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Total posts: 361

Posted in:
Why and how did life come about?
Would you agree with the notion that we are all created from star stuff?

We have heavy metals in our construction that are only formed in super nova.

If a God created us, he had to use naturally created substances and in a never ending evolving reality, a God is not required to create life. God becomes redundant.

That is what makes Gnostic Christian views of reality better than most. 

It is science driven.

The Gnostic Christian reality.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said,  "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all.
[And after they have reigned they will rest.]"
"If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
As you can see from that quote, if we see God's kingdom all around us and inside of us, we cannot think that the world is anything but evolving perfection. Most just don't see it and live in poverty. Let me try to make you see the world the way I do.
Here is a mind exercise. Tell me what you see when you look around. The best that can possibly be, given our past history, or an ugly and imperfect world?
"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”
That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here. That is an irrefutable statement given entropy and the anthropic principle.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
How many Gods exist?

Are any more good or more evil than Yahweh?

Same question for Jesus.


Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
"So, if life didn't arise from non-living chemicals, then how did life arise? The only explanation is a supernatural being."

The Christians and Catholics are all in for evolution, so I am not sure where you get your info.

There are a few literalists who believe in talking serpents and Yahweh, but when push comes to shove, only about 5% will maintain a full supernatural stance.


As to   ---  4. Moral Law

Yahweh is portrayed as quite evil in scriptures and even admits to it in Job;2,3.

Who in their right moral mind would see such a character as a good God?

Christians do, as they sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's  plan.

Satan and Eve become the heroes of the story.

They keep the plan on track.

You may be able to prove Yahweh exists, but you can never show that he is a good source of moral law.


On Jesus dying for Christians from a moral perspective.

It takes quite an imagination and ego to think a god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the first place.

Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t care how evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.

It is a lie, first and foremost, because, like it or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

To abdicate your personal responsibility for your actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.

Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, as a Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. 
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

There is no way that Christians parents would teach their children to use a scapegoat. Good morals and Jesus speak against the messianic concept and bids us pick up our crosses and follow him.

So how would you explain what started time?

For all we know, man is the only sentient life and able to have or know of concepts like time, space, spacetime and reality.

Prove that statement wrong.


Posted in:
Any evidence for Soul?
Would our instincts and dualistic thinking, with statistical proofs, be considered strong evidence?

Despite the title, this is on dualism.

Posted in:
Any evidence for Soul?
If the soul is energy, it should be detectable. Correct?

We can detect all other frequencies right to their sub-atomic components.

Let me show you what Gnostic Christians think.

Gnostic Jesus was questioned as to what sees the vision?
The Saviour answered and said, 'He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision...'
For where the mind is, there is the treasure.
Christianity does not quite agree, wording wise, with us.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Our hearts just confirm that the vision is a treasure.
If a soul keeps memory/visions, then it is perpetually being recreated by whatever our minds are going through.

People creates their own souls, as they are a true reflection of who they are, being preserved for an imagined afterlife.

An unwarranted conclusion by those who foolishly believe in the supernatural.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
Correct on both counts, as I am learning.

Posted in:
Atheists are hypocrites
Go away. You bore with your talking animal friends.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
You see that as moral equivalency?

I see it as the opposite.

Here again I offer my sympathy to your poor thinking.

I'm out of here.

Posted in:
Atheists are hypocrites
I do not struggle with the story.

What facts?

Can a myth be known as factual?

If you believe talking serpents and donkeys are logical and or real, then I do not know how to continue.

All I can do is offer my sympathies.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
I hear you.

We are all the same.

That is why we gave up freedom for liberty.

But you will note that you complain of words, while I complain of those who use death and inquisitions.

The same religious pricks who are using a mental inquisition against gays, not to mention women with their vile religious misogynous ways.

Give me a moral atheist any day before you offer me one of the pricks.

Give all those bastards to their genocidal Yahweh/Jesus combo.


Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
We all have a thing that we hold above all else.

The astute will call that thing God. 

Money is the God of many who are liars from the get go.

That is the definitions of all the God religions as they have all invented the Gods they lie about.

Read the Holy Books and the truth becomes apparent.

Posted in:
Atheists are hypocrites
It also states that serpents and donkeys can talk human.

What that timing thing is telling you is a truth.

The bible's scenarios and archetypal characters are fiction and timeless.

They are to represent all of us, as good fiction does.

Unfortunately, the less bright began to believe in the supernatural and corrupted a decent naturalist religion.  

The good was spelled Chrestianity while the evil became Christianity.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
My Kingdom to have the power to have atheist walk their talk, as it pertains to homophobia,  misogyny and abdicating of ones responsibility for ones actions to a savior.

I guess that how quickly atheists and other moral people end those sins will be what atheism, at the end of the day, will be judged by.

Someone needs to light a fire under the asses of decent people.

If not atheists, then who.

I am not an atheist, having suffered my apotheosis, but I recognize quality.

Posted in:
Atheists are hypocrites
Sure, and note how atheists have better stats.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
That might also explain the better atheist morality.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
Perhaps, but is the honesty, and knowing the truth instead of ending believing theistic liars not better?

I think religions should end their lying so as to be more honest the way atheists are.


Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
True, but who would want the homophobia and misogyny of the other, morally inferior religions.

Atheism, morally, has proven itself superior to theism.

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
95% or so of believers are lying about their beliefs.

There are a number of various atheist churches with various venues.

Do you recognize why atheists are opening them up, and do you agree with them?

Posted in:
Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?
Let’s chat about the atheist religion and it's superior to the God religions.' morals.

Believers in the mainstream god religions often denigrate and discriminate against atheists, non-believers and rival religions on moral grounds. Godless mean without a moral sense to them.

I seek a solution to this problem, as the godless, statistically speaking, seem more moral, law abiding and peaceful than traditional mainstream religious believers who, ironically, claim a superior moral position, while having an inferior one. Statistics are quite clear on this. 

As a Gnostic Christian, I get it from both sides. From believers who see me as an atheist and from atheists who see me as a believer. Both sides are wrong, given that Gnostic Christians are esoteric ecumenist and free-thinking naturalist, --- who hold no supernatural beliefs, --- regardless of the lies put into history by the inquisitors who decimated us, --- but never annihilated us. We are a religion of perpetual seekers of knowledge and wisdom, who raise the bar of excellence whenever we think we have the best ideological position.

This prevents the idol worshiping of the immoral gods, that the mainstream religions are prone to follow. This makes Gnostic Christianity a superior ideology. Perhaps this open-mindedness explains the hate towards us from god believers, as well as towards atheists and other non-believers that believers target.

Solutions to this endless denigration and discrimination are hard to come by, given that governments are not promoting any kind of dialog between the various religions and non-believers and allow religions to continue promoting vile homophobic and misogynous teachings.

To my way of thinking, be you following a theology and named god, a philosophy of a named philosopher, a religion that puts man above god and focuses on knowledge and wisdom like mine, a political tribe like Democrats and Republican, statism or any other thinking system, --- all groups named are following an ideology, --- and can thus be seem and described as a religion.

It is thus proper English to call atheism a religion. In fact, given the stats, atheism is a more moral religion than most. I am thinking that if all atheist proudly took on the religion label, --- as their atheist churches are doing, --- more god believing religionist would likely opt for atheism as their religion so as to improve their moral sense.

Take your deserved bow my atheist friends. You are now second only to my own Gnostic Christianity. We Gnostic Christian did what I advise here before the inquisitors got to us and that may be why we were known as the only good Christians.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians
A new study shows how poorly we understand the beliefs of people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular.

Americans are deeply religious people—and atheists are no exception. Western Europeans are deeply secular people—and Christians are no exception.

These twin statements are generalizations, but they capture the essence of a fascinating finding in a new study about Christian identity in Western Europe. By surveying almost 25,000 people in 15 countries in the region, and comparing the results with data previously gathered in the U.S., the Pew Research Center discovered three things.

First, researchers confirmed the widely known fact that, overall, Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans. They gauged religious commitment using standard questions, including “Do you believe in God with absolute certainty?” and “Do you pray daily?”

Second, the researchers found that American “nones”—those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European nones. The notion that religiously unaffiliated people can be religious at all may seem contradictory, but if you disaffiliate from organized religion it does not necessarily mean you’ve sworn off belief in God, say, or prayer.

The third finding reported in the study is by far the most striking. As it turns out, “American ‘nones’ are as religious as—or even more religious than—Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.”

“That was a surprise,” Neha Sahgal, the lead researcher on the study, told me. “That’s the comparison that’s fascinating to me.” She highlighted the fact that whereas only 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty, 27 percent of American nones say this.

America is a country so suffused with faith that religious attributes abound even among the secular. Consider the rise of “atheist churches,” which cater to Americans who have lost faith in supernatural deities but still crave community, enjoy singing with others, and want to think deeply about morality. It’s religion, minus all the God stuff. This is a phenomenon spreading across the country, from the Seattle Atheist Church to the North Texas Church of Freethought. The Oasis Network, which brings together non-believers to sing and learn every Sunday morning, has affiliates in nine U.S. cities.

Last month, almost 1,000 people streamed into a [Atheist] church in San Francisco for an unprecedented event billed as “Beyoncé Mass.” Most were people of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Many were secular. They used Queen Bey’s songs, which are replete with religious symbolism, as the basis for a communal celebration—one that had all the trappings of a religious service. That seemed completely fitting to some, including one reverend who said, “Beyoncé is a better theologian than many of the pastors and priests in our church today.”
Posted in:
Atheists are hypocrites

Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
I understand the situation and the great reward for humanity.

What is the problem with A & E following Satan's God given command to ignore God's command?

Yahweh did not put Satan there to be ignored.

Get with the story by recognizing that in the myth part of Christianity, just as in nature, the epitome of evil to a man is a woman.

Have you not noted the definitely female breasts they give Satan in the Vatican's Expulsion painting?

Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Christians sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's plan, just as nature would sing.

What help would you give, given that if they sin, they profit?

Any help would likely harm them more than any good from no longer sinning or competing as evolution would call it.


Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
I see a lot more good in the world than evil.

For instance, globally, we continue to pull people out from under the poverty line.

If you do not see the great human progress, what do you see?


Posted in:
Abortion Double Standard
Think DNA genealogical trails and you might have a different view.

If a father has no claim to his potential child, that is a double standard.

Posted in:
Abortion Double Standard
There is definitely a double standard in play, on a number of fronts.

Does reversing abortion laws give all non-white Americans a better socio-economic demographic position?

Statistically, more non-whites are aborted than whites.

Reverse this trend and the shrinking white demographic dominance goes into overdrive.

White is demographically shooting itself in the foot.

White power, at this point in time, is being quite generous to non-whites.

One might see it all as a huge white restitution and reparations to all those non-whites we white predators stressed.

Are white Americans who are on the right, aware of what they are giving up, demographically speaking?

Should the non-white Americans be on the right wing side on this, just for the benefits of fast tracking their control?


Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?

Compare the Jewish view and whatever view others put into the die for me Jesus delusion.

 Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
The world reeks of it.

Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?
Their need was obviously not met.

Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Too stupid.

Moving on.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
It is demonstrable.

Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Now you are wasting my time.

Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?
To believe in miracles or the supernatural, is not the brightest way to think.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
My interest is in the garbage Christian morals.

We do not know if a Jesus ever existed, but we do know that Christian morals are garbage.

Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
You refuse to discus your immoral views.

Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?

You mean we were exterminated by those of your inquisitor ilk.

You will not be enlightened by me if you continue to believe in the supernatural and miracles that allow you to abdicate your own responsibilities.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
Not a word on the poor morals.

So many do not want to stop sinning.

A good way to end here.


Posted in:
Does your ideology include a clause that says you should raise hell against evil religions?
I cannot agree.

Most religious are moral agents.

Most do not and cannot walk their religious talk in most sane and just nations.

Society would not allow it elsewhere in the free world.

We are all natural mimics and slaved to our tribal natures.

We crave fellowship and that can only be found in tribes and groups, regardless of the ism the group is mimicking.

It is great that the God religions are dying and the religions that put man above God are gaining converts.

Religions overall, as I see things, are all going Gnostic.


Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
 for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me,

The only escape from this curse was to be born of a Virgin as in Jesus’s case.


Yet Jesus taught the opposite.

I gave you those quotes in----

On Jesus dying for Christians. Try to think in a moral way.

It takes quite an inflated ego to think a god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the first place.

Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t care how evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.

It is a lie, first and foremost, because, like it or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

To abdicate your personal responsibility for your actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.

Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, as a Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. 
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

There is no way that Christians would teach their children to use a scapegoat to escape their just punishments and here you are promoting doing just that.
Jesus is just a smidge less immoral than his demiurge genocidal father, and here you are trying to put him as low in moral fiber as Yahweh. Tsk tsk.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
What you see as evil in the world, some see as good.

I hope I am wrong in that case.


Christians sing that Adam's sin was a happy fault and necessary to God's plan.

They are right, even as they have forgotten why. 

If you wish to argue, lets.

     Can you help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?
And if you cannot, why would God punish you?
Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by putting forward their free will argument and placing all the blame on mankind.
That usually sounds like ----God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy. Such statements simply avoid God's culpability as the author and creator of human nature.
Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.
If all do evil/sin by nature then, the evil/sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not do evil/sin. Can we then help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?
Having said the above for the God that I do not believe in, I am a Gnostic Christian naturalist, let me tell you that evil and sin is all human generated and in this sense, I agree with Christians, but for completely different reasons. Evil is mankind’s responsibility and not some imaginary God’s. Free will is something that can only be taken. Free will cannot be given not even by a God unless it has been forcibly withheld.
Much has been written to explain evil and sin but I see as a natural part of evolution.
First, let us eliminate what some see as evil. Natural disasters. These are unthinking occurrences and are neither good nor evil. There is no intent to do evil even as victims are created. Without intent to do evil, no act should be called evil.
In secular courts, this is called mens rea. Latin for an evil mind or intent and without it, the court will not find someone guilty even if they know that they are the perpetrator of the act.
Evil then is only human to human when they know they are doing evil and intend harm.
As evolving creatures, all we ever do, and ever can do, is compete or cooperate.
Cooperation we would see as good as there are no victims created. Competition would be seen as evil as it creates a victim. We all are either cooperating, doing good, or competing, doing evil, at all times.
Without us doing some of both, we would likely go extinct.
This, to me, explains why there is evil in the world quite well.
Be you a believer in nature, evolution or God, you should see that what Christians see as something to blame, evil, we should see that what we have, competition, deserves a huge thanks for being available to us. Wherever it came from, God or nature, without evolution we would go extinct. We must do good and evil.
There is no conflict between nature and God on this issue. This is how things are and should be. We all must do what some will think is evil as we compete and create losers to this competition.
This link speak to theistic evolution.
If theistic evolution is true, then the myth of Eden should be read as a myth and there is not really any original sin.
Doing evil then is actually forced on us by evolution and the need to survive. Our default position is to cooperate or to do good. I offer this clip as proof of this. You will note that we default to good as it is better for survival.
Can you help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?
And if you cannot, why would God punish you?

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
Let's chat on the morals that would have you ignore what Jesus taught, and sin to be saved?

On Jesus dying for you and Christians. Try to think in a moral way.

It takes quite an inflated ego to think a god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the first place.

Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t care how evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.

It is a lie, first and foremost, because, like it or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

To abdicate your personal responsibility for your actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.

Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, as a Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. 
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

There is no way that Christians would teach their children to use a scapegoat to escape their just punishments and here you are promoting doing just that.

Jesus is just a smidge less immoral than his demiurge genocidal father, and here you are trying to put him as low in moral fiber as Yahweh. Tsk tsk.


Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
What you see as evil in the world, some see as good.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
Sons of Gods screwing our human women caused Yahweh to use genocide on the whole of Noah's earth.

To think that a returning, genocidal Armageddon holding savior like Jesus is good, is way too immoral of a position for me to endorse.

What denomination do you follow?

Why would you think that a God who can cure as easily as kill would choose to kill?


Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

I am a realist and see a lot more good than evil.

As a Gnostic Christian, I can see the underlying perfection of what is around me.

The Gnostic Christian reality.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said,  "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all.
[And after they have reigned they will rest.]"
"If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
As you can see from that quote, if we see God's kingdom all around us and inside of us, we cannot think that the world is anything but evolving perfection. Most just don't see it and live in poverty. Let me try to make you see the world the way I do.
Here is a mind exercise. Tell me what you see when you look around. The best that can possibly be, given our past history, or an ugly and imperfect world?
"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”
That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here. That is an irrefutable statement given entropy and the anthropic principle.
Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
Jacob strove both for and against God when creating Jewry.

All of us should seek a master, but only to be able to do better.

Remember that Jesus takes over when he gets to heaven.

So should we all wish to.

Posted in:
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?
Jesus asked the Jews in the bible, have ye forgotten that ye are Gods?

No one said yes, yet you see them as the majority.

You win this one.

Posted in:
Let's have a discussion on the virgin birth
Throwing more derogatory names at me makes this your second childish posts in a row.

Let me correct your thinking that I was calling Joseph a deadbeat dad.

I was calling the genocidal prick Yahweh that.

Now go away as I have no time for those like you.

I am trying to improve my style and you are not worth my time.


Posted in:
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
Genocidal a holes, amoral, no. Immoral, yes.

Take all the ego boosts and wins you need, but with someone else, child.

Posted in:
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
I agree completely, as long as, and I take it that you are referring to adults only, and not those of inappropriate age or mental condition.


Posted in:
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

What it make me is correct, unless you have a moral argument against my stated position that are superior.

"Every person is moral."

Yep, even Hitler and Stalin, Right?


Posted in:
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
"And no one is right and no one is wrong."

This is an outright lie when it come to the morality of Yahweh/Jesus.

Christians adore that genocidal prick.

I am right. 

Prove me wrong.

I ask that of all Christians and they always run away from doing apologetics for the prick they say they adore.

