YOUR BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE AGAIN: "God is not a serial killer"
First thing you start off AGAIN in not showing respect to Jesus!!!! You said "God" instead of "Jesus," where I told you that when using the term "God" is not specifying which God you are referring too, GET IT? Therefore I am assuming you are talking about JESUS instead of Allah or Yahweh, then as only one example of many within the scriptures, JESUS, AS YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE, was a blatant serial killer when He initited His Great Flood by killing hundreds of thousands upon thousands of His creation because He was upset with them (Genesis 6:5-6). Yes, Jesus in the Flood killed innocent zygotes, fetus' and babies as their mothers watched in horror their babies drowning, and as Jesus watched as well! (Hebrews 4:13)
YOUR READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS ARE ZERO: "Nope, that doesnt mean AT ALL that Jesus was naked when he washed the feet of the disciples"
We see once again that you are truly having a hard time in "reading comprehension" regarding the explicit accountings of Jesus being TOTALLY NAKED in front of His disciples in the John 13: 3-5 passage which is very sad on your part. The only thing that Jesus and I can do is to give you an online class in helping you understand the English langange and the correct way of using it for your betterment at the following link, where you can thank me later: https://tutoring.greatleaps.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2uScv-7x8AIVwht9Ch2k7QNdEAAYAyAAEgJE5_D_BwE
Dr. Franklin, if you cannot accept the Christian biblical axioms shown above, have you ever thought that you are in the wrong religion of Christianity? Remember, YOU DO NOT have the authority to rewrite the scriptures in the way that you want them to be, over the direct writing of the scriptures from Jesus' inspired words (2 Peter 1:20-21), understood? BLASPHEME!