Total posts: 361
Go fuck yourself and your genocidal garbage God.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discussevents; small minds discuss people.
Do not be so small minded.
"being as Bible Stupid as you are "
This is typical. Criticize, without showing what is being criticized or spoken of.
Grow your puny mind and then perhaps we will both know what you are talking about.
That is our best end, right?
Are you now working for your best possible end at this point in time?
When did you begin doing that?
Size, indeed matters.
I have a friend who married the wrong size and it ruined her life both mentally and physically.
When love ignores size, shrug?
As to satisfaction in sex by anyone, male or female, research shows that orgasm begins in the mind, and that it can be triggered regardless of size, shape or location of friction.
In fact, contact or friction is not required for orgasm.
We can all squeeze one out without it.
I am not into such dumbness and seek smart people.
There are a lot of intelligent people here but few smart ones. Here, intelligent I mean as ability to learn and smart as the ability to apply what is learned.
If you see the concept of the O.P. in you, you will see it in all, and know that all here are the best thinkers they can be given their history. This is irrefutable.
My DNA is strange too.
My only complaint is a somewhat oversized but still usable dick.
I don't know if I like being this smart either.
It's lonely at the top.
That is what I gave.
Perhaps it is not that important to us, at that level as our other instincts are at play.
We are all expressed by our DNA and chemistry.
Do you see the instincts expressed/produced by a younger baby as a part of self awareness?
I would argue that it is, as we default to cooperation and love/suckling, and not hate/biting the tit. Way before your estimate.
If you can believe in your real beginning, you will knowthyself.
Knowing thyself is said to be the main way of gainingknowledge.
I took my wife time travelling, mentally that is, the othernight, from our present time, down to where she first became aware of herselfas alive. Her “I am” moment.
At her present time, I had her admit that she was workingtowards her best possible end to her life. Just as I and all those who are readingthis do. We do this perpetually and constantly.
I then had her follow her timeline back to her beginning,having to admit that her best end was always her prime focus, as it is with alllife. Amendment. She agreed to all times except for the “I am”. I don’t knowwhat to make of this lack of logic after following a plain logic trail. Thisaside.
“I am”, read that as “you and I”, is quite selfish.Universal this in life.
Some thank God. I thank nature and my God, I am, should he/Iend in being real.
We are all expressed by our DNA and chemistry. It produces amaterial dualism that has most of us thinking in a body soul way. 95%.
What is the best end to our bodies, given that our DNA istelling us we are the best of breed?
Read that as King or Queen, or Alpha/Beta in our physicalanimal reality.
What is the best end for our bodies and souls is that weshould try to become leaders of humans?
He says while not feeling the criminal's hand in his pocket.
You have not noticed all the tax dodging going on, which creates a tax shortfall, that the honest tax payer must fill.
Have you heard the term, money laundering? That money is what the honest tax payer pays tax on.
The criminal element lose the ability to have you pay their share of taxes.
If they wanted fair, they would be doing fair without us having to force them to.
Everyone will never like any tax system.
The criminal element will always hate a world bank and fair tax system.
We honest people should demand such a system instead of the criminal pampering money laundering banks of today.
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Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Connect the dots.
Is Satan divine for initiating knowledge of reproduction in us?
This poorly titled clip gives some of the learned logic of Eden as a coming-of-age yarn.
The only fault I see is his thinking Satan to be male when she is obviously female for both reality and elsewhere.
Check the Exsultet hymn to confirm this.
Satan, like Jesus, has been named as a bringer of light in the bible.
Should we continue with biblical logic and name Satan divine?
Remembering the duality always shown in scriptures, ----- Is Satan the Yin to Jesus as Yang?
I know God knows to venerate life, and knows that Satan is the key that opens that door.
I will answer for her in a way that will have you name her divine and do as scriptures bid you do.
Recognize the Jewish concept of Original Virtue as coming out of Eden.
Recognize the twist in language and interpretations, as Christians sing that sin is a happy fault and necessary to God and nature. Opposite word, original sin, and original virtue, saying the same thing.
All initiated by the bringer of light, Satan.
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God hates sin?????
Christians venerate sin.
Do you not sing in your own Exsultet hymn, that Adam's sin is a happy fault and necessary to God's plan?
Your bible says that God created evil for his pleasure. Read your lousy book.
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Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowinggood and evil;
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what isgood.
Your higher power is telling you to put your/our brains into gear and guide ourselves.
The idol worship of the evil Yahweh/Jesus twins is not a good idea.
Are you thinking that they are somehow good, given past genocides and the pending Armageddon mass murder?
Cashless is not necessary, but more convenient.
With modern tech, it is more profitable to go cashless.
You may not trust your government to make the right choices, but I trust the collective governments.
The world is wealthier everywhere, and remains under the control of a few rich people.
You seem to think that a one world bank and government would communize/equalize the world.
It would never do so. We all recognize that we want and live in social and wealth hierarchies.
Communism, I agree, is a foolish notion.
So are all registered and or licenced companies.
A government presently controls the banking laws.
The only change is that all the governments will have to agree for the benefits of a too big to bust bank.
Correct, and we can have one that excludes poverty, given how wealthy we collectively are.
My bank does nothing to raise or lower my trust in my government, even when my government changes hands.
I would not expect a world bank to do so either.
My bank, like a world bank , would tracks my transactions and reported wealth as per your untrusted government.
It should not be called upon to do more, unless all member are in agreement.
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Like you. My own.
I follow that good scriptural advice.
Do you not know how you think morally and make choices?
Many Christians do not, given their choice of God.
Take a look at how little adjustment to this graph is required to end poverty.
I did not suggest anything on equality or egalitarianism.
I do suggest that if we maintain the present poverty, we are collectively being unethical.
Most transactions are not using cash.
Wrong thinking to one is right thinking to another.
Right thinking is us regaining our tax loses by taking the criminals hand out of our collective pocket.
"contradicting passages"
You are talking contradictions while I am talking morals.
Is the messianic concept moral to you, given what Jesus taught?
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"How do you know what is unjust or not? "
I know the same way you do. I judge.
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I have had enough of your lies.
I will ignore you and your pathetic views and poor to childish apologetics.
You have a sick mind, or are just a poor atheist trying to generate debate by imitating a dumb Christian.
Either way. Dumb. and immoral.
Did Jesus teach these?
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul thatsinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father,neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of therighteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be uponhim.
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shallnot be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put todeath because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shallnot be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put todeath because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
"I also think God loves everyone unconditionally,"
Scriptures have Jesus saying that he would recognize and love his people by their works and deeds.
That negates your view of unconditional love.
Such love should not exist, as then no one would be special to anyone.
I do not find eternal punishment in the bible.
I do find where the bible says we do not have a hell, because none of us are lost to God.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, assome men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that anyshould perish, but that all should come to repentance.
1 Samuel 15;22Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearkenthan the fat of rams. 1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Only the poorest parent will allow their child to marry another child or adult.
Your tastes in sex and parenting are disgusting if you think otherwise.
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Gnostic Christians reject the Christian demiurge because of his poor morals and ethicks.
Christians always run from moral debates. That hypocrisy of them remaining in a religion they cannot do apologetics for proves Christianity to be immoral.
It began ok, and in fact was the best around, but supernatural thinking screwed it up.
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I will leave you to your childish supernatural fantasies and outright lies.
When all you have is lies -----
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So the Devil does the dirty deeds, and you think it ok to punish his victims.
Thanks for showing the immorality of your religion and how it victim blames.
Do you recognize how little it would cost our rich nations to eliminate poverty world wide?
We make poverty a make us feel good project. Shame on us all.
You mean modern.
A bank wants your transactions. It cares not what you use to transact.
Use bananas if you like.
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What did you do that was evil enough to earn you hell, from which you need saving?
Why would Jesus ask us to do something immoral and why would you do it?
On Jesus dying forChristians, from a moral perspective.
It takes quite an imagination and ego to thinka god would actually die for us, after condemning us unjustly in the firstplace.
Christians have swallowed a lie and don’t carehow evil they make Jesus to keep their feel good get out of hell free card.
It is a lie, first and foremost, because, likeit or not, having another innocent person suffer or die for the wrongs you havedone, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- isimmoral.
To abdicate your personal responsibility foryour actions or use a scapegoat is immoral.
Christians also have to ignore what Jesus, asa Jewish Rabbi, would have taught his people.
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shalldie. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall thefather bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shallbe upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shallnot be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put todeath because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Psa 49;7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, norgive to God a ransom for him:
There is no way that Christians parents wouldteach their children to use a scapegoat.
Good morals and Jesus speak against themessianic concept and bids us pick up our crosses and follow him.
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Ok. Ignore what I say for your own opinion.
Nice pathetic way to debate.
Your God is creating a lot of LGBTQ+.
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My God is the best rules and laws that I can find.
I hold no supernatural beliefs as that leads to your idol worship of an evil God.
You believe in a God who is immortal, yet can die. Explain your contradiction.
The bible and Jesus have a main message.
Do unto others.
That should cover all instances where the bible does not directly speak to an issue.
If a person has to ask himself or herself if he or she would like to be used as a child sex toy more than once, ---- before saying no, ---- then they are really strange, immoral and or stupid.
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Sure, if we see good and evil close enough to judge Gods.
You say, "he is God".
Who/what is your God? The endogenous Yahweh or some other?
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Not an atheist, but ks for just another lie.
Thanks for showing you are a chronic liar with yet another lie.
See a doctor.
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No ancient prophet or wise man ever spoke against slavery.
At that time, slavery was seen as the bottom of the social safety net.
There was no advice a person could give other than , ----- go out and starve to death, or beg, borrow or steal to live.
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Yahweh uses murder quite a bit.
Check the stats on babies having their heads smashed against boulders.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but God never defends himself, but just asks if you will believe."
You are wrong, and a liar, unless you can tell us when you heard God ask you.
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Who or what do you see as creating the gay disposition?
If God, does he create souls with different values?
If gay are from humanity and not God, why do we punish gays instead of those who are creating them?
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Pride flags are being flow to the point where the losing side of the war are resenting their losers flag being downgraded or replaced.
The same as with the Confederate flag issue just passed.
Such it up homophobe and misogynist losers, as pride colors are a sigh of how wrong you have been.
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Thanks for ending with a lie.
I agree on the ongoing suffering of the honest tax payer, as compared to the criminal non-tax payers.
The huge economic windfall when we go to a one world bank will help in elevating a lot of the suffering.