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Total debates: 3,668
We should all get in a big pile and race mix, basically speed up what is now occurring that will end hatred and war as we will al finally be the same
Pro: Gas Engines(Me) Con: Electric Engines This topic came into mind when I received an email from a college director talking about how students want to switch our Cessna Fleet from gas engines to electric.
Socialism can occur through voluntary associations and without governmental interventions
Reasons why Creation could not have happened.
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Just Proving My Point On The Largest Crime Syndicate In America & The World
Israel doesn't have to be Populated by Saints to justify its existence just a brave and competent army
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Genders are determined by Science not by ideological fads there are men and there are women and then there are people who are defective
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Science is objective and has a time tested method of finding truth Science and Technology make planes fly cure cancer it is the only truth the only magic that governs our lives it works bitches, and has proven we need stricter laws
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