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Pro (nmvarco) will be arguing that humans are the cause of climate change. Con will be arguing that humans are not the cause of climate change.
"God is evil because the bible says most people will burn in hell forever. No one deserves to burn in hell forever." -Alec
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The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt
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Who would win in a fight between abiogenesis and creationism? Find out.
You know it. God exists and your life depends on god.
Resolved: Plea bargaining ought to be abolished in the United States criminal justice system.
Pro contends that abortion is taking the life of a human being and therefore should be considered murder/a wrong, not a woman's right to choose. Con contents that abortion should be the woman's right to choose and that it is not wrong for the woman to abort that life, whether the woman chooses to do so before or after the "age of viability" of the unborn. Termination of pregnancy because of a threat to the life of the mother will be the exception to the rule (i.e., tubal pregnancy).
My previous debate was a failure since my opponent didn't debate. This is a revival of that debate.
Anyone who is stupid enough to order drinks without ice in the drive-thru is welcome to debate me.
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