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Total posts: 3,605

Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
You should vote RSVLTS!
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
I finally read my role PM!

Pressure me and I’ll tell you exactly where you should place your vote!
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
If a Bear fart in the forest, and no one is a round to smell it, does it still stink?
Depends if bear farts stink to begin with.

The butterfly effect comes to mind… someone time travels and steps on a butterfly, the tiny changes ripple and grow, until massive changes occur. We need not witness everything in the middle to be affected by the results. So similarly, a bear farts and the stink kills a butterfly, Hawaii is spared a massive storm; unfortunately a bear fart missed the butterfly responsible for  Hurricane Maria, so Puerto Rico was still devistated.

Ultimately, we need more bears farting on butterflies if we’re to survive the years to come. We need not see the farts occur (they’re usually invisible anyways) to reap the benefits. I suggest we assist the bears in reproducing at a faster rate….
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
Not sure if this has been raised, but anyone else see a little active/passive indicator by their power?
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1

You missed one.
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
Just to condense my opinions into one post, I think it is a good idea to have us claim what we picked
I picked my favorite shirt brand (not that as a statement, but the actual brand).

Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
Recently it's been all about who says they can be verified.
Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
can you be verified?
Of course I can be! To say anything else will result in me being offered up to the lynching gods!

Posted in:
UPick Mafia DP1
Who loves or hates their role in relation to what they submitted?

I can’t answer yet, because I don’t read said PM right away so as to be a little more (and/or less) chaotic.
Posted in:
Player's Choice Mafia Signups
I just discovered something horrifying, which would make for an entertaining character claim…

Barney the dinosaur

On my phone it's pure black face.
Posted in:
Player's Choice Mafia Signups
I just discovered something horrifying, which would make for an entertaining character claim…


Posted in:
Player's Choice Mafia Signups
Another good one would be: IZ TOWN
Posted in:
Character Count?
It’s sadly with spaces.

There’s been a few times when I’m just over the limit, and fix it by deleting spaces added to the extra line breaks.
Posted in:
Player's Choice Mafia Signups
OG Dart Players Mafia
Posted in:
Player's Choice Mafia Signups
Memes Mafia.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles V2 Endgame!!!!!!
Very nicely done in #27. Too bad the mafia team was coordinated (even with that being how you spotted them).
Posted in:
Pie Recycled Roles Mafia Signups
Put me in on standby. If the slots fill, I'll be a replacement; but if I'm needed for the game as designed, then put me in.
Posted in:
MAGA MORONS are the new Nazis
are you spiritually tied to the phrase “MAGA MORONS”?
I’m an atheist. Religion is for old people and dopes.
Someone not in this conversation reported this. This is an example of a time to not report something. Sure somewhat abrasive, but also genuinely funny!

It's even more funny if you picture Roosevelt as being the age of the actual president Roosevelt. An ancient old man talking about those damned old geezers who aren't ancient yet, making all the same mistakes as the ancient old man made when he was comparatively young.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 2
Recycled from comedy I forgot to share in a previous game:
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 2
I just read your full role description. You are correct.

Anyways, good luck with the scum hunting!
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 2
Really? I thought we were just the only valid vote options.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 2
Does the day immediately end if one of Joe or Barney speaks?

Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 2
Now that I'm dead anyway... I sus Pie, the focus on the need to kill one of two very likely town aligned players, when NOT LYNCHING was an option.

That said, I have not read the whole day phase, so others may be more sus, and there could be something to counterbalance for Pie.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
I can't give 🍦
When I've already given 🍆

Ok, I deserve to be lynched for that one. I'll never give a real solid claim nor hard claim, my insubstantial claim is Restless Spirit.

After I die, I still vote (in this case, 2x)
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
So if I get NKed or just voted off the island, I will still be somewhat in the game.

I am limited to 2 votes, and I assume that includes unvoting and revoting in a single day. That means I can only use those votes at the end of DP2 and 3, or 3 and 4.

Tag me in important analysis posts to get my attention, and ask for me to hammer at the right time. I will most likely otherwise be doing some light skimming, but not a deep read.

Since it's certain that if voted off both scum will have been on my wagon, I will hesitate less when it comes to hammering anyone (save for Pie, who gets a pass for running the dashboard so well) who was on said wagon (if I remember them).
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Not going to lie, people have made it clear that it's going to be you or me, and since I am town I must strive to survive (at least into tomorrow to maximize my power).

VTL Austin
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Ah, i love using technicalities to bend the rules
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
A common sense "quit bein a bastard or you'll be mod killed... err, mod made dead-er" could handle that.

Granted, a confirmed town player could alter the game with a minimal level of communication: Start of day, a vote for so and so, is assured to put eye on them.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Oh next game you run, you should have a weakened silencer who makes the victim have to communicate in only emojis for a day.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
While already caught, thank you both for the correction.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
You three should keep an eye on each other. Very similar themes to your games. Smart money says between the three of you one will be scum. 
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
NM about the modification, I just checked Pie's list, and yup, same limit as it previously had... Which means the silent majority is being discriminated against!

(thanks for making the dashboard Pie, if it comes down to it I'll hammer someone else unless there's a really good reason to do otherwise)
1. Savant - 13 Reasons Why Mafia (by Pie)

2. Barney - Fast Food Mafia (by Supa) - Dunkin Donuts - Restless Spirit

3. Whiteflame - Fairy Tail Mafia (by Supa)

4. Casey - Naruto Mafia (by Supa)

5. Joebob - MCU Heroes Mafia (by Speedrace) - Thor - 1x Silent Gladiator

6. Moozer - Civil War Generals Mafia (by Pie)

7. Austin - Ancient Roman Battles Mafia - (by Pie)

8. Pie - WWII Nations (by MisterChris)

9. Earth - Anime/Game Waifus (by Mikal) - Lucy Heartfilia - Town JOAT 1x RB, 1x JK, 1x Hider, 1x BP

Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
 I think we’d have to choose between Barney and Austin for a lynch,
I think it'd be more optimum to lynch me tomorrow, or even NK me 😁

I don't know about everyone else, but I believe my role has been slightly modified from the previous game. I have a limited number of votes after I die... Which is really sad for certain politicians, that the silent majority can't override the will of the living.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
I’ve had a couple very busy days, to which I must say thank you everyone for not lynching me (yet).

The next two days I should have a normal activity level; Tuesday will be insane until the evening. Thursday night and Friday morning will be busy as well.

I did not mean to cause so much confusion with the emoji full claim. I had been tagged so many times, and the final one was in emojis, so I thought it would be cute. Having already claimed Vader’s Fast Food game, I thought the first two would be obvious. Then from there a doughnut 🍩 emoji itself would tell everything, but I was on a roll.

If I was trying to be annoying there, I would have fake claimed separate characters and roles from that game.

The Super Troopers video was of course for continued requests to full claim, after I had already full claimed.

Reads aren’t too strong yet. They usually aren’t DP1.

🥧🟰🏘️ (🥧 strongly leans town)
🤍🔥🟰🏠 (whiteflame lean town)
⚠️🟰🏘️ (risk strongly leans town)
🦘🟰😈 (Austin has no good emojis, so kangaroo it is!)

On that note, I am falling asleep
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Please confirm
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1



🚫💤     👻
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
Nvm I’m thinking of another game. I forgot Speed had like a million MCU games
Actually, it was 14,000,605!

Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
For DP1 you don't need to do much. You can catch up on claims better by reading a dashboard, than you can slowly shifting through all the posts.

You'll miss some moments, but no one has done anything with their roles yet, so it's not even quite behavioral reads but more of gut feelings (well, after accusing someone of being sus, their reaction is fodder for behavioral reads).
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
I dare say you should list your game.

Honestly, I think everyone should share that one fact immediately.
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia V2 Day Phase 1
I’m recycled from Fast Food Mafia.

What about everyone else?
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia Part 2 Sign Ups
Posted in:
BotW Mafia Endgame
Sorry I dropped the ball so badly this game, twice in fact.

I do really like the idea of mafia and town sharing some powers. The mafia role blocker is a cool idea, but if mafia can RB everyone (and there's only a couple people who get told action failed) then it's comparable to a 1x insane cop. Which isn't to say don't do that, but perhaps have one more weak investigator in town to counter balance?
Posted in:
Recycled Roles Mafia Part 2 Sign Ups
/in as backup
Posted in:
BotW DP3
Not everyone bothers with desperate pleading. And Austin has only expanded upon the points I’ve already made (oh plus finding out the protective actions could have failed because the target was dead, but that doesn’t make sense, protective roles prevent said deaths).

My own words are we shouldn’t look at Austin, but the way he just acted like all but plagiarizing me is something new and novel, I officially sus him.

Anyway, better to lose with dignity than to start pulling lame stunts. If town wishes to try to find the scum, great; if not then I’ll make town conceding the game to the mafia extra easy…

VTL Barney.
Posted in:
BotW DP3
Player            Claim       Description                           Role                 Type                                       NP1          NP2        NP3
Casey_Risk   Urbosa (female pirate/ghost)            Granny            killing/passive                    n/a            n/a
Savant            Purah (fake ID for senior discount)  Bleeder          protective/passive            n/a            n/a
Lunatic          Roham  (the patriarchy)                         King DP2(bk) killing/voting                    n/a            n/a            <-confirmed
Austin             Impa (old woman)                                   Guide              protective/redir./com.    Earth(rb)  Savant   <-confirmed
Joebob          Link (hero)                                                   Soldier  *        protective                            n/a             n/a
Barney            Zelda (damsel in distress).                  Mafia RB         Manipulative                      BK/WF      n/a            <-scummy                

Earth               Revali (bird guy/ghost)                         Cop (2x)           investigative                     RIP
Best.Korea   Mipha (dolphin girl/ghost)                   Doc (2x)          protective                           Earth(rb) RIP
Whiteflame  Daruk (rock guy/ghost)                         NK Magnet     protective                          Auto(rb)    Auto()/RIP

  • Casey, first to claim still gives a lot of credit to me. They do of course have the convenient reason why they never die.
  • Savant, my top pick for behavioral reasons (not the strawman ones he claimed). That his role is limited to night isn't how I remember it working from other games, but there is a lot of custom stuff in this one.
  • Lunatic, IZ TOWN
  • Austin, there is no real point having suspicion on Austin. If we mislynch, him getting a protection right is our only chance. So if anyone is sus of him, look for the scum buddy instead.
  • JoeBob, I'll admit I've looked past him for the very thing I've said we should not do: assume the main character must be innocent in a new hosts game. He is a protective, and we have too many of those; but I would say that throws more likelihood at the others than himself.
  • Barney, I fully admit to being scummy... I guess scum had three role blocks in the first night (I look forward to the end game to know more), and aimed for people they knew could move (much like what I did). That overlap has cost us dearly, and for that you all have my apologies. I should have waited for NP2 to use my ability, but I thought by then I would have been pressured to out it, and once outed scum could have just skipped a kill to frame.
    To determine to lynch me or not, just ask if I would pull this big of a gambit so early in the game?



Posted in:
BotW DP3
Lunatic was confirmed. Look at the thread again. BK got something like 9999999 votes. 
I stand corrected!

I was remembering BK being annoyed at you for hammering, but I seems Lunatic did after all. IMO this completely town confirms him.
Posted in:
BotW DP3
I'd have gone for either at this point, but then Barney gave a complete lack of defense, which seems pretty anti-town.
Not to OMGUS, but you were literally in the Mahabharata game, where I did the exact same thing as town; with me having explained the pro-town purpose in the end game.

And you're opposed to letting Lunatic confirm himself... Whereas me, I'm trying to give town the best chance at victory; but those two slips back to back are just too much for me to still assume you're town (besides, if you're really a bleeder town will survive into the next day by lynching you).

VTL Savant
Posted in:
BotW DP3
I suggest not bothering with voting, and just have Lunatic do it whenever he gets on.
He can only use his ability once.
Yes, and he hasn't used it yet. Casey hammered yesterday. Therefore, wait for Lunatic so that he can be town confirmed.
Posted in:
BotW DP3
Ok I think that Korea spewed Joe as scum last DP. Notice how Korea attacked everyone except Joe. Might be his scumbuddy
BK was unfortunately innocent, as was whiteflame.
