved in death. To use the car example cars kill many people but no one would ever suggest that because people have had stupid driving mistakes or drunk driving that nobody should be allowed to use a car and owning a car isn't even a right. So if we don't get rid of cars because people die in cars because of some people's mistakes why is it that whenever people think about gun rights it's nobody should be allowed to have a gun cuz guns kill people even though most gun owners never hurt anybody.
Posted in:
Is God male?

The God of the Bible is certainly male. According to Luke 1. The Holy Spirit came on Mary and God had shadow sex ( as in shadow boxing) with Mary and that is how she got pregnant. Remember it takes male and female DNA to produce a child
Usually when posts this old pop up I don't like to go back and put anything in but I don't remember reading this before when the topic was up. The Holy Spirit is never called male or female but I certainly believe it's more of a feminine energy because of its creative aspect. It's the Holy Spirit that moves along the waters and starts to create the initial beginnings of life on Earth so while I do believe the God of Abraham is male or masculine, I believe that the Holy Spirit is his creative or feminine energy. If Jesus is half human and half Divine he does not have to come from a typical xx/xy beginning. God is spirit and therefore would not have male DNA even if he's masculine. But I don't believe Jesus is a demigod.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
I'm fine with that. 
Posted in:
Universal Background Checks
There's no point in having background checks if when somebody fails it's never followed up on. There was a year that Cabela's had 93 people apply to do the background check and failed and not a single follow-up from the FBI, the sheriff's office or local police. Not to mention that there are shooters who are basically getting guns from people that legally own them like a parent or sibling or grandparent. And a lot of people who may have never had a problem can go in and pass the background check but they probably shouldn't have a gun because of mental illness but they're not far enough into the system for anyone to know that. I think just like you have to do a driver's test to get a driver's license you should have to do a gun safety course and have a gun license. But gun ownership is a right not a privilege and driving is a privilege and not a right. 
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
And I think if I put someone on ban they shouldn't be able to read my posts. That said there was several topics around that time of the election where this was addressed and I remembered distinctly several posts about the ghosting so I've tried going through some of them I don't have time to finish right now got some things to do but I'll find where you talk about how there should be certain members that are just ghosted and that they wouldn't know they were ghosted and that you would basically have to go and opt out to be able to read their posts. And all those members suggested were theists that post in the religion forum.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Then you should certainly pursue that. Honestly if you approach the mods they probably would actually consider it. I mean there was at some point a policy being thrown out that people should be able to be shadowbanned by the site and nobody would be able to read any of their posts and they wouldn't know that so you should probably talk to someone about that and try to get that policy instituted that would be a great idea.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
All atheists think these things they just some are nicer than others in the way they present them. And yes atheists treat all theist the same. 
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
1. Atheists are not here to engage in debate they're here to tell us that we're stupid, evil and that our children should be taken off of us. 
2. The atheist are allowed to do post that violate the code of conduct and the mods not only allow it they encourage it. At this point the mods have even engaged in it. 
3. There's no reason there shouldn't be one post in this forum that only theists are allowed to post in so that they can have actual conversations about doctrine and belief without someone coming in and saying you're all stupid, you're all mentally ill,  you're all lairs and you are all child abusers. And I haven't even begun to address the inappropriate sexual comments that are made here all the time including comments about theists children and pedophilia.

Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
I really don't give a s*** what your opinion is about me or my beliefs. I don't even think atheist should be allowed to post in certain topics here. 
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Isn't it funny how not a single group is exactly the same as each other except for theist we must be super duper f****** special we must be super duper f****** unique and we don't even know it look at our superpowers we can band together like a f****** hive somebody should have told us this s*** no wonder Christians took over the world. 
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Boy this whole atheist lying thing is at a whole new level this week. Let's quote a post and then say it says something it doesn't you're being dishonest even with shit that's in black and white. Fucking disgusting.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
You're free to be a liar too cuz everybody knows it's not the goddamn people who like to eat steak out protesting in front of places that sell steak. It's not people who like to eat fish putting up signs about Jeffrey Dahmer eating fish is like eating a human. So you go ahead and lie like the rest of them it's okay we really don't expect anything else from you people.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Funny comparing atheists to vegetarians cuz they both go around basically looking for people that engage in an activity they're not interested in engaging in and telling them they're f****** assholes for it.
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☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Like I said he's not a gnostic he just uses that term to throw it around here so he can criticize Christians and theist but claim to be one.
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☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Most start from some source and then branch out there's very few religions that are just a single line of thread, they almost always end up having other threads tied to them and go off in their own direction just like most of the polytheists religions in Europe come from animism.  There's always some kind of source and then as people spread out and add things to it from other practices it changes and becomes a little different than the original. For instance even though I mentioned Crowley with gnosticism he his practice is heavily influenced from Egyptian religious practices and ritual so even his version of gnosticism is tainted probably from the original version which is more of a thinkers theology than an occult theology.
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☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Gnostics are a gap religion between monotheism and polytheism. They believe in this one true secret God out there beyond the universe that nobody could know and never really created anything. And they believe Christ served that god and not the god of Abraham. They believe the other gods are real and you can work through them to get the best one true God that's for some reason hiding out beyond the edge of the universe. They also are heavily influenced by psychology there's a lot of Jungian concepts and there's a lot of alchemy and a occult concepts. The major arcana in the tarot that was developed by Crowley, the Fool's journey, is sort of based on the Gnostic journey. They also believe that there is a divine feminine aspect tied to the divine masculine. They're more of don't follow religious rules follow spiritual practices kind of thing which makes me believe he's not a gnostic at all because he engages from what I can tell in no spiritual practice whatsoever. It sounds to me like he has been influenced by psychologist who was trying to let him keep his Christian religious aspects intact that he liked but getting rid of those stuff he didn't like.  Because he only speaks to certain concepts within the religion and not all the other stuff as a matter of fact he tends to turn down his nose to a lot of the other stuff so I don't know how he thinks he can practice one aspect of the religion but not the others. But either way I'm pretty sure he's just somebody who also has another account here because of the way he posts are too familiar with another poster and this is just a way for him to beat up on Christians but say he's a theist. But a lot of the Masons and other ceremonial magical practices including Crowley's Thelma are based off Gnostic texts. And Thelma is the basis for Wicca which was developed in the 50s/60s. 

Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
If you don't want to practice a religion then walk away from it. If you don't because you're afraid your parents are somebody else won't like it then you are a coward.
Posted in:
Welfare recipients should not have the right to vote
Then quit being an a****** about them being able to vote
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Says a liar.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
That's okay you're the one wallowing in the mud with the pigs
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
So which pussy deleted the post?
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Do whatever f****** research you want to I'm not your bitch.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Can we agree atheism and even theism to a lesser degree doesn’t represent a persons whole identity?
Yet the atheist come here and tell the theists all the time that that part of their life is their business and they should get to tell them that they shouldn't practice it, they shouldn't get to believe it and they're stupid and they're evil and they're mentally retarded and they're abusing their kids.
Posted in:
Welfare recipients should not have the right to vote
Why are you assuming if someone's on welfare they don't have a f****** job? Do you know how much many working poor there are in the United States? Do you realize that welfare could be just food stamps and that both mother and father can have a f****** job? No of course not cuz you assume if someone gets any kind of social welfare they sit on their ass all day and do nothing. 
Posted in:
Welfare recipients should not have the right to vote
Let's see the poor shouldn't be allowed to vote, for some reason people who have committed felony shouldn't be allowed to vote even though that has nothing to do with taxation, they want to make abortions criminal so women can't vote. Sounds like a white men are a little worried about who's voting. 
Posted in:
Welfare recipients should not have the right to vote
Why the hell does not making a certain amount of money lead to not being allowed to f****** vote?
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Bull shit, they're talking about tithing in church.
Posted in:
Is it possible to oppose transgenderism as a solution to gender dysphoria and not be 'transphobic'?
You have had no problem calling people homophobes for being anti-homosexual you are a transphobe for being anti-trans. You don't get to have it one way for a group you don't like and another way for you. I'm not bullying you you're the one coming here and talking about how you have a problem with them as a whole group of people. If you don't want people calling you transfer don't sit and talk about trans. I don't want people call me out for being antiatheist then I wouldn't come here and talk about how I don't like atheists. But you don't get to sit there and talk about how you can't stand trans people and then get upset when you're called a transphobe
Posted in:
Is it possible to oppose transgenderism as a solution to gender dysphoria and not be 'transphobic'?
I don't have to do anything but pay taxes and die the fact is you're a transphobe  you don't think you should be called a transphobe but you are so have fun with that.
Posted in:
Is it possible to oppose transgenderism as a solution to gender dysphoria and not be 'transphobic'?
I wasn't addressing his post I was addressing yours cuz you were being the idiot. Feeling like you are a woman in a man's body has to be very disturbing and while they may not have some of the same physical concerns that women have they certainly have psychological concerns. And I'll tell you this right now if you can't be anti-homosexual without being homophobic you can't be anti-trans without being transphobic and you sir are one of the most transphobic people on this website.
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Where is it you think you're sending me to jail? LOL. It's not my fault that you said something that isn't the truth.  Like I said you can go back there is a button that'll let you edit your post feel free to do that so you don't look like a liar.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Again our posts are black and white if you want to go change your post so you don't look like a liar that's up to you. But you go back and forth on all kinds of s*** here this is the first honest post you've ever posted. Everything else you've posted has been an outright lie. You lie about what gnostic means l, you lie about being an atheist you lie about being a theist you never tell the truth. You're probably a second or third account of a member that post already under another account here cuz your posts are too much like other people's to be unique.
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Your post is in black and white you want to go change it before people see it that's up to you.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
And you're entitled to that opinion you can hate us and we can hate you so there you go at least you're honest about it the first time you haven't lied since you've been here.
Posted in:
☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
So here we have more lies that theists don't pay taxes. This pay income tax and property tax, same thing that atheists do. Now as far as property tax any non-profit has that benefit so we can thank everybody who's covering taxes for nonprofits whether it's you know a library or museum or church or an atheist organization that might have a building for them to gather in which they're allowed to do and some have. For instance any building that the satanists work out of would be considered a non-profit and is exempt Planned Parenthood exempt. You can continue to be a liar if you want to but nobody's really going to listen to your bull shit, except other atheists who are liars too.
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☆< IMPORTANT REMINDER > ☆ For those attending church today.
Yep how dare anybody who has a church that they go to for worship want to contribute to keeping the lights on and the water on and the heat on. Who are these pricks that think they should be able to pay their pastor to be a full-time employee of the church and do what needs done for the church. Who are these assholes that think things like copy paper and copy machines and telephones should be in a church so that they can do Church business. You know who these pricks are? Theists. And they don't deserve to have a place of worship because atheist hate them being able to have religion, they hate that freedom. Which is why they hate the idea of people being able to give their money to the building that they worship in.
Posted in:
Is it possible to oppose transgenderism as a solution to gender dysphoria and not be 'transphobic'?
Your experience in life is not male or female, it is masculine or feminine perhaps
What a complete and utter lie. Women females from a very early age are taught how to watch their back, protect themselves, look for people when they approach their car, all kinds of ways to keep from getting raped that has nothing to do with being feminine it has to do with being female. Then there's the whole physical aspect of being a woman that's going to eventually menstruate you have to be educated on that. Then there's being educated on female birth control. Then there's the idea of abortion which plenty of men are going to tell you shouldn't even have a right to. Then there's things like pregnancy, mammograms and pap smears. And men have their very own distinct issues especially regarding health.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
You're free to do whatever you want to in your real life I don't give a s***.  It has nothing to do with me nothing to do with my spiritual practice. But when you people come here and you talk about how we're evil, mentally ill and stupid don't expect me to be nice to you I don't give a f*** what you think I should do when people say s*** like that.
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Your the one here in a religion forum harassmening theists. 
Posted in:
Atheists are cowards.
Can you explain why you assert I must accept yours?
No one cares if you believe or have faith or practice. Go be your atheist self.