Total debates: 11
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A classic debate about religion.
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God definition: Greatest being. Con basically has to agree that if God exists, then there is nothing greater than God. This will be the premise of the debate. I will use ontological argument to prove that it is not true that God exists.
I will argue that physical evidence, namely that which science has limited itself to study, is not the only way to know something with certitude.
Nothing forces you to accept this debate.
Is it fair to conclude that since there is so much evil in the world and God does not stop it, God must not exist? I posit that the existence of evil further proves that there is a god. For in order for there to be evil there must be good and if there must be good, there must be a basis and creator of what is good.
I know with absolute certitude that "a thing is what it is." Prove me wrong.
A debate on the idea of how we know something is true.